ProForm 995 C Manual
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21 HOWTO USE ANIFIT LIVE WOR KOUT Note: To use an iFit Live workou t,you must have an optional iFitLive module. Topurcha sean iFit Live module atany time\b goto orcall the tele phone numbe ron the front cover ofthism an - ual.Yo umu stalso have access toacomputer with a US Bpo rtand an inte rne tco nnectio n.Inad dition, you mustha ve access toawir eless network including an 802 .11b route rwith SSID broadcast enabled (hidd en networks arenot sup ported) .An mmemb ership isalso requ...
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22 HOWTO USE APROFOR MSYNC Th eop tional PRO FORM SYNCen able syo uto reco rd your treadmill workout resultson your iPo d ®(not in - clu ded). You can thenup load your resul tsto Nike m,wher eyou canuse anarra yoftools to analyze yourre sults andmo nitor your prog ress toward your fitne ss goals. Topurcha seaSYN Cat any tim e\b cal lthe telephone number onthe front cover ofthis ma nua l. Touse theSYNC, youmu stha ve an iPod nano ®(4th or 5th gen erat ion)or an iPod touch®(2nd, 3rd,or 4th gen...
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23 THEINFORMAT IONMODE Thecon sole feature san infor mation mode thatkee ps track oftrea dmill info rmatio nand allows youtoperson - alize con sole settings. To select the informa tionmode, holddow ntheStop but ton while inserting thekeyinto theconsol e,and the nrele ase theStop button. Whenthe informatio n mode issele cted ,the follow ing infor mation will be shown: Th eTime displaywill show the tot al numb erofhours the trea dmill hasbeen used. Th eDista ncedisplaywill show thetot alnum berof mile sor...
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24 HOWTO FOLD THETREA DM ILL Toavoi ddam agingthe tread mill\badj ust theincline tothe lowest pos ition befo reyoufold the tre ad mil l. Then\b remove the key and unpl ug the power cord. CAUTION :Yo umust beable tosafely lift 45 lbs. (2\f kg)to rai se\b lower\b ormove thetread mill. 1. Hold the met alfra me firm lyin the loca tionshown by th earrow below. CA UTIO N:Do not hold the frame bythe plast icfoot rails .B end you rlegs and keep your back straight . 2.Raise the frame until thelatch kno blocks...
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25 TROU BLESHO OTING Mosttreadmi llproblem scan besolved byfollow ingthesim ple ste ps below .Find thesymptom that applies\bandfollow the steps listed. Iffurther assistanc eis needed\b seethefront cover ofthis manual . PROB LEM: The power doesnot turn on SOLU TION: a. Ma kesur ethat the power cordisplugg edinto asurge suppressor, andthat the surg e suppressor is plug gedint oapr oper lygroun dedoutlet (seepage15). Use onlyasin gle-outl etsurge suppres - sor that meet sall ofthe speci fica tions descri...
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26 Locat ethe Reed Switch (52) andtheMagn et(50) on theleft si de ofthePu lley(49 ).Tu rnthe Pulley u nt ilth eMa gnet isaligne dwi th the Ree dSwitch. Make sur etha tthe gap betwe enthe Magnet and theRee dSw itc his about 1/8in.(3 mm ).Ifnec - essary, loosenthe#8 x3\f4" TekScrew (14),move the Reed Swi tch sligh tly, and then retig hten the Screw .Re atta ch th e Motor Hood (not shown )an d runthetrea dmi llfor afew minut es tocheck for a correct speedreadin g. PROB LEM: Theinclin eof the treadmil...
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27 PROB LEM: The walking beltisoff- center or slips whe nwalked on SOLU TION: a. If the walking beltisoff-center \bfir st remove the key and UN PLUG THEPOW ERCORD. Ifthe wal king belthas shift edto the left\b use thehex key to tur nthe left idler roller boltclockwise 1\f2of atur n; if the wal king belthasshi fted to the right\b tu rn the lef tidler rolle rbo ltco un terclockwise 1\f2 ofa tur n. Be care fu lnot toover tig hten the walking belt .Then, plug in the powe rcord, insert the key,and runthetread...
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28 These guid eline swill hel p you toplan your exercise program. Fordet ailed exerci seinfor mation, obtaina reputable book orcon sult your physi cian. Remembe r, propernutrition andade quate rest are essentia lfo r su ccessful results. EXERCIS EINTENSITY Wh ether yourgo alisto bu rn fat ortostrengthe nyou r cardiovascu larsystem ,exer cisingatthepro per inten - sityis thekey to achie vingresul ts. Youcan useyour hea rtrat eas aguide tofind the proper intensity level. Thecha rtbelo wsh ows recom mended...
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29 SUGGES TEDSTRETCH ES Thecorre ctform for sever alba sic stretche sis shown attheright. Move slowly asyou stretch—neve rbo unce. 1.Toe Touch Stretc h Sta nd withyo ur kne esbentsligh tly and slowly ben dforward from yo ur hip s.Allow yourback and shoulde rsto relaxas yo ure ach down towardyou rtoe sas fa ras possi ble.H old for15 cou nts,then rel ax. Repeat3time s.Str etches: Hamstrings, back ofkne esand back. 2.Ham string Stretc h Sit with one leg exte nde d.Bring thesole ofthe opposite foot toward...
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3\f PART LIST—M odelNo.PFTL9991\f.\fR1010A To locat ethe part slisted below ,see theEXPLODED DRAWINGnear the end ofthis manu al. Key No.Qty. Descript ionKe yNo .Qty . Descri ption 1 25 #8x1\f2" Screw 2 61 #8x3\f4" Screw 31 3\f8" x2" Bolt 42 5\f16 "x 1 1\f4" Bolt 54 5\f16 "x 1" Bolt 61 3\f8" x1 3\f4" Bolt 74 3\f8" x2 3\f4" Bolt 84 3\f8" x1 1\f4" Bolt 92 #10x3\f4" Scre w 10 7 #8x1\f2" Grou ndScre w 11 4 5\f16 "Star Washer 12 2 3\f8" Nu...