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Steinberg VST Workstation Halion Sonic Operation Manual

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HALion Sonic
The monophonic LFOs offer the following modes:
Option Description
Off  The LFO runs freely.
First Note The LFO restarts wh en a
  note is triggered and no other 
notes are held.
Each Note The LFO restarts each time a note is triggered.
LFO Envelopes
The following parameters are only available for the poly -
phonic LFOs, i.e. LFO1 and LFO2.
Delay determines the delay time between the moment you 
play a note and the moment  the LFO comes into effect. 
The control range is from 0 ms to...

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HALion Sonic
Step Modulator page
Synth and sample layers feature a polyphonic Step Modu-
lator for creating rhythmic control sequences. The Step 
Modulator can be freely assigned in the Modulation Matrix. 
The sequence can have up to 32 steps. By selecting a 
note value, the steps can be synchronized to the tempo of 
the host application or you can specify a frequency at 
which the sequence repeats. The Retrigger mode allows 
you to restart the sequence either with the First Note or 
Each Note. The...

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HALion Sonic
Sync mode
By setting a note value, you can synchronize the steps to 
the tempo of the host application. Alternatively, you can 
specify a frequency at which the sequence repeats. If you 
can set a note value or a frequency depends on the option 
you select here:
Option Description
Off Select this to adjust the speed at which the sequence re -
peats in Hertz. Whether the sequence restarts or not 
 en you play a note depends on the selected Retrigger 
Tempo + Retrig Select this to...

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HALion Sonic
When Snap is activated, the level of each step can only be 
adjusted in quantized steps of 1/12th. The control range 
is from -12/12 to 12/12. This feature, for example, can be 
used to produce modulations in steps of semitones.
Producing modulations in steps of semitones
To produce modulations in steps of semitones:
1.Activate Snap on the Step Modulator.
2.In the Modulation Matrix, assign the Step Modulator to 
3.Set Depth to +12.
Now, the levels of the steps represent...

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HALion Sonic
•Use the horizontal fader below the destination to adjust 
the modulation depth. Usually, the modulation depth ad
justs in percent (-100% to +100%). If you select Pitch as 
modulation destination, the modulation depth adjusts in 
semitones (-60 to +60 semitones).
•Click the bypass button in front of the depth control to 
switch the modulation temporarily off.
Unipolar vs. bipolar sources
The polarity of a modulation source specifies the value 
range it produces.
•Unipolar sources...

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HALion Sonic
Modulation Sources
The modulation sources are available from the Source and 
Modifier drop-down menus. HALion Sonic offers you the 
following modulation sources:
Option Description
LFO1 The first LFO of the layer which produces cyclic modula -
tion signals. LFO1 is bipolar.
LFO2 The second LFO of the layer which produces cyclic mod -
ulation signals. LFO2 is bipolar.
Amp Env The Amp Envelope of  the
  layer. The shape of the enve -
lope equals the modulation signal. The Amp Env is unipo...

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HALion Sonic
Modulation Destinations
Depending on the selected type of layer, the available 
modulation destinations varies. HALion Sonic offers you 
the following modulation destinations:
PitchModulates the pitch of the layer. For example, assign one 
of the LFOs to create a vibrato effect. When Pitch is se-lected, the modulation depth adjusts in semitones (-60 to 
CutoffModulates the filter cutoff of the layer. For example, as-sign the Step Modulator to create rhythmic...

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HALion Sonic
The following destinations are  only available for synth lay-
Option Description
Osc1 Pitch Modulates the pitch of oscillator 1. For example, assign 

of the LFOs to detune the oscillator cyclically.
Osc1 Waveform Modulates the shape and charac ter of 
 oscillator 1. For 
example, assign one of the envelopes to change the 
character of the os cillator over time.
Osc1 Level Modulates the volume of oscilla tor 1.
  For example, assign 
the modulation wheel to fade the oscillator...

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HALion Sonic
Inserts page
HALion Sonic offers you up to four insert effects for each 
of the four layers and for the program itself. The insert ef
fects you assign to a layer affect only that layer. The insert 
effects you assign to the program affect all four layers to
gether. Typically, you assign effects like EQ or Distortion 
to the separate layers, but effects like Delay or Reverb to 
the whole program.
To access the Inserts page:
1.Go to the Edit page.
2.In the upper section of the editor,...

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HALion Sonic
Adjusting the levels
To the right of the insert slots you find faders for adjusting 
the output levels of the program and layers.
To adjust the output level:
•Drag the fader of the program or layer you wish to ad-
•Alternatively, enter a value in the text field below the 
ÖBy changing the levels here, levels in the respective 
parameters on the Program page will be reflected as well.
Instrument layer
For easy editing, instrument layers have fewer controls. In 
the list to the...
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