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Steinberg Cubase 7 User Manual

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Page 581

The Logical Editor, Transformer, and Input TransformerOpening the Logical Editor
About the Input Transformer
This too is very similar to the Logical Editor. Just like the Transformer effect, the Input 
Transformer works in realtime. However, the Input Transformer filters out and 
transforms MIDI data as it is recorded. In other words, the settings you make in the 
Input Transformer will affect the actual MIDI events you record.
The Input Transformer is described in the section “The Input Transformer”...

Page 582

The Logical Editor, Transformer, and Input TransformerSetting up filter conditions
•To remove a condition, select it and click the “-” button below the list.
ÖIf you have already defined filter conditions and/or applied a preset, but want to start 
again from scratch, you can initialize the settings by selecting the Init option from the 
Presets pop-up menu.
You set up a filter condition line by clicking in the columns and selecting options from 
the pop-up menus that appear. Here is a brief...

Page 583

The Logical Editor, Transformer, and Input TransformerSetting up filter conditions
Depending on the Filter Target setting, the following options can be selected in the 
Condition column:
ÖThe Conditions for the “Property” filter target are different, see “Searching for 
properties” on page 587.
Below, the different Filter Targets (and their corresponding Condition and Parameter 
options) are described in more detail.
ConditionElements will be found if their Filter Target property…...

Page 584

The Logical Editor, Transformer, and Input TransformerSetting up filter conditions
Searching for elements at certain positions (Logical Editor only)
Selecting “Position” in the Filter Target column lets you find elements starting at 
certain positions, either relative to the start of the song or within each bar.
•If you select any condition other than the Range or Bar Range options, you set up 
a specific position (in PPQ, seconds, samples, or frames) in the Parameter 1 
column. Use the Bar...

Page 585

The Logical Editor, Transformer, and Input TransformerSetting up filter conditions
ÖSystem Exclusive events are not included in the table above, because they do not use 
value 1 and 2.
Because value 1 and 2 have different meanings for different events, searching for 
value 2 = 64 would both find notes with the velocity 64 and controllers with the 
amount 64, etc. If this is not what you want, you can add an additional filter condition 
line with the Filter Target “Type”, specifying which type of...

Page 586

The Logical Editor, Transformer, and Input TransformerSetting up filter conditions
Searching for controllers
There is similar extended functionality when searching for controllers: If you have 
added an additional “Type = Controller” condition line, the Logical Editor will “know” 
you are searching for controllers. The Parameter 1 column will then show the names 
of the MIDI controllers (Modulation, Volume, etc.) when Value 1 is selected as Filter 
Searching for MIDI channels
Each MIDI event...

Page 587

The Logical Editor, Transformer, and Input TransformerSetting up filter conditions
Searching for properties
On the Filter Target pop-up menu, you will find an option called Property. This allows 
you to search for properties that are not part of the MIDI standard but rather Cubase-
specific settings.
When the Property option is selected, the Condition column has two options: 
“Property is set” and “Property is not set”. Which property to look for is selected in the 
Parameter 1 column. The options...

Page 588

The Logical Editor, Transformer, and Input TransformerSetting up filter conditions
In this example, the action will be performed when the note C1 is pressed (the “Note 
is playing” condition is only available in the Input Transformer and in the Transformer 
In this example, the action will be performed after playing the C1 note:
Cubase only: In this example, the action will be performed for Note Expression VST 3 
Tuning events that are attached to a C1 note when C1 is pressed:
Searching for...

Page 589

The Logical Editor, Transformer, and Input TransformerSetting up filter conditions
The Musical Context presets give you an idea of the possibilities of this filter target. 
For further information on presets, see 
“Working with presets” on page 594.
Combining multiple condition lines
As described above, you can add condition lines by clicking the “+” button below the 
list. The result of combining condition lines depends on the boolean And/Or operators 
and the brackets.
The bool column
By clicking...

Page 590

The Logical Editor, Transformer, and Input TransformerSelecting a function
Maybe you wanted to find all notes that either had the pitch C3 or the MIDI channel 1 
(but no non-note events)? Then you need to add some brackets:
•Expressions within brackets are evaluated first.
If there are several layers of brackets, these are evaluated “from the inside out”, 
starting with the innermost brackets.
You add brackets by clicking in the bracket columns and selecting an option. Up to 
triple brackets can be...
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