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Samsung Plasma HDTV PN60E8000 User Manual

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Page 371

or select a favorite page to visit from 
the bookmark list. You can also sort 
by Date , Name, or Times Visited. To 
sort, select the Sort. When you select 
Enter URL, you can enter in a new URL 
address directly using your remote.
When you highlight a page, the Option 
appears on the right. In the Option 
pop-up, you can edit the selected 
page or delete the selected page from 
bookmark list. 

Page 372

Using the Tools menu with Bookmarks
●Delete All
Delete all bookmark lists.
●Add to Bookmark
Sets the current page as a bookmark.
●Import bookmarks
You can import a bookmark file 
saved in the other device like a PC.
●Export bookmarks
You can export a bookmark file 
from your TV to the other device  

Page 373

connected your TV.
Displays the History  screen. You can 
select a web page to visit in the History  
list. You can also sort by  Date, Name, 
or  Times Visited. To sort, select the 
Sort. When you select Enter URL, you 
can enter in a new URL address directly 
using your remote.
When you highlight a page, the Option 
appears on the right. In the Option  

Page 374

pop-up you can delete the selected 
page from the history list or add the 
selected page to bookmark.
NIf you want to delete all history list, 
open the Tools menu using your 
remote, and then select Delete All .
●URL Field
Shows the URL of the current page. If 
you select the URL field, the URL pop-
up appears. Using your remote, you 
can enter in a new URL directly. 

Page 375

●Windows List
Displays list or images of open windows 
(the Windows List). You can open a 
new page to the list (using  Open new 
window ), select and access a page in 
the list, select and close a page in the 
list, or close all pages. When you select 
Enter URL, you can enter in a new URL 
address directly using your remote.
Using the Tools menu with  Windows 

Page 376

●Open new window
Open the new web browser. A new 
web browser automatically displays 
the home page.
●Close all windows
Close the currently opened all 
Windows List. After closing all 
Windows List, TV opens a new web 
browser automatically. A new web 
browser automatically displays the 
home page. 

Page 377

Lets you search the web. When you 
select the Search entry field, the Search  
screen appears.
To search the web by word input, 
follow these steps:
On  the  Search screen, select the 
search engine. Also, you can select a 
different search engine.
Select  Please enter a keyword.. The 
keypad screen appears. 

Page 378

Enter the word you want to search 
using your remote. The TV searches 
the word by search engine.
Share the current web page to your 
Family Story .
You can configure the Web Browser 
Setting up the Web Browser 

Page 379

Move the cursor to the top of the 
screen, and then select the Options 
●Reading Tools
Provides an easy-to-read page by 
enlarging the main text.
●Approved Sites
Allows to restrict your children’s 
access to inappropriate web pages. 
Therefore, this function allows access 
of only the registered web sites. 

Page 380

NEvery time you access the Approved 
Sites , the PIN screen appears and 
you should enter the PIN.
Approved Sites Feature : Turns on or off 
the Approved Sites.
Reset password for Approved Sites: 
Change the Approved Sites password.
Add current site: Lets you add the 
currently displayed web site to the 
Approved Sites list.
Manage Approved Sites: Lets you key  
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