VoiceTrak Voice Mail Auto Attendant System User Guide
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VOICE.BAT The VOICE.BAT file can be found within the C2C directory. Several VoiceTrak features are controlled by the settings in VOICE.BAT. The file as it appears, as well as a description of the command line, follows. Note: Lines that begin with REM are ignored. If you wish to have Voice\ Trak recognize that command line, remove the REM. Note: ALWAYS reset the machine after making modifications to the VOICE.BAT FILE. @echo off echo Copyright VoiceTrak Atlanta, GA set INTLVL=5 set NAMVERIFY=N set GETOUT=Y set DBFILES=48 set NOTIFY=2 REM set PAGEPORT=3 REM mode bw80 REM set inrings=1111 REM set DTMFBUSY=6 REM set PBXTYPE= REM set comport= REM set baudrate= REM set parity= REM set databits= REM set stopbits= REM set datadelay= REM set star=retrieve REM set SPOKENLENGTH=10 REM set SCREENLENGTH=10 set PROMPTS=c:\c2c\prompts set SAL=c:\c2c\sal set DEPT=c:\c2c\dept set MESG=c:\c2c\mesg set USER=c:\c2c\user set CHANNELS=4 cd\c2c rhetdrv reorg cd\c2c c2c © VoiceTrak VoiceTrak Administration Manual - Page 20

Echo All lines following the echo statement are text messages that appear on the screen. INTLVL Software interrupt. (If an interrupt conflict exists, try 2.) NAMVERIFY Determines if the box number will be played prior to the spoken name on \ certain transfers. GETOUT Determines if caller will return to opening salutation or exit system after listening to department level recordings. DBFILES Do not modify! NOTIFY Defines from which port outcall notifications will begin. VoiceTrak will use the last x number of ports, where x is the notify entry. Outcall notification will begin on the port defined and work to the next highest port. If x=3 on an 8 port system, ports 6-8 are used. PAGEPORT Defines from which port overhead pages will begin. Paging will begin on\ the port defined and work to the next lowest port. INRINGS Defines the number of rings before VoiceTrak will answer an incoming call. Can be defined by port. Good for phone systems without delay ring\ capabilities. However, VoiceTrak will answer both internal and external\ calls based on the number defined. That means internal users wishing to retrieve messages will have to wait the specified number of rings before VoiceTrak answers. Two hunt groups could be established with hunt group 1 set for ports 1-4. This group could be defined to answer after the third ring. Hunt group two could be designated for ports 5-8 \ and be programmed to answer on the first ring. Internal users could then dial the second hunt group number for quicker access to VoiceTrak. \ This would be entered as SET INRINGS=33331111. DTMFBUSY Optional feature used by phone systems which can identify busy calls in a different way from unanswered calls. This includes Centrex installations using SMDI and the Samsung Prostar 56/120, DCS and other systems. If callers encounter a busy situation at an extension/phone, and if this line is not REMed, callers will be told the extension is busy and be queried as to whether or not they wish to stay \ on hold or leave a message. It is not recommended that this feature be enabled, since it will mean ports stay busier and result in increased toll charges. PBXTYPE Some phone systems require this line be added to activate integration features. Refer to the integration notes shipped with the system. COMPORT RS232 integrations only. 1 or 2 for COM1 or COM2. BAUDRATE RS232 integrations only. Typically 1200 or 2400. © VoiceTrak VoiceTrak Administration Manual - Page 21

PARITY RS232 integrations only. 0=none, 1=odd, 2=even. DATABITS RS232 integrations only. 5, 6, 7 or 8. STOPBITS RS232 integrations only. 1 or 2. Datadelay RS232 integrations only. Use of this feature has never been necessary. Sets the time to wait between the transmission of each character in the\ transmit buffer. If datadelay is set to 1, there will be tenth of a sec\ ond delay between each character sent, typically for MWL information. Star/Retrieve From the opening salutation it is possible to dial the mailbox number + *. This provides a slight pause, then starts the personal greeting. This is the preferred technique for sending a caller directly to voice mail because it eliminates the problem of the caller not hearing the first few words of the personal greeting. If the telephone system lacks the capability of transferring a caller to a specific voice mail box without\ first ringing the telephone, the attendant can initiate a transfer, dial the voice mail system, dial the mailbox number, press ‘*’ and hang up. The \ calling party will hear the entire personal greeting and can leave a message. (This is the default configuration). The ‘STAR=RETRIEVE’ feature allows the technician to change the use of this feature for customers with DID numbers. Some customers with DID want the ability to call their personal DID number, and while their personal greeting is playing dial the star key, their mailbox number and their password to retrieve messages. This disables use of the feature described in the previous paragraph. (This is the optional operation if ‘SET STAR=RETRIEVE’ is added to the VOICE.BAT file). SPOKENLENGTH Some customers want their spoken name fields longer than the default of 3 seconds so they can include the extension number, such as, “David Smith, extension 203”. You can set this by adding\ the line: SET SPOKENLENGTH=X Where X is the number of seconds desired. SCREENLENGTH If call screening is activated, the calling party is prompted to speak his/her name, and by default this is limited to three seconds. \ One customer combined this with the Zone Page feature to create a unique feature, and requested the ability to increase this recording time to a higher number. The customer has a satellite building with a separate phone system and VoiceTrak, but no switchboard operator. The customer wants the ability to execute pages in the satellite building without using DISA. The dealer established a VoiceTrak mailbox configured for call screening and zone paging, but with no extension field. The result: the customer can call this mailbox and whatever is spoken at the tone is broadcast via the system paging. This timer allows the paging limit to be increased. © VoiceTrak VoiceTrak Administration Manual - Page 22 SET SCREENLENGTH=X

Where X is the number of seconds desired. Mode bw80 Necessary for some monochrome monitors PROMPTS Subdirectory where voice prompts are located. SAL Subdirectory where salutation information/recordings are located. DEPT Subdirectory where department information/recordings are located. MESG Subdirectory where messages are located. USER Subdirectory where mailbox information/recordings are located. Note: The syntax to define directories must be: SET XXX=C:\C2C\YYY W here XXX is SAL, DEPT, PROMPTS, USER, MESG and YYY is the directory. CHANNELS Defines the number of ports on the VoiceTrak system. RHETDRV Tells VoiceTrak to load the Rhetorex driver. REORG Tells VoiceTrak to reorganize the system. Other VoiceTrak Files C2C.EXE Main VoiceTrak program. C2CINIT.EXE Creates .DBF files (erases old files). REORG.EXE Database reorganization program. C2CSTATS.EXE Creates report files from .LOG files. REPORT.EXE Creates report files from .LOG files. C2C.SLB Menu and help screen images. *.SCR System default data associated with C2C.SLB. *.DAT Contains parameter information from Global, Custom, Internal, Notify and Busy menus. *.DBF Contains user information, including salutations, mailbox information, department mapping, etc. *.NAM Spoken name files. *.GR1 Personal greeting 1. *.GR2 Personal greeting 2. *.VOX System messages. May be modified via the telephone through © VoiceTrak VoiceTrak Administration Manual - Page 23

system administration area and by referring to FAXTrak document 463. *.MSG Messages left by callers. *.LOG System use logs. REPORT.* System reports. © VoiceTrak VoiceTrak Administration Manual - Page 24

Rhetorex Files RHETDRV.EXE Loads Rhetorex driver VOICECNF.EXE Part of RHETDRV.EXE (loads firmware) CONFIGUR.EXE Edits CONFIG file. CONFIG Defines driver parameters. SHOWJUMP.EXE Shows how to set jumpers for various addresses. RDSPTEST.EXE Used to test for hardware errors on Rhetorex board. ACCUCALL.EXE Utility program used to define ringback & busy tones on your switch. © VoiceTrak VoiceTrak Administration Manual - Page 25

System Backup The following files change often and should be part of a regular backup procedure to disk, tape drive or hard drive: *.DAT *.DBF *.MSG *.NAM *.GR1 *.GR2 *.NDX Utilities PKUNZIP Used to decompress and compress files stored in .ZIP format. To unzip t\ he file PROSTAR.120 from the TONE&FIL.ZIP file, the following command would work: PKUNZIP TONE&FIL PROSTAR.120 BROWSE.EXE Use extreme caution with this utility. You should have extensive PC experience and understand dBase type files to use. This utility repairs .DBF files. To run: 1. Exit VoiceTrak. 2. From C2C:\, type REORG . VoiceTrak will reorganize the database files and return to the C2C: prompt. 3. From C2C:\, type BROWSE XXXX.DBF (where XXX is the name of the database.) 4. Use left/right arrows to move within a field, or up/down arrows to change rows. Use left/right arrows to change field groups on the screen\ . Use Tab/Tab to change fields. 5. Use to delete a row (use extreme caution and only delete corrupted lines!) Use to save and exit. 6. From C2C:\, type REORG . VoiceTrak will reorganize the database files and return to the C2C: prompt. © VoiceTrak VoiceTrak Administration Manual - Page 26

RDSPTEST Rhetorex provides a utility to analyze the Rhetorex boards for problems. To run: 1. Exit VoiceTrak. 2. From C2C:\, type RDSPTEST 3. The RDSP DIAGNOSTICS screen will appear. The arrow in the upper left- hand corner will point to the board (ports) to be tested. Press F5 for Board Diagnostics. 4. A new screen will appear. Choose F3 Run All Tests. A series of diagnos\ tic tests will be completed and the status of the tests will appear in the upper right-hand window. 5. If any errors appear, write the error down and contact Voice Trak for an\ RMA number, if the board is in warranty. SCANDISK Microsoft includes a utility in MS-DOS which can be used to test your ha\ rd disk drive. VoiceTrak runs this utility each night to test the integrity of the file allocation tables (FAT) and other tests, but you can also perform a hard drive surface scan for defects. If you suspect hard drive problems, this may be a good test. 1. Exit VoiceTrak. 2. Type SCANDISK C: /SURFACE (This test may take several minutes, depending upon the hard drive size\ .) © VoiceTrak VoiceTrak Administration Manual - Page 27

System Maintenance Overview The following sections explain how to maintain and set up mailboxes, salutations and departments. Instructions have been divided into two sections: System Administrator and Technician. Password Levels VoiceTrak uses two password levels: Technician and System Administrator. Users accessing the system with the Technician level password are allowed access to all areas of VoiceTrak and have access to mailbox passwords. The System Administrator password allows access only to Main, User and Mapping. The System Administrator password also allows access to re-record spoken names, salutations and d\ epartment recordings. Passwords in individual mailboxes are NOT displayed. Systems are shipped with the following default passwords: 9999 Technician 1234 System Administrator Note: Change the passwords immediately! Users who know the System Administrator or Technician passwords have access to the system messages! A recent survey of VoiceTrak installations found that many customers do not change these passwords. Anyone familiar with the VoiceTrak system has access to all system messages if you ont change your password! d Keys That Work in All Menus F1 Help. All menus contain context-sensitive help screens to assist users. Pressing F1 from most parameters within the pull-down menus will display a text box that describes the feature and lists the default setting. F10 Save. Save changes made to screen. ESC Abort. Abandon changes made without saving or return to previous screen. Tab Advance to next field. Shift Tab Return to previous field. Arrows Move throughout the screen. Ctrl End Move to next page. © VoiceTrak VoiceTrak Administration Manual - Page 28

System Administrator Introduction A system administrator should be appointed to provide routine maintenance. The following section provides information on creating and maintaining mailb\ oxes, salutations and department mappings. Additional information about specific mailbox features can be found in the User Guide. Accessing VoiceTrak System maintenance is accomplished via the keyboard and through a touch-tone telephone. Information must be entered on the screen and recordings mus\ t be made from the telephone. Screen Access To access the screen, press the ALT key. You will be prompted to enter the password. Enter the password (which will not display on the screen for security p\ urposes.) A series of pulldown menus will appear. You may now access the menus avai\ lable to you, based on the password entered. Note: Any changes made to screens must be saved by pressing F10 after the changes ave been entered. h Note: If you entered the system via the System Administrator password, the Setup enu will display, but you will not have access to this area. m Phone Access To access VoiceTrak via the telephone, dial the VoiceTrak number or press the pre- programmed button on the phone so that you hear the main VoiceTrak salutation. Press ** and you will be prompted to enter the master password. You now have access to system setup and may choose one of the keypresses for system maintena\ nce. © VoiceTrak VoiceTrak Administration Manual - Page 29