ViewSonic Pjd6243 Projector User Manual
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44 RS-232 Command and Configuration Function Action Control Code Return Code PowerPower on BE,EF,10,05,00,C6,FF,11,11,01,00,01,00 6 Power off BE,EF,03,06,00,DC,DB,69,00,00,00,00,00 6 Source inputComputer1 BE,EF,03,19,00,19,29,01,47,02,CC,CC,00 6 Computer2 BE,EF,03,19,1E,90,72,01,47,02,CC,CC,00 6 S-Video BE,EF,03,19,00,E8,69,01,47,02,CC,CC,00 6 Video BE,EF,03,19,00,78,A8,01,47,02,CC,CC,00 6 HDMI BE,EF,03,19,00,DA,2B,01,47,02,CC,CC,006 Projector positionFront table BE,EF,10,07,9F,9D,0E,0A,EF,00,00,00,00...
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45 Color modeBrightest BE,EF,03,06,00,38,5A,88,12,08,08,12,08 6 PC BE,EF,03,06,00,38,5A,88,10,00,00,10,00 6 Movie BE,EF,03,06,00,38,5A,88,13,01,01,13,01 6 ViewMatch BE,EF,03,06,00,38,5A,88,14,02,02,14,02 6 White Board BE,EF,03,06,00,38,5A,88,15,05,05,15,05 6 Black Board BE,EF,03,06,00,38,5A,88,16,06,06,16,06 6 Green Board BE,EF,03,06,00,38,5A,88,17,07,07,17,07 6 User 1 BE,EF,03,06,00,38,5A,88,18,03,03,18,03 6 User 2 BE,EF,03,06,00,38,5A,88,19,04,04,19,04 6 LanguageEnglish...
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46 !!!!!!!!! D-Sub 9 pin 11 CD 2RXD 3TXD 4DTR 5GND 6DSR 7RTS 8CTS 9RI Wire List C1 COLOR C2 1 Black 1 2Brown 2 3Red 3 4 Orange 4 5 Yellow 5 6 Green 6 7Blue 7 8 Purple 8 9White 9 SHELL DW SHELL
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47 IR Control Code System Code: 83F4 Format : NEC 8702 64 63 65 66 67 83 6B8D 82 85 848C 0A E1 E2 E3 E4 030F 808F 68 6A 8E 88 89 8B81 E0
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48 Customer Support For technical support or product service, see the table below or contact your reseller. Note : You will need the product serial number. Country/Region Web SiteT=Telephone F=FaxE-mail $XVWUDOLD1HZ=HD$86 1= [email protected] Canada www.viewsonic.com77ROO)UHH 77ROO ) [email protected] (XURSHwww.viewsoniceurope. comZZZYLHZVRQLFHXURSHFRPXNVXSSRUWFDOOGHVN Hong Kong...
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49 Limited Warranty VIEWSONIC®PROJECTOR What the warranty covers: 9ULDODQGZRUNPDQVKLSXQGHU normal use, during the warranty period. If a product proves to be defective in material or ZRUNPDQVKLSGXULQJWKHZDUUDQW\SHULRG9LHZ6RQLFZLOODWLWVVROHRSWLRQUHSDLURUUHSODFH the product with a like product. Replacement product or parts may include remanufactured or refurbished parts or components. Limited Three (3) year General Warranty 1RUWKDQG6RXWK$PHULFD7KUHH...
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51 Mexico Limited Warranty VIEWSONIC®PROJECTOR What the warranty covers: 9 PDQVKLSGXULQJWKHZDUUDQW\SHULRG9LHZ6RQLFZLOODWLWV sole option, repair or replace the product with a like product. Replacement product or parts may include remanufactured or UHIXUELVKHGSDUWVRUFRPSRQHQWV DFFHVVRULHV How long the warranty is effective: purchase. DSSURYDO$SSOLHVWRPDQXIDFWXUHU
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52 Contact Information for Sales & Authorized Service (Centro Autorizado de Servicio) within Mexico: Name, address, of manufacturer and importers: 0p[LFR$YHUSDOPDV &RO6DQ)HUQDQGR+XL[TXLOXFDQ(VWDGRGH0p[LFR 7HOKWWSZZZYLHZVRQLFFRPODVRSRUWHLQGH[KWP NÚMERO GRATIS DE ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA PARA TODO MÉXICO: 001.866.823.2004 Hermosillo: LVWULEXFLRQHV\6HUYLFLRV&RPSXWDFLRQDOHV6$GH&9 &DOOH-XDUH]ORFDO &RO%XJDPELOLDV&3 7HO...