ProForm Proshox Elite 2 Manual
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21 HOWTO USE ANIFIT LIVE WOR KOUT Note: To use an iFit Live workou t\byou must have an optional iFitLive module. Topurcha sean iFit Live module atany time\b goto orcall the tele phone numbe ron the front cover ofthism an - ual.Yo umu stalso have access toacomputer with a US Bpo rtand an inte rne tco nnectio n.Inad dition\b you mustha ve access toawir eless network including an 8\f2 .11b route rwith SSID broadcast enabled (hidd en networks arenot sup ported) .An mmemb ership isalso requ ired. 1. Ins ert the key into theconsole. See HOWTO TURN ONTHE POW ERonpage 17. 2.Inse rtthe iFitLive module intotheconsole. Toinsert the iFit Live modu le\bsee theinstructions inclu ded withtheiFit Live modul e. 3.Selecta use r. If more than one use ris regi stere d\byoucan switch use rs intheiFit Live mai nscre en.Press thein- crea seand decre asebutto nsnext tothe Enterbu t- to n to select auser. 4. Selectan iFitLiv ewor kout. To select an iFit Live worko ut\bpress one ofth e iFit Live buttons. Before awor kout willdown load\byou must addthe workou tto you rque ueon www.iFit .com. Pre ss theiFit Live button todow nloa dthenext worko utinyour queu e.Press theMyTrai ner but- to n\b theMy Map sbutton\b theWorld Tour butto n\bor th e Even tTra ining button todow nload the next worko utofthat typ ein your queue. Pressthe Comp etebut tonto com pete inarace that youhave pre viously scheduled.For moreinfo rmatio nabo ut th e iFit Live workou ts\bplea sesee www.i Note:Ifth ere are no wor kouts oftheselec tedtyp e inyour queue \bthe next wor kout inyou rqu eue will be do wnlo aded. Wh enyou select an iFit Live wor kout\b thedisplay will s h ow the dura tion ofthe workout\b thedistance you will walk orrun\b the approxi matenumberof calorie s you willburn\b andthe nam eof the workout. If yo u sel ect acompet ition wor kout \bthe display will cou ntd own to the beginning ofthe race.Note: EachiFitLive button can also runtwo dem o workout s.To use the demo workouts\b removethe iFit Livem odule fromthecons oleand press oneof theiFit Live buttons. 5.Star tthe work out. Seeste p3on page 2\f. Dur ing som ewor kout s\bthe voice ofan audi ocoach wi ll g ui de you thr ou gh your wor kou t.You can select aset ting for your audio coach (se eTH EIN FO RM A- TI ON MO DE onpage 22). To stop the wor kou tat any tim e\b pre ss the Stop button. Th etim e will beg into flash in the displ ay. Toresu me the wor kou t\bpr ess the Start button or theSpe ed incr ease bu tton .The walking beltw ill begi nto mo veatthe speed setting for the first seg - men tof the workout .Wh en th e next segment ofthe wor kou tbe gins\b the tr ead mill w ill automatical ly ad - just to the spe edand incl ine set ting sfor the next segm ent . 6. Follow your progre ss wit h the displays. See step 5on page 18. Th eMyTr ail ta b wi ll show ama pof the trailyou ar ewal king orrunni ngor it wi ll show atrack and thenum ber oflap syo uar ecom plet ing. Dur ing acom petition workout \bth e Co mp etiti ontab will sh ow your pro gress in the race .As you race\b thetop line in the mat rix will sho who wmuch ofthe race youhave complet ed. Th eothe rlines will show yo ur top fou rcom petitor s. The endofthe matri x repre sent sth eend ofthe race. 7. Measure yourheart rateif des ired. See step 6on page 19. 8. When youarefinis hed exerc is ing\b rem ove the keyfrom the cons ole. Se este p7on page 19. Fo rm or einf or mat ion about the iFi tLive mode \bgo to www .iFi .

22 THEINFORMAT IONMODE Thecon sole feature san infor mation mode thatkee ps track oftrea dmill info rmatio nand allows youtoperson - alize con sole settings. To select the informa tionmode\b holddow ntheStop but ton while inserting thekeyinto theconsol e\band the nrele ase theStop button. Whenthe informatio n mode issele cted \bthe follow ing infor mation will be shown: Th etime display willshowthe total numb erofho urs the trea dmill hasbeen used . Thedist ance displa ywill show thetotal number of mile s(or kilo met ers) thatthewalking belt has moved . Thelowe rdisplay willshow the status ofan iFitLive mo dule. If a n iFit Live modu leisconne cted\bthe disp lay will show the wor dsWIFI MOD ULE. Ifa USB module isconn ected\bthe display will show th e words USB/SD MODUL E.Ifno module isconne cted\bthe display will show thewords NOIFIT MOD ULE. Themat rixwill showthe selected unit ofmea surement. Tochan getheunit ofmeasu rement\b press theEn ter but ton. Toview distan cein mi les\b sele ctENGL ISH.To viewdista nceinkilo mete rs\bsele ctMETRIC. Press thedecre asebutton nextto the Enter butto n. Thecon sole feature sa displ aydem omo de\b design ed tobe used ifth etre admi llis displ ayed inasto re .Wh ile the demo mode istur nedon\b theconsol ewi llfun ction normally whenyouplug inthe powe rcord\b pressthe power switch intothereset position\b and insert th e key into theconsole .However \bw hen youremove thekey\b thedispla yswill rema inlit\b altho ughthebutton swill not fun ction. If the demo mode istur ned on\bthe word ON willappe arinthe matrix. To turnon orturn off the demo mode\bpress theEnter button .Press the decrea se but ton next to theEn terbutton. Th edispl ay will show thecont rast leve lof the display. Press the Incl ine in cr ease anddecr ease buttons toad - just the con tr a st . Ifa modul eis connect ed\bthe inform ation mode will alsoshow the fol low ing scre ens: Press the decrea se but ton next to theEn terbutton to viewthe stat us oftheper sonal tr ai ner voice. Toturnon or tur noffth evoi ce ofthe personal trainer\b press the Ent er but ton . If an iFit Live modul eis connect ed\bthe infor mation mode will a ls o show the fol lowi ngscr eens: Press the decrea se but ton next to theEn terbutton to viewthe defaultm enu. Thedefaultmenu willappear whe nyou inser tthe keyint othe con sole orwhen you pressthe Hom ebu tton .P ress the Enter butto nrepeat - edly to sel ect the manua lm ain scr een orthe iFit Live scr eenas thedef aul tme nu. Press the decrea se but ton next to theEn terbutton to viewthe stat us ofan iFi tLi ve modul e.Then \bpr ess the Ent er but ton to check the statu s. The lower display will sh ow the softw are ver sion num ber\b the networ kSSID\b the net wo rk en cryp tion type \bthe con nection status\bthe wirel ess signal stre ngt h\btheIP add ress ofthe modul e\b the num ber ofreg istered user sand their names\b the resu lt s of the DNS lookup \ban dthesta tusofthe iFi t Live serve r. Press the decrea se but ton next to theEn terbutton to transf erdat a.To send and recei veworkouts\b wor kout log s\ban dupdat es\bpress the Ent er button. Whenthe process is fini shed\b the wor ds TRANSFERS DONEwill ap pear in the displ ay. To exit the inf or matio n mo de\b remo vethekey from the consol e.

23 HOWTO USE THESTEREO SOUND SYSTEM To play music oraudio books through theconsoleʼs stereo speakers\byou must conne ctyou rMP3 pla yer\b CD player\b or ot he rpers onal audio player tothecon - sole throu ghtheaud ioja ck. To use theaud iojack\b locate theincl uded audio wire and plug itint otheaud iojack onthe topoftheco n- so le. Then plugtheaud iowir e into ajack on your MP3 player\b CDplaye r\bor oth er perso nalaudio playe r. Make sure that theaudio wireis fully plugge din.Next \bp re ss the Play but ton o n you rM P3 player \bCD p layer \bor other per sona l audio pla yer .A djust th e vol - ume onyou rpe rso nal audio player orpress the Vol um e incr ease anddecr ease but- t ons onthe conso le. I f yo uar eusi ng aper sona lC D player andtheCD ski ps\b setthe CD playe ron the floor oranother flat sur - face and noto n th e consol e.Vol um eDecr ease Vol um eIncrease

24 HOWTO FOLD THETREA DM ILL Toavoi ddam agingthe tread mill\badj ust theincline tothe lowest pos ition befo reyoufold the tre ad mil l. Then\b remove the key and unpl ug the power cord. CAUTION :Yo umust beable tosafely lift 45 lbs. (2\f kg)to rai se\b lower\b ormove thetread mill. 1. Hold the met alfra me firm lyin the loca tionshown by th earrow below. CA UTIO N:Do not hold the frame bythe plast icfoot rails .B end you rlegs and keep your back straight . 2.Raise the frame until thelatch kno blocks inthe storag eposit ion. CAUT ION:Make sure tha tthe la tch knob lock s. Toprotec tthe floor orcarpet \bplace amat under the treadmi ll. Keep the treadmil lout ofdirect sunlight. Do not leav ethe treadmi llin the storage positionin tem peratur esabove 85°F(3\f° C).HOWTO MOVE TH ETR EA DM ILL B ef or emovi ng the tr eadm ill\b fol d it a s descri bedatthe left. CAUT ION:Make sure that the latch knob is lock edinthe storage position. Mov ingthetread - millmay requi re tw o pe opl e. 1. Hol d the fr a m e and one ofthe han drails\b andplace one foo ta gainst awhe el. 2. Pull bac kon the handrai lunt il the tr eadm ill w ill rol l on the wheel s\band caref ullymov eitto the des ired loc ation. CAUTI ON :D o not move thetreadmi ll witho uttipping itback \bdo not pullon the fr ame\b and do no tmo vethetread millover anuneven surf ace. 3.Place onefo ot aga inst awhee l\b and care ful ly low er the tr eadm ill. HO WTO LOW ERTHETR EA DMI LL FOR USE 1.See draw ing 2.Ho ldthe upper endofthe treadmi ll fr am ewi th your right hand. Pul lthe latch knob to the lef t; if necessar y\bpush th e fr a m e forwar d slight ly. Pivot thefram edo wn wardafew inches\b and rel ea se thelatch knob. 2. Seedra wi ng 1at th eleft. Ho ldthe metal frame firmlywithboth hand s\b a nd lower itto the floor. CAUT ION:Donot hold the fram eby thepla stic fo ot ra ils \ba n d do not drop th eframe. Bendyo ur le gs an d kee pyou rbac kstr aigh t. HOW TOFOLD AND MOVE THETREAD MIL L Han drail Fr am e Whe el Frame 1 1 Latch Knob 2 Frame

25 TROU BLESHO OTING Mosttreadmi llproblem scan besolved byfollow ingthesim ple ste ps below .Find thesymptom that applies\bandfollow the steps listed. Iffurther assistanc eis needed\b seethefront cover ofthis manual . PROB LEM: The power doesnot turn on SOLU TION: a. Ma kesur ethat the power cordisplugg edinto asurge suppressor\b andthat the surg e suppressor is plug gedint oapr oper lygroun dedoutlet (seepage15). Use onlyasin gle-outl etsurge suppres - sor that meet sall ofthe speci fica tions descri bedon page 15 .IMPORTA NT:The tre admi llis not compat iblewith GFCI- equipped outlets . b. Af ter the power cordhas been plugge din\b mak esure thatth eke yis inser ted int o th e consol e. c.Ch eck thepow ersw itch located onthe tread mill fram ene ar the power cord.Ifth eswitch pro tru des as sh own\b the swi tch has trip ped .To reset the switch\b waitfor five minutes andthen press the switch back in. PROB LEM:Thepower tur ns off dur ing use SOLU TION :a. Ch eck thepow erswitch (seethedrawin gab ove). Ifthe switch hastripped \bwait fo r five minutes and then pressthe switch back in. b . Ma kesur ethat the power cordis plugg edin.Ifthe power cordisplugge din\bun plu g it\b wait for five minu tes\b an dthen plugitback in. c. Re move thekey from th e conso le.Re insert thekeyinto theconsole. d. If the treadm ill stil lwi llnot run\b please seethefront cover ofthis manua l. P ROB LEM: The console displays remainlitwhe nyou rem ove thekey from theconsole SOLU TION: a. Th econsol efeatur esadispl aydemo mode\bdesigne dto be used ifthe tread mill is displayed ina stor e. If th e displ ays remain lit wh en youre move thekey\b thedemo mode is tur ne don.To turn off thedem omod e\bhold down the Sto pbu tton forafe w seco nds. Ifthe displa ysare still lit \b see THE INFOR MATI ON MODE onpag e22 totu rn off th e demo mode. PROB LEM:Thedisplays ofthe cons oledonot function properly SOLU TION :a. Rem ovethekey from theconsole andUNPLUG THE PO WER CORD.R em ove thethree #8x1/2" Screw s(1) and the two #8x3/4" Screws (2). Carefully pivot theMotor Hood (65) off. Tr ippedReset c 651 a 2 2

26 Locat ethe Reed Switch (52) andtheMagn et(5\f) on theleft si de ofthePu lley(49 ).Tu rnthe Pulley u nt ilth eMa gnet isaligne dwi th the Ree dSwitch. Make sur etha tthe gap betwe enthe Magnet and theRee dSw itc his about 1/8in.(3 mm ).Ifnec - essary\b loosenthe#8 x3/4" TekScrew (14)\bmove the Reed Swi tch sligh tly\b and then retig hten the Screw .Re atta ch th e Motor Hood (not shown )an d runthetrea dmi llfor afew minut es tocheck for a correct speedreadin g. PROB LEM: Theinclin eof the treadmil ldoes notchange correctly SOLU TION: a. H old down the Stopbutton andtheSpe edincrea sebutton\b in sert thekey into theconso le\band the nrel ease the Stop button and the Spee dincrease button.Pressth e Sto p butto nand then press the Incl ine incr ease ordecr ease button. Thetreadmill willautoma tica lly rise to th e maxi - mum incline leveland then return tothe mini mum level. Thiswill recali brate the incline sy stem. Ifthe incline syst emdoes notcal ibrate\b pre ss the Stop butto n\band then press the Incl ine incr ease or decre asebutton again. Whentheincline syste m iscalibrated\b remove th e ke yfrom the console. PROB LEM: The walking beltslows whenwalkedon SOLU TION: a. Use only asingle- outlet surge suppressor that mee tsall ofthe sp eci fications descri bed onpage 15. b.If the walkin gbelt isove rtightene d\btread millperfor - mance maydecrea seand thewal kin gbelt may be- come dama ged. Removethekeyand UNPL UG TH EPOW ER CO RD.Usi ngthe hexke y\bturn both id ler roller bolt scoun tercl ockwi se\b1/4 ofa turn. Wh enthe wal king beltis proper ly tig hten ed\byou shou ldbe abl eto lift each edgeof the walkin gbelt 2 to 3in. (5 to 7cm )off thewal king platform .Be ca ref ulto keep the walkin gbel tcen tere d. Then \b plug in the pow ercord\b insert thekey\b and run the treadm ill for afew mi nutes. Repeatuntil the walking bel tis prope rly tightened . c.If the walkin gbelt stillslow swh en walked on\bse ethefron tcove rof thisma nu al. To p Vie w 5\f14 52 1/8in. 49 Idl er Rol ler Bol ts 2–3 in. b

27 PROB LEM: The walking beltisoff- center or slips whe nwalked on SOLU TION: a. If the walking beltisoff-center \bfir st remove the key and UN PLUG THEPOW ERCORD. Ifthe wal king belthas shift edto the left\b use thehex key to tur nthe left idler roller boltclockwise 1/2of atur n; if the wal king belthasshi fted to the right\b tu rn the lef tidler rolle rbo ltco un terclockwise 1/2 ofa tur n. Be care fu lnot toover tig hten the walking belt .Then\b plug in the powe rcord\b insert the key\band runthetread millfor afew minu tes. Repe atunt ilthe wal king beltis cent ered . b.If the wal king belt slips when walk ed on\b first re- move the keyand UN PLUG THEPOWER CORD. Usingthehex key\b turnboth idler roller bolts clock - wise\b1/ 4ofa tur n. When thewal king belt is cor - rect lytig ht ened \byou should be abl e to lift each edg eof the walki ngbelt2 to 3in. (5 to 7cm) off thewal king plat for m. Be care fulto keep thewalk- in g be lt cent ered. Then\b plug inthe power cord\b in- se rtthe key\b andcareful lywal kon thetrea dmill for afew minut es.Repeat untilthe walking belt is prop erlytight ened. PROB LEM: Theconsole display haslines running through it SOLU TION: a. If line sapp ear in the consol edisplay\b seeTHE INFORMATION MODEonpage 22 and adjust the contrast level ofthe display. a b

28 Theseguidelin eswillhe lpyou toplan your exercise program. Fordetailed exer cise info rmation \bob ta in a rep utab leboo kor co nsul tyou rphysi cian.R eme mber\b pro per nut rition and adequa terest are essentia lfor successfu lre sults. EX ERCI SEINTE NSITY Whethe ryo ur goa lis to burn fatortostrength enyou r card iovascula rsyste m\bexer cisingatthe proper inten- sityisthe key toach ievingresul ts.You canuseyour heart rate as agu ide to find the proper intensityleve l. The chart below show sreco mmende dheart ratesfor fatburnin gand aerob icexer cise. Tofind the prope rintens itylevel \bfind your ageatthe bott omofthecha rt(age sare round edofftothe near - estten year s).Thethree num berslisted above your age defineyo ur “tra ining zone .”The lowest numb eris the heart ratefor fat bur ning \bthe midd lenumbe ris the heart rate forma xim um fatbur ning\b and thehighe st number isthehear trate foraero bic exercise .Burni ngFat—To burnfat effect ivel y\byou must exer- cise atalow in te nsi ty level fora sustaine dperi odof time .D ur ing th e fir st few minu tesofexe rcise\b your bod yuses ca\fbo\b yd\fatecal o\fies for ene rgy. Onl yafter the first few minu tesofexe rci se does your body begin to use stor ed fat calo \fies for energ y. Ifyour goalisto bur nfat \badj ust thein te nsi tyof your exercise untilyour h ea rt rat eis near th e lowe stnu mb erinyou rtrai ning zone .For maxi mum fat bur ning \bexe rcise withyour hea rt rat enear the middl enum berin your training zone . Aerobi cExerc ise—I fyo ur goal is to strengthen your cardiovascu larsyst em\byou must perfo rm aerobi cexer - cise\b which is act ivi ty that requi res large amounts of oxyge nforpr olon ged per iods oftime .For aerobicex - erci se\b adjust th e in te nsi tyof your exercise untilyour h ea rt rat eis near th e highest numberinyour traini ng zone . WORKOU TGUID ELI NES W arm ingUp —Sta rtwit h5to 1\f min utes ofstretc hing a nd light exer cise. Awar m-up incr eases yourbody tem per atur e\b hear trat e\b and circu la tion inprepar ation for exer cise. Trai ning Zone Exerci se—E xercise for 2\fto3\f min- utes with your hear trat ein your tr ai ning zone. (Dur ing t he first few weeks ofyour exer cise pro gram\b donot keep your hear trat ein your tr ai ning zone forlonger t han 2\fminut es.)B re at he regul arly and deeplyasyou exer cise–n ever holdyour breat h. Cool ing Dow n—Fin ishwit h 5to 1\f minutes ofstretch - ing. Stret chi ng incr eases theflexi bility ofyou rm uscl es and hel ps to pre vent post-exer cise problems. EXER CIS E FR EQ UEN CY To mai ntain orimprov eyour condi tion\b com plete three w ork outsea ch week\b wit h at le ast one day ofrest be- tw een wor kout s.After afew mon th s ofregu larexer - cise\b you mayco mp le te up to five workouts each week\b if de sired .R em ember \bthe key tosuccess isto make exer cise areg ula rand en joyable partofyou r eve ryday life. EXE RCISE GUI DE LINES WAR NING:Bef ore beginni ngthis or any exerc iseprogra m\bconsult your physi- cian .Thi sis es pec ially impor tant for persons over age 35orper sons withpre -existing he alth proble ms. Thepulsesensor isnot amedica ldev ice. Vari ous factors may aff ect the accura cyof heart rate readings. Thepulse sensor isin- te nded onlyasan exe rcise aid indeterm ining heart rate trends ingener al.

29 SUGGES TEDSTRETCH ES Thecorre ctform for sever alba sic stretche sis shown attheright. Move slowly asyou stretch—neve rbo unce. 1.Toe Touch Stretc h Sta nd withyo ur kne esbentsligh tly and slowly ben dforward from yo ur hip s.Allow yourback and shoulde rsto relaxas yo ure ach down towardyou rtoe sas fa ras possi ble.H old for15 cou nts\bthen rel ax. Repeat3time s.Str etches: Hamstrings\b back ofkne esand back. 2.Ham string Stretc h Sit with one leg exte nde d.Bring thesole ofthe opposite foot toward youand restitaga inst theinner thigh ofyour extend edleg.Reach toward yourtoes asfar aspossi ble.Hold for15cou nts\b then relax. Repeat 3time sfor each leg.Stre tches: Hamstrings\b lowe rback and groin. 3.Calf/Ac hilles Stre tch Withone leg in fron tof theother \breach forwar dan dplace your han dsagain stawall. Keep yourback leg straigh tan dyou rback foot flatonthefloo r.Ben dyou rfro ntleg\b leanforw ard and move your hipstoward the wall. Hold for15coun ts\bthen relax. Repeat3times for each leg.To cause further stretching ofthe achilles te ndo ns\b bendyou rback leg as well.Stretche s:Calves \bach illes ten dons and ankles. 4.Qu adric epsStretc h Withone hand again stawa llfor bala nce\b reach back andgrasp one foo twith your oth er hand. Bring your heelas clo se toyour buttocks as possib le.Hold for15 counts\b thenrelax. Repeat3time sfor each leg. Stretches: Quadricep sand hip muscl es. 5.Inn erThi ghStre tch Sit with the sole sof you rfeet together andyourkne esoutward. Pull your feet toward your groin area asfar aspossible. Holdfo r 15 co unts\b then relax. Repe at3time s.Stre tches: Qua drice psandhip mu scle s. 1 2 3 4 5

3\f PART LIST—M odelNo.PFTL8191\f.\fR1\f1\fA To locat ethe part slisted below \bsee theEXPLODED DRAWINGnear the end ofthis manu al. Key No.Qty. Descript ionKe yNo .Qty . Descri ption 1 25 #8x1/2" Screw 2 55 #8x3/4" Screw 31 3/8" x2" Bolt 42 5/16 "x 1 1/4" Bolt 54 5/16 "x 1" Bolt 61 3/8" x1 3/4" Bolt 74 3/8" x2 3/4" Bolt 84 3/8" x1 1/4" Bolt 92 #1\fx3/4" Scre w 1\f 7 #8x1/2" Grou ndScre w 11 4 5/16 "Star Washer 12 2 3/8" Nu t 13 4 3/8" Sta rWa sher 14 17 #8x3/4" TekScrew 15 2 Idler Rol lerBolt 16 1 3/8" x1 1/2" Bolt 17 2 3/8" x1 3/4" Whee lB olt 18 2 #8x1 3/4" Screw 19 9 #8x7/16" Screw 2\f 2 5/16 "M otor Bolt 21 2 1/2" x2 1/4" Bolt 22 2 3/8" x1" Bo lt 23 4 5/16 "x 1 3/4" Shoul derBo lt 24 1 1/4" x1" Bo lt 25 4 #8x1" Screw 26 2 1/4" Wash er 27 2 1/4" Lock Washer 28 4 #8x3/4" BellyPan Screw 29 1 3/8" x2" Hex Head Bolt 3\f 4 5/16 "Fla tW asher 31 2 5/16 "Ca ge Nut 32 2 1/2" Nu t 33 6 3/8" Jam Nut 34 4 5/16 "Nu t 35 7 1/4" Sta rWa sher 36 4 1/4" x1/2" Bolt 37 1 LeftFron tIsol ator Top 38 2 RearIsol ator Top 39 4 Isolator 4\f 4 Isolator Botto m 41 1 RightFro ntIsol ator Top 42 1 LeftFoot Rail 43 1 Caution Decal 44 1 Walking Platfo rm 45 1 Walking Belt 46 2 BeltGuide 47 2 FootR ail Tr ack 48 4 CableTie 49 1 DriveRoll er/Pul ley 5\f 1 Magnet51 1Reed Sw itch Clip 52 1Reed Sw itch 53 1 Sto ra ge Lat ch 54 1Drive Mot or 55 1Moto r B el t 56 1Fram e 57 2Rear Foot 58 1Rig ht Rea rC over 59 4Rubber Cushi on 6\f 1Rig ht Fo otRai l 61 1Idl er R ol ler 62 1Lef tR ear Cove r 63 1Hex Key 64 15/3 2" Hex Key 65 1Moto r H oo d 66 1Hood Accent 67 2Incl in e Fra me Spa cer 68 1Incl in e Mo torS enso r 69 1Incl in e Mo tor 7\f 1Incl in e Fra me 71 2Fram eSpacer 72 1Cont rol ler 73 1Cont rol lerP lat e 74 2Hood Post 75 1Pow er S w it ch 76 1Pow er C or d 77 2Gro m met 78 1Bel ly Pan 79 1Lef tU prigh tC over 8\f 1Rig ht Upr ight Cover 81 1Uprig ht Wire 82 1Lef tBa se Cover 83 1Rig ht Base Cove r 84 2Handr ailCa p 85 1Lef tH andr ailC ove r 86 1Rig ht Han drailC over 87 1Rig ht Han drail 88 1Lef tH andr ail 89 1Lef tU prigh t 9\f 1Rig ht Upr ight 91 2Warning Deca l 92 4Base Pad 93 1Cro ssbar 94 1Base 95 1Rig ht Wheel Cap 96 1Lef tWh eel Cap 97 2Wheel 98 1Key/ Clip 99 1Cabl e Tie 1\f\f 1Aud io Wi re