ProForm Xp 185 U Manual
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11 HOWTO US ETHE EXERCISE BIKE HOWTO ADJ UST THEHEIGH TOF THE SEAT Foreffe ctive exercise, theseat shoul dbe atthe prop er height.As youped al,the reshoul dbe asli ght bend in your kne eswhen thepedal sar ein the lowe stpo sitio n. Toadju stthe heigh t ofthe sea t,first loosen the seat post kn ob. Next ,pull the kn ob, slide the seat post upwa rdor downwa rdto the desired positio n, and thenrelea se theknob .Move the seatpost upw ard ordow nward slightl yto mak e sure thatthe knob iseng aged inone oftheadjust mentholes inthe sea tpost. Then, tighten the knob . HOWTO ADJ UST THEHORIZONT ALPOSITION OF THESEAT Toadju stthe hori - zontal po sition of the seat ,first loosen the seat knob afew turn s.The n,move the seat forward or backward tothe desired positio n, and firmly tigh ten the seat knob.HOW TO ADJU ST TH EPE DAL STRAPS To adjust the ped al straps, fir st pul lthe en ds ofthe ped al st raps offthe tabs on the pedal s. Adj ust th e peda l straps toth e de sired po sition ,and the n pre ssthe ends of the peda lstr ap s onto the tab s. Seat Knob Se at Seat Post Sea t Pedal Strap TabSeat Po st Kno b
12 FEATURE SOF THE CONSOLE Thead van ced console offersan array offeatures designed tomake your worko utsmoreeffective and enjoyable. Whenyou use the manualmode ,you canchan gethe resistan ceof the peda lswith the touch of a button. As youexe rcise, the conso lewill pr ovide continu ousexer- cise feedback. Youcan even measure yourheartrate us ing the handgrip pulse senso r. Th econ sole alsooffe rs ten prese tworkouts thatau to- ma tically chan ge the resistance ofthe pedals and promp tyou to increa seordecrea seyour pedalin g pace while guiding youthrou ghaneffective workout. Thecon sole alsofeatures the new iFitinteractive wo rkout system.TheiFit inte racti veworkou tsyste m enables the con sole toaccept iFit cards containing wo rkouts designe dto helpyou achieve specific fitness goals.Forexam ple, lose unw ant ed pounds withthe8-week Wei ghtLoss wor kout .iFi tw orko utscontrol theresis - tan ce ofthe peda ls whi le gui ding you through your workou ts. iFi tcar dsare avai labl ese parately. Topur - chase iFi tcar ds, goto www. iFi orcall the tel ephone numberon the front cove rof this man - ua l.iFi tcar dsare also available atselec tstor es. Touse the manua lmode, seepage 1\f. To use a preset workout ,see page14. Touse aniFit work- out ,see page 15. Note:If the re is ashee tof plast ic on the face ofthe consol e,rem ove the plast ic. CONS OLEDIAGRAM
13 HOWTO USE THEMANUAL MODE 1. Turn on the console. To turn on the conso le,press anybutton orbegin pedalin g.The disp lay willligh tand theconso le will be rea dyfor use . 2. Sele ctthe manual mode. Each time you turn on th e co nso le,the man - ualmod ewill be sele cted .If you have sele cted awo rkou t, reselectthe manu al mod eby pressing theWor kout button repea tedly until ze ros appearin the displ ay. 3. Begi npeda ling and change theresista nceof thepedal sas des ired. A s you pedal,ch an ge th e re sista nceofthe p edals byturning the Resist ancedial. To incre ase the resis - ta nce, turn the Resist ancedial cloc kwise; todecr ease theresis - ta nce, turn the Resistan cedial counterclockwise. Not e:Aft eryou changethe resi stance, itwill take a mome ntforth e ped alsto re ach theselecte dresis - ta nce level. \f.Foll owyour progress withthe display. The upper sec tion of the displ aywill show th e elap sed time and th e dista nce, inmiles or kilomet ers,tha tyou have ped aled .The dis- p la y will chan ge modesever yfew second s. Note:Wh enyou select apr eset workout thedis - pla y will show the time remai ningin the workout in stead of the elapse dtim e.The second section of the displa ywill sh ow your pedal ing pace in miles orkilo - met ersper hour . The thi rd sect ion of the displ ay will sh ow the appr oximat e num - ber ofcal ories you have burned andthe re sist ance level ofthe pedal s.Th edisp lay will cha ngemodes every few seconds. Th edispl ay will al so sho wyour heart rate when yo uuse the han dgr ip pul se sensor (seestep5on page 14) . The last section of the displ ay will sh ow atr a ck repr esent ing 1\b4 mile (4 00 met er s). As youexer cise, in di - ca tors wi ll app ear in su ccessi onarou nd the track until th e enti retrack appear s.The tr ack will th en disap pear andthe indica tors will aga inbegi nto appe arinsuccessi on. Note: The consol e canshow speedand distanc ein either mil esorkilomet ers. Th elet ter sM PH or Km \bH will ap pear in the displ ay to ind ica tewhi ch unitof mea surem ent isse le cte d.To chan gethe unit of me asur ement, press and holddo wn the Workout button forafew se conds. An “E” for Eng lish miles or an “M” for metric kilom eter swill ap pear in the display .Press the Star tbut ton re peat edlyto se lect the desi red unitof measur ement .Th en, press the W orkout but ton. Not e: When yourep lace the batte ries, it may benecessar yto resel ect th e unit ofmeasure - ment.
1\f Toview the totaldistance pedaledsince the exer - cise bike waspurch ased andthetotal num ber of hours the exe rcise bike hasbeen used, pre ss and hold down the Wo rkout button forafew secon ds. Thetotaldist ance pedale dwill app ear inthe first sect ionofthe displa y.The total number ofhou rs th e exercise bike has been usedwill ap pear inthe th ird sectio nof the disp lay.Toreturn tothe manua l mod e,pre ssthe Wo rkoutbutton. 5. Mea sure your heartrat eif desire d. If there aresheet s ofplasti con the meta lcontac tson the handgrip pulse sensor ,remov ethe pla stic .Next ,ho ld th e han dgrip pulse sen sor withyour palms restingon the met alcontact s. Avoid mov ingyour hands orgrippi ng the contac tstoo tightl y. Whe nyo ur pulse isdetected, aheart- shaped sym- bolwill flash inthe displa yeach time your heart beats andthe nyo ur hear trate willbe shown. For th e mo staccura tehea rtrate readi ng,holdth e co n- ta cts for atlea st15 second s. 6.Whe nyou are finis hed exercising, thecons ole will turn offautoma tically. If th e ped alsdonotm ove forafew seco nds, the time willbeg into flash inthe disp layand the con- sole willpau se. If th e ped alsdonotm ove forafew minu tesan d no bu ttons arepressed, theconsol ewil lturn off and the disp laywill be reset.HO WTO USE A PR ES ET WO RKO UT 1. Turn onthe consol e. Totur non the conso le,pr ess anybutton orbegi n pedal ing. The disp la y will light andthe consol ewill be ready foruse. 2. Sel ec ta pres etworkout . Toselect apre se tw or kout ,pr ess the Wor kout but- ton repeat edlyunt il th e num berof the desir ed wor kou tappea rs in the displ ay. Th efir st section ofthe di sp la y will sho whow lon gthe wor kou twi ll last .A profile of the re sist ance level sfor the wor kout will scr oll acr oss the last sectio n of the displ ay.Note: Com plet e pr ofiles ofthe prese two rko uts are print ed on the sides ofthe consol e. 3.Start the wor kout . Press the Sta rt but ton or begin ped alin gto star t the wor kout . Each wor kout is divi ded into \f0 one-mi nute seg- men ts. One resi sta nce level and onepac esetting ar epr ogr ammed for each segment.No te:The sa me resi sta nce level and\b orpace settingmay be progr am medfor conse cutive segm ents. Dur ing the wor kout ,the wor ko ut pr ofile will show yo ur progr ess. Theflashi ngseg ment ofthe profi le repre sent sthe curren tsegm entof the workout. Thehei ghtof the flashi ngsegm entindicates the resist ance level for the current se gment. Atthe end ofeach segmentofthe wor kou t,a ser ies of toneswill so und and the next segm entof the pro- file will begi nto flash .If a differ ent resistance level is pro gr am medfor the next segm ent, theresis- tan celevel will flash in the center display forafew se conds to aler tyo u. Th eresi stance of th e pedals wi ll then change. Con tacts
15 As you exercise ,th e disp lay will prompt you to kee pyour pedalin g pace nea rth e pace set ting for the current segment .Wh enthe word “faste r”appe arsin the displ ay,increase your pace. Whenthe word “slower ”appe ars,decrease you rpa ce. Whe nthe center ofthe targ etflashes, main tainyour curre ntpace . IMP ORT ANT: Thepace settings areintended only toprov ide mot ivat ion. Your actual pace may beslowe rtha nthe pace settings. Make sure topedal at a pa ce that iscomfortable for you. If th e resista ncelevel forthe cur rent segm entis to o high ortoo low, you canmanua llyoverride the leve lby turning the Resistance dial.IMPORTANT: Whe nthe current segm entofthe workout ends ,the pedal swill automa tically adju stto the resistance setting for the next segm ent. If you stop pedalingforse vera lseco nds, thetime willbegin to flash inthe displ ay. Torestart the workout,press the Star tbutton orsimply resu me pedalin g. Theworko utwill contin ueuntil the disp laysho wsa time of0:00 .If yo ucontinu eto pedal after th e worko utisco mplete d,the displa ywill contin ueto sho wexe rcise feed back; how ever, thedisplay will not sh ow the elapse dtim eunti lyou select the man ualmod eor anew wor kout. \f. Foll owyour progr esswith the display. See step 4on page 1\f. 5. Mea sure your heartrat eif desired. See step 5on page 14. 6. Whe nyou are finis hed exercising, thecons ole will turn offautoma tically. See step 6on page 14.HO WTO USE AN IFI T WO RKO UT 1. Turn onthe consol e. Totur non the conso le,pr ess anybutton orbegi n pedal ing. The disp la y will light andthe consol ewill be ready foruse. 2. Inser tan iFi tcar dand select aworkout . To use an iFi tw orko ut,in ser tan iFi tcard into the iFitsl ot ;m ake sureth at the iFi tcar dis oriented so themet al cont actsare face- dow nan dare facing the slot .When the iFi tcar dis pr ope rlyinser ted, theindi catornext to th e slot will light and words wi ll appe arin the disp la y. Next ,sel ect the desi re d wor kou ton the iFitcar d bypressi ngthe up and down buttons next tothe iFitsl ot . Pr ess the Sta rt but ton or begin ped alin gto star t your wor kout .iFit wor kou tsfunct ion in the sam e way aspreset wor kou ts.To use the workout, see step s\f to 6on pages 14 and 15. 3.When you are fini shed exerci sing, remove the iFi tcar d. Rem ovethe iFi tcar dwhen youare finish ed exer - cising. Stor ethe iFitcar din asecu re place. iFi tS lot iFi tC ar d
16 Inspectand pro perly tighten all par ts of the exercise bike regula rly.Replace anywornparts immediately. To clean the exe rcise bike, useadam pcloth andasmall amo untof mild soap —n ever usealcohol, abrasives, orchemic als to clea nthe exe rcise bike. IMPORT ANT: To avoid damageto the cons ole, kee pliqui dsaway from theconsole and kee pthe console outofdir ect sunlight . CONSOLE TROUBLESHOOTING Ifthe con sole display beco mes dim ,re place allthe bat teries atthe same time;most consol eproblems are the result of lo w batte ries. Toreplace thebatteries, seeasse mbly step8on page 8. Ifthe con sole does not displ ayyou rheart rate when youuse the handgrip pulse senso r, se estep 5on pag e14 . HO WTO ADJ UST THEREED SWITC H Ifthe con sole does not displ aycor rect feedba ck,the reed switch should beadjusted .To adjust the reed swit ch,first remove theleft peda lby tu rni ng it clock - wise with an adjustab lewren ch. Next, remove the screw sfrom theleftand righ t shields; there are three sizes ofscre ws inthe shi elds—note whichsizeofscr ew you remove from each hole .Th en,rem ove theleftshield . Locate the Ree dSwitch (21) .Tur nthe Crank (1\f) until aMagnet (16) isalign edwith the Reed Switch . Loosen, butdo no tremo ve,the indi cated M4x16mm Fla nge Scre w(61).Slide the Reed Sw it ch (21) slight ly closer toor aw ay from the Magnet (16) ,and then ret ighten theM4 x 16 mm Flange Scr ew (61) .Tur nthe Crank (1\f)fora mom ent. Rep eat these actions unt il the console displays correct fee dback. Whenthe re ed swit ch is correctly adjusted, rea ttach the lef tshi eld and the le ft pedal. HO WTO ADJU ST TH EDR IV E BEL T If you can fee lth e ped als slip whi le you are pedal ing, even when the resi stance isat the high estlevel, the drive beltm ay nee dto be adjusted. To adjust the drive belt, you must fir st remove theright pe dal andthe right shield . Usi ngan adjustable wr ench ,tu rn the rig ht pedal coun terclockwise and rem ove it. Next ,rem ove the scr ewsfr o m the left and right shield s; there arethree sizes ofscre wsinthe sh ields —note whic hsize ofscrew you remove from eachhol e. Then, rem ove the right shield. Loosen the M10 x22m mBol t(4 5) .T ig hten theM8 x \f8 mm Hex Scre w(69) unt il the drive belt is tight. Th en, ret ight en the M10 x22m mBolt (45 ).Reattach the rig ht shi eld an dthe right pedal . MAI NT ENANCE ANDTROUBLESHOO TING 1621 611\f 4569
17 These guid eline swill helpyouto plan your exercise program. Fordet ailed exercise information, obta in a reputable book orcon sultyour physi cian.R em embe r, proper nutrition andadequ aterest are essen tial for successful results. EXERCIS EINTE NSITY Whether yourgo alisto burn fatortostre ngthen your cardiovascu larsyste m,exer cisingatthe proper inten- sityis the key to ach ieving resul ts. Youcan useyour hea rtrat eas aguide tofindthe prop erintensity level. Thecha rtbelo wsh ows recom mended heart ratesfor fat burn ing andae rob icexer cise. Tofind the pro per inten sity level ,find your ageatthe bot tom of the chart (ages are rou nded offtothe near - estten years) .The three num berslisted above your age define your“tra ining zone.” Thelowest numbe ris the heartrate for fat bur ning ,th e middl enu mbe ris the hea rtrat efor maximu mfat bur ning, and thehigh est numbe ris the heartrate foraerobicexercise .Burning Fat—To bur nfat effect ivel y, you must exer- cise atalow int en sityleve lfo ra sustained period of time. Dur ing the fir st fe w minut esof exercise, your bodyuses carbo\b ydrate cal ories fo r ene rgy. Onl yafter th e fir st few minut esofexer cise does your body begin touse stor ed fat cal ories for ener gy.If your goalis to bur nfat ,adj ust the int ensi ty of you rexercise untilyour hear trat e is ne ar the low est nu mb erinyour trai ning zo ne. For maxi mum fat burning, exercise withyour heartrat e ne ar th e middl enum ber in you rtrai ning zo ne. Ae robi cExerc is e—I fyo ur goal is to stren gthen your cardi ovascul arsyst em,you mustperform aerobic exer cise, whi ch is act ivi ty th at requi reslarge amounts ofoxygen for prolonge dper iods oftime. Foraer obic exer cise, adjust the in te nsi tyof your exercise until your hea rtrat e is near the highest number inyour trai ning zone. WO RKOUT GUID ELI NES Wa rming Up —Sta rtwith 5to 10 minut esofstre tchin g and light exer cise .A war m-up incr ease syour body temp eratur e, hear trat e, andcircul ation in prepar ation forexer cise. Trai ning Zone Exe rci se—Exe rci se fo r 20 to\f0 min- ut es wit h your heart ra te in your tr ai ning zone. (Dur ing th e fir st few wee ks ofyour exer cise program, donot keep your hear trat e in you rtr ai ning zon efor longer th an 20minut es. )B rea th e regul arly an ddee plyasyou exer cise–neve rhol dyou rbreat h. Cool ing Dow n—Fi nish wit h 5to 10 minutes of stretchi ng.S tr et chi ng incr eases the flexibility ofyour mu scles and helps to pre ven tpost -exercise probl ems. EXE RCIS E FR EQ UE NCY To mai ntain orimprov eyour condi tion, complet e thr ee wor kout sea ch week, wit h at least one dayof rest bet ween wor kou ts.After afe w mont hsofreg ular exer- cise,you maycom plet e up to five workouts each week, if desi red. Rem em ber ,the keyto success isto ma keexer cise are gula rand enjo ya ble part ofyour eve ryday life. EX ER CISE GUIDELINES WARNING:Bef orebegi nning thi s or any exe rcise progr am,consult your physi - cia n. This is espe cially import antforpersons ov er age 35 or perso nswith pre-exi sting health problem s. Thepulsesens orisnot am edical device. Vari ous factors mayaff ect the accura cyof heart rate readi ngs. Thepulse sens oris inte nded onlyasan exer cise aidindete rmin - ing hea rtrate trends ingenera l.
18 11Frame 21FrontSt abil izer \f1 Upright 41 LeftCa p 51 SeatPost 61 Console 71 Flywheel 81 ResistanceMotor 94 M4x12m mScr ew 10 1 Resistance Arm 11 1SeatKnob 12 1 Seat 1\f 1 Pulley\bCr ank 14 1 RearStab ilizer 1 5 2 Transport W heel 16 2 Magnet 17 1 LeftShie ld 18 1 RightShi eld 19 1 Resistance MotorBracket 20 1 SeatPostBushi ng 21 1 ReedSwitch\bWir e 22 2 Clamp 2\f 1 Drive Belt 24 1 LeftPedal \bStrap 25 2 Flywheel Bearing 26 1 RightPeda l\bStrap 2 7 1 Crank Beari ng Set 28 1 Idler 2 9 1 SeatCarriag e \f0 1 SeatPostKnob \f1 1 Lower Wire Har ness \f2 1 UpperWire Har ness \f\f 2 M10x54 mm Button Screw \f4 4 M10SplitWa sher \f5 4 M8x20m mButto nScre w \f6 8 M8SplitWash er \f7 6 M8Locknu t \f8 2 M8x25m mShoul derPatch Screw \f9 2 M4x64m mScrew 40 17 M4x16m mScrew41 1M4 x\f0m mScr ew 42 1Flyw hee lA xl e 4\f 4M6 Sp lit W ashe r 44 1 Long C-M agne tSp acer 45 1M10 x22m mBol t 46 1C-m agne t 47 1Left Ha ndl ebar w\bP ulse Wire 48 1Right Han dlebar w\bPulse Wire 49 1Water Bot tle Hol de r 50 2M8 x25m mPat ch Screw 51 2Han dlebar Cap 52 1M10 Locknu t 5\f 4M6 x\f8m mBut ton Bolt 54 4M6 Locknut 55 1Con sol eBracket 56 2M6 x8m mBut ton Screw 57 1Sho rtC-m agne tS pacer 58 4V-clip 59 1M10 x80m mShou lder Bolt 60 1Resi stance Whee l 61 7M4 x16m mFlange Screw 62 1M\f. 5 x12m mScr ew 6\f 2Foot 64 1M4 x5m mScre w 65 4M\f. 8 x20m mRound Head Screw 66 \fM10 Washer 67 2M10 x78m mBut ton Screw 68 1M4 x16m mBrig ht Scr ew 69 1M8 x\f8m mHex Screw 70 4M4 Locknut 71 \fM8 x20m mFlat Head Screw 72 2Foam Grip 7\f 1Sea tP lat e 74 2Upp er Cont act 75 2Low er Cont act 76 1Wir e Cl am p 77 1Right Cap *– Userʼ sM an ual *– Asse mbly Tool PART LIST —M odel No.PFC CEX \b121\b. \bR0510A Ke yNo .Qty. Descriptio n KeyNo.Qty. Descripti on Note: Specifica tions are subject tochange withou tno tice. Forinformation about ordering replacement parts,see theback coverof th is ma nual .*The separts arenotillustrated.
19 2 1 5 3 4 77 6 1030 13 1416 20 21 2223 24 26 31 32 33 36 37 40 61 39 28 38 42 44 45 46 52 29 35 35 36 15 4047 5051 3748 53 53 54 7 8 12 17 18 27 19 15 25 25 11 6734 34 34 34 3636 36 3636 37 38 39 40 40 40 40 49 50 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 40 4063 63 64 72 65 65 40 74 75 74 75 43 43 43 43 41 73 71 66 66 61 22 6866 9 70 40 40 69 61 76 3751 EXPLOD ED DRAWI NG—M odel No.PFCCEX \b121\b .\bR 0510A
Part No.298 57\fR05 10A PrintedinChina ©2010 ICON IP,Inc. LIMI TE DWARRAN TY ICONofCana da,In c. (IC ON) war rants this product tobe free from defects inworkmanship andma terial , undernorma lu se and servi cecond itio ns. Parts and laborare warr anted forninety (90)days fromthedate ofpurchase . Thiswarran tyexte ndson lyto the origina lpurcha ser.ICONʼs obli gati on un der this warranty is limited to repa iring orrep lacing ,at ICONʼs optio n,the pro duct through oneofits authorized service centers. All repa irs for which warranty claim sare made mustbepre authorized byICON .This warranty doesnot extendto an ydam ageto apr odu ctcau sed byorattributab leto freight damage,abuse ,m isuse ,improper or abn orma lu sage ,or repai rsnot provi ded byan ICON authorized service center;pro ducts used forcom - mercial orrental purposes; or pr oducts used asstoredisplay models. Noother warranty beyond that specif ically setfo rth above isau thori zed by ICON. ICON isnot resp onsibl eor liable forind irect, special, orcon sequen tial damag esarising out of or incon - nect ionwith the use orper form ance of th e prod uct;damag eswith respe ctto anyecon omic loss,lossof property,loss ofreve nues orpro fits, loss ofenjoyment or use, or costs ofremo val orinstallation; or other co nse quent ialdam ages ofwhatsoe verna ture. Some provinces donot allow theexclusion orlimitation of incide ntal or co nse quential damages.Acco rdingly, theabove limitation maynot apply toyou. Th ewarra ntyextende dher eunde ris in lieuof any and allother warranties,an dany implied warranties of merchantabilit yor fitness fora pa rticu larpurpose arelimite din their scopeand duration tothe terms set forthhere in.Some province sdo notallo w limita tionson how long animplied warrantylasts. Accordingly, theabove limitation may notappl yto you. This warrant ygives youspec ificlegal rights .You may alsohav eother rights thatvary from province to province. ICON of Canada, Inc.,9\b\bde lʼIndustrie, St.Jérôm e,QC J7Y \fB8 ORD ERING RE PLACE MENT PART S Toorde rre place mentpar ts,see thefront cover ofthis man ual.Tohelp us assist you,pleasebe prepared to providethe follo wing information when contactin gus: • the modelnu mbe rand serialnum berofthe prod uct(see thefrontcover ofthis man ual) •the name ofthe pro duct (see thefron tcover of th is manua l) •th e ke ynu mbe rand descr iption ofthe replace mentpart(s) (seethePART LISTandtheEXPLODED DRAW INGnear the end ofthis manu al)