ProForm Xp 185 U Manual
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CAU TIO N Read allpre cautions andinstruc - tions inthis manua lbef oreusing this equip men t.Keep thismanual for future referenc e. Ser ial Numbe r Deca l Model No.PFCCEX\b12 1\b.\b Seria lNo. Wr ite the se rial num berin the sp ace abo veforre fere nce. USERʼ SMAN UAL ww QUE STIONS? If yo uhave quest ions ,or ifpar ts are damag edormissi ng,PLEA SE CONT ACTOUR CUST OMER SERV ICE DEPAR TMENT DIRE CTLY. CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-88 8-936-\f266 Mon.– Fri.,7:3\b until 16:3 \bET (e xcl uding holiday s) OR E-MAI LUS : cus tomers ervice@iconc
2 TAB LE OF CONTENTS WARN INGDECA LPLAC EMEN T..............................................................2 IMP ORTANT PRECAUTIONS ................................................................\f B EFORE YOUBEGIN ......................................................................4 A SSEMB LY...............................................................................5 HO WTO USE THEEXER CISEBIKE .........................................................11 MA INT ENANCE ANDTROU BLESHOOTI NG ...................................................16 E XERCIS EGUIDELINES ...................................................................17 PA RT LIS T ..............................................................................18 E XPLO DEDDRAWING ....................................................................19 OR DERING REPLACEMENT PARTS ..................................................Back Cover LIMITEDWA RRAN TY..............................................................Back Cover WARNING DECAL PLACEMENT This drawing showsthe location (s)ofthe warn ingdecal(s) .If adecal ismiss ing or ille gible ,see thefront coverof thi s manua land reques ta free repla cemen t decal.Appl ythe decal inthe locat ion show n.No te: Thede cal (s) may notbe shownatact ualsize. P RO FORM XP is a tra dema rkof ICON IP,Inc.
3 WARNING:Toreduce the risk ofserious injury, read allimportant precautions and instructi onsinthis manual and allwarnings onyour exercise bikebefore using yourexercise bike. ICONass umes nores ponsibilit yfor persona linjury orproperty damage sustaine dby orthr ough the useofthis product . 1.Before beginning anyexer cise progr am, consult yourphysician. Thisisespecially important forpersons over age35orper- s ons with pre- existing health pr oblems . 2.Useth eexer cise bike only asdescribed in this manual . 3.It is the respon sibility ofthe owne rto ensure tha tal luser sof the exer cise bike areade- qua tely informe dof all pre caut ions. \f.The exerc ise bike isintende dfor hom eus e onl y.Do not usethe exerc ise bike inacom - mercia l,rent al,or inst itut iona lsetting. 5. Keep the exercise bikeindoor s,away from moi sture anddust .Place the exercise bike on alev el surf ace, wit hamat bene athitto prote ctthe floor orcar pet.Ma ke sure that thereis at lea st 2ft. (\b.6 m)of clearance around your exe rcise bike. 6.Insp ectand properl ytigh ten allparts regu- larly. Re plac eany worn parts im med iate ly. 7. Keep chil dren under age12 and pets away from theexe rci se bike atall tim es.8. Wear appropri ateclot he swhi le exer cising; donot wear loose clothe sthat could becom e caught onthe exerc is e bik e.Alw ays wear athletic shoes for foot protec tion. 9. The exercise bike shoul dnot beuse dby pe rsons wei ghi ng mor ethan 25\blbs. (11 3kg) . 1\b.The pulsesensor is not amedical device. Va rious fact ors, incl udi ng the user's move - ment ,may aff ec tthe accur acyofheart rate readi ngs.Thepulsesensor is int ended only asan exerci seaid in det erm ining heart rate trends in gener al. 11 .The exercise bike does nothaveafre e whee l;the pedal swill cont inue to move until the flyw hee lst ops. Reduce your pedaling speed in acont rolled way . 12 .A lw ays keep your backst rai ght whil eusing the exer cise bike; donot arch your back. 13.O ve rexe rcising may resul tin se rious injury ordeat h.If you feel fai nt or if you exper ience pain whi le exerci sing, stop imm ediately and cooldown. IMP ORTANT PRECAUTIONS
\f BEFORE YOU BEGIN Seat S eat Po stKn ob Peda l\bStr ap Transpo rtW heel Consol e Seat Kn ob Handg rip Pulse Sensor Water Bot tle Hol der* *Water bottle is not included Th ank youfor selecting therevol utionary PROFOR M® XP 185 Uexercise bike .Cycl ingis an effective exer- cise forincre asing cardio vascula rfitn ess, building end urance ,and tonin gthe bod y.The XP185 Uexer - cise bike provides animp ressi veselection offeatures designed tomake your worko utsathome moreeffec- tiveand enjoyable. For your bene fit,read this manua lcarefully before youusetheexerc ise bik e. Ifyou have questionsafter rea ding thi s m anu al,pl ease seethe back cover ofthis manual .To help us assi styou, note the product mod elnum berand serial nu mb erbefore contacting us.The model numbe rand th e location ofthe serial nu mber deca lar eshow non the fron tcover ofthis man ual. Bef or ere adi ng fu rth er ,pl ea se fam iliarize yoursel fw ith the par ts that arela bel ed in th e dr awing below.
5 M10x54mm Button Screw(33)–2M10x78mm Button Screw (67)–2 M8Locknut (37)–4M8Split Washer (36)–8M10 Split Washer (34)–4 M6Locknut (54)–4M6Split Washer (43)–4 M8x20mm Button Screw (35)–4M8x25mm Patch Screw (50)–2 M4x16mm Screw (40)–9M6x8mm Button Screw (56)–1M6x38mm Button Bolt(53)–4 ASSEMBLY Assembly require stwo persons. Placeallparts of th e exercise bikeinacleared areaandremove thepacking materials. Donotdisp ose ofthe packing mate rials unti la ssembly iscompleted. In addi tion tothe included tool( s),asse mbly requir esan adjustable wrench andaPhillips screwdrive r . Usethepart drawin gsbelow toidentify thesma ll p arts used inasse mbly. Th enumbe rin parenthe sesbelow each drawin grefe rsto the key num berofthe part, from thePART LISTnear the endof this manu al.The number followingthe paren these sis the quan tity need edforasse mbly.Note: Ifapar tis not inthe hardwar ekit, che cktosee ifithas been preassembled.
6 2.Slidethe RightCap (77) ,wh ich isma rkedwith a“Righ t”sticker ,on to the rig ht side ofthe Re ar Stab ilizer (14). Atta ch the Righ tCap (77) with two M4 x16mm Scre ws (40). Attac hthe LeftCap (\f)in the same way. \f 2 1. Orie ntthe Rear Sta bilizer (14)so that the indi - cated holes are facing downw ard. While anoth erperson lifts the rear ofthe Frame (1), atta ch the RearSta bilizer (14) tothe Frame with two M10x54 mm Button Screws (\f\f) and two M10Split Washer s(\f4) . \f. While anoth erperson lifts the front of th e Frame (1), atta ch the FrontStabil izer(2) tothe Frame with two M10x78 mm Button Screws (67) and two M10Split Washer s(\f4) . 1 1 2 14 \f4 \f\fHole s 77 4 40 \f4 67 14 1 H ol es To make assemb lyeasi er,read the infor mati ononpage 5before youbegin.
7 5.Ident ifythe Righ tHan dleb ar (48 ), which is markedwit han “R” sticker. Wh ilease con dper son holds the Righ t Han dleb ar(48) near the Upr ight (\f) ,tie the pull wire tothe rig ht pulse wire (A) ,and thenpu llit upward outof the top of the Upright. Then ,untie and discard the pullwire. S lid ethe Righ tHand lebar(48 )onto theUpright (\f). Attach the Righ tHa ndl ebar (48) wit h two M6x \f8mm Button Bolts (5\f), twoM6 Spl itWashe rs (4\f),and two M6 Locknuts (54) .M ake sure that thehexa gonal holesar ein the indicated loc ation. Attac hthe Left Handlebar (\f7) inthe sam e way. O rie nt the W ater Bo ttle Hold er(49 )as shown. In sert the Up perWire Har ness (\f2) andthe right and left pu lse wires (A, B)thr ough theWater Bottle Holder . Slid ethe Wa ter Bo ttle Holder (49) onto the Uprig ht(\f) and attach it wi th an M4 x16mm Scre w(40 ).Do not tight enthe Scr ew yet.5 44. Whileano the rperso nho lds the Upright (\f) near the Frame (1), con nect theUpp erWire Harness (\f 2) tothe Low erWir eHa rne ss(\f1). Tip: Av oid pinching thewirehar ness es. Gen tly pull the upp er endof the Upp er W ire Harne ss(\f2) to remove theslack, andslid ethe Uprigh t(\f) ont o the Fram e(1) . Att ach the Uprig ht(\f) with four M8 x20mm But ton Screws (\f5)and four M8Split Washers (\f6). \f5 \f5 \f6 \f2 \f1 \f6 48 54 4\f 5\f \f2 4947 BA Hexago nal Hol es 40 \f \f 1 Avoi dpinchi ngthe w ire harnesse s Right Pu lse Wire Pu ll Wire Pu llW ir e
8 7.While anoth erperson holds the Con sol e(6) near the Upright (\f), co nnect wires on th e Con sole tothe Upp erWire Har ness (\f2)and to th e pulse wires(A, B). Tip: Avoid pinching thewires. Insert the exce sswire sdo wn war dinto theUpright (\f). A tta ch the Console (6) tothe Conso leBra cket (55)wit hfou rM4 x16 mm Scre ws(40). Se estep 5.Tighten theM4 x16mm Scre w(40).7 6. Orien tthe Consol eBracke t(55 )as shown. In se rtthe Upper Wire Har ness (\f2) and therigh t and leftpulse wires(A, B) through the Co nso le Bracke t(5 5). Tip: Avoi dpinching the wires .Attach the Conso leBracke tto the Upright (\f)with twoM8 x25 mm Patch Screws (50).6 55 55 40 50 6 \f2 \f2 A,B A, B \f \f Avoi dpinching the wires Avoi dpinching the wires 8. The Console (6)req uires four 1.5V Dbatteries (no tinclud ed);alkalin ebatter iesare reco m- men ded. IMPO RTANT: If the exerc ise bike ha sbe en expos edtocold temperature s, allow itto warm toroom temperature before ins erti ngbatteri esinto theConsol e.If you do not dothis,the console displaysorother elec tronic compon entsmaybecom edam - ag ed. Press the tabs on the battery coveran d remo vethe bat tery cover. Insertfo ur batteries int othe batt erycompa rtments; makesure that thebatte riesare orient edas show nby the diagrams inside thebat tery compa rtments. Then, rea ttach the ba tter ycove r. 6 Batter ies Ba tter ies Ba tter y Co ver 8
9 9.Orie ntthe Sea tPo st(5) as sho wn. Loosen the Seat PostKn ob (\f0) a few turns. Pull the Seat Post Knob outward ,in sert theSeat Post(5) into the Frame (1), and then rele ase the Seat Post Knob intoon eof the holes inthe Seat Pos t. Movethe Seat Post (5)upwa rd an ddo wn - war dsli gh tly to make sure that thepin on th e Seat PostKno b(3\b) isenga gedinone ofthe adj ustmen tholes inthe SeatPos t.The n, tighten the Seat Post Knob.9 5 1 \f0 1010. Orie ntthe Sea t(12 )and theSeat Carri age (29) as shown . Attach the Seat(12) tothe Sea tCarriage (29) with four M8 Lockn uts(\f7) andfour M8Split Washers (\f6). Loosen the Seat Knob (11)an dslide the Seat Carriage (29) ontothe Seat Post(5)until it stops. Next ,attach anM6 x8m mButto nScre w(56) to th e Seat Pos t(5). Then, adjust theSeat Carria ge(29 )to the desired position andtighten the Sea tKn ob (11). 56 12 29 \f6 11 \f7 \f6 5
1\b 12.Make surethat allpart sare properly tightened beforeyouusethe exercise bike.Note: After assem blyis completed, some extrapar tsmay be left over .P lace ama tbene ath the ex ercis ebike toprotect thefloor. 11.Ident ifythe Righ tPe dal (26), which ismar ked with an“R.” Using anadju stable wre nch, fir m ly tighten the RightP ed al(26) clockw iseinto theright arm of the Cra nk(1\f) . Tighten the Le ftPedal (not show n)cou\f ter clockwise into the left arm of the Cra nk. IMP ORT ANT: Tighten bothPedals as firmly as poss ible.Afte rusing theexer cise bikefor one week, retighten thePedal s.For best per- forman ce,kee pthe Pedals tighte ned. Adjust the strap onthe Righ tP edal (26 )to th e desired position ,and press theend of th e stra p onto the tab on the sideof the Right Peda l. Adjus tthe strap on the LeftPeda l(not show n)inthe sam ewa y.11 26 Tab Str ap 1\f