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Steinberg Cubase Ai 5 Manual

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Page 131

The Sample Editor
Selecting Paste copies the data on the clipboard into 
the clip.
If there is a selection in the editor, this will be replaced by the pasted 
data. If there is no selection, the pasted data will be inserted starting at 
the selection line. The section to the right of the line will be moved to 
make room for the pasted material.
The pasted data will be inserted at the selection line.
Selecting Delete (on the Edit menu in the Sample Editor 
context menu or in the main Edit menu...

Page 132

The Sample Editor
Options and settings
Show Audio Event
When the Show Audio Event button is activated on the 
toolbar (or the option “Audio Event” is activated on the 
Elements submenu of the context menu), the section cor-
responding to the edited event is highlighted in the wave-
form and thumbnail displays. The sections of the audio 
clip not belonging to the event are shown with a dark gray 
In this mode, you can adjust the start and end of the 
event in the clip by dragging the event...

Page 133

The Sample Editor
When you have correctly set a tempo or length for an au-
dio clip, this information is saved with the project. This al-
lows you to import files into the project with Musical mode 
already activated. The tempo (if set) is also saved when 
exporting files.
Proceed as follows to tempo match an audio loop to the 
project tempo: 
1.Import your loop into the project and double-click it to 
open it in the Sample Editor.
2.From the Algorithm pop-up in the toolbar, select the 
algorithm to...

Page 134

The Sample Editor
Working with hitpoints and slices
Hitpoint detection is a special feature of the Sample Edi-
tor. It detects attack transients in an audio file and then 
adds a type of marker, i.e. a “hitpoint”, at each transient. 
These hitpoints allow you to create “slices”, where each 
slice ideally represents each individual sound or “beat” in 
a loop (drum or other rhythmic loops work best with this 
feature). When you have successfully sliced the audio file, 
you can do a number of useful...

Page 135

The Sample Editor
4.Verify the Tempo and Bars values in the toolbar. 
5.On the Hitpoints tab, click on the Slice & Close button 
or select “Create Audio Slices from Hitpoints” from the 
Hitpoints submenu on the Audio menu to create audio 
slices from the hitpoints. 
The following happens:
The Sample Editor closes.
The audio event is “sliced” so that the sections between 
the hitpoints become separate events, all referring to the 
same original file.
The audio event is replaced by an audio part,...

Page 136

The Sample Editor
4.Audition the slices by pointing and clicking in any slice 
The pointer changes to a speaker icon and the corresponding slice will be 
played back from the beginning to the end.
If you hear a single sound split into two slice you can 
disable an individual slice by pressing [Alt]/[Option] (the 
pointer turns into a cross) and clicking on the correspond-
ing hitpoint handle. 
The hitpoint handle gets smaller and its line disappears to indicate that it 
is disabled. To...

Page 137

The Sample Editor
3.Select “Close Gaps” from the Advanced submenu on 
the Audio menu.
Time stretch is applied to each slice to close the gaps. Depending on the 
length of the part and the algorithm set in the Preferences (Editing–Au-
dio page), this can take a little while.
4.The waveform is redrawn and the gaps are closed!
Note that this feature creates new clips in the Pool, one 
for each slice.
Close Gaps can also be used when the project tempo 
is higher than the original loop tempo.
This will...

Page 138

The Audio Part Editor 

Page 139

The Audio Part Editor
The Audio Part Editor allows you to view and edit the events 
inside audio parts. Essentially, this is the same type of edit-
ing that you do in the Project window, which means that 
this chapter contains a lot of references to the chapter “The 
Project window” on page 14.
Audio parts are created in the Project window in one of 
the following ways:
By selecting one or several audio events on the same 
track, and selecting “Events to Part” from the Audio menu.

Page 140

The Audio Part Editor
About lanes
If you make the editor window larger, this will reveal addi-
tional space below the edited events. This is because an 
audio part is divided vertically in lanes. 
Lanes can make it easier to work with several audio events 
in a part:
In the upper figure it is unnecessarily hard to discern, se-
lect and edit the separate events. In the lower figure, some 
of the events have been moved to another lower lane, 
making selection and editing much easier.To move an event to...
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