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Starplus Triad-S 1/2/3 Station User Guide

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Page 71

60 Universal Day/Nigh t A nswer
4. Dial the three-digit destination number where calls are to 
be  f or ward ed (S ta ti on, Voice  Ma il , A CD/UCD  group s, Hunt  
grou p). A  con firmation tone  sounds .
5. Replace the  handset or press the ON/OFF button.
Universal Day/Night Answer
Whe n t he  sys te m i s i n D ay  or N igh t m ode  and  you he ar  an 
outs id e l i ne r i ngin g at  a nothe r  st at ion,  and  you  wis h t o ans wer  
the  c a ll :
Dial [#5],  th en the  conne cte d outside  line...

Page 72

Voice Mail 61
4. Di al  th e t hr ee -di gi t  Vo i c e M a il  gr o u p p il o t  nu mbe r  (4 40–
447) for the group (1–8 ) wher e ca ll s are  t o be  fo rwa rde d. 
A confirma tion tone sound s.
5. Repl ace  hand se t  or p re ss  ON /O FF  but ton .
Retri eving Voice Messages
To  enter the  Voice Mail system to check for mail:
Di al  th e Voi c e M a il  gr oup nu mber,  or  pr es s t he 
pre-programmed VM GROUP flexible  button  or  flashing 
MESSAGE WAIT button . You  will  im mediately b e 

Page 73

62 Voice Mail
Volume Control Bar  (DKT Only)
A  volume  control bar is  located below the keypad to control 
the  rin ging , ha ndse t,  and  spe ake rp hone  volumes .
While  on an In te rcom Ca ll:
†(Speakerphone) -- Press Volume Bar to change  volume. 
LCD displays as shown.
†(Hand set) -- Pr es s Vol ume Bar  to change  vol ume . LCD  
di spl ays as shown.
While on a CO Call:
†(Speakerphone) -- Press Volume Bar to change  volume. 
LCD displays as shown.
†(Hand set) -- Pr es s Vol ume Bar  to change...

Page 74

Works heets 63
Flexi ble Button Programming Worksheet
Speed Dial Bin Programming Worksheet
BIN 000 BIN 010
BIN 001 BIN 011
BIN 002 BIN 012
BIN 003 BIN 013
BIN 004 BIN 014
BIN 005 BIN 015
BIN 006 BIN 016
BIN 007 BIN 017
BIN 008 BIN 018
BIN 009 BIN 019 

Page 75

Fun ctio n
Code Function Code
911 List 608 Call  Coverage 647
A ccount Code 627 Call  C ov erage  Ring 646
A CD Calls  in Queue 5 79 Call  F or wa rd 64 0
A CD Call Fa ctor 5 80 Call  For wa rd ( Follow -M e) 64 2
ACD Group 1-16 550-565 Call  For ward  - Off-Net 603
ACD Group Status 567 Call  Park Group 1-8 430-437
ACD Help 574 Camp On 620
A CD Mem be r Di spla y 573 Cance l LCR Que 626
A CD Prim ary  Login 572 Cle ar Fwd, DND, Msg 662
A CD...

Page 76

Fun ctio n
Code Function Code
IC LID Ans we red Ca ll 6 59 Progra m Nam e 69 0
IC LID Nam e/Num ber 6 53 Rele as e 64 1
ICLID Unanswered Call 635 Repeat Redial 643
Ignore  CFW 5# Ring Tone 695
Int Page Zone 1-8, All 701-709 Set Clock 692
Intercom Button 645 SLT Cal l Pick up #1
Keyset Mode 648 SLT Cal lback 663
LCR 8 00 SLT Co n f  Par k 66 4
Lo o p 8 9 SLT Sp ee d D ial 66 8
M ailbo x B u t t o n 6 44 SLT Sp ee d Pr o g 66 1
Meet Me Page 770 Speed Dir 693
Message Preselect 633...

Page 77


Page 78

El i teTM Larg e Screen  Te le ph oneQui ck Re fer ence  Car d
Large  Scre en Disp lay Feat ures
The Elite digital 30- bu tton  mo del provides a 7-
lin e by 16- ch arac ter  disp lay wit h 10 SO FT keys,  a
MENU key, and UP/DOWN scroll keys.
Us i n g   th e  So ft  K e y s
Fro m the main menu, us e th e s oft keys  to ac ces s
th e opt i on s l is ted .
Ca l e nd ar  Mo de - -  Wh en in  idle mode,  th e
def au lt mo nthly calendar will display. Th e
calen dar m ay also  b e acc essed  b y pr essing  th...

Page 79

Qui ck  Re fere nce CardEliteTM La rge Scree n Telephone
After selectin g FEATURES on  th e  ma i n m e n u,  th e
follo win g optio ns will display:
Ca ll  Fo rw ar d
P a g e  --  I n te rn al / E xt er n a l
Mo reVo ic e  Ma i l
NOTE -- To access the following voice mail options,
a D IGITA L voic e mail sy stem  mu st be in u se.
En t er  pa ssw or d  to  ac ces s th ese V M  op tio ns:
Page /Que ue Disp la ys  (f or LCR)
†When  yo u receive an  in tern al/extern al p age,
the screen will display th e...

Page 80

VO DAVI is a  re g iste red t radema rk o fVod avi  T echnolo gy, In c.8052-10   
weÕre talking 
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