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Sunbeam Cafe Crema 2 Manual

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    Café Crem a
    15 BAR pump espresso ma\fhine
    Ins\bru\f\bion Bookle\b 
    Please read \bhese ins\bru\f\bions \farefully 
    and re\bain for fu\bure referen\fe.  
    							Sub Heading
    Body copy with not indent \fpplied.
    •   Bullet copy Bullet copy Bullet copy Bullet 
    copy Bullet copy Bullet copy Bullet copy 
    Bullet copy 
    Impor\ban\b ins\bru\f\bions – re\bain for 
    fu\bure use.
    Sunbeam’s Safety P\fecautions 2
    \bbout esp\fesso coffee   3
    Featu\fes of you\f Café C\fema
    ® II   4
    Ope\fations Guide fo\f you\f Café C\fema® II   7
    Sec\fets to the pe\ffect cup  12
    Easy steps fo\f textu\fing milk  13
    Befo\fe using you\f Café C\fema
    ® II   14
    Functions of you\f Café C\fema® II   15
    Ca\fe and Cleaning   18
    Descaling   20
    T\fouble Shooting Guide  22
    Recipes   25  
    Sunbeam’s Safe\by Pre\fau\bions
    E\bPRE\b\bO MACHINE.
    •  Alw\fys pl\fce the unit on \f fl\ft, level surf\fce.
    •   Do not oper\fte without w\fter in reservoir.
    •   Do not remove the filter holder during w\fter flow or 
    coffee flow \fs the unit is under pressure. Removing 
    the filter holder during oper\ftion c\fn le\fd to \f 
    sc\flding or injury.
    •   Cle\fn the ste\fm nozzle only when the unit h\fs been 
    switched off \fnd \fllowed to cool. •
      Disconnect the plug from the power outlet if there 
    is \fny problem during the coffee m\fking process or 
    prior to cle\fning your \fppli\fnce.
    •   Do not \fllow the power cord to come into cont\fct 
    with the hot p\frts of the \fppli\fnce (cup w\frming 
    pl\fte, filter holder, ste\fm nozzle).
    •   Keep h\fnds \fw\fy from hot p\frts of the \fppli\fnce, 
    including the cup w\frming pl\fte, filter holder \fnd 
    ste\fm nozzle.
     If you h\fve \fny concerns reg\frding the perform\fnce \fnd use of your \fppli\fnce, 
    ple\fse visit www.sunbe\fm.com.\fu or cont\fct the \bunbe\fm Consumer \bervice Line. 
      Ensure the \fbove s\ffety prec\futions \fre understood.
     Sunbeam is ve\fy safety conscious when   
    designing and manufactu\fing consume\f p\foducts, 
    but it is essential that the p\foduct use\f also 
    exe\fcise ca\fe when using an elect\fical appliance. 
    Listed below a\fe p\fecautions which a\fe essential 
    fo\f the safe use of an elect\fical appliance:
    •   Re\fd c\frefully \fnd s\fve \fll the instructions 
    provided with \fn \fppli\fnce.
    •   Alw\fys turn the power off \ft the power outlet 
    before you insert or remove \f plug. Remove  
    by gr\fsping the plug - do not pull on the cord.
    •   Turn the power off \fnd remove the plug  
    when the \fppli\fnce is not in use \fnd  
    before cle\fning.
    •   Do not use your \fppli\fnce with \fn extension 
    cord unless this cord h\fs been checked  
    \fnd tested by \f qu\flified technici\fn or  
    service person.
    •   Alw\fys use your \fppli\fnce from \f power  
    outlet of the volt\fge (A.C. only) m\frked  
    on the \fppli\fnce.
    •   This \fppli\fnce is not intended for use by 
    persons (including children) with reduced 
    physic\fl, sensory or ment\fl c\fp\fbilities, or 
    l\fck of experience \fnd knowledge, unless they 
    h\fve been given supervision or instruction 
    concerning use of the \fppli\fnce by \f person 
    responsible for their s\ffety. 
    •   Children should be supervised to ensure th\ft 
    they do not pl\fy with the \fppli\fnce.
    •   The temper\fture of \fccessible surf\fces m\fy be 
    high when the \fppli\fnce is oper\fting. •
      Never le\fve \fn \fppli\fnce un\fttended while  
    in use.
    •   Do not use \fn \fppli\fnce for \fny purpose  
    other th\fn its intended use.
    •   Do not pl\fce \fn \fppli\fnce on or ne\fr \f hot g\fs 
    fl\fme, electric element or on \f he\fted oven. 
    •   Do not pl\fce on top of \fny other \fppli\fnce.
    •   Do not let the power cord of \fn \fppli\fnce h\fng 
    over the edge of \f t\fble or bench top or touch 
    \fny hot surf\fce.
    •   Do not oper\fte \fny electric\fl \fppli\fnce with 
    \f d\fm\fged cord or \ffter the \fppli\fnce h\fs 
    been d\fm\fged in \fny m\fnner. If d\fm\fge is 
    suspected, return the \fppli\fnce to the ne\frest 
    \bunbe\fm Appointed \bervice Centre  
    for ex\fmin\ftion, rep\fir or \fdjustment. 
    •   For \fddition\fl protection, \bunbe\fm 
    recommend the use of \f residu\fl current 
    device (RCD) with \f tripping current not 
    exceeding 30mA in the electric\fl circuit 
    supplying power to your \fppli\fnces.
    •   Do not immerse the \fppli\fnce in w\fter  
    or \fny other liquid unless recommended.
    •   Appli\fnces \fre not intended to be oper\fted  
    by me\fns of \fn extern\fl timer or sep\fr\fte 
    remote control system.
    •   This \fppli\fnce is intended to be used in 
    household \fnd simil\fr \fpplic\ftions such 
    \fs: st\fff kitchen \fre\fs in shops, offices \fnd 
    other working environments; f\frm houses; by 
    clients in hotels, motels \fnd other residenti\fl 
    type environments; bed \fnd bre\fkf\fst type 
    Abou\b espresso \foffee
    The \bunbe\fm C\ffé Crem\f® II utilises 
    technology \fnd engineering from commerci\fl 
    espresso m\fchines to ensure c\ffe-qu\flity 
    coffee in \fn e\fsy to use design. With the 
    C\ffe L\ftte \f growing f\fvourite \fmongst 
    coffee lovers the inclusion of the extr\f cup 
    height cle\fr\fnce to the design \fllows the 
    espresso to pour str\fight into \f l\ftte gl\fss or 
    your f\fvourite mug. Constructed entirely of 
    met\fl components, the robust design of the 
    \bunbe\fm C\ffe Crem\f
    ® II is cert\fin to cre\fte 
    m\fny coffees \ft home. Enjoy the sweet \from\f 
    \fnd t\fste of the perfect shot of espresso with 
    its sign\fture golden crem\f every time. 
    What makes a good coffee?
    \bunbe\fm h\fve consulted with experienced 
    coffee m\fkers \fnd \fppreci\ftors of coffee 
    through every st\fge of design, to ensure the 
    m\fchine delivers \f gre\ft shot of espresso 
    every time. There \fre m\fny f\fctors th\ft 
    contribute to the perfect espresso. The words 
    ‘t\fste’ \fnd ‘\from\f’ \fre consistently used 
    when describing the perfect cup.  The sweet \from\f \fnd t\fste of the perfect 
    coffee is l\frgely due to the correct 
    combin\ftion of temper\fture \fnd pressure 
    during the brewing process. The Thermoblock 
    he\fting system ensures the w\fter is \ft the 
    correct temper\fture, so th\ft the full coffee 
    fl\fvour is extr\fcted.
    \becondly, the combin\ftion of the 15 BAR 
    pump, du\fl-w\fll filter \fnd st\fbilising b\fffle 
    ensures the correct pressure \ft which the 
    liquid espresso is rele\fsed from the spout.  
    The flow should consist of both liquid \fnd 
    cre\fm. This cre\fm is commonly known \fs the 
    ‘crem\f’. The perfect crem\f should be thick 
    \fnd st\fble \fnd preserve the coffee fl\fvour, 
    \from\f \fnd temper\fture.
    For more tips on how to cre\fte the perfect cup 
    of coffee, turn to ‘secrets to the perfect cup’ 
    p\fge 12.
    We hope you h\fve m\fny enjoy\fble 
    coffee experiences with the \bunbe\fm C\ffé 
    ® II.       
    Fea\bures of your Sunbeam  
    Café Crema
    ® II
    Wa\fming plate 
    Allows up to 9 espresso cups to be w\frmed 
    before use.
    B\fewing head
    B\fass & phenolic g\foup handle
    Full metal st\fuctu\fe and components 
    Die-c\fst met\fl \fnd st\finless steel qu\flity 
    components, built to l\fst.
    Wate\f level indicato\f 
    The w\fter level indic\ftor flo\fts through the drip 
    tr\fy indic\fting how full the drip tr\fy is. The 
    top of the indic\ftor h\fs \f red b\fnd for e\fsy 
    Non-slip \fubbe\f feet 
    M\fkes the unit sturdy, preventing it   
    from slipping or scr\ftching the bench top.
    Measu\fing spoon
    Coffee Pod Compatible - Esp\fesso Made Easy
    \bimply insert the single coffee pod 
    b\fsketinto \fn empty group h\fndle \fnd pl\fce 
    the coffee pod inside. Ensure th\ft no p\frt of 
    the coffee pod filter overh\fngs the lip of the 
    filter b\fsket, \fs this will \fllow w\fter to le\fk 
    during the coffee m\fking process. 
    2.1L \femovable wate\f \fese\fvoi\f 
    The l\frge w\fter reservoir is remov\fble for e\fsy 
    filling. \bimply lift \fnd remove in \fny direction.
    Powe\f button
    Hot wate\f / steam selecto\f  
    Allows you to select between the hot w\fter   
    ) or ste\fm () functions. 
    Ope\fating dial 
    E\fsy to oper\fte selector di\fl - turn to the right 
    to m\fke espresso (
    ) or to the left for hot 
    w\fter (
    ) or ste\fm ().
    Silicone cove\f 
    Allows you to move the ste\fm w\fnd into the 
    desired position without burning your fingers.
    Steam wand
    Ext\fa cup height clea\fance 
    Addition\fl cle\fr\fnce between the coffee 
    h\fndle \fnd the drip tr\fy – designed to suit 
    t\fller cups.
    Removable d\fip t\fay and g\fill 
    Designed with no dirt tr\fps for sm\fll coffee 
    gr\fnules, milk or \fny other spills. You c\fn 
    simply wipe cle\fn \fll surf\fces. The drip tr\fy 
    \fnd grill c\fn be completely removed for e\fsy 
    500ml jug
    1 cup filte\f   2 cup filte\f  
    							15 B\bR pump 
    The C\ffé Crem\f II
    ™ is fitted with \f 15 BAR 
    pump delivering the pressure required for 
    complete extr\fction of oils, coffee solids \fnd 
    The\fmoblock heating system
    Ensures the precise temper\fture is \fchieved. 
    As espresso is m\fde with hot r\fther th\fn 
    boiling w\fter \fnd the thermoblock he\fts the 
    w\fter to 92°C (just below boiling point) for 
    optimum extr\fction of oils from the coffee 
    grinds. Temper\ftures \fbove this will burn the 
    coffee grinds resulting in \f bitter t\fste. C\fema System 
    The du\fl-w\fll filter cre\ftes \fddition\fl b\fck 
    pressure \fnd st\fbilising b\fffle produces \f 
    ste\fdy pour \fnd m\fint\fins the temper\fture of 
    the espresso.
    Fea\bures of your Sunbeam 
    Café Crema
    ® II  
    Opera\bions Guide for your  
    Café Crema
    ® II
    The di\fgr\fms below \fnd on the following p\fges \fre to \fssist you in using your \bunbe\fm 
    C\ffé Crem\f® II. E\fch of the di\fgr\fms is numbered. Throughout this instruction m\fnu\fl these 
    numbers will be referred to.
    For example:  Fill the w\fter reservoir  (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) with cold t\fp w\fter...
    E\fch time you see these numbers ple\fse refer b\fck to the di\fgr\fms \ft the front of the 
    instruction m\fnu\fl.
       Filling the wate\f \fese\fvoi\f 
    Open lid of w\fter reservoir.Fill in pl\fce with cold w\fter, 
    ORRemove w\fter reservoir.
    2 cup  filter 1 cup 
    \belect filter. Pl\fce filter h\fndle onto 
    brewing he\fd.Turn filter h\fndle to the 
    right \fs f\fr \fs it will go.
    P\fepa\fing the esp\fesso machine
    Fill \ft sink with cold w\fter.
    Repl\fce the w\fter reservoir.Press 'power ' button to 
    turn m\fchine on. 
    Opera\bions Guide for your Café Crema® II (\fon\binued)
    \belect \fppropri\fte filter \fnd 
    pl\fce into h\fndle.Hold filter h\fndle \fnd purge 
    with w\fter to prehe\ft.
    Wipe the edge of filter to 
    remove \fny coffee grinds.
    Pl\fce cont\finer under the 
    group h\fndle pouring spouts.
    Turn oper\fting di\fl to the 
     setting \fnd \fllow 
    w\fter to run through.
    W\frming espresso cups.
    Making an Esp\fesso
    Pl\fce coffee in filter. T\fmp the coffee. 
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