Projector Christie Roadie 25k User Manual
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Appendix D Throw Distance Roadie 25K User’s Manual D-1 When planning a projector installation, consult this Appendix and/or use the Lens Calculator available at the website. See also 2.3, Projector Position and Mounting. Calculating Throw Distance In this projector, throw distance is measured from the screen to the non-recessed portion of the projector’s front bezel. Determining an ideal throw distance depends on the screen size and lens present at your site—the larger the image needed, the...
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THROW DISTANCE D-2 Roadie 25K User’s Manual Table D.1. Throw Distance Formulas Lens Throw Ratio Throw Distance Formula (cm) ±5% Min. Throw Distance Approx. Max.Screen Width (↔) 1:1 fixed 1.03 x screen width (↔ cm) + 28.3 5m (15 ft.) 44m (145 ft.) 1.25 – 1.45:1 zoom Min:1.26 x screen width (↔ cm) + 25.9 Max: 1.46 x screen width (↔ cm) + 23.5 5m (15 ft.) 44m (145 ft.) 1.45 – 1.8:1 zoom Min: 1.45 x screen width (↔ cm) + 18.4 Max: 1.81 x screen width (↔ cm) + 16.8 5m (15 ft.) 44m (145 ft.)...
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THROW DISTANCE Roadie 25K User’s Manual D-3 1:1 Fixed Lens Screen Width ↔ (cm) Throw Distance (cm) Screen Width ↔ (in) Throw Distance (in) 420 460.9 165.4 165.5 505 548.5 198.8 215.9 605 651.5 238.2 256.5 705 754.5 277.6 297.0 805 857.5 316.9 337.6 905 960.5 356.3 378.1 1005 1063.5 395.7 418.7 1105 1166.5 435.0 459.2 1205 1269.5 474.4 499.8 1305 1372.5 513.8 540.3 1405 1475.5 553.1 580.9 1505 1578.5 592.5 621.4 1605 1681.5 631.9 662.0 1705 1784.5 671.3 702.5 1805...
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THROW DISTANCE D-4 Roadie 25K User’s Manual 1.25-1.45:1 Zoom Lens Throw Distance (cm) Max. Screen Width ↔ (cm ) Min. Screen Width ↔ (cm ) Throw Distance (in) Max. Screen Width ↔ (in) Min. Screen Width ↔ (in) 467 351.1 303.0 183.9 138.2 119.3 567 430.7 371.3 223.2 169.6 146.2 667 510.3 439.6 262.6 200.9 173.1 767 589.9 508.0 302.0 232.3 200.0 867 669.5 576.3 341.3 263.6 226.9 967 749.1 644.6 380.7 294.9 253.8 1067 828.7 712.9 420.1 326.3 280.7 1167 908.3 781.2 459.4 357.6 307.6...
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THROW DISTANCE Roadie 25K User’s Manual D-5 1.45-1.8:1 Zoom Lens Throw Distance (cm) Max. Screen Width ↔ (cm ) Min. Screen Width ↔ (cm ) Throw Distance (in) Max. Screen Width ↔ (in) Min. Screen Width ↔ (in) 467 309.6 248.8 183.9 121.9 98.0 567 378.6 304.1 223.2 149.0 119.7 667 447.6 359.4 262.6 176.2 141.5 767 516.6 414.7 302.0 203.4 163.3 867 585.6 470.0 341.3 230.5 185.0 967 654.6 525.2 380.7 257.7 206.8 1067 723.6 580.5 420.1 284.9 228.5 1167 792.6 635.8 459.4 312.0 250.3...
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THROW DISTANCE D-6 Roadie 25K User’s Manual 1.8-2.4:1 Zoom Lens Throw Distance (cm) Max. Screen Width ↔ (cm ) Min. Screen Width ↔ (cm ) Throw Distance (in) Max. Screen Width ↔ (in) Min. Screen Width ↔ (in) 467 249.7 187.4 183.9 98.3 73.8 567 305.3 228.9 223.2 120.2 90.1 667 360.9 270.4 262.6 142.1 106.4 767 416.5 311.9 302.0 164.0 122.8 867 472.1 353.3 341.3 185.9 139.1 967 527.7 394.8 380.7 207.8 155.4 1067 583.3 436.3 420.1 229.7 171.8 1167 638.9 477.8 459.4 251.6 188.1 1267...
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THROW DISTANCE Roadie 25K User’s Manual D-7 2.3-3.0:1 Zoom Lens Throw Distance (cm) Max. Screen Width ↔ (cm ) Min. Screen Width ↔ (cm ) Throw Distance (in) Max. Screen Width ↔ (in) Min. Screen Width ↔ (in) 467 204.1 152.1 183.9 80.4 59.9 567 248.8 184.9 223.2 97.9 72.8 667 293.4 217.7 262.6 115.5 85.7 767 338.0 250.6 302.0 133.1 98.7 867 382.6 283.4 341.3 150.6 111.6 967 427.3 316.3 380.7 168.2 124.5 1067 471.9 349.1 420.1 185.8 137.4 1167 516.5 382.0 459.4 203.4 150.4 1267...
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THROW DISTANCE D-8 Roadie 25K User’s Manual 3.0-4.3:1 Zoom Lens Throw Distance (cm) Max. Screen Width ↔ (cm ) Min. Screen Width ↔ (cm ) Throw Distance (in) Max. Screen Width ↔ (in) Min. Screen Width ↔ (in) 467 152.1 107.4 183.9 59.9 42.3 567 184.9 130.4 223.2 72.8 51.3 667 217.6 153.4 262.6 85.7 60.4 767 250.4 176.3 302.0 98.6 69.4 867 283.1 199.3 341.3 111.5 78.5 967 315.9 222.3 380.7 124.4 87.5 1067 348.6 245.3 420.1 137.2 96.6 1167 381.3 268.3 459.4 150.1 105.6 1267...
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THROW DISTANCE Roadie 25K User’s Manual D-9 4.3-6.0:1 Zoom Lens Throw Distance (cm) Max. Screen Width ↔ (cm ) Min. Screen Width ↔ (cm ) Throw Distance (in) Max. Screen Width ↔ (in) Min. Screen Width ↔ (in) 460 103.5 75.2 181.1 40.8 29.6 560 126.4 91.5 220.5 49.8 36.0 660 149.3 107.7 259.8 58.8 42.4 760 172.2 124.0 299.2 67.8 48.8 860 195.0 140.2 338.6 76.8 55.2 960 217.9 156.4 378.0 85.8 61.6 1060 240.8 172.7 417.3 94.8 68.0 1160 263.7 188.9 456.7 103.8 74.4 1260 286.5...
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THROW DISTANCE D-10 Roadie 25K User’s Manual 5.5-8.5:1 Zoom Lens Throw Distance (cm) Max. Screen Width ↔ (cm ) Min. Screen Width ↔ (cm ) Throw Distance (in) Max. Screen Width ↔ (in) Min. Screen Width ↔ (in) 467.0 81.8 53.5 183.9 32.2 21.1 567.0 99.7 65.0 223.2 39.2 25.6 667.0 117.6 76.4 262.6 46.3 30.1 767.0 135.5 87.9 302.0 53.3 34.6 867.0 153.3 99.4 341.3 60.4 39.1 967.0 171.2 110.9 380.7 67.4 43.6 1067.0 189.1 122.3 420.1 74.5 48.2 1167.0 207.0 133.8 459.4 81.5 52.7...