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Samsung Plasma HDTV PN60E8000 User Manual

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Page 361

Sticker. The Present Sticker  screen 
Select a sticker you want to present. 
A pop-up message appears.
Select  Ye s.
Select a sticker book you want to 
present, and then select Present .
NIf you want to check a sticker 
book, select Check Now . You can 
check the sticker in the selected 
sticker book. 

Page 362

The selected sticker will be presented 
to your kids.
Lets you check a usage time of the 
application of your kids through a 
graph. Also, you can check a usage 
time of the each contents of your kids. 
Change a date or content title using 
your remote.
Set Alarm 

Page 363

Lets you can set the watching time of 
your kids. When the time is ended, the 
alarm window appears.
To set the watching time, follow these 
On  the  Parents screen, select Set 
Alarm. The Set Alarm screen 
Select  Timer.
Select time you wish. The alarm will 
be set. 

Page 364

Web Browser
→  Web Browser
(May not be available, depending on 
your country.)
Using this function provided by the 
Smart Hub, you can surf the Internet on 
your TV.
On  the  Smart Hub  screen, select  We b  
Browser . The Web Browser screen 
Surf the Internet in the same way as  

Page 365

on a PC.
Using the colored and function buttons 
with the Web Browser
●b  Control Panel
Shows or hides the control panel in the 
top of the screen.
●{  Link Browsing / 
Pointer Browsing
You can change the cursor to  Link 
Browsing mode or Pointer Browsing 
●} PIP 

Page 366

Turns PIP on or off. With  PIP on, you 
can watch TV while using the We b  
Browser .
●T  Tools
Displays the Tools menu.
Control Panel: Shows or hides the 
control panel in the top of the screen.
Link Browsing /  Pointer Browsing: You 
can change the cursor to  Link Browsing 
mode or Pointer Browsing mode.
PIP : Turns PIP  on or off. 

Page 367

Add to Bookmark: Add to current page 
to the Bookmarks.
Enable Grabbing  / Disable Grabbing : 
You can move to the direction you want 
a current web page. To move a web 
page, select a web page. Then move to 
direction you wish using your remote.
NAvailable only when cursor is set to 
Pointer Browsing.
●πµ  Scroll up/down
You can scroll the page up or down. 

Page 368

NAvailable only when cursor is set to 
Link Browsing.
●R  Return
Close the Web Browser .
Using the Control Panel with  Web Browser
The Web Browser has a series of icons 
across the top of the screen. With 
these icons, you can easily use the We b  
. The icons are described below, 
starting with the icon on the far left of 
the screen. 

Page 369

Moves to the previous web page.
NIf there is no saved previous web 
page, this icon will not work.
Moves to the next web page if there are 
saved URLs.
NIf there is no saved next web page, 
this icon will not work.
●Refresh  / Stop
Refreshes the current page or stops the  

Page 370

current connection from loading.
●Home Page
Goes to the URL you specified as your 
the home page.
You can select a zoom level of 50%, 
75%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 200%, 300%, 
and  Fit to screen.
Displays the Bookmarks  screen. You 
can set the current page as a bookmark  
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