Voigtlander Vito Br Instructions For Use
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Setting Sbufirv syteeds and Ayertwes The correct seitings for exposure.time ond l.ens.operlure-con be estimoted byexperience, or - preferobly - defermined wifh fhe oid of o photo-electric ex-posure meter. When you toke o reoding, the meter indicofes o series ofoperture-speed combinotions for correct exposure under ihe prevoilinglight conditions where you intend to toke the piciure. From sucho series you then choose most suitoble operture-speed combinotion for yoursubiect, ond set the controls of the VITO BR occordingly Choose therefore o combinotion with o fost shutter speed for moving subiects(e. g. children ot ploy, sports shots); for scenes requiring greot depth of field(such os londscope views) set o combinotion using o smoll operture. For furtherdefoils see the section on opertures ond depth of field on poge 23. I Serins the Speed ond Aperture First turn the shutier speed setting ring (17) until the reor tip of the Vindex mork engoges opposite the required shutier speed. Then turn theoperture ring (6) to sei the opproprioie operture number opposite the Aindex on the shuiter speed ring. The illusirotion on the opened-oui flopof the inside cover poge shows the cqmero set to o combinotion of1/oo second oI f15.6._a_ www.orphancameras.com

Sefiing the Speed ond Aperture (continued) In proctice you moy occosionolly find ihot you wont to use o differentoperture-speed combinotion from thol originolly chosen. Here the VITO BRhos the greot odvontoge thot you con set ony olternotive combinotion bysimply turning the shutter speed setting ring. The effective exposure olwoysremoins fhe some. For instonce, offer hoving sef the correct exposure combinotion, you moyneed o foster or slower shutter speed. In thot cose you only need fo turn theshutter speed setting ring (7) to move the V index to the left or right to thedesired speed. The corresponding operture figure is instontly visible obovethe A index ond ot the some time outomoticolly odiusied. This movement ofthe shutter speed setting ring thus covers ihe whole ronge of operture-speedcombinotions possible under the given light conditions. But please nole: Once you hove set o correct bosic combinotion, ondvory the operiure or shutter speed by turning the speed setling ring,do not move the double I index beyond the left hond limit (f122) or lheright hond limit (f/2.8) of the operture scole. Oiherwise ihe originollydetermined exposure volue is chonged ond you would hove to repeotlhe estimotion or meosurement of the prevoiling light conditions. -9- www.orphancameras.com

Setting the Speed ond Aperture (continued) The Prontor SLK-V diophrogm shutter hos o tri-colour speed scole: c The block figures (l/soo to 1/oo second) ore sofe speeds for hond-held shois. e The yellow figures (1/so io 1 second) ore similorly speeds which ore timedoutomoticolly by the shutter. Here, however, o firm support for ihe comero(e.g.o tripod, toble, etc.) is desiroble during the exposure. r At the green 8 setting pressing the releose buffon (9) keeps the shutteropen for os long os the releose is depressed. (The B setfigg corresponds toon exposure of 2 seconds in the sequence of the shutter speed scole). o The green figures (4 to 60 seconds) ore no longer exposures timed by iheshutter. They ore only intended for colculoting the exposure times when theshufier speed ring is sei to B oi fhe limit of its movement, but the operturescole would still permit furiher operture-time combinotions for poor lightingconditions. With such exposures remember olwoys to set the operture figureopposite ihe green exposure time chosen, to the A index by turning bock theopci^ture ring (6). The flosh synchronizotion ond olso lhe self-iimer ore set by the synchronizing lever (14).For oll exposures without flosh ond wiihout the self-timer it is immoteriol whether thesynchronizing lever is set to M or to X. -l0- www.orphancameras.com

One full movement of the ropid windinglever (27) os for os it will go tensionsthe shutter, ond odvonces ihe film ondfilm counier. The lever then flies bock inioits originol position. Operotion of the ropid winding lever isof course olso possible by severol shortmovements. In thot cose keep pulling outthe lever until it blocks. An ouiomoticlocking mechonism prevents operotion ofthe ropid winding lever ogoin until theshutter hos been releosed; conversely,the shutter con only be releosed ofieroperoting the ropid winding lever. This prevents double exposures os well os blonkfromes. lf the comero is empty, the ropidwinding lever moves freely without tensioningthe shutter. I Tensioning the Shutter -il- www.orphancameras.com

IReleosing the Shutter For hond-held shots hold the comero quite depress the releose button (9). Never ierk it. thon 1/so second), support the comerq rigidly iripod or o toble), ond releose by meons of the releose button (9). I rn setf-rimer steody, ond smoothly but firmlyFor slow shutter speeds (longer during the exposure (e. g. on oo coble releose; ihis screws into When you hove set the correct operf ure-speed combinotion ond fhe distonce (seepoge 14), tension the shutter (see poge 15), ond set the synchronizing lever (.|4) to thegreen letter V (see illustrotion). On pres- sing ihe releose, the shutter will now openon its own ofter o deloy of obout 8 seconds,while the synchronizing lever outomoticollyreturns from V io Xo. Do not use self-timer when the shutter is set to B. - 12- www.orphancameras.com

The Crystal-Cleor Brilliqnt-frqme Finder This reolly unique finder not only shows. the subiect in full noturol size, but you I con olso keep lhe other eye open ond ! thus observe ihe surroundings of the I subiect os well. This is o speciol osseta when toking condid oction shots. Themorvellous brilliont imoge frome cleorlyoutlines the exoct field of view. Note thot wiih neor sublects ot obout3 feet from ihe comero the field of viewin fhe finder is disploced downwords orsidewoys, occording to whether ihecomero is held horizontolly or upright.This is indicoted by the two short morksin ihe crystol-cleor brilliont frome (seeillustrotion overleof). -13- www.orphancameras.com

Sefiing t[1e Distance is porticulorly eosy with the VITO BR: In the centre of the crystol-cleor brilliont- frome finder you con see the bright circulor rongefinder field. As long os the rongefinder is not correctly focused on the subiect, the lotter oppeors with double outlines in the rongefinder field (see iop illustrotion). Turn the lens focusing mount (1) io fuse the double outlines in the rongefinder field inio one. This sels the lens exocily to the meosured distonce (see bottom illustrotion). With horizontql shots, focus olwoys on ver- ticol outlines; wilh upright shols use horizon- tql lines of the subiect. -14- www.orphancameras.com

I Zone Focusing Condid oclion shots (for inslonce of children ot ploy) often yield surprisingly live pictures. On such occosions dont bother to set the exqct distonce. Insteod, set the distonce scole to neor zone mork f for sub[ects befween I ond 17 feet, ond io the for zone mork Q for sub- iecls between l6 feet ond infinity. Youmusl, however, stop down to of leoslf/5.6 (morked in red) to ensure odequoledepth of field. Provided the lighf is good enough, these focusing zones ore very usef ul whenphotogrophing sports, os there the subiectdistonces moy chonge very suddenly. -t5- www.orphancameras.com

I SeninS the Shutter ond Aperture Flosh bulbs ond electronic flosh units differ in their chorocteristics such os thefiring deloy ond light ouiput; ihe toble opposite clossifies them in severolgroups. To ensure thot the peok brightness of every iype of flosh co-incideswith the instont when the shufter is fully open, theie ore two kinds ofsynchronizotion: M ond ,,X,,. Pglt-_lo!.i!,g ,o flosh shot therefore move ihe synchronizing lever (14) of thePRONTOR sLK-v shufter to the yellow dot morked M or tf,e red doimorkedlI, gt required. You con then use oll the types of flosh ond oll the shutter speedslisted in the toble opposite under M ond X respectively. Note: For floshshots with the self-iimer (with ihe synchronizing levei set to ihe green dot V) use only the shutier speeds listed in the toble under ,,X,,. The lens operfure required for correct exposure con be obtoined from iheso-called guide number. This is usuolly quoted on ihe flosh bulb pocking orin the leoflets issued by the mokers of the bulb or elecironic floih unii. Tofind the correct operture, divide the oppropriote guide number by the distoncein feet between the flosh ond the subiect. ln shoit: Aperture : guide number* dislqnce. -18- www.orphancameras.com

Suitqble Shutter Speeds Flosh Bulbs Moke I rro SynchronizingLever Sel To xM G. E., WestsM, ss1 to 1/125Notsuitoble forM-synchro-n izotionSylvonioSF PhilipsPFI, PF5,Pt25,PF38,PF6O 1 to l/30l/60 to 1/300 OsromXM I,XM5 G. E. C., MozdoNo. l, Westinghouse,5,11,22 G. E., etc.Bonlom 8 SylvonioM2,M25,Press25, 40 PhilipsPF IOO Ito l/15l/30 to l/60G. E., WeslNo.0,No. 50, SylvonioNo. 3 Eleclronic Flosh UnitsTypeSynchronizing LeverSet lo X Instontoneous firingI to l/300I\oI www.orphancameras.com