Tascam Digital Portastudio 788 Operational Tutorial Manual
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TA SCAM 788 Oper ational Tutorial • 8/2000 Edition Mix er Functions 11 Section IIMixer Functions the monitor section switches the TRACK CUE section on and off in the MONIT OR OUTPUT . As mentioned in the TRACK CUE section, the TRACK CUE mix does not appear in the stereo mix. This only turns the TRACK CUE mix on to the monitor section. The CUE button at the bottom of As easy as the signal routing is on the 788 with the controls on the surface of the recorder , it is sometimes easier to just recall a set-up from a preestablished library. This is especially true when y oure switching projects, or moving from recording tr acks to bouncing down, etc. The key are: (Input A to tr ack 1, input B to tr ack 2, etc.) the mixer for playback. assigns the stereo mix to tr acks 7/8 for bounce down. There your own routing set -ups, and a SCENE LIBRAR Y which can store a complete snapshot of the mix er settings (ie - fader levels, EQ curves, aux sends, etc.) Both the routing libr ary work the same way. and tabs are shown at top . If the R tab is selected, the chosen scene or routing scheme will be loaded into the mix er. If is selected, the current mix er settings or routing scheme will be sa ved to that location. Use the CURSOR k eys to switch tabs and select the scene. Pressing ENTER/YES will recall the selected scene. A and routing scheme. T o assign a name, highlight the ROUTING & SCENE LIBRARIES The ASSIGN MAP on the 788 is a chart that shows y ou where the various signals are routed in the 788. Y ou can view this at any time by pressing SHIF T+QUICK SETUP. Audio sources are listed down the left side of the screen, with mix er channels listed across the top . scene or routing library that you wish to wish to name and press SHIF T+MENU/TITLE. See naming capabilities and instructions. When flip to the ASSIGN MAP screen to show y ou the routing scheme youve just recalled In the abo ve example, y ou may notice a little circle in the Effect Insert row under Mix er Channel 2. This indicates an effect is inserted into the channel. It could represent the multieffect chain of EFFECT 1, or a channel dynamic from EFFECT 2. This are routed in the heat of a session. Below , we have a few examples of routing schemes to giv e you a little pr actice understanding what it is showing y ou. The READ and SAVE tabs indicatewhether the selected scene will be loaded, or the target for sa ving the current set-up. ASSIGN MAP Input AInput BInput CInput DAux InputTrack R eturnStereo MixEffect Insert Main Mix er Channels Input Submix er This is the basic RECORDING Quick Setup . Inputs are assigned in order to mixer channels in order. (Input A to Channel 1, Input D to channel 4, etc.) The A ux Input is double assigned to Channels 5-6 and Channels 7-8. ThisTracks 1-6 from the recorder are fed to the channels 1-6, and all of the analog inputs are routed to the submix er. This offers 12 audio sources for mix down. The stereo mix is assigned to channels 7/8 for routing to the recorder. The circles across the EFF column indicate channel dynamics across all channels. Thisparts on channel 4. Channels 1-3 ha ve recorder tr acks returning. Channel 4 is coming from Input D and has an effect inserted (probably a guitar plugged direct). Channels 5-6 ha ve recorder tr acks returning, while channels 7-8 are getting input from Input A and B . Input C and the Aux Input are assigned to the sub mix er which feeds the stereo buss. sure signals arent out of phase with each other.Pressing SHIFT + SELECT will monitorin mono. The LEDs in the monitor section will flash to indicate MONO mode.To go back to stereo , press SELECT.

Mixer FunctionsTA SCAM 788 Oper ational Tutorial • 8/2000 Edition 12 Section IIMixer Functions 8) PLA Y+RECORD . Keep in mind that if y ou make a mistak e in the mix down, you can punch in on the mixdown. F or example, if y ou forget to bring down the level of a loud v ocal passage, y ou can rewind back just before that passage, press record, and make the change. Y ou dont need to start o ver . Since scenes can be recalled in the 788, the lev el of the physical fader on the 788 ma y not match the level the fader is being processed at. This is also true if a sequencer is used to automate the mix er levels of the 788. The F ADER MATCHING preference chooses from a number of different beha vior patterns to deal with this situation: the ph ysical fader lev el the processed lev el at all times. The positive side is you always know the processed lev el of the fader. The bad news is y ou cant recall any levels or utiliz e any MIDI lev el automation with this setting. automatically go to the ph ysical level when the ph ysical fader is moved. While this mak es the levels react faster to your commands, it can mean some large jumps in volume if the fader is all the w ay at the top , and the processed lev el is at the bottom. level until the ph ysical fader matches the processed fader level. This is the most elegant, since the lev els wont jump all over the place when y ou bump a fader. This allows you to make smoother adjustments to the levels mid-mix. Howev er, if y ou are not a ware of the processed fader lev els, you might tak e a little while finding them. Bouncing tracks is the process of taking previously recorded tracks on the recorder and mixing them down to a stereo or mono mix. This process allows y ou to add more tracks to the song b y freeing up the individual tracks from the other parts. Since ha ve to giv e up the original tr acks when youre bouncing down. The original tr acks can be kept in the virtual tr ack screen, in case you want to submix them again later , change a part, or even take one part out all together . To needs to be fed to a channel or channels. Y ou might think this would cause a feedback loop. However, the channels output will automatically become un- assigned from the stereo buss when the stereo buss is assigned to the channels input. While the return from the recorder to make sure the level isnt overloading the tr ack level. The place to do that is the TRACK CUE section. The other tr acks should be playing through the main mix er, so mak e sure that the levels for the other tr acks are down so the only tr acks youre hearing in the TRACK CUE mix are the tr acks youre recording. To bounce the tr acks: 1) Assign the source tr acks to the mixer section. 2) tracks (ie drum machine, external effect unit, etc.) to the input sub mix er. 3) tr acks (press and hold STEREO , press SELECT on the target track(s), then release STEREO). 4) Arm the target tr acks by pressing REC READ Y. 5) Press CUE in the monitor section, to monitor the return from the recorder . 6) the monitor section until none of the associated LEDs light up. (This makes sure you are listening only to the return from the multitr ack, and that the levels you are hearing are exactly what is being recorded. 7) lev els on the recorder should indicate the lev el of the input coming to the track. Make sure the lev el does not overload the tr ack BOUNCING TRACKS FADER MATCHING

TA SCAM 788 Oper ational Tutorial • 8/2000 Edition R ecording & Editing Functions 13 Section III Recording & Editing Functions IN THIS SECTION: Song Menus Basic R ecording Functions Locate P oints Virtual Tracks A uto Punch Pre R oll / P ost Roll Editing Functions Pitch Control / S SA Formatting Hard Driv es Selecting the Target Record Driv e RELATED TOPICS: Bouncing T racks S ynchronization (MT C, MIDI Clock, MMC) p 13 p 14 p 14 p 16 p 16 p 16 p 17 p 18 p 19 p 19 ..... See Mixer Functions, p 12 ...... See MIDI Functions, p 25 ...................................... ................... ..................................... .................................... ........................................ .............................. ............................... ............................. ...................... ........ TOPICS The 788 is a highly advanced 8 track recorder , capable of uncompressed, high resolution recording. The 250 virtual tracks per song allow for extr a takes, keeping individual tracks that built submix es for later retouches, trying different parts, or any other application you can dream up. For 999 locate points. There are dedicated buttons for IN, OUT and T O locate points on the surface of the 788. These points are used for editing functions, A UTO PUNCH and REPEA T (loop play) functions. Speaking functions so y ou can slice and dice to y our hearts content. The 788 has a w aveform displa y and audio scrubbing to help quickly focus on edit points. You y ou ha ve 999 lev els of UNDO/REDO . The UNDO HISTORY is written to disk with the song, so y ou can even change your mind about y our edit the next time y ou come back to the project. The to help bring a non-tuneable instrument into pitch with your recording, bring a difficult passage to a tempo that is more manageable, or shift the pitch of the song more into y our range. There is also an adv anced SLOW SPEED AUDITION function, which lets y ou play a stereo pair of tracks at 85%, 65% or 50% without dropping the pitch. This function is great for learning difficult passages from your fa vorite tunes. RECORDING OVERVIEW On the 788, each project is stored in its own song file. The song files are all maintained in the SONG MENU . To get to the SONG MENU: 1) 2) press ENTER. Most word processor or other softw are application. However, there are a few unique functions. mak es a new song. saves the current song. closes the current song without sa ving it, and reopens the song from disk. This is useful if you dont w ant to save the changes y ouve made. SONG MENU recalls the song that is currently open. deletes selected song(s) from the driv e. This function can be used on multiple songs in the same pass. See below for batch processing instructions. duplicates a song. This function can mak e a copy on the same driv e, or it can copy across drives for back -up functions. (CD-R back -up is handled in the CD-R menu, see the CD-R insert for instructions on that.) This function can be set to copy multiple songs at the same time. See below for batch processing instructions. is a space sa ving function on the song level. This function will delete an y audio from the current song that is not being used. It will get rid of virtual tracks that arent assigned to a physical track, areas edited out of regions, etc. Bew are though, this cannot be undone. offers write protection for the song. menu will offer the abilit y to turn PROTECT on and off. When PRO TECT is on, y ou cannot save o ver or delete the song. When PRO TECT is off, you can change an ything you want. PRO TECT works at the song lev el, so you can ha ve some songs protected while others are not protected. Most you simply select the function, and follow the prompts in the screen. Howev er, there are a couple of items

Recording & Editing FunctionsTA SCAM 788 Oper ational Tutorial • 8/2000 Edition 14 Section IIIRecording & Editing Functions Silk the main tr ansport keys are a couple of combination functions. RTZ and REW together functions as R eturn to Zero . That will bring y ou to 00:00:00:00:0 in the time window (the very beginning of the project). LRP to the beginning of y our last recorded passage. This is helpful in getting right back to the same point on a punch in, or even for finding y our IN point for an edit removing extr a space in front of a region. Keep in mind that LRP can go backwards or forwards to the last recording point. Dont let the fact that it is on the FFWD button confuse you. JOG jog/scrub mode, allowing you to scrub a track in the song by turning the JOG/DA TA wheel. The displa y will show you the w aveform displa y of an y track to assist in finding a sparse part visually . If of the w aveform, y ou can use the LEFT and RIGHT CURSOR keys to select the z oom aspect for time (horiz ontal). The UP and DOWN CURSOR k eys can increase the height of the waveform, offering a better view of softer passages. Pressing ST OP will take you back out of the waveform screen. You w aveform of b y pressing the select button abo ve that tr ack. In other words, to view the w aveform of tr ack 3, press ST OP and PLA Y to get to JOG mode, then press SELECT o ver channel 3. One key to tak e you to 32x z oom, you are scrubbing at the subframe lev el giving y ou more resolution than the other resolutions which only scrub to the fr ame. Locate time location in the song, allowing faster and more accurate project na vigation than the tr aditional fast forward and rewind. The 788 can store up to 999 locate points for each song, so y ou wont run short on memory points. that should be clearly pointed out to a void an y confusion o ver simple items. Some (opened) song and other functions will show y ou a list of all the songs on the selected drive. For instance, DELETE UNUSED and PRO TECT will only affect the song that is currently opened. Howev er, ERA SE and COP Y will show you a list of songs on the selected driv e. The show you the song list is because they can process multiple songs at the same time. If y ou only want to ERASE or COP Y one song, simply scroll with the JOG/DATA wheel to the song and press ENTER/YES . If you w ant to select multiple songs, dial to the song and w ant to get out of the whole thing, just press EXIT/NO and y ou will be returned to the SONG MENU . you w ant and press INSER T; a check mark will appear to the left of the song title. K eep selecting all the songs y ou want the same w ay. T o remo ve a check mark from a mark ed song, press DELETE. Once y ouve mark ed all the songs y ou want, press ENTER/YES . If you changed y our mind BASIC RECORDER FUNCTIONS LOCATE POINTS Routing to the recorder is simple. Whatev er comes from channel 1 on the mixer goes to track 1 on the recorder. Channel 2 feeds tr ack 2, channel 3 feeds track 3, etc. There is no routing matrix here, which keeps things v ery simple. The just above the channel faders. The lights will flash to indicate they are armed for recording, and will go solid when they are recording. The Big Buttons Dont the big buttons labeled PLA Y and REC seem fairly straight -forw ard, there are some v ery cool key- combination commands a vailable in there to help y ou fly through y our project with the greatest of ease. SONG COPY/ERASECOMMAND KEYS marks the songfor COPY/ERASE removes markfor COP Y/ERASE starts COP Y/ERASE exits the screen

TA SCAM 788 Oper ational Tutorial • 8/2000 Edition R ecording & Editing Functions 15 Section IIIRecording & Editing Functions There on the surface of the 788 labeled IN, OUT , and TO. These can be used as standard locate points, although these do ha ve a specific application with editing and auto-punching. (These functions will be addressed in the sections on editing and auto-punching.) The rest of the locate points are stored in the L OCATE menu of the 788. Storing Locate Points To press SHIF T plus the IN, OUT , or TO button. T o recall the point, just press the IN, OUT , or TO button. To points, press SHIF T and LOCATE. The locate point will be stored in the next a vailable memory point. Recalling Locate Points To points, simply press their dedicated buttons on the surface of the 788. T o recall any of the other locate points, press L OCATE, dial up the locate point y ou want to recall, and press ENTER/YES . If time location of any of the locate points, y ou can use the LEFT and RIGHT ARROW keys to toggle between the locate point titles and times. Trimming & Deleting Locate Points If exactly where y ou want, y ou can adjust the position of it. Highlight the locate point y ou want to adjust and press TRIM. The screen will go to the JOG window , showing a w aveform view so y ou can more accurately place the locate point. T o save y our new location, press ENTER/YES . If you want to get out of this screen without changing an ything, press EXIT/NO. The locate points would be to the frame. This would t ypically yield a 1/30th of a second accuracy. If y ou want more resolution, y ou can adjust to sub-frame accur acy using 10 sub frames to a fr ame. This yields a 1/300th of a second accuracy. The and sub-fr ames. One of these time denominations will be underlined; the one that is underlined can be adjusted by the JOG/DA TA wheel. T o move the cursor around, use the arrow k eys. This giv es you editing resolution accur ate to the sub-frame. The is to use the JOG/DA TA capabilities mentioned earlier in this section. Y ou can enter the JOG/DA TA mode b y pressing ST OP+PLAY together , then pressing the RIGHT CURSOR k ey until you are zoomed in at 32x aspect r atio. That scrubs at the sub-fr ame level. While ever run out of locate points, it might be more to sort through than y ou realistically want. If you want to delete a locate point, highlight it in the locate menu and press DELETE. Other Location Functions The Mark_001. Y ou can give them more descriptiv e names like NorikzSolo, or whatev er you w ant. T o name a locate point, press L OCATE to get into the L OCATE menu, highlight the locate point y ou want to name and press SHIF T and MENU/TITLE. Y ou can give it a 10 char acter name. See naming capabilities and instructions. As you ma y notice that the home screen will show y ou some location information. The upper left area will flash messages confirming a location point has been stored. The section to the right will displa y the last locate point that was passed. MORE LOCATE RESOLUTION To store the current timeto the IN point, press SHIF T+ IN. The OUT and T O locateregisters are set in the sameway. Y ou can also press SHIF T + L OCATE to store points in the next a vailablelocate memory point in theLOCA TE menu. ConfirmationMessagesLast LocatePoint P assed Time locations can be fineadjusted to sub fr ame accuracy. Scroll to the sub-frame column, and adjust with the JOG/DA TA wheel.

Recording & Editing FunctionsTA SCAM 788 Oper ational Tutorial • 8/2000 Edition 16 Section IIIRecording & Editing Functions The 788 will now let y ou audition your takes. Use the CURSOR k eys to select which tak e you w ant to listen to, and press PLA Y. When y ouve decided on which one y ou want to k eep, highlight it with the CURSOR and press ENTER/YES . If you dont lik e any of them, select ORIGINAL. Last Take Load If from the last A uto Punch session, y ou can go back and recall that entire list of tak es (so long as nothing else has been recorded yet). To do this, press A UTO PUNCH and select . Y ou will be able to choose from all the takes in that AUTO PUNCH session again. Pre Roll & Post Roll The are Pre R oll and Post Roll settings. Pre R oll determines how far ahead of the punch in point the 788 will begin playing, allowing y ou to get a feel for the song and allowing time for externally synchronized devices to lock together . The Post Roll determines how long after What is a Virtual Track? Think holds one tr ack. On the 788, y ou can have 250 virtual tr acks per song. In our example, that is 250 reels of one tr ack tapes for y ou to choose from. A physical tr ack would be lik e a tape machine for that reel of tape. In the case of the 788, there would be 8 machines capable of accepting those reels of tape. So, while there are 250 reels of tape on the shelf , there are only 8 tape machines available to pla y at a time. Virtual of a part, so they can be edited together later . the punch out the 788 will continue playing so you can hear if the punch out work ed well or not. To get to the settings for Pre R oll and Post Roll: 1) Press MENU . 2) press ENTER/YES . 3) press ENTER/YES. VIRTUAL TRACKS One-Button Punch Punching done to allow the performers the chance to fix just a small part of their performance. The single button punch feature mak es this function easy to use. If you are pla ying, you can just press REC to go into record; pressing PLA Y when recording punches out of record. No button combinations necessary! Footswitch (TASCAM RC-30P) There can accept a TASCAM RC -30P for using a footswitch for punch in/out. Using y our feet to engage and disengage record keeps your hands on y our instrument, making punches on complex parts much easier and more reliable. Auto Punch Auto do the punch in/out for y ou. This offers more precision on the punch location, plus it allows y ou to shift your focus back to being the musician, r ather than focusing on being the engineer. Pressing button (just above F FWD) will show y ou the two modes of Auto-Punch: and . The only difference between them is what the 788 will use for the punch in and punch out points. Aside from that, all other features are identical. points as the last recording made. So , you can manually perform the first punch in, then ha ve the 788 perform the rest. and OUT locate point registers. This allows y ou to fine tune these locate points, and youll be able to punch in as tightly and precisely as needed. Once above the A UTO PUNCH button should be lit. Pressing PLA Y will allow y ou to practice the punch-in, without actually recording an ything. This is great for making sure the points are where y ou want. Pressing PLA Y and RECORD together will engage the 788 in A uto Punch and record the punch. Press STOP to finish your auto-punch session. PUNCH IN/OUT & AUTO PUNCH

TA SCAM 788 Oper ational Tutorial • 8/2000 Edition R ecording & Editing Functions 17 Section IIIRecording & Editing Functions (Editing will be co vered later in this section.) Y ou can also use them to keep original tracks that were used to create submix es, which allows you to alter the submix balance later on, or ev en add or subtract parts from those mix es. Other common uses for virtual tracks include storing maintaining count-ins on a separ ate track, click tr acks, or even spoken cues. Assigning Virtual Tracks The the screen, which is accessible b y pressing the TRACK button. (The TRACK button is located in the INPUT SOURCE area in the upper left of the 788 surface.) Tracks can be selected with the left and right arrow k eys, or by pressing SELECT on that track. (Pressing SELECT for track 7/8 will flip back and forth between tr ack 7 and track 8.) The JOG/DA TA wheel or UP and DOWN CURSOR k eys can be used to scroll down the list of tracks. To accept the virtual track for that channel, press ENTER/YES . Naming Virtual Tracks With to give them more descriptiv e names than Track001. Y ou can giv e them names up to 12 char acters long to help you remember which tr ack had what audio on it. To name a tr ack, press TRACK to get to the screen, scroll to the tr ack you want to name, then press SHIF T and MENU/TITLE. See naming capabilities and instructions. All of the editing is non-destructiv e with 999 levels of undo that are sa ved to disk. This means y ou have lots of opportunit y to experiment with different versions without fear of losing an ything. Edit copies the audio between the IN and OUT locate points and pastes it o ver an y pre- existing audio starting at the T O locate point. EDITING FUNCTIONS All of the editing functions will use the IN, OUT and T O locate points for reference on edits. For instance, if you are copying a background v ocal track to another chorus, you would place the IN and OUT locate points around the part to be copied, then place the T O locate point where you want the part to go . When you select the edit function, there will be a prompt for which tr acks the edit should apply to . You can edit on a single tr ack, stereo pair , or all 8 tracks at a time. It is also possible to edit across tr acks. For instance, y ou can copy from one tr ack to another . It keep the time line of the song intact, while other functions (called ripple functions) affect the audio bey ond the edit point. Below, we have an example of a COP Y>PASTE (standard) edit and a COP Y>INSERT (ripple) edit. INOUTTO COP Y AUDIO ORIGINAL TRACK INOUTTO ST ANDARDEDIT COP Y>PASTE o verwrites existing audio at the T O point, and does not affect any audio after the copy. INOUTT O COP Y>PASTE INOUTTO INOUTTO COP Y>PASTE RIPPLEEDIT COP Y>INSER T moves the audio after the T O point down the exact length of the insert. INOUTTO COP Y>INSER T

Recording & Editing FunctionsTA SCAM 788 Oper ational Tutorial • 8/2000 Edition 18 Section IIIRecording & Editing Functions The 788 has two different t ypes of speed control: PITCH CONTROL and SSA. PIT CH CONTROL simulates a tape machines pitch adjustment, which will alter the speed and pitch at the same time of up to ±6%. S SA stands for SL OW SPEED A UDITION, which k eeps the pitch constant, but slows the tempo down to 85%, 65%, or 50% of normal. S SA can be applied to an y stereo pair of tracks. S SA is strictly a pla yback function useful for slowing down fast passages of songs y ou are trying to learn. In and hold the PITCH/SSA button for about a second. A window will appear displa ying the settings for PITCH or SLOW SPEED AUDITION. The select between the two functions, and the JOG/DA TA wheel adjusts the par ameters. To exit the screen, press ENTER/YES . PITCH CONTROL / SSA INOUTTO mo ves the audio between the IN and OUT locate points and inserts it at the T O point. moving all other audio down the length of section being copied. The k ey difference between MOVE>INSERT and COPY>INSERT is that MOVE>P ASTE deletes the original audio between the IN and OUT point. INOUTTO MOVE>INSER T INOUT INOUT inserts blank space between the IN and OUT points. All audio after the IN point is mo ved down OPEN INOUT points. All audio after the OUT points is mo ved up to the IN point. INOUT CUT to another ph ysical track. (ie - Cop ying all of the audio from tr ack 1 to track 5.) deletes an y audio not used in a song in order to reclaim more hard driv e space for more record time. This will delete virtual tr acks, audio edited out, audio recorded over , etc. This function cannot be undone. INOUT and out points, but does not affect the time line. SILENCE INOUT INOUTTO INOUTTO INOUTTO MOVE>P ASTE INOUTTO COP Y>INSER T copies the audio between the IN and OUT locate points and inserts it at the T O point, moving all other audio down the length of the section being copied. mo ves the audio between the IN and OUT locate points and pastes it o ver an y pre- existing audio starting at the T O locate point. The key difference between MOVE>P ASTE and COP Y>PASTE is that MOVE>P ASTE deletes the original audio between the IN and OUT point.

TA SCAM 788 Oper ational Tutorial • 8/2000 Edition R ecording & Editing Functions 19 Section IIIRecording & Editing Functions The will remain illuminated whenev er one of those two functions is engaged. The function can be turned on and off simply by pressing the PIT CH/SSA button. Y ou only need to press and hold the PIT CH/SSA button to get to the screen when y ou want to change functions or alter how much the speed should v ary. FORMATTING DRIVES The 788 can record on its internal hard driv e, or an external hard drive. The size of the recording space cannot exceed 4GB (4 gigab ytes). If you are using drives larger than 4GB , you can break the driv e into a series of 4GB or smaller partitions. These partitions will show up as separate recording areas on the 788. In press MENU, select , then choose . The 788 will give you a list of the attached driv es. Select the drive you w ant to format and press ENTER/YES . Once prompt you for the siz e of the partition to use. The par ameter determines the siz e of the disk partitions. determines the lev el of drive formatting to be used. If is set to , the 788 will only set up the driv e directory. If is set to , it will perform a more thorough formatting of the drive. Press ENTER/YES to accept the current settings. NOTE: that drive, and this function cannot be undone. Make sure there is no information you want on there before formatting the drive for the 788. TARGETING RECORD DRIVES The target record driv e determines where new songs will be recorded. So, to start a song on a different partition, first select the target driv e, then use the function in the menu afterwards. That will establish the song on the new partition, and enable all recording on that partition. If partition with more free space, use the function in the menu, then open the song on the other partition. In order to select a partition for target recording, press MENU, select , then choose . The screen will show y ou a list of all disks and partitions, and will also display the free space available on each driv e to help you determine the best partition for the new song. Select the partition y ou want to record to , and press ENTER/YES .

Built-In Effect ProcessingT A SCAM 788 Oper ational Tutorial • 8/2000 Edition 20 ROUTING EFFECTS Section IV Built-in Effect Processing Associating EFFECT 1 to an input: When Processor , it is assigned to an insert on a channel on the main mix er. If y ou are recording multiple tr acks with the same processing, y ou may want to associate the processor with an input b y pressing EFFECT 1 and INPUT (A, B, C or D). This will automatically mo ve EFFECT 1 through the mix er with the associated input. This will save a lot of routing during the recording process. K eep in mind that this only works if the input is assigned to one channel only , and it will disengage if the input is assigned to the submix er. Assigning effect routing can be done totally from the surface of the 788. Simply press the button of the effect processor , and the button for the destination. (The source and destination buttons must be pressed simultaneously .) This routing technique means that you dont have to dig through menus to route effects. Its all on the surface of the 788 itself . The specific button pushes for each set-up are shown in the chart abo ve to the right. R efer to it for specific button combinations. To assign EFFECT 2 as a Stereo Dynamic Processor , Press EFFECT 2 and STEREO simultaneously. Routing on the 788 as a whole is done by pressing the buttons for the source and destination at the same time, just like you were plugging in a cable. STEREO EFFECT PROCESSOR Stereo Effect Processor on EFFECT SEND:To assign EFFECT 1 in this configur ation,press EFFECT 1 and SEND simultaneously . ORDISTORTIONNOISE G ATEFL ANGERDEL AYCOMPRESSOR Multi-Effect Processor inserted into aspecific main mix er CHANNEL: To assignEFFECT 1 in this configur ation, press EFFECT 1 and SELECT for the channelyou w ant the chain inserted to .Multi-Effectan input: To assign EFFECT 1 to followthe routing of the input, press EFFECT 1and INPUT (A, B , C, or D). This willkeep the processing chained with the input through an y channel assignmenton the main mixer. This only works on one channel at a time, and will not work if the input is assigned to the submixer. OR + + + EFFECT 1 STEREO D YNAMICS PROCESSOR THRESHOLD ATT ACK G AIN RA TIO THRESHOLD ATT ACK G AIN RA TIO THRESHOLD ATT ACK G AIN RA TIO THRESHOLD ATT ACK G AIN RA TIO THRESHOLD ATT ACK G AIN RA TIO THRESHOLD ATT ACK G AIN RA TIO THRESHOLD ATT ACK G AIN RA TIO OR + STEREO EFFECT PROCESSOR Stereo Effect Processor on A UX SEND:To assign EFFECT 2 in this configur ation,press EFFECT 2 and SEND simultaneously . Stereo Dynamics Processor on theSTEREO BUSS: To assign EFFECT 2 in this configur ation, press EFFECT 2 and STEREO simultaneously . Dynamic Processors on all eight mix erchannels: To assign EFFECT 2 in this configuration, press EFFECT 2 and an ychannel SELECT button. + + EFFECT 2 The 788 has two built-in effect processing engines, EFFECT 1 and EFFECT 2. These processors are completely independent of each other , and each can be used in a variet y of w ays. EFFECT 1 processor on the EFFECT SEND , or it can function as a multieffect processor inserted on a single channel. EFFECT 2 can be assigned as either a single stereo effect processor on the AUX SEND, a single stereo dynamics processor on the stereo buss, or a multichannel dynamics processor with separ ate dynamics processing for each channel on the main mix er. Separ ate processing, so y ou dont have to worry about writing o ver your fa vorite guitar preset with the stereo dynamic settings y ou need. The use the processors in automated mix down, or even in a live show . For guitar pla yers, y ou can use a MIDI pedal board to recall y our effect patches inside the 788. F or keyboard pla yers, y ou can recall effects with controller keyboards and synths. In the studio en vironment, most standard MIDI sequencers can send progr am change messages to change the presets. EFFECT OVERVIEW