Steinberg VST Workstation Halion Sonic Operation Manual
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11 HALion Sonic Synth and sample layers For synth and sample layers, you will get access to a fully- fledged synthesizer editor with components such as a highly flexible filter section, powerful multi-stage enve - lopes, LFOs, a Step Modulator and a Modulation Matrix. These layer types differ in their basic sound source. While a synth layer provides an oscillator section with three main oscillators, namely a sub oscillator, a noise generator and a ring modulation stage, the sample layer loads a...
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12 HALion Sonic HALion Sonic interface The HALion Sonic interface follows a fixed size, single window concept and is subdivided into several main sec - tions. To save pixel space on the computer monitor it can be collapsed to a smaller version which only shows one slot with the most important sections and hides the Multi Program Rack and Edit Display sections. Collapsed View Plug-in functions section At the top of the HALion Sonic window you find the plug- in functions section. It contains important...
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13 HALion Sonic Multi Program Rack In the Multi Program Rack (located to the left of the Edit Display) you can load up to 16 programs into HALion So - nic. Slots can be muted or soloed. Programs can be se- lected to edit their parameters. You can load programs into slots by drag&drop from the Load page. You can also click the down arrow button to open the MediaBay. Edit Display The Edit Display is a multipurpose display that shows var- ious editor views depending on the selected page and slot. There...
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14 HALion Sonic Toolbars Above the Edit Display section you find two small toolbars with various useful global functions. Global insert, AUX and FlexPhraser buttons Use these buttons to switch off all insert effects, all AUX effects and all FlexPhrasers for the whole plug-in at once. For instance, you can use this feature to quickly compare sounds with and without effects or to use a preset without the FlexPhrasers that have been stored with the preset. Undo/Redo HALion Sonic features an undo/redo...
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15 HALion Sonic Standalone functions section Using HALion Sonic as a standalone application adds the standalone functions section above the plug-in. Here you can set Audio and MIDI interface routings, adjust the main volume and get access to the integrated MIDI scratch pad that allows you to easily record your musical inspirations without having to start a MIDI sequencer application. It can also be used to play multi track arrangements that trigger the 16 different sounds inside HALion Sonic....
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16 HALion Sonic Solo Enable the Solo button of a slot in order to hear only the respective program. Mute Enable the Mute button to turn off a program. The program remains loaded and can therefore be turned on again smoothly. Loading programs into the program slot To load a program into the slot you have two options: •Switch to the Load page and double-click the desired program. •Drag the program and drop it to the desired slot. Level Use the level fader to adjust the output level of the slot. The...
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17 HALion Sonic Polyphony (Mono Voices) This display indicates the number of samples currently played back to help you trace performance problems. For example, if you have to reduce the Max Voices setting on the Options page, you can verify your settings by monitor - ing the Voices display. Memory MEM is an abbreviation for Memory. This display indicates the overall amount of RAM currently used by the plug-in and the loaded programs. The amount you see results from the streaming buffer and the...
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18 HALion Sonic Loading multis To load a multi preset you have two options: •Switch to the Load page in the Edit Display and double- click the desired multi preset or drag the multi preset and drop it onto the multi loader. •Click the Load button to open a MediaBay browser win- dow and load the multi program with a doube-click. MediaBay Saving multis To save multi presets with HALion Sonic’s integrated multi preset management: 1.Click the disk icon button in the multi preset slot to open the save...
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19 HALion Sonic Saving program To save a modified program: 1.Open the context menu on the program name. 2.Select “Save Program”. The program overwrites the original program on your sys- tem. Note that you cannot overwrite protected factory content. In this case, the save dialog appears. Saving program as… To save a modified or new program under another name: 1.Open the context menu on the program name. 2.Select “Save Program As…”. 3.The save dialog appears. 4.Enter the new name and set the database...
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20 HALion Sonic Tagging with the save dialog When you save a preset, the save dialog opens and shows the tagging editor section on the right side. Here you can easily edit your tags before saving the preset. To make it even simpler, you can first click an existing preset file in the file list on the left to copy its name and all its tags, then make changes the new preset requires, modify the preset name and save it. Mix page Introduction The Mix page gives you access to the audio slot parame- ters...