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    Guide to Effective Presentations
    Presentation from SHARPOne of the most common mistakes in any type of
     presentation visual is the selection of type fonts 
    that are too small, too thin, or hard to read.
    •Background colors can subconsciously affect the audience:
    Red—increases viewers’ pulse and breathing and
    encourages risk taking but can also be associated with
    financial loss.
    Blue—has a calming and conservative affect on the
    audience but can also create boredom among corporate
    audiences that are often inundated with this background
    Green—stimulates interaction.
    Black—conveys finality and certainty. Use it as a transitional
    color between slides when moving from one idea to another.
    •Foreground colors create a major impact on how well an
    audience understands and remembers a message.
    •Use one or two bright colors for emphasis.
    •Highlight important messages.
    •The eye has a difficult time reading certain colored text on
    certain colored backgrounds. For example, text and
    background colors in red and green, and blue and black
    make for difficult viewing.
    •Colorblind individuals may find it difficult to distinguish
    between red and green, brown and green, and purple and
    blue. Avoid using these colors together.
    •One of the most common mistakes in any type of
    presentation visual is the selection of type fonts that are too
    small, too thin, or too difficult to read.
    •If you are not sure how well a given font will read on a screen
    at various sizes, try this: Draw a 6  8 box on a piece of
    paper and print out several lines of text inside the box with
    your computer printer at 300 or 600 dpi resolution. Vary the
    sizes of text to simulate headline, body and text call-outs
    for any charts or graphs. Hold the printout at arm’s length.
    This is how your text will look on a 4	 (1.2 meters)-wide
    screen at 10	 (3 meters), on a 7.5	 (2.3 meters)-wide screen
    at 20	 (6.1 meters) and a 12	 (3.7 meters)-wide screen at
    30	 (9.1 meters). If you cannot read the text easily, you
    should put less copy on your visuals or use larger typefaces.
    •Design your visuals so that they are visible by the viewer in
    the last row.
    •Nothing will ruin your presentation faster than misspelled
    words. Take the time to proofread and edit your work before
    your visuals become a permanent part of your presentation.
    •Mixed case text is easier to read than text which is displayed
    in capital letters.
    •Another important attribute of fonts is whether any particular
    face is serif or sans-serif. Serifs are small, usually horizontal
    cross strokes that are added to the end of a letter’s main
    strokes. Because of their ability to coax the eye along the
    line of type, fonts with serifs are generally acknowledged to
    be more readable.
    c. Set-Up
    When giving a presentation, you need to set the stage both
    figuratively and literally for success. The way you set up a
    presentation room will have a great impact on the audience’s
    perception of you and your message. By manipulating the
    placement and use of the following tools, you will improve the
    impact of your presentation.
    Lighting—Good lighting is an important component of a
    successful presentation. You should strive to create an unequal
    distribution of light. An audience should always see as much
    of the presenter’s face as possible, so most of the light should
    be focused on you. Because it is important for you to be able
    to read the audience’s faces and body language, some light
    should be shed upon them. However, no light should shine
    on the screen.
    Stage— When presenting on the same level surface that your
    audience is on, most people can only see the top one-third of
    your body. Therefore, it is recommended that when giving a
    presentation to an audience of 25 or more, you stand on a
    stage or platform. As more of your body is visible, the easier
    it is to communicate with an audience.
    Podiums—The best presenters avoid podiums because they
    hide 75% of the body and restrict movement. However, many
    people feel more comfortable with a podium to hold their notes
    and hide their discomfort. If you must use a podium, angle it
    at 45 degrees to the audience so that you are not completely
    Visuals—It is imperative that you make sure your visuals are
    large enough and projected far enough for the audience to
    see. Eight times the height of an image is the optimal viewing
    distance to read 24 point type. The bottom of a screen should
    be at least 6	 (1.8 meters) above the floor.
    Screen—The screen should always be in the center of the
    room so that all audience members can see it. Because people
    read from left to right, you should always stand to the
    audience’s left when discussing visuals.
    Seating—Arrange seating according to the dynamics of your
    presentation. If the presentation is more than half-a-day, use
    classroom style seating—a chair and a desk. If you would
    like to encourage audience interaction, use chevron seating,
    angling the chairs into a “V” shape. When you have a very
    small audience, a “U” shaped arrangement will increase
    interchange.Good Bad Good
    Presentation from SHARP
    0 5 10 15 20 25
    Guide to Effective Presentations 
    d. Rehearsing & Delivery
    •The best time to rehearse is the day or evening before,
    not a couple of hours before, and the best place to
    rehearse is in the actual room. Rehearsing a speech
    in a small office is not the same as standing up in
    front of 100 people in a hotel ballroom or classroom.
    •Due to varying processor speeds of computers,
    practice your slide transitions for proper timing.
    •Whenever possible, set up your equipment well in
    advance to allow adequate time to resolve any
    unexpected issues such as lighting, power, seating
    and audio.
    •Thoroughly check every piece of equipment you bring
    along.  Make sure you have fresh batteries in your
    remote controls and laptop computer. Fully charge
    your computer’s battery before the presentation and
    connect your AC adaptor for added safety.
    •Make sure you are completely familiar with the control
    panel on your projector and remote controls.
    •If you are using a microphone, check it out before
    hand and walk around to see where you might have
    problems with feedback. Avoid standing in these
    problem areas during your presentation.
    e. Presentation Tips
    •Before beginning, visualize yourself delivering an
    outstanding presentation.
    •Know your speech, memorizing at least the first three
    minutes of your presentation will allow you to focus
    on your rhythm and pacing.
    •Speak to early arrivals to help you build a rapport
    with the audience and make you feel more
    •Do not be overly dependent on your visuals by reciting
    what your audience is already reading. Know your
    material well enough to be able to deliver the
    presentation with ease. Use your visuals to emphasize
    •Be sure to project your voice clearly and use eye
    contact to maintain audience attention.
    •Do not wait until halfway through your presentation to
    get your point across. If you wait and try to create a
    “build-up”, you may lose some of your audience along
    the way.
    •Keep your audience’s attention. As most people only
    focus for 15 to 20 minutes during a one-hour
    presentation, it is important to recapture their attention
    periodically. Use phrases like, “This is critical to my
    point” or “This is absolutely fundamental” to remind
    them you are saying something they need to hear.
    Guide to Effective Presentations 
    Aspect ratio
    Width and height ratio of an image. The normal aspect ratio of a computer and video image is 4 : 3. There are also wide
    images with an aspect ratio of 16 : 9 and 21 : 9.
    Auto sync
    Optimizes projected computer images by automatically adjusting certain characteristics.
    Initial setting image projected when no signal is being input.
    Clock adjustment is used to adjust vertical noise when clock level is incorrect.
    Ability to use with various image signal modes.
    Composite sync
    Signal combining horizontal and vertical sync pulses.
    Digital keystone correction
    Function to digitally correct a distorted image when the projector is set up at an angle.
    Direct digital computer input
    Digital input terminal developed by Silicon Image that can receive a digital signal from the PC platform.
    Digital Micromirror Device™ (DMD™) by Texas Instruments.
    Dot by dot
    Mode that projects images in their native resolution.
    Fit to screen
    Function to adjust an image without keeping a native aspect ratio other than 4 : 3, and project it in a 4 : 3  ratio.
    Graphical User Interface. User interface with graphics that allow easier operation.
    I/P conversion
    Function to convert an image between “Interlaced” and “Progressive” scan displays.
    Intelligent compression and expansion
    High quality resizing of lower and higher resolution images to fit the projector’s native resolution.
    Function to transmit still images from a computer, hand-held PC or digital still camera via infrared communication for
    “Wireless Presentations”.
    Standard protocol for wireless communication.
    Standard format (protocol) for transmission of images.
    Portable Document Format. Documentation format used to transfer text and images from the CD-ROM.
    Phase shift is a timing shift between isomorphic signals with the same resolution. When phase level is incorrect, the
    projected image typically displays horizontal flicker.
    Presentation tools
    Helpful tools used to emphasize keypoints throughout a presentation.
    Function to control the projector from the computer by using the RS-232C ports on the projector and computer.
    Startup image
    The image displayed when the projector is turned on.
    Status function
    Displays the settings of each adjustment item.
    Synchronizes the resolution and phase shift of two signals. When receiving an image with a resolution different from that of
    the computer, the projected image may be distorted.
    Sync on green
    Video signal mode of a computer which overlaps horizontal and vertical sync signal to green color signal pin.
    AC socket ......................................................................... 11
    ADJUSTMENT buttons ..................................................... 23
    Aspect ratio ...................................................................... 36
    Audio adjustments ........................................................... 28
    AUDIO INPUT terminal .................................................... 11
    AUDIO INPUT terminals ................................................... 13
    Automatic power shutoff function .................................... 38
    Auto sync adjustment ...................................................... 30
    AUTO SYNC button .......................................................... 29
    Background ..................................................................... 41
    BACKLIGHT button .......................................................... 22
    BLACK SCREEN button ................................................... 37
    Carrying bag .................................................................... 51
    Ceiling-mount ................................................................... 20
    CeilingRear ................................................................... 43
    Clock ................................................................................ 29
    Computer audio cable ..................................................... 11
    Computer cable ............................................................... 11
    Cooling fan (Exhaust vent) ............................................... 5
    Digital keystone correction .............................................. 19
    DIN-D-sub RS-232C cable ............................................... 14
    Dot by dot ........................................................................ 36
    ENLARGE button ............................................................. 34
    ENTER button ................................................................... 23
    Fit to screen ..................................................................... 36
    Foot releases .................................................................... 19
    FREEZE button ................................................................. 33
    GAMMA button ................................................................ 35
    GUI (Graphical User Interface) ........................................ 23
    INPUT 1 port .................................................................... 11
    INPUT 2 port .................................................................... 12
    INPUT button .................................................................... 17
    Intelligent compression and expansion ........................... 3
    I/P conversion .................................................................. 39
    IrCOM ............................................................................... 25
    IrCOM button ................................................................... 25
    IrCOM sensor ................................................................... 25
    IrDA .................................................................................. 59
    IrTranP .............................................................................. 59
    Kensington Security Standard connector ........................ 49
    KEYSTONE button ........................................................... 19
    LAMP REPLACEMENT indicator ...................................... 47
    LASER POINTER button ................................................... 22
    LEFT-CLICK button .......................................................... 22
    Lens cap .......................................................................... 51
    Lens cap strap ................................................................. 51
    MENU button .................................................................... 23
    MOUSE/ADJUSTMENT switch ......................................... 21
    MOUSE buttons ............................................................... 22
    Mouse control cable for IBM PS/2 ................................... 15
    Mouse control cable for Mac ........................................... 15
    Mouse control serial cable ............................................... 15
    MUTE button .................................................................... 17
    On-screen display language ........................................... 26
    PDF .................................................................................. 6
    Phase ............................................................................... 29
    Picture adjustments ......................................................... 27
    POWER buttons ............................................................... 16
    Power cord ....................................................................... 11
    POWER indicator ............................................................. 16
    Presentation tools ............................................................. 44
    Rear projection ................................................................. 20
    Remote control ................................................................. 21
    Remote control sensor ..................................................... 21
    Remote mouse receiver ................................................... 21
    RESIZE button .................................................................. 36
    RIGHT-CLICK button ........................................................ 22
    RS-232C port ................................................................... 14
    Sharp Advanced Presentation Software (SAPS) .............. 25
    Special mode adjustment ................................................ 32
    Startup image .................................................................. 42
    Status function ................................................................. 45
    S-VIDEO INPUT terminal .................................................. 13
    Sync ................................................................................. 30
    Sync on green .................................................................. 52
    TEMPERATURE WARNING indicator ............................... 47
    TOOLS button .................................................................. 44
    UNDO button ................................................................... 19
    VIDEO INPUT terminal ..................................................... 13
    VOLUME buttons ............................................................. 17
    Wireless mouse ................................................................ 21 
    Printed in Japan
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