ProForm Xp 185 U Manual
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11 HOWTO US ETHE EXERCISE BIKE HOWTO ADJ UST THEHEIGH TOF THE SEAT Foreffe ctive exercise, theseat shoul dbe atthe prop er height.As youped al,the reshoul dbe asli ght bend in your kne eswhen thepedal sar ein the lowe stpo sitio n. Toadju stthe heigh t ofthe sea t,first loosen the seat post kn ob. Next ,pull the kn ob, slide the seat post upwa rdor downwa rdto the desired positio n, and thenrelea se theknob .Move the seatpost upw ard ordow nward slightl yto mak e sure thatthe knob iseng aged inone...
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12 FEATURE SOF THE CONSOLE Thead van ced console offersan array offeatures designed tomake your worko utsmoreeffective and enjoyable. Whenyou use the manualmode ,you canchan gethe resistan ceof the peda lswith the touch of a button. As youexe rcise, the conso lewill pr ovide continu ousexer- cise feedback. Youcan even measure yourheartrate us ing the handgrip pulse senso r. Th econ sole alsooffe rs ten prese tworkouts thatau to- ma tically chan ge the resistance ofthe pedals and promp tyou to increa...
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13 HOWTO USE THEMANUAL MODE 1. Turn on the console. To turn on the conso le,press anybutton orbegin pedalin g.The disp lay willligh tand theconso le will be rea dyfor use . 2. Sele ctthe manual mode. Each time you turn on th e co nso le,the man - ualmod ewill be sele cted .If you have sele cted awo rkou t, reselectthe manu al mod eby pressing theWor kout button repea tedly until ze ros appearin the displ ay. 3. Begi npeda ling and change theresista nceof thepedal sas des ired. A s you pedal,ch an ge th e...
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1\f Toview the totaldistance pedaledsince the exer - cise bike waspurch ased andthetotal num ber of hours the exe rcise bike hasbeen used, pre ss and hold down the Wo rkout button forafew secon ds. Thetotaldist ance pedale dwill app ear inthe first sect ionofthe displa y.The total number ofhou rs th e exercise bike has been usedwill ap pear inthe th ird sectio nof the disp lay.Toreturn tothe manua l mod e,pre ssthe Wo rkoutbutton. 5. Mea sure your heartrat eif desire d. If there aresheet s ofplasti con...
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15 As you exercise ,th e disp lay will prompt you to kee pyour pedalin g pace nea rth e pace set ting for the current segment .Wh enthe word “faste r”appe arsin the displ ay,increase your pace. Whenthe word “slower ”appe ars,decrease you rpa ce. Whe nthe center ofthe targ etflashes, main tainyour curre ntpace . IMP ORT ANT: Thepace settings areintended only toprov ide mot ivat ion. Your actual pace may beslowe rtha nthe pace settings. Make sure topedal at a pa ce that iscomfortable for you. If th e...
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16 Inspectand pro perly tighten all par ts of the exercise bike regula rly.Replace anywornparts immediately. To clean the exe rcise bike, useadam pcloth andasmall amo untof mild soap —n ever usealcohol, abrasives, orchemic als to clea nthe exe rcise bike. IMPORT ANT: To avoid damageto the cons ole, kee pliqui dsaway from theconsole and kee pthe console outofdir ect sunlight . CONSOLE TROUBLESHOOTING Ifthe con sole display beco mes dim ,re place allthe bat teries atthe same time;most consol eproblems are...
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17 These guid eline swill helpyouto plan your exercise program. Fordet ailed exercise information, obta in a reputable book orcon sultyour physi cian.R em embe r, proper nutrition andadequ aterest are essen tial for successful results. EXERCIS EINTE NSITY Whether yourgo alisto burn fatortostre ngthen your cardiovascu larsyste m,exer cisingatthe proper inten- sityis the key to ach ieving resul ts. Youcan useyour hea rtrat eas aguide tofindthe prop erintensity level. Thecha rtbelo wsh ows recom mended...
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18 11Frame 21FrontSt abil izer \f1 Upright 41 LeftCa p 51 SeatPost 61 Console 71 Flywheel 81 ResistanceMotor 94 M4x12m mScr ew 10 1 Resistance Arm 11 1SeatKnob 12 1 Seat 1\f 1 Pulley\bCr ank 14 1 RearStab ilizer 1 5 2 Transport W heel 16 2 Magnet 17 1 LeftShie ld 18 1 RightShi eld 19 1 Resistance MotorBracket 20 1 SeatPostBushi ng 21 1 ReedSwitch\bWir e 22 2 Clamp 2\f 1 Drive Belt 24 1 LeftPedal \bStrap 25 2 Flywheel Bearing 26 1 RightPeda l\bStrap 2 7 1 Crank Beari ng Set 28 1 Idler 2 9 1 SeatCarriag e...
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19 2 1 5 3 4 77 6 1030 13 1416 20 21 2223 24 26 31 32 33 36 37 40 61 39 28 38 42 44 45 46 52 29 35 35 36 15 4047 5051 3748 53 53 54 7 8 12 17 18 27 19 15 25 25 11 6734 34 34 34 3636 36 3636 37 38 39 40 40 40 40 49 50 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 40 4063 63 64 72 65 65 40 74 75 74 75 43 43 43 43 41 73 71 66 66 61 22 6866 9 70 40 40 69 61 76 3751 EXPLOD ED DRAWI NG—M odel No.PFCCEX \b121\b .\bR 0510A
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Part No.298 57\fR05 10A PrintedinChina ©2010 ICON IP,Inc. LIMI TE DWARRAN TY ICONofCana da,In c. (IC ON) war rants this product tobe free from defects inworkmanship andma terial , undernorma lu se and servi cecond itio ns. Parts and laborare warr anted forninety (90)days fromthedate ofpurchase . Thiswarran tyexte ndson lyto the origina lpurcha ser.ICONʼs obli gati on un der this warranty is limited to repa iring orrep lacing ,at ICONʼs optio n,the pro duct through oneofits authorized service centers....