Steinberg Cubase 7 User Manual
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Page 571
571 Note ExpressionRecording When you now start overdubbing, the values for all these controls are attached to the notes that are passed during overdub recording, replacing any existing controller data of the same type. Resetting the Latch buffer Whenever data is present in the Latch buffer, the “Reset Latch buffer” button becomes available. If you click this button, all the memorized values are removed from the Latch buffer. ÖWhen you are using Latch mode in combination with cycle recording, the...
Page 572
572 Note ExpressionEditing Note Expression data Editing Note Expression data In the Key Editor, you can view and edit the Note Expression data for notes in the Note Expression editor. This is opened by double-clicking a note in the event display. In the editor, you can add Note Expression data from scratch. All parameters that are marked as visible in the Inspector are displayed as curves in the editor. ÖWhen several notes are selected in the Key Editor and you double-click any of them, the Note...
Page 573
573 Note ExpressionEditing Note Expression data Editing functions Drawing in data You can enter or modify curves using the Draw tool or the line tool. The editing is the same as in the controller lanes, see “Adding and editing events in the controller display” on page 504. If the Object Selection tool is selected and the editor is open, you can press [Alt]/[Option] to get the Draw tool. You can enter lines and curves using the line tool in its various modes. This works just as when editing in the...
Page 574
574 Note ExpressionEditing Note Expression data Fixed values •To enter or edit a fixed value (i. e. a straight line), activate “One-Shot Mode” mode by clicking the button in the upper left corner of the window and click with the Draw tool anywhere in the editor to set the value. Note that some VST 3 parameters are one-shot only. For these, this mode is automatically activated. The snap controls The horizontal snap button in the upper right corner of the editor corresponds to the Snap button in the...
Page 575
575 Note ExpressionEditing Note Expression data Editing the release phase of a note Sometimes it can be necessary to edit the release phase of a note, e. g. to work on the tail of a note which is still sounding after the note-off message was sent. These settings are made in the release section of the editor. To add a release phase, click and drag the release length handle in the lower right corner of the editor. When Note Expression data are displayed in the Key Editor, the release phase of a note is...
Page 576
576 Note ExpressionNote Expression and MIDI Setting the length of the release phase To determine the length of the release phase, drag the release length handle or enter the value manually on the info line. You can also modify the release length after having edited or recorded controller data. Only the controllers within the specified length will be heard during playback. ÖWhen you have opened the editor for several notes and hold down [Alt]/[Option] while setting the release length for one note, the...
Page 577
577 Note ExpressionNote Expression and MIDI The dialog contains the following options: 2.When you have made the desired settings, click OK to close the dialog. The settings you made in the Note Expression MIDI Setup dialog will be used every time that you use the “Convert to Note Expression” function or record MIDI controllers as Note Expression data. Recording MIDI controllers as Note Expression data To record Note Expression data using standard MIDI controller messages, activate the “MIDI as Note...
Page 578
578 Note ExpressionNote Expression and MIDI 3.On the MIDI menu, open the Note Expression submenu and select “Convert to Note Expression”. The MIDI data of the types you specified in the Note Expression MIDI Setup dialog is converted from controller lane data into Note Expression data, leaving the corresponding controller lanes empty. During this process, the program searches for notes that are sounding at the same time as the controllers and if several notes are playing at the same time, the same...
Page 579
579 Note ExpressionHALion Sonic SE Dissolving Note Expression data •To convert Note Expression data into MIDI controller data on controller lanes, select the “Dissolve Note Expression” option from the Note Expression submenu on the MIDI menu. Note that this applies only to Note Expression data that consists only of MIDI controllers (i. e. not the VST 3 controller data). Removing all Note Expression data •To delete all the Note Expression data for the current selection, open the MIDI menu and, on the...
Page 580
580 The Logical Editor, Transformer, and Input Transformer Introduction Most of the time you will perform your MIDI editing graphically in one of the MIDI editors. But there are times when you want more of a “search and replace” function on MIDI data, and that’s where the Logical Editor comes in. The principle of the Logical Editor is this: •You set up filter conditions to find certain elements. This can be elements of a certain type, with certain attributes or values or on certain positions, in any...