ProForm Proshox Elite 2 Manual
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SerialNu mbe r Deca l Mode lNo. PFTL8191\f.\f Seri al No. Wri tethe serialnumber in the space abov efor refer ence. CAU TION Read allp recauti onsandinstruc- tions inthi smanu albefore using this equipment. Savethis manua l forfuture reference . QUE STIONS? Ifyou havequest ions\borif part sar e damaged ormissing\b DONOT CON- TAC TTHE STORE; please contact Cust om er Care. IMPOR TANT: Please registerthis pro duc t(s ee thelimi ted warranty on th e bac kcov erofthi sman ual) bef ore contactin gCust om erCare . CALL TOLL-FR EE: 1-88 8-533-1333 Mon. –Fri.6 a.m .–6p.m .M T Sat. 8a.m.–4 p.m. MT ON THE WEB: www .proformse USERʼSMANUA L www.proform. com
TAB LE OF CONTENTS WARNING DECALPL ACEMEN T..............................................................2 IMP ORTA NTPRECAUT IONS................................................................3 B EFORE YOUBEGIN ......................................................................5 ASSEMB LY...............................................................................6 OPERA TIONANDADJUSTM ENT............................................................15 HO WTO FOL DAND MOVE THETREADMIL L..................................................24 TROUB LESHOO TING.....................................................................25 E XERCIS EGUIDELINES ...................................................................28 P ART LIST ..............................................................................3\f E XPLO DEDDRAWING ....................................................................32 OR DERING REPLACEMENT PARTS..................................................Back Cover LIMITEDWARRAN TY..............................................................Back Cover Thisdrawing shows thelocati onsofthe warn ingdecals. If a decal ismissing oril- le gibl e\bca llthe telephone numberonthe front cove rof thism anual andreques ta free replac ement decal. Applythe dec al in the loca tion shown. Note: The deca ls maynotb e sh own ata ctu alsize . WAR NING DECAL PLACEMENT 2 PR OFO RM is a reg istered tra dem arkof ICON IP\bInc.
3 1. Be fore beginning anyexercise program\b con- sult your physi cian.This isespec ially impor - tant for pers onsoverage 35orpersons with pre-existing healt hproblem s. 2. It is the responsibility ofthe owner toens ure thatall use rsofthis treadm illareadequa te ly informed ofallw arnings andprecautions. 3. Us ethe treadm illonly asdescribed. 4. Ke ep the trea dmill indoors \baway frommois- tureand dust .Do not putthe tr eadmil lin a ga rage orcove red patio\bornear water. 5. Pla ce the trea dmill onalevel surfac e\bwith at least8ft. (2.4 m) ofcle ara nce behind itand 2 ft.(\f.6 m) oneach side. Donot placethe treadmi llon any surf ace that block sair open - ings. Toprotec tthe floor orcar pe tfr om dam- age\b placeam at under the trea dmill. 6. Do not operate the tre admill whe re ae rosol produc tsare used orwher eoxygen isbeing admini stered. 7. Ke ep chil dren underage 12and petsaway from thetreadm illat all tim es. 8. The treadmi llshould beused only bypersons wei ghing 325 lbs. (147kg) orless. 9. Ne veral low morethan oneperson onthe treadmi llat atime. 1\f. W ea rappropriat eexer cise clothe swhe n using thetrea dmill. Donot wearloose clothes thatcould become caught inthe tre admill. Athl eticsupport clothesare recommended for both menand wome n.Always wearath leticshoes .Nev erusethe tre admill with\bare \feet, wearing onlystock ings,or insandals. 11. W hen conne ctingthepower cord(seepage 15)\bplug thepower cordinto asurge sup- pressor (not included) andplug thesurge suppres sorinto agrounded circuit capable ofcarrying15ormor eamps. No ot her appliance should beon the same cir cui t.Do not use an extensi oncor d. 12.Us eon lyasin gle -o utle tsur ge supp resso r tha t mee ts all ofth espe cific ation sdes crib ed on pag e15.To purc ha se asur ge supp resso r\bsee your loca lP R O FO RM deal eror call the tele - phone numbe ron the front cover ofthis man - ualand orde rpart n um ber14 6148\b or seeyo ur lo ca le le ct ro nic sst ore . 13 .F ailu re to use apr operly func tio ning surge supp re ss or cou ldre su lt in dama ge to the con - trols yste m ofth etread m ill. Ifth eco ntrol sys - tem isdam ag ed \bthe wal king belt ma yslo w\b accele ra te\bo r stop une xp ec tedly \bwh ich may resul tin afa llan d serio us injury . 14 .K ee pthe pow ercor dand the sur gesuppr es- sor away from heatedsurf aces. 15.N ev er move the wal king beltwhile thepower is turned off. D o not operat ethe treadm illif the pow ercor dor plug is damage d\bor ifthe tre admi ll is not working properl y.(See TROU - BLESH OO TING on page 25 if the treadmill is notworki ngproperl y.) 16 .R ea d\b under stand\b and tes tthe eme rgency stop pro ced ure befo reusin gth e tread mill (see HO WTO TURN ON THE POW ERon page 17). 17 .N ev er start the treadmi ll w hi le you arestand - ingonthe walking belt. Al ways hold the handrai ls whi le usi ng the treadmi ll. 18.The tre admi ll is capa bleofhigh speeds. Adj ust the spe edin smal linc rements toavoid sudden jumpsinspe ed. 19.The pulsesensor is not am edical device. Various fac tor s\b incl udi ngthe user's move - ment \bma yaf fe ct the accuracy ofhear trate readi ngs.Thepulsesensor is int ended only asan exerc iseaid in det erm ini ng hear trate tre nds ingene ral. WAR NING:To reduce therisk ofser ious inj ury\b read allimportant precautions andin- structi onsin thi sm anual and all warnings onyour treadmill befor eusing your tr eadmill. ICONas- sumes norespons ibilityfor per sonal injuryor prope rtydam agesustained byorthrough theuse of thisproduct. IMP ORTANT PRECAUTIO NS
4 2\f. Ne verle av ethe treadm illunat tended whileit isrunning. Alwa ys rem ove the key\b unplug thepow ercord\b and pres sthe power switch into theoffposi tion when thetr eadmill isnot in us e.(Se ethe drawing onpage 5for the lo- cati onofthe powe rswitc h.) 21. Do not attempt toraise\b lower \bor mov ethe tre admi llunti lit is proper lyassembled. (See ASSEMBLY onpage 6\band HOW TOFOLD AND MOVETHE TREA DM ILL onpage 24.) You mustbe able to safe lylift45 lbs. (2\fkg) to rai se\b lowe r\bor move the treadmill . 22. W hen foldi ngormoving the trea dmill\b make sure thatthestorage latch isholding the frame securel yin the stor age position. 23. Ne verins ert any object intoanyopen ingon thetreadmi ll.24. Inspect andproper lytight enallparts ofthe treadm illregul arly. 25. DA NGE R:Al ways unplugthe pow er cord im me diately af te r use\b be for eclea ning the tread mill\ban dbefo reperfo rmingthe mainte - nanc ean dad ju stm ent proce dure s des cribed in thi sm anu al.Ne ver remo ve th e mo torho od un - less instru cted todo so by an authori zed ser- vice represen tative. Ser vici ng oth er than the pr oc edu re s in th is m anu als ho uldbe pe rfo rmed b y an authori zed service represen tative only. 26. Thi streadmi ll is int ended for in-home use only.Do not use thi streadmi ll in acomm er- cial\brent al\bor inst it ut iona lse tting. 2 7. Over exerci sing may resul tin serious injury ordeat h.If you feel fai nt or if you exper ience painwhil eex erci sing\b stop imm ediately and cooldown. SAV ETHESE INSTRUCTI ONS
5 Thank youfor sele cting therevo lutionary PROFORM® 7\f5CST trea dmill. The7\f5 CST treadmilloffers an impressive select ion offeatur esdesi gned tomake yo ur worko utsat hom emor eenjo yable and effe ctive . Andwhen youʼre notexerc ising\bth euniqu etrea dmill can be folded up\brequiring less tha nhalf the floor space ofother treadmills. For your bene fit\brea dthis manual carefully before using thetrea dmill. Ifyou have questi onsafterread -ing thi sma nual \bpl ease seethe fr ont cover ofthisman - ual.To helpus assi styou\b please notetheproduct model numberan dser ia lnu mb erbefore contacti ngus. The mode lnu mb erand the lo cat ion ofth e seri alnum - ber deca lar esho wnon thefron tcove rof this manual. Bef or ereadi ngfur ther \bpl ease revi ew th e drawing bel ow and fam iliar ize yoursel fw it h thelabeled parts. BEF OREYOU BEGIN Ha ndrail Up right Tra y Key/Cl ip P ow erSwi tchWa lking Belt Plat form Cushi on FootRa il Pow erCor d Idler Roller Adjustme ntBoltsC onsol e Pul se Sensor
6 ASSEMBLY Tohir ean authorize dser vice technician toassem blethe treadmill\b call1-8\f\f-44 5-248\f. Assembly require stwo persons .Set thetread millinaclea redarea andremove all packing materials. Donot dispos eof the packing materials until assembly iscompl eted.Note :The underside ofthe treadmill walking beltiscoa tedwit hhig h-per forman celubrica nt.During shipping \bsome lubricant maybetransferred tothetop of thewalking belt orthe shippi ngcarton. This isno rmal anddoes notaffect trea dmill performance. Ifthere islubri - cant on top ofthe walking bel t\b sim plywip eoff thelu brica ntwith asoft clothand ami ld\b non -abrasive cleaner. As sembly require sthe included hexkeys and your own Phillips screwdriver \ba djustable wre nch \band scissor s . Usethedrawing sbelow toidenti fythe assembly hardware. The number inparenthe sesbelow eachdrawing is the key numb erofthe part\bfrom the PART LIST near the end ofthis manual. Thenumbe rafter theparentheses isthequ ant itynee dedfor assem bly.Note: Some smallpar tsmay have been preass embled. Toavoid dam- aging parts\b donot use powe rtools forassem bly.Extra hardware maybeincluded. #8x3/4 Screw (2)–8 3/8Star Washer (13)–43/8Nut(12)–25/16 Star Washer (11)–4 #10x3/4 Screw (9)–2 3/8x2 3/4 Bolt(7)–4 3/8 x1 3/4 Bolt(6)–1 3/8 x2 Bolt (3)–1 5/16 x1 Bolt (5)–4 #8x1/2 Ground Screw (10)–1#8x1/2 Screw (1)–18 5/16 x1 1/4 Bolt (4)–23/8 x1 1/4 Bolt(8)–4 1/4 x1/2 Bolt (36)–4 1/4 Star Washer (35)–6 #10x3/4 Flat Head Screw (112)–2 5/16Flat Washer (113)–4
7 3.Ident ifythe Left Upright (89) \bw hich is mar ked with a“Le ft”sticke r.Have aseco ndperson hold th e Lef tUp righ tne ar the Base (94). See the inset drawing .Ti e thewir etie in the Left Uprig ht(89 )secu relyaro und theend ofthe Uprig htWire (81) .Then\b pullthe other endofth e wire tieuntilthe Upri ghtWireis routed com- ple tely throug htheLeft Upright. 81 3 1. Mak esure that thepower cord isunplugged. Pla ce apiece ofcard boar dbel ow the rear ofthe Frame (56)to pro tect the floor or carpet. A ttach the LeftWh eelCap (96) totheBa se (94 ) with two#8 x3/ 4" Scr ews(2) . Attac hthe Right Wheel Cap (not shown) to theright side ofthe Base (94) inthe same way.1 96 94 2 81 89 Wi re Tie Wi re Ti e 89 94 56 Car dboar d 81 2. Pull theUprig htWire (81) and theBase Ground Wire (11\f) throu ghthe indi cated holein the Base (94). Attach the Base Grou nd Wire (11\f) totheBase (94 )with a#8 x1/ 2" Ground Screw (1\f). Pre ss theGro mmet (77) into thesqua rehole in th e Base (94). 81 2 77 Hol e 1\f 11\f 94
8 5.Iden tifytheLeft Base Cover (82) andtheRig ht Base Cover (83).Slide theLeftBase Cover onto th e Lef tUprigh t(8 9). Slide the Rig ht Ba se Cove r onto theRight Upright (9\f) .Do not pres sthe Bas eCovers into place yet. Id en tify theLef tUpr ight Cove r(79) and the Righ tUprigh tCover (8\f) .Sli de the LeftUpright Cove ronto the LeftUpr ight (89) .Sli de theRig ht Uprig htCove ront othe Rig ht Upr ight (9\f). 89 82 8\f 9\f 7983 5 4. Hold theLeft Upright (89) ag ainst the Base (94).B e care fulnot topinch th e wires. Insert two3/8"x 2 3/4" Bolts(7 )and two 3/8" x1 1/4" Bolts (8) with two 3/8" Sta rWa she rs(13) int o the Left Upr ight. P artially tighte nthe3/8" x2 3/4" Bolts (7) and th e 3/8 "x 1 1/4 "B olts (8) untilthe hea dsofthe Bolts tou ch the Left Upr ight (89) ;do not fully tighte nthe Boltsyet . Attac hthe Right Upr ight (not shown) inthe s ame way .No te:Th ere are no wires on the righ tsid e. 89 94 4 8 7 13 13
9 7.Attach the LeftHand rail(88) tothe Left Uprig ht (89)with two 5/16 "x 1" Bolts (5)\btwo 5/16 "Sta r Washe rs(11 )\band a5/1 6" x1 1/4 "Bol t(4). Do not fullytighte nthe Bolts yet. Attac hthe Right Handr ail(87 )in the same way.7 89 88 87 4 511 6. Cut theplast icties inthe LeftHa ndrail (88)an d th e Rig htHan drail (not show n).Ifnecessary\b pre ss the5/1 6"Ca ge Nuts (31) back into place . Ident ifythe Lef tHandr ail(8 8) andhold it n ea r th e Lef tUp righ t(89 ).Inser tthe Upr ight Wire (81)th rou ghthebra cket onthe bottom ofthe L eft Han drail. Pull the Upr ight Wire out ofthe en d ofthe Lef tHa ndrail. 88 6 89 31 81 Tie
1\f 1\f.Withthe help ofa second perso n\bhold the con- sole asse mbly near the Left Handrail(88). Con nect the Uprig htWi re (81) totheconsole wire. See the inset drawing. Theconnec tors sh oul dslide toge thereas ily and snapinto place. Ifth ey do not \bturn one conne ctorand try again. IFYOU DONOT CONN ECTTHECON- NECTO RSPROP ERLY\b THECONSOLE MAY BECOMEDAMAGED WHEN YOU TURN ON THEPOW ER.Rem ovethewire tie from the Uprig htWire . Consol e Assembly Consol e Wire Wi re Tie 8881 81 Con sole Wire 8. Set theconso leassem blyface down on asoft surf ace toavo idscratchin gtheconsol eassem - bly. Re move thetwo indicated Screws (A).Next\b lift o ff th eCro ssba r(93 ).Di scard thetwo Scre ws. 93 Consol e Assembly A 8 1\f 9. IMP ORTANT: Toavoid damaging the Cross bar(93)\bdo not use power tool sand do not overtight enthe #1\f x3/4" Screws (9) orthe #1\f x3/4" Fla tH ead Scre ws(112). Orie nt theCrossb ar(93) as sho wn. Attach the Crossb artotheHan drail s(87\b 88) withtwo #1\f x3/4 "Flat HeadScrew s(1 12) \btwo #1\f x3/4" Scre ws (9)\band two 1/4" Star Washers (35) as sho wn. Start allfour Screws\b andthentighte n each ofthem . 93 88 9 99 87 35 112 112 35