ProForm Proshox Elite 2 Manual
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11 12.Firmly tight enthe four the3/8" x2 3/4 "Bo lts (7) and the four 3/8" x1 1/4" Bolts (8) (onl yone side issh own ). Pre ss theLe ftBase Cove r(82) and the Righ t Base Cover (83) onto theBase (94) until they sna pinto pla ce.12 83 8 82 94 7 13. Slidethe Left Handrai lCo ver (85) ontothe Left Han drail(88 ).Slid ethe Right Han drailC ov er (86 )onto the Right Handr ail(87 ). Atta chthe Han drailCove rswith two#8x1/2" Scre ws(1).13 85 86 1 1 87 88 11. Set the con sole assem blyon theLeft Hand rail (88 )an dthe RightHa ndr ail(87) .Be care fulnot topinch any wires. Inser tthe exce ssUpr ight Wire (not sho wn) into theLeftHandrail . Attach the con sole assem blywith six #8x1/2 " Scre ws (1)\b fou r1/4 "x 1/2 "Bol ts(36)\b fo ur 5/16 " FlatWashe rs(11 3)\band four 1/4" Star Washers (35)as sho wn.St art all six Screws andall four Bolts\band thentighte neach ofthem . See step 7.Fu lly tighten thefour 5/16" x1" Bolts (5)and the two 5/1 6" x1 1/4 "Bol ts(4). 3588 1 11 C ons ole Asse mbly 1 8735 36 113 1 113 36
12 14.Hold theLef tUprig htCover (79) agai nstthe con sole asse mbly. Align the holesinthe Left Uprig htCove rwit hthe holes inthe Left Uprig ht (89).Attach theLe ftUpr ightC over withthree #8 x1/2" Screws (1). Attac hthe Right Upr ight Cover(8\f) to the Right Upright (9\f) inthe sam eway.14 89 1 Consol e Assem bly79 1 9\f 1 15. Attach theLeftTray (1\f7) andthe Right Tray (1\f8) tothe cons oleassembly withfour #8x1/2" Scre ws (1). 1\f7 1\f8 15 Conso le A ssem bly 1 1 1 8\f
13 16.Make suretha tth ere isapie ceofcardb oard below the rea rof the Frame (56) . See page15 and plug inthepowe rcord. Next\b se e page 17and turn on thepo we r.The incline system willau tomati cally calibrate and the Fram e(57 )w ill move up and dow n.Ifth e in - cli ne syste mdoe sno tauto mat icallycal ibrate\b see page 26and manually cal ibratethe incline sys tem . Then\bpress theIncline increase butto nonce. Wh entheFrame (56 )stops moving \bremove the key from theconso lean dunpl ugthe pow er cord . 56 16 Car dbo ard 17.IMPORTANT :Be fore you begin this step\b ma kesure thatyou have calibr atedthe in- cline syste mas des cribe din step 16. Raise theFrame (56) tothe position shown . Haveaseco ndperson holdthe Frame until thisstepis complet ed. Orie nt theSto rag eLatch (53) sotha tthe large b arrel and thelat ch kno bare oriented asshown. Attach the upper end ofthe Stor age Latch (53) to thebracke to n theFr am e(56 )wi th a3/8" x 13/4 "Bo lt(6 )an da3/8" Nut (12 ). Attach thelow erend ofthe Stor age Latch (53) to theBase (94) witha3/8" x2" Bol t(3) anda3/8" Nut (12).Not e:It may benecessar yto move the Frame (56)back and forth toalign the Storage Latch with theBase.17 53 Lar ge Bar rel 56 6 Lat ch Knob 123 94 12
14 19.Mak esure thatall part sar eprope rly tig htened before you usethe treadmill. Ifthere areshee tsof plastic on the treadmill decal s\brem ove theplastic.To protect thefloor orcarpet\b placeamat under thetreadmill . Not e: Ext rahardware may be include d.Ke ep the included hexkeys inasecure place;oneofthe hexkeys is u se dto ad just the walki ngbelt(see pages 26 and27). 18. Attach theRear Feet(57) to theFra me (56 )as shown withfour #8x3/4 "Scre ws(2). See step 16.Disc ardthepie ce ofcardb oard. Lower theFrame (5 6) (se eHOW TOLOWER THETR EA DMILL FOR USE on page 24).18 57 2 2 57 56
15 OPE RA TION AND ADJUSTMENT THEPRE -LUBRI CATED WALK ING BELT You rtrea dmill fea tures awalki ngbeltco ated withhig h- perf ormance lubrican t.IMPORTA NT:Neverapply sil- icone spray orother subst ance sto the walking be ltor the walk ing platfor m. Such substance swill cause excessi vewea r. HOWTO PLUG IN THE POWER CORD You rtrea dmill\b likeothe rel ectro nicequ ipment\b canbe damag edbysudd envoltage chang esinyour homeʼs power. Todecre ase the risk ofdama gingyour treadm ill\balw aysuse asurge suppress orwith your treadm ill(see dra wing 1at the right). Topurchase asu rgesuppressor\b seeprecaut ion 12on page 3. U se onl yasingle-outlet surgesuppressor that is UL 1449 listed asatran sient voltage surge sup- pre ssor (TVSS). Thesurgesuppressor musthavea UL suppressed voltageratingof4\f\f volts orless andami nimum surgedissipat ionof45\f joules. The surge suppr essor mustbeelect rically ratedfor 12\fvol ts AC and 15amps. Theremust beamoni - tor ing light onthe surg esuppressor to indicat e whethe rit is functioning properly.Failure to use a pro pe rly functi oningsurge suppressor coulddam- agethe control system ofthe treadmill (see prec au- tion 13 on page 3). Thi sproduct mustbegrounded. Ifit sho uldmalfu nc- tion orbrea kdo wn\b ground ingprovi des apath oflea st resistan cefor ele ctric curren tto reduce therisk ofele c- tric shock. Thisprod uctʼs powercord has an equ ip- me nt-gro unding condu ctor andagro undi ngplug.Plug the power cord intoasur gesuppressor\b and plug the surge suppre ssor intoan appropr iateoutletthatisproperl yinst alled and grounded in accor - dance wit h alllocal codes and ordina nces. IM PO RTA NT:The treadmi ll is not compatible with GFC I-equi pped outlet s. Thi spr oduct is fo r use on anom inal 12\f-volt circuit (see draw ing 1).A tem por aryad apter may beused to connectthe surg e suppr essorto a2-pole receptacl eif apr ope rly gr oun ded outlet is not availa ble(see draw - ing 2). The tem por aryada pter shou ld be used only until a prope rly gr oun ded outlet (see draw ing 1)can bein - st alled byaqual if ied elect rici an . The gree n-col ored rig id ear \blug\b orthe like extending fro m the ada pter must be connect edtoape rm anent groun dsuch asapr ope rly ground edoutlet boxcover . Theadapt ermu stbe hel d in pla ce byameta lscr ew. Some 2-pol erece ptacleout let box cove rsare not grounded. Cont act aqual ified electrician to deter - mine if the out let box cover is grounded before usi ng anadapt er. DAN GER :Im proper connect ion ofthe equi pment-gr oundingconductorin- crea sesthe risk ofelect ricshoc k.Che ckwith aqua lified elec trician orser vicema nifyou are unsure whethe rthe product isproperly gro unded. Donot modif ythe plug—i fit w ill not fitthe outle t\bha ve apr oper outletin - stal led by aqual ified ele ctr ician.1 2Grou nded Out let Box Gr ou nded Out let Box Gr ou ndi ng Plug S ur ge Sup pressor Su rgeSu ppr essor Groundi ngPin A dapt er Lug MetalS cr ew Gro unded Out let G ro undi ngPin Gr ou ndi ng Plug
16 FEATURE SOF TH ECON SOLE Thetre admill console offersan impressive arr ay of fea tures designe dto make yourworkou tsmore effec- tiv eand enjoyable.Whe nyou usethemanua lmo de\b youcan chang ethespeed and incl ine ofthe treadmill wit hthe touchofabu tton. Asyouexercise\b thecon- solewill displa yinstan texer cise feedback. Youcan ev en measu reyour heartrate usin gthehandg rippulse se nsor . Inaddit ion\bth eco nso le feature ssixteen onboa rdwork - outs—f ourcalo rieworko uts\bfourin te rval workou ts\b fou rspee dworko uts\band four endu rancewor kouts. Each workou ta ut oma ticallycontr olsthe spee dand in- clin eof the treadmill asitgui des youthrough aneffec - tiveexe rcise session . Thecon sole alsofeature san iFit Live mod eth at en- able sthe tread milltocomm unicate with your wireless net work throu ghan optio naliFit Live modu le.With the iFitLive mode\byou candow nload personal izedwork- outs\bcrea teyou rown wor kouts\b track your worko utre- su lts\b race aga inst other runner s\band access many otherfeatures. Topur cha sean iFit Live moduleat any time\b gotowww.iFit .com orcall the telephone number onthe front cover ofthis manual.You caneve nlist en to your favo rite workout musicor audio books wit h theconsol eʼsster eo sound system while you exercise. To turn onthe pow er\b se epa ge 17. Touse the man - ualmode \bse epage 17.To use anonboard work- out \bse epage 2\f.To use an iFi tLiv ewor kout \bsee pa ge 21. Touse the inform ation mode \bsee page 22. Touse the ster eo sound system\bseepage 23. Not e:The conso le can displ ay speed and distance in eit he rm iles orkilom eter s. To find which unitof mea - surement is sel ect ed\b see THEIN FORMA TIONMODE onpage 22.For sim plici ty\b allinst ructions inthi s m an - ualref er to miles. I MP ORTA NT: Ifthere aresheet sof pla sticon the co nsol e\bremove the plast ic. To prevent damageto the wal king platfor m\b wea rcl ean athletic shoes whi le usi ng the tre admi ll. The first time you use the tre admi ll\b obser vethe alignm entofthe walking belt\band centerthe wal king beltif necess ary(see pa ge 27). CONSO LEDIA GRAM
17 HOWTO TURN ONTHE POW ER IMPORTANT: Ifthe treadm illhas been expos edto coldtemperature s\ballow itto wa rm to room tem - pe ratu rebefore turning onthe power. Ifyou donot dothis\b youmay damage the console displaysor other electri cal compone nts. Plug inthe power cord (see page15 ).Next\b locate the power switch onthe trea d- mill frame near the power co rd. Press thepower swit chintothe reset position. IMP ORTANT: Thecons olefeat ures adisplay demo mode\b designe dto be used ifthe treadmill isdis - played inastore. Ifthe displays lightassoon as you plug inthe power cord and press thepowe r switch into theresetposition\b thedemo mode is turned on.Toturn offthe demo mode\b holddown theStop button forafe w seconds. Ifthe displ ays re main lit\b seeTHE INFOR MATION MODE onpage 22toturn offthedemo mode. Next\b stan don the foo trails of the trea dmill. Findtheclip at- tach edto the key and slide theclip ont othewaist - bandof your clo thes. Then\b in- se rtthe key into the conso le.Aftera mom ent\bthedispl ays willlig ht. IM- PORT ANT: Inan em ergency \bthe key canbe pulled from thecons ole\bca using thewalking belttoslow toastop. Testthe clip bycar efully taking afe w steps backward; ifthe key isnot pulled from the console \ba djus tthe position ofthe clip.HOW TOUSETH EMANUA LMODE 1. Inse rtthe keyint othe consol e. SeeHO W TO TUR NON TH EPO WER atthe left. 2. Sel ec tthe manua lmode . Press the Manua lbu tton on thecon sole. Ifyou are notconnect edto iFi tLi ve\b the manu almode will be se le ct ed aut omatical ly. 3. Star tthe walk ing belt. To star tthe wal king bel t\b pr ess the Start button\b the Speedincr ease button \bor one ofth e number ed QuickSpeed but to ns. If you press the Star tbu tto n or th e Spee dincr ease but ton\b th e wal king beltwill beg into move at1 mph .A s you exer cise\b chang ethespeed ofthe wal king beltas desi re d by pressi ngthe Speed in - cr ea se and decrease but to ns. Each time you press one ofthebut tons\b th e speed setting willchange by \f.1mph ;if you hol d dow nthe butto n\bthe speed setting will cha nge in incr em ent sof \f.5 mph. Note: Af ter you press the but ton\b it m ay ta ke amoment for the wal king beltto rea ch thesel ected speed setting. If you press one ofthe numb ered Quick Speed but- tons\bthe walki ng beltw ill gr adua lly chan gespeed until it rea ches the select ed spee dsett ing. Tose- lect aspee dset ting tha tincl ude sa decimal —such as3.5 mph —pr esstwonu mb ered buttons in suc - cessi on. Fo rexa mple\bto sel ect aspeed settingof 3.5 mph \bpr ess the 3bu tton and then immediatel y press the 5but to n. To stop the wal king belt\b pr ess the Sto pbutton. Th etim e will beg into flash in the display. Torestar t thewal king belt\b pr ess the Sta rt but ton orthe Spe edincr ease button . Reset Key Cl ip
18 4.Change theincline ofthe trea dmill as des ired. To chan getheincline ofthe trea dmill\b press th e Incline increaseordecr ease butto nor oneof the numbere dQuick Incli ne buttons. Eachtimeyou press oneof the buttons\b the treadmil lwill gradu - ally adju stto thesele ctedincl ine settin g. 5.Foll owyour progr esswit hthe displays . As you walk orrun on the trea dmill\b the display can showthefollo wing workout information: • The elapse dtime • The distance that you have walke dor run • The matrix •The worko utinte nsi tybar • The appro xim atenu mbe rof calo ries you have burned •The inclin elevel ofthetread mill •The number ofver tical feet youhave climbed •The speedofthe walki ngbelt •Yo urhea rtrat e(see step6on page 19) The mat rixoffers severa ldisp laytabs. Press the incre ase andde crease button next tothe Enter butto nunt ilthe desired tabissho wn. The Incline tabwill showapr ofil eof the inclin eset - tin gs ofthe workou t.A ne wsegm entwillappe arat th e end ofeach minute. The Spee dtabwill show a pro file ofthespe edsettings oftheworkout.Th eMyTr ail ta b wi ll show atrack that repr esents 1/4mile (4\f\f met er s).A s you exercise\b th e black re ctan gle wi ll show yourprogr ess. TheMyTrail tab will a lso show the num beroflap syo uare com plet - ing . TheCalo rie tab will sho wth e ap proxima teamount ofcal ories you have bur ned. The height ofeach se gm ent represent sthe amount ofcalories burned durin g that segm ent . As yo u exe rcise \bthe workoutin te ns ity leve lb ar will indic ate theap pro xima teinte nsity lev elof your ex- ercis e. Pr ess the Hom e but ton to ret ur nto the defaul t menu(se eTHE IN FO RM ATI ON MOD Eon page 22tosetthe defa ul tm enu ).If n ecessary\b press the Hom ebu tton agai n. Whe nawire less iFi tLi ve mod ule is con nect ed\bthe wi rel ess symbolatthe top of the disp laywill sh ow the st reng th ofyou rw ir el ess sig- nal .Fou rar cs indi cateful l sign alstreng th. To rese tthe displ ays\b press the Stop button\b re - move the key\ban dth en rei nser tthe key.
19 6.Meas ure your heart ra te ifde sired. Before using the han dgrip pulse senso r\b remo vethe she etsof pla stic from th e me talcon - ta cts on the pulse bar. In additio n\b make sure th at you rha ndsare clean. To measu reyour hea rtra te\bst and onthe foot railsan dhold the pul se bar with yourpal ms onthe met alco ntact s;av oid mov ingyour hands. When you rpu lse isde tecte d\bsever aldash eswillappe ar and the nyo ur hear tra te will be sho wn. For the most accurate heartrate reading\b continue to holdthecontac tsfor about 15seconds.7. When youarefini shed exerci sing\b remove the key from the cons ole. Step ontothe foot rai ls\b press th e Stop button\b and adjust the incline ofthe treadmi ll to the lowest setting. The incl ine must beatthe lowest set- ting oryou may damage the trea dmill when you fol dit to the stora geposi tion. Next\b remove the keyfr om the conso le and putit in ase cure place. Whenyou arefin ish ed using the tr eadmill\b press the pow ersw it ch int othe offposi tion and unplug the pow ercor d.IM PO RTA NT: If you donot do thi s\b the trea dmi llʼs elect rica lcom ponent sm ay wear premat urel y. Cont acts
2\f HOWTO USE ANONBOAR DWORKOU T 1.Ins ert the key into theconsole. See HOWTO TURN ONTHE POW ERonpage 17. 2.Sele ctan onboa rdwor kout. To select an onb oard wo rkou t\bpr ess theCalorie b utto n\btheInterval button \bthe Spee dbutton\b orthe Endure butt on repe atedl yuntil the desired worko ut appea rsinthedisp lay. W he nyo u se lect an onboard workout \bthe display wills h ow the dura tion\b thedist ance\b andthenam e ofth e workout .In addit ion\bapr ofile of the speed settin gs of the workout will appear in the matr ix. If you sele ct acalo rieworkout\b the approxim atenum - berofca lorie syo uwil lbur nwill appea rin the name ofth e workout . 3.Startthe wor kout. Pre ss theSta rtbutto nor the Spe edincrease butto n to sta rtthe workout. Amom ent after youpre ss the butto n\bthetrea dmill willau to m ati call yadju stto the first spe edandincline setti ngs oftheworkou t.Hold th e han drails andbe gin wal king. Each workou tis divided into segm ents. Onespee d setting and oneincline setting arepro grammed for each segme nt.Note :The same speedsetting and/o rin cline settin g ma ybe pro grammed forcon- secu tivesegment s. Durin gthe worko ut\bthe p ro files on th e sp ee d and incline ta bs will sho wyou r pro gress. Th efla shin gsegm entof the profil erep rese ntsthe curre ntseg men tof thewor kout. Theheight ofthe fla shing segme ntind icates thespeedorinclin eset - tin g for the curren tse gme nt. Atth eend ofea ch seg men t\ba ser ies ofton eswill sou ndandthe next segm entofthe profi lewill beginto flash .If a differ en tspe edand/ orincline settingis progr ammed for thenext segm ent \bth enew speed and/orincl ine settin gs will appea rin the displ ayfor afew secon dsand the tr ead mill w ill autom atical ly adj ust to thene wspeed and/or incl ine setti ng. The wor kout will cont inue in thi sway unti lthe last segm entofthe prof ile flashe sin the display andthe last segm ent ends. Thewal king beltw ill th en slow to asto p. Note :The calor ie goa lis an estimate ofthe number ofcal ories that you willburn during the w orkout .The act ual num berofcalories thatyou burn will depend onyour wei ght .In addit ion\bif you manual ly change the spe edorinc line of the treadmi ll dur ing the workout \bthe number of calories you burn will be affect ed. If the spe edorin cl ine setting is too high ortoo low atany tim eduring the wor kou t\byou canmanual ly override the settin g by pressi ngthe Speed or Incl ine but to ns; how ever \bw hen the next segment ofthe workout begins\bthe treadmill willauto - matical ly adj ust tothe spee dand incline set- tings for the next segm ent. Tostop the wor ko ut ata ny tim e\b press theStop button. The tim e will b egi nto flash in the displ ay. To resum ethe wor kout \bp re ss the Start button or the Spee dincr ease bu tto n.Th ewal king beltw ill begi nto move at1mph .Whe nthenext segment of the wor kout begi ns\b the tre adm ill w ill automati cally adj ust to thespe edandincli ne settings forthe next segm ent. 4. Follow your progr ess wit h the displays. See step 5on pag e18. The displ ay wi llshow the tim erem aining inst ead ofthe elap sed time. 5.Measure your heart rateif de sir ed. S ee step 6on pag e19. 6. When youarefini shed exercising\b remove the key from the cons ole. Se este p7on page 19. C ur ren tS egm ent