Toshiba Strata Vie General Description Manual
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PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 300-006-300 MAY 1986 TABLE 30 PROGRAM 3XX STATION CO LINE ACCESS SET LED on. 1) Lock in the SET switch on the HKSU. Station 17 REP LED on. System is in program mode. 2) Depress the m key on station 17. 3) Dial 1 1 flon the dial pad. XX= the number of the station(s) to be programmed. NOTE: For multiple station programming, refer to Paragraph 02.12. Normal functions halt on station 17. SPKR LED steady on. SPKR LED flashes continuously. CO LEDs go on...
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PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 300-006-300 MAY1986 TABLE 31 PROGRAM 4XX STATION TYPE ASSIGNMENT SET LED on. Station 17 REP LED on. 1) Lock in the SET switch on the HKSU. System is in program mode. Normal functions halt on station 17. 2) Depress the w key on station 17. 3) Dial 0 D a on the dial pad. XX = the number of the station(s) to be programmed. NOTE. For niultiple station programming, refer to Paragraph 02.12. SPKR LED steady on. SPKR LED flashes continuously. CO LEDs go on...
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PROGRAIWING PROCEDURES SECTION 300-006-300 MAY 1986 TABLE 32 PROGRAM 4#XX STATION FLEXIBE KEY ASSIGNMENT 1) Lock in the SET switch on the HKSU. SET LED on. Station 17 REP LED on. System is in program mode. Normal functions halt on station 17. 2) Depress the m key on station 17. 3) Dial n 1 13 fl on the dial pad. XX = the number of the station(s) to be programmed. NOTE: For multiple station programming, refer to Paragraph 02.12. SPKR LED steady on. SPKR LED flashes continuously. 4)...
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PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 300-006-300 MAY 1986 TABLE 33 PROGRAM 5XX STATION CLASS OF SERVICE #l SET LED on. Station 17 REP LED on. 1) Lock in the SET switch on the HKSU. System is in program mode. Normal functions halt on station 17. 2) Depress them key on station 17. 3) Dial g u a on the dial pad. XX = the number of the station(s) to be programmed. NOTE. For multiple station programming, refer to Paragraph 02. ‘I 2. SPKR LED steady on. SPKR LED flashes continuously. CO LEDs go...
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PROGfUUWllNG PROCEDURES SECTION 300-006-300 MAY 1986 TABLE 34 PROGRAM 5#XX STATION CLASS OF SERVICE #2 SET LED on. Station 17 REP LED on. 1) Lock in the SET switch on the HKSU. System is in program mode. Normal functions halt on station 17. 2) Depress the m key on station 17. 3) Dial 1 a 1 a on the dial pad. XX = the number of the station(s) to be programmed. NOTE: For multiple station programming, refer to Paragraph 02.12. SPKR LED steady on. SPKR LED flashes continuously. CO LEDs go...
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PROGRAMIWING PROCEDURES SECTION 300-006-300 MAY 1986 TABLE 35 PROGRAM 6XX STATION TOLL RESTRICTION CLASS SET LED on. Station 17 REP LED on. 1) Lock in the SET switch on the HKSU. 2) Depress them key on station 17. 3) Dial 1 a B on the dial pad. XX = the number of the station(s) to be programmed. NOTE. For multiple station programming.. refer to Paragraph 02.12. 4) Refer to the System Record Sheet. Using the m keys, turn their associated LEDs on or off, as required. The detailed meaning...
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PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 300-006-300 MAY 1986 TABLE 36 PROGRAM 7XX STATION OUTGOING CALL RESTRICTION SET LED on. 1) Lock in the SET switch on the HKSU. Station 17 REP LED on. System is in program mode. Normal functions halt on station 17. m SPKR LED steady on. 2) Depress the l 3) Dial 0 a m on the dial pad. SPKR LED flashes continuously. XX = the number of the station(s) to be pro- CO LEDs indicate present data. grammed. NOTE: For. multiple station programming, refer to...
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TABLE 37 PROGRAM 8XX CO RINGING~ASSIGNMENTS-DAY ’ 4) Lock in the SET switch on the HKSLJ. on the dial pad. XX= the number (s) to be programmed. SPKR LED flashes continuously. CO LEDs indicate present data. NOTES: 1. Any station(s) designated to ring must be allowed access via Program 3XX. 2. A maximum of eight stations may be assigned to ring for any given CO line. If more are @et means the LED should off, as required. @ LED on = Ring in DAY mode. @ Each CO key/LED represents itself-that If...
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PROGRAhlMlNG PROCEDURES SECTION 300-006-300 MAY 1986 : -. TABLE 38 PROGRAM 8#XX - CO RINGING ASSIGNMENTS-DAY 2 ’ SET LED on. 1) Lock in the SET switch on the HKSU. Station 17 REP LED on. System is in program mode. 2) Depress the m key on station 17. 3) Dial 1 fl Ef m on the dial pad. XX = the number of the station(s) to be programmed. NOTE. Normal functions halt on station 17. SPKR LED steady on. SPKR LED flashes continuously. CO LEDs indicate present data. For multiple station...
Page 100
TABLE 39 PROGRAM ?XX ‘CO RINGING ASSIG-&FqlENTS-NITE . . Station 17 REP LED+_wI. System is in program mode. Normal functions.:hait on st@ion 17. on programming, refer to 1. A& station(s)6 designated to ring must be allowed access via Program 3XX. 2. A maxi@um of eight .sZations may be assigned to ring ‘for any gien CO tina. If more are assigned, the lowest eight station’ nc &--- 4) f;efer to the-System Record Sheet. UV the m keys, turn their.associated heet meansthe.LED~shou.Ld : LEDs CI...