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381 The MIDI editors Deleting events in the controller display You delete events by clicking on them with the Eraser tool or by selecting them and pressing [Backspace]. Please note: Deleting a controller event makes the last event before this valid up until the next event. It does not “zero” any controller changes. You can delete notes by deleting their velocity bars in the controller display. Please be aware that if there is more than one note on the same position, there may still only be one velocity bar visible – make sure you delete only the desired notes! Adding and editing Poly Pressure events Poly Pressure events are special, in that they “belong to” a specific note number (key). That is, each Poly Pressure event has two editable values: the note number and the amount of pressure. Therefore, when Poly Pressure is se- lected on the event type pop-up menu, there are two value fields to the left of the controller display, one for the note number and one for the amount: To add a new Poly Pressure event, proceed as follows: 1.Select Poly Pressure on the event type pop-up menu. 2.Set the note number by clicking on the keyboard dis- play. The selected note number is displayed in the upper value field to the left of the controller display. Note that this only works for the topmost lane. If you have selected “Poly Pressure” for several controller lanes, you have to type in the desired note number directly in the lower value field to the left of each lane. 3.Use the Pencil tool to add a new event, just as when adding regular controller events. To view and edit existing Poly Pressure events, proceed as follows: 1.Select Poly Pressure on the event type pop-up menu.2.Click on the arrow button next to the note number field to the left of the controller lane. A pop-up menu appears, listing all note numbers for which there already are Poly Pressure events. 3.Select a note number from the pop-up menu. The Poly Pressure events for the selected note number are shown in the controller lane. 4.Use the Pencil tool to edit the events as usual. Press [Alt]/[Option] to edit existing events without adding any new ones. Poly Pressure events can also be added and edited in the List Editor. Edit In-Place The Edit In-Place function makes it possible to edit MIDI parts directly in the Project window, for quick and efficient editing in context with other tracks. To open the In-Place editor for one or more selected tracks, you have the following possibilities: Select “Open In-Place Editor” on the MIDI menu. Use a key command, by default [Ctrl]/[Com- mand]+[Shift]+[I]. Toggle the In-Place Editor for all selected tracks by clicking on the respective button above the Track list. To open a single MIDI track, you can also click the Edit In-Place button in the Track list (if necessary, expand the Track list to see the button). This expands the MIDI track to show something like a min- iature Key Editor, allowing you to edit MIDI notes and con- trollers.

382 The MIDI editors To zoom or scroll the In-Place Editor, point at the left part of the piano keyboard display so that the pointer changes to a hand. Now you can click and drag to the right or left to zoom in or out vertically, and drag up or down to scroll the editor. Clicking on the little gray triangle in the upper right cor- ner of the Track list for the edited track brings up a local toolbar with some settings specific to the In-Place Editor. For descriptions of these settings, see “The toolbar” on page 366. Just like in the Key Editor, you can edit velocity or con- tinuous controllers at the bottom of the In-Place Editor. To change which controller type is shown, click in the controller name field directly below the piano keyboard and select a controller type from the pop-up menu. To add or remove controller lanes, right-click below the con- troller name field and select an option from the context menu that appears. When you select a MIDI note, the Project window info line shows information about that note, just like the info line in the Key Editor. You can perform the same editing here as on the Key Editor info line, see “Editing on the info line” on page 375. The Snap button and Snap type pop-up menu on the Project window toolbar govern snapping in the In-Place Editor, but the snap grid is set using the Quantize pop-up menu. To close the In-Place Editor for one or several selected tracks, you can use the key command or click the “Toggle the In-Place Editor” button above the Track list. To close the In-Place Editor for one track, you can click the Edit In-Place button in the Track list or double-click below the controller display in the In-Place Editor. Working with Parts If you work with parts in the In-Place Editor, some editing functions are available. You can: change the length of the parts by clicking on the lower part edges (so that the mouse pointer changes to a double arrow) and dragging it to the left or right. drag and drop notes from one part to the other. change the length of notes by clicking on them and dragging the double arrow to the left or right.

383 The MIDI editors The List Editor – Overview The toolbar The toolbar contains several items that are the same as in the Key Editor (edit solo, snap, quantize settings, etc.). These are described earlier in this chapter. The following toolbar items are unique to the List Editor: The Insert pop-up menu is used when creating new events. This is where you determine what type of event to add (see “Inserting events” on page 384). The Mask pop-up menu and Filter view (Show Filter View button) allow you to hide events from view, based on their type and other properties. See “Filtering” on page 385. The Value View button can be used for hiding and showing the Value display (see below). The List Editor has no info line (numerical editing is avail- able in the list instead). ÖIf you see an empty or incomplete list of items although the items are visible in the Key Editor, check if you have ac- tivated any filters (see “Filtering” on page 385). The list This lists all events in the selected MIDI part(s), in the or- der (from top to bottom) in which they are played back. You can edit the event properties by using regular value editing, see “Editing in the list” on page 384. The event display This shows the events graphically. The vertical position of an event in the display corresponds to its entry in the list (i.e. to the playback order), while the horizontal position cor- responds to its actual position in the project. This is where you add new parts or events, drag to move them, etc. The value display This display shows the “value” of each event, allowing for easy viewing and graphical editing. Typically, the value shown is the “Data 2” or “Value 2” property (amounts to MIDI controller events, velocity for notes, etc.). You can show or hide this display by clicking the “Show List Value View” button on the toolbar. Event displayEvent list Value display RulerToolbar Filter view

384 The MIDI editors List Editor operations Customizing the view You can click and drag the divider between the list and the event display to make one area wider and the other narrower. Furthermore, the list can be customized in the following ways: You can change the order of the columns by dragging the column headings. You can resize columns by dragging the dividers be- tween the column headings. Setting the display format Just like in the Project window, you set the display format (bars+beats, seconds, etc.) by right-clicking in the ruler and selecting an option from the pop-up menu. This set- ting affects both the ruler and all start, end and length val- ues shown in the list. Zooming You can change the horizontal magnification in the event display by using the zoom slider below the display or the Zoom tool (the magnification glass). Inserting events To add a new event to the edited part, proceed as follows: 1.Use the Insert pop-up menu on the toolbar to select the event type. 2.Select the Pencil tool and click in the event display at the desired position (relative to the ruler). If you are creating note events, you can click and drag to set the length of the note. The new event appears in the list and in the display. Its properties will be set to default values, but can be ad- justed in the list.Notes will get the insert velocity value set in the insert velocity field on the toolbar. See “Setting velocity values” on page 371. Editing in the list The list allows you to perform detailed numerical editing of the events properties. The columns have the following functionality: You can edit several events at once. If several events are selected and you edit a value for one event, the other selected events’ values will be changed as well. Normally, any initial value differences between the events will be main- tained – i.e. the values will change by the same amount. If you press [Ctrl]/ [Command] when you edit, however, all events will get the same value. Column Description L Locate column. An arrow in this column indicates the event that starts closest before the project cursor posi- tion. If you click in this column for an event, the project cursor is moved to the start of that event. Double-clicking moves the cursor position and starts/stops playback – useful for auditioning when editing in the list. Type The event type. This cannot be changed. Start The start position of the event, shown in the format se- lected for the ruler. Changing this is the same as moving the event. Note that moving the event past any other event in the list will re-sort the list (the list always shows the events in the order they are played back). End This is only used for note events, allowing you to view and edit the end position of a note (thereby resizing it). Length This is only used for note events. It shows the length of the note – changing this resizes the note and automati- cally changes the End value as well. Data 1 This is the “data 1” or “value 1” property of the event. The content of this depends on the event type – for notes, this is the pitch, for example. Where applicable, the val- ues are shown in the most relevant form. For instance, the Data 1 value for notes is shown as a note number in the format selected in the Preferences (Event Display–MIDI page). See also the table in the section “Editing in the va- lue display” on page 386. Data 2 This is the “data 2” or “value 2” property of the event. The content of this depends on the event type – for notes, this is the velocity value, for example. See the table in the section “Editing in the value display” on page 386. Channel The MIDI channel of the event. Note that this setting is normally overridden by the channel setting for the track. To make a MIDI event play back on “its own” channel, set its track to channel “Any” in the Project window. Comment This column is used for some event types only, providing an additional comment about the event.

385 The MIDI editors ÖFor SysEx (system exclusive) events, you can only edit the position (Start) in the list. However, when you click the Comment column, the MIDI SysEx Editor opens, in which you can perform detailed editing of system exclusive events (see “Working with System Exclusive messages” on page 410). Editing in the event display The event display allows you to edit the events graphically using the tools on the toolbar. You can edit single events as well as several selected events simultaneously. To move an event, click and drag it to a new position. Note that moving the event past any other event in the display will re-sort the list (the list always shows the events in the order they are played back). As a result, the vertical position of the event in the display will change as well. To make a copy of an event, press [Alt]/[Option] and drag it to a new position. To resize a note, select it and drag its end point with the Arrow tool as in the Project window. This only works with notes. To mute or unmute an event, click on it with the Mute tool. You can mute or unmute several events in one go by enclosing them in a selection rectangle with the Mute tool. You can select a color scheme for the events with the Colors pop-up menu on the toolbar. This affects how all MIDI events are shown in the List and Key editors – see “Coloring notes and events” on page 370. To delete an event, select it and press [Backspace] or [Delete], or click on it with the Eraser tool in the event dis- play. Filtering Clicking the “Show Filter View” button on the toolbar opens an additional filter bar that allows you to hide spe- cific event types from view. For example, it may be hard to find note events if the part contains a lot of controllers. By hiding these, the list becomes more manageable. To hide an event type, activate its checkbox on the filter view.To see one event type only (hide all other event types), press [Ctrl]/[Command] and click its checkbox. If you [Ctrl]/[Command]-click again, all checkboxes are cleared (all events will be visible). ÖThe event types remain hidden even if you close the fil- ter view. To make sure you see all events, open the filter view and check that all checkboxes are deactivated. ÖThe filter view does not remove, mute or change the events in any way. Masking The Mask function is similar to the filter view but allows you to hide events based on other criteria as well. Pro- ceed as follows: 1.Select an event (or several events) of the type you want to view. 2.Pull down the Mask pop-up menu on the toolbar and select one of the options. The results are as follows: Option Description Event Types Only events with the type of the selected event will be shown. This does the same as the filter view but is quicker if you only want to view a single event type. Event Types and Data 1Only events of the same type and with the same “Data 1” value will be shown. For example, if a note event is se- lected, only notes with the same pitch will be shown. If a controller event is selected, only controllers of the same type will be shown. Event Channels Only events with the same MIDI channel value as the se- lected event will be shown.

386 The MIDI editors In addition to the above options, the menu also gives you access to the presets available in the Logical Editor (see “The Logical Editor, Transformer and Input Transformer” on page 387). Furthermore, the “Setup…” item on the Mask pop-up menu gives you direct access to the Logical Editor. In that editor you can create very complex masking settings. When you apply any of the presets from the Logical Editor or use the Logical Editor to create masking settings your- self, only the events that meet the criteria specified will be visible. To deactivate the Mask function, select “Nothing” from the Mask pop-up menu. The most typical usage of the Mask function is to view a certain type of controller only (e.g. Modulation, Breath Control, etc.). Since these are all the same event types (controller), this would not be possible using the filter view. With the “Event Types and Data 1” option on the Mask pop-up menu, it is! Editing in the value display The value display to the right of the event display is a tool for quick viewing and editing of multiple values, e.g. veloci- ties or controller amounts. The values are shown as hori- zontal bars, with the bar length corresponding to the value. A velocity ramp in the value display. You edit the values by clicking and dragging. Note that the pointer automatically takes on the shape of the Pencil tool when you move it into the value display – you don’t have to select the Pencil tool for this.Exactly which value is shown for an event depends on the event type. The following table shows what is displayed and edited in the Data columns and the value display: The value display can be hidden from view by clicking the “Show List Value View” button on the toolbar, so that it is not lit. Event type Data 1 Data 2 Value display Note Pitch (note number)Velocity Velocity Controller Controller type Controller amountController amount Program ChangeProgram numberNot used Program number Aftertouch Aftertouch amountNot used Aftertouch amount Pitch Bend Bend amount Not used Bend amount SysEx Not used Not used Not used

28 The Logical Editor, Transformer and Input Transformer

388 The Logical Editor, Transformer and Input Transformer Introduction Most of the time you will perform your MIDI editing graphi- cally in one of the main graphic editors. But there are times when you want more of a “search and replace” function on MIDI data, and that’s where the Logical Editor comes in. The principle for the Logical Editor is this: You set up filter conditions to find certain events. This could be events of a certain type, with certain attributes or values or on certain positions, in any combination. You can combine any number of filter conditions and make composite conditions using AND/OR operators. You select the basic function to be performed. The options include Transform (changing properties of the found events), Delete (removing the events), Insert (adding new events based on the found events’ positions) and more. You set up a list of actions, which specify exactly what should be done. This is not necessary for all functions. For example, the Delete function does not require any additional action specifications – it simply removes all found events. The Transform function on the other hand requires that you specify which properties should be changed and in which way (transpose notes by a certain amount, adjust velocity values, etc.). By combining filter conditions, functions and the specific actions, you can perform very powerful processing. To master the Logical Editor you need some knowledge about how MIDI messages are structured. However, the Logical Editor also comes with a rich selection of presets, allowing you to access its processing powers without delving into its more complicated aspects, see “Selecting a preset” on page 389. About the Transformer MIDI effect The Transformer effect is a real-time version of the Logical Editor, allowing you to apply editing to the events played back from a track “on the fly”. The Transformer contains virtually the same settings and functions as the Logical Editor – where there are differences between the two, this is clearly stated on the following pages. About the Input Transformer Again, this is very similar to the Logical Editor. Just like the Transformer effect, the Input Transformer works in real time. However, the Input Transformer filters out and trans- forms MIDI data as it is recorded. In other words, the set- tings you make in the Input Transformer will affect the actual MIDI events you record. The Input Transformer is described in the section “The In- put Transformer” on page 397. However, we recommend that you make yourself familiar with the Logical Editor first, since they share many features and principles. About the Project Logical Editor There is also a “Project Logical Editor” available via the Edit menu. This is described in the chapter “The Project Logical Editor” on page 399. Opening the Logical Editor 1.Select the desired parts or events. What will be affected by the operation depends on the current selection: In the Project window, edits using the Logical Editor are ap- plied to all selected parts, affecting all events (of the relevant types) in them. In the MIDI editors, edits using the Logical Editor are applied to all selected events. If no events are selected, all events in the edited part(s) will be affected. You can change the selection while the Logical Editor window is open. 2.Select “Logical Editor…” from the MIDI menu. ÖFor details on how to open the Transformer (and other MIDI effects), see “MIDI realtime parameters and effects” on page 342. !Studying the included presets is an excellent way to learn the workings of the Logical Editor! Many of them can also be used as starting points when you set up your own editing operations using the Logical Editor.

389 The Logical Editor, Transformer and Input Transformer Window overview Selecting a preset To understand the Logical Editor, it might be a good idea to start by exploring the included presets. These are found on the Presets pop-up menu at the bottom of the window, to the right. To load a preset, select it from the Presets pop-up menu. The window will show the settings stored in the preset. As the preset is not applied to the MIDI events yet, you can load different presets just to study them without affecting any events. You can also edit the preset be- fore applying it. To apply the loaded preset (i.e. to perform the opera- tions defined in the Logical Editor), click Do It. ÖYou can also select Logical Presets directly from the MIDI menu. This allows you to apply a preset to the selected MIDI part directly, with- out having to open the Logical Editor. ÖIt is also possible to select and apply Logical Presets directly in the List Editor (from the Mask menu). You can also open the Logical Editor from the List Editor. For information on how to create and handle your own presets, see “Working with presets” on page 397. Setting up filter conditions General procedure The upper list is where you set up the filter conditions, de- termining which events to find. The list contains one or several conditions, each on a separate line. ÖIf you want to start from scratch (as opposed to basing your settings on an existing preset), you may want to ini- tialize the settings by selecting the Init option from the Presets pop-up menu. To add a new line (condition), click the Add Line button to the right. The new line is added at the bottom of the list. If there are many lines, you may need to use the scrollbar to the right to view them. To remove a line, click anywhere on it to select it and click the Delete Line button to the right. You set up a filter condition line by clicking in the columns and selecting options from the pop-up menus that appear. Here is a brief description of the columns: This is where you select a function (Transform, Delete, etc.). The field to the right shows an additional explanation of the selected function. This is the filter condition list, specifying which events to look for. This is the action list, specifying e.g. how to change the found events. This is where you load, store and handle pre- sets. See “Working with presets” on page 397.The “Do It” button performs the task you have set up (not available in the Transformer). Column Description Left bracket This is used for “bracketing” several lines together when creating conditions with multiple lines and the boolean operators And/Or. See “Combining multiple condition li- nes” on page 393. Filter Target Here you select which property to look for when finding events. Your choice here affects the available options in the other columns as well, see below! Condition This determines how the Logical Editor should compare the property in the Filter Target column to the values in the Parameter columns (Equal, Unequal, Bigger, etc. – see the separate table below). The available options de- pend on the Filter Target setting. Parameter 1 Here you set which value the event properties should be compared to (a numeric value, a position or a choice from a pop-up menu, depending on the Filter Target). For example, if the Filter Target is “Position” and Condition is “Equal”, the Logical Editor will look for all events starting at the position you specify in the Parameter 1 column. Parameter 2 This column is only used if you have selected one of the “Range” options in the Condition column. Typically, this allows you to find all events with values inside (or out- side) the range between Parameter 1 and Parameter 2.

390 The Logical Editor, Transformer and Input Transformer You can also set up filter conditions by dragging MIDI events directly into the upper list. If the list contains no line entries, a MIDI event dragged into this section will form conditions including the state and type of the event. If it contains en- tries, the dragged event(s) will initialize the matching parameters. E.g. if a length condition is used, the length will be set according to the event length. Conditions The options in the Condition column have the following meaning (note that the available Condition options de- pend on the Filter Target setting):ÖThe Conditions for the “Property” filter target are dif- ferent, see “Searching for properties” on page 392. Below, the different Filter Targets (and their correspond- ing Condition and Parameter options) are described in more detail. Searching for events at certain positions Selecting Position in the Filter Target column lets you find events starting at certain positions, either relative to the start of the song or within each bar. If you select any condition other than the Range or Bar Range options, you set up a specific position (in bars, beats, sixteenth notes and ticks) in the Parameter 1 column. Here, the Logical Editor will find all events at 5.1.1. in the project. If you select Inside Range or Outside Range in the Con- dition column, you set the start position of the range in the Parameter 1 column and the end position in the Parameter 2 column. The Logical Editor will then find all events inside or outside this position range. Bar Range This column is only used if the Filter Target is “Position” and one of the “Bar Range” options is selected in the Condition column. In these cases, you use the Bar Range column to specify “zones” within each bar (allowing you to find e.g. all events on or around the first beat of every bar). See “Searching for events at certain positions” on page 390. Right bracket This is used for “bracketing” several lines together. See “Combining multiple condition lines” on page 393. bool This allows you to insert the boolean operators And/Or, when creating conditions with multiple lines. See “Com- bining multiple condition lines” on page 393. Condition Events will be found if their Filter Target property… Equal …has the exact same value as set up in the Parameter 1 column. Unequal …has any value other than the one set up in the Parame- ter 1 column. Bigger …has a value higher than the one set up in the Parameter 1 column. Bigger or Equal …has a value that is the same as or higher than the one set up in the Parameter 1 column. Less …has a value lower than the one set up in the Parameter 1 column. Less or Equal …has a value that is the same as or lower than the one set up in the Parameter 1 column. Inside Range …has a value that is between the values set up in the Pa- rameter 1 and Parameter 2 columns. Note that Parameter 1 should be the lower value and Parameter 2 the higher. Outside Range …has a value that is not between the values set up in the Parameter 1 and Parameter 2 columns. Inside Bar Range…is within the “zone” set up in the Bar Range column (Position only), in each bar within the current selection. Outside Bar Range…is outside the “zone” set up in the Bar Range column (Position only), in each bar within the current selection. Before Cursor …is before the song cursor position (Position only). Beyond Cursor …is after the song cursor position (Position only). Column DescriptionInside Track Loop…is inside the set track loop (Position only). Inside Cycle …is inside the set cycle (Position only). Exactly match- ing Cycle…exactly matches the set cycle (Position only). Note is equal to …is the note specified in the Parameter 1 column, re- gardless of octave (Pitch only). Lets you find e.g. all C notes, in all octaves. Condition Events will be found if their Filter Target property…