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Ricoh Projector PJ WX6170N User Manual

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Page 31

2. Projecting an Image \u(Basic O\feration)
Adjusting the verti\ucal \fosition of a \f\urojected image (Len\us shift)
CAUTIONPe\f\bo\fm	the	adjustment	 \b\fom	behind	 o\f	\b\fom	 the	side	 o\b	the	 p\fojecto\f. 	Adjusting	 \b\fom	the	
\b\font	could	expose	you\f	eyes	to	st\fong	light	which	could	inju\fe	them.
Turn	the	Lens	Shift	dials	clockwise	or	counterclockwise.
Ve\ftical	dial
Tu\fn	this	clockwise	o\f	counte\fclockwise	to	adjust	the	p\fojection	position	in	the	ve\ftical	di\fection.

Page 32

2. Projecting an Image \u(Basic O\feration)
• The  diagram  bel\bw  sh\bws  the  lens  shift  adjustment  range  f\br  the  PJ  X6180N  (pr\bjecti\bn  m\bde:  deskt\bp  fr\bnt).  T\b  raise  the 
pr\bjecti\bn p\bsiti\bn h\yigher than this, us\ye the tilt feet. (\y→ page 21)
•  F\br the PJ WX6170N \yand the ceiling m\bu\ynt/fr\bnt pr\bjecti\bn \ylens shift adjustm\yent range, see page \y180.
PJ X6180N
Verti\fal shift ra\bge (0 to 0.5V)
Height of proje\fted...

Page 33

2. Projecting an Image \u(Basic O\feration)
A\f\flica\ble lens: PJ \uRe\flacement Lens Ty\fe1
With	the	PJ	Replacement	Lens	 Type1,	adjust	the	\bocus	and	pictu\fe	disto\ftion.
Tu\fn	the	Lens	Shi\bt	dials	(ve\ftical	and	ho\fizontal)	on	the	p\fojecto\f	to	\fetu\fn	the	lens	shi\bt	to	the	cente\f.
App\foximate	lens	cente\f	position	(explained	he\fe	\bo\f	the	desktop	\b\font	p\fojection	mode)
Ho\fizontal	dial:	 Fi\fst	 tu\fn	the	dial	 to	the	 le\bt	edge,	 then	tu\fn	it	\bu\fthe\f	 so	that...

Page 34

2. Projecting an Image \u(Basic O\feration)
Adjusting the Tilt \uFeet
1.		Turn	the	left	and	right	tilt	feet	to	adjust.
	 The	tilt	feet	lengthen	and	shorten	when	turned.
	 The	 height	 of	the	 projected	 i\fage	is	adjusted	 \by	turning	 the	left	
and	right	tilt	feet.
	 If	 the	projected	 i\fage	is	tilted, 	turn	 one	of	the	 tilt	feet	 to	adjust	 the	
i\fage	so	that	it	is	level.
-  If  the  proje\fted  image  is  distorted,  see  "6  Corre\fti\bg  Keysto\be 
Distortio\b" (→ page 22).
-  The tilt...

Page 35

2. Projecting an Image \u(Basic O\feration)
6 Correcting Keystone Dis\utortion
When	the 	p\fojecto\f 	is 	not 	exactly 	pe\fpendicula\f 	to 	the 	sc\feen, 	keystone 	disto\ftion 	occu\fs. 	To 	ove\fcome 	it, 	you 	can 	use 	the	
“Keystone” 	\bunction,	 a	digital	 technology	 that	can	adjust	 \bo\f	keystone-type	 disto\ftion,	\fesulting	in	a	c\fisp,	 squa\fe	 image.
The	 \bollowing	 p\focedu\fe	 explains	how	to	use	 the	[KEYSTONE]	 sc\feen	\b\fom	the	menu	 to	co\f\fect	 t\fapezoidal	 disto\ftions.

Page 36

2. Projecting an Image \u(Basic O\feration)
• If the pr\bjecti\bn an\ygle is the same as \yin the last use, t\yhe pre\fi\bus c\brrecti\bn setting \falues \yare retained in th\ye mem\bry.
•  When d\bing Step 2, a\ydjust the p\bsiti\bn \b\yf image s\b that the\y screen is smaller\y than the area \bf t\yhe pr\bjected area.
•  T\b reset the 3D Ref\b\yrm c\brrecti\bn setti\yng \falues, press and\y h\bld the Keyst\bne b\yutt\bn f\br a minimum\y \bf 2 sec\bnds.
•  Each time the Keyst\bne butt\bn is...

Page 37

2. Projecting an Image \u(Basic O\feration)
7 O\ftimizing Com\futer\u Signal Automatical\uly
Adjusting the Image\u Using Auto Adjust
Optimizing	a	compute\f	image	automatically.	(COMPUTER1/COMPUTE\eR2/COMPUTER3)
P\fess	the	 Auto	Set	button	to	optimize	a	compute\f	image	automatically.
This	adjustment	may	be	necessa\fy	when	you	connect	you\f	compute\f	\bo\f	the	fi\fst	time.
[Poor pi\fture]
[Normal pi\fture]
S\bme signals may tak\ye time t\b display \br\y may n\bt be displaye\yd c\brrectly.
•  If...

Page 38

2. Projecting an Image \u(Basic O\feration)
9 Turning off the Projector
T\f tu\bn \fff the p\b\fject\f\b:
1.	 First,	press	 the		(Power)	 \button	on	the	 projector	 ca\bi-
net	 or	the	 Power	 Stand\by	 \button	on	the	 re\fote	 control. 	
  The  [POWER  OFF  / ARE YOU  SURE  ?  /  CARBON  SAV -
INGS- SESSION 0.00\e0[g-CO2]] message will appear.
2.	 Secondly, 	press 	the 	Enter 	\button 	or 	press 	the 		(Power)	
or	the	Power	Stand\by	\button	again.
  The lamp will tur\b off a\bd the proje\ftor will go...

Page 39

2. Projecting an Image \u(Basic O\feration)
 After Use
P\bepa\bati\fn: Make su\be that the p\b\fject\f\b is tu\bned \fff.
1.	 Unplug	the	power	cord.
2.	 Disconnect	any	other	ca\bles.• Remove the USB memory if it is i\bserted i\bto the proje\ftor.
3.	 Mount	the	lens	cap	on	the	lens.
4.	 Before	\foving	the	projector, 	screw	in	the	tilt	feet	if	they	have	\been	lengthened. 

Page 40

1 Turning off the Image and So\uund
P\fess	the	AV	Mute	 button	 to	tu\fn	 o\b\b	the	 image,	 sound,	 beep	sound	 \bo\f	a	
sho\ft	pe\fiod	o\b	time. 	P\fess	again	to	\festo\fe	the	image	and	sound.
The 	p\fojecto\f’s 	powe\f-saving 	\bunction 	will 	wo\fk 	10 	seconds 	a\bte\f 	the 	image	
is	tu\fned	o\b\b. 	As	a	\fesult,	the	lamp	powe\f	will	be	\feduced.
•  T\b rest\bre the image, e\fen if y\bu press the AV Mute butt\bn immediately after 
the start \bf the p\bwer-sa\fing functi\bn, the lamp...
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