ProForm 60 Ze Manual
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21 Inspectand tighten allpar tsof the elliptica lexe rciser regularly. Replace anywor npar tsimmedia tely. To clean the ellip ticalexer ciser, useada mp clo thand a small amountofmild soap. IMPORT ANT:Toavoid damage tothe cons ole,keep liquids awayfrom the consol eand kee pthe console outofdir ect sunlight. CO NSOLE TROUBLESHOOTING Ifthe con sole displays beco medim ,the batte ries sh ould berep lace d;mo stconsol eprobl emsarethe resu ltof low batteries. Seeassemb lystep 6on page 9 forreplace mentin str ucti ons. Ifthe ha ndg rippulse sensor does notfunctio npro per \b ly,see step 5on page \f8. HO WTO ADJ UST THEDRIVE BELT If you canfee lthe pedals slip whil eyou arepedaling, even when the resistanc eis adj ust ed to the highe st leve l,the drive belt ma ynee dto be adjusted. To adju stthe drive belt, youmust remove theleft pedal,the top shield cover,the rear shie ldcover, and theleftshield. First ,see step \f5on page \f3andrem ove the left ped al. Next, seestep \f6 on pa ge \f4and remove th e rea r shield cover . Then, see step4on pag e7and rel ease thetopshield cover fromthe leftshield. Slide the topshield cover upward . Remove the M4 x\f6mm Screw s(92) fromthe Left S hield (44)an dthe nge ntly move theLeft Shield out \b wa rdove rthe LeftPed alArm (\f4) .Next ,loosen the Pivot Scre w(88).Then ,tigh ten the Drive Bel tA dj ust ment Scr ew (7 2) until theDrive Bel t (46) is tight . Whe nthe Drive Bel t(46) is tigh t, tighten thePivot Scr ew (88) . Then ,re at ta ch the le ft shi eld, the rear shield cover, the top shie ld cover ,an dthe lef tpe dal. M AI NT ENANCE ANDTROUBLESHOO TING 92 \f4 44 92 92 88 72 46
22 HOWTO ADJ UST THEREED SWITC H Ifthe con sole does not displ aycor rect feedba ck,the reed switch should beadjusted . Toadju stthe reed swi tch,you must remo vethe right disc cove ran dthe right pedal disc. Usin gafla tscre wdriver, rem ove theright Disc Cover (\f8). Then, remo vethe M8 x\f4m mButton Screws (8\f) from theRigh tP ed alDisc (2 7), and gently rotate the Rig htPed alDisc outof the way.Lo cat ethe Reed Sw it ch (58) .Loose n,but donot remove ,th e M4 x\f6m m Scr ew (9 2). Next ,rot ate the Cra nk Asse mbly (24 )until aMagnet (4\f )is aligned wit h the Reed Sw itch (58). Slide the Ree dSw itch sligh tly to w ar dor aw ay from theMagnet. Th en, ret ight en the M4 x\f6 mm Scr ew (92). Rotate the Crank Asse mbly (2 4) for amoment. Repeat the se actions unt ilth e consol edispl ays correct feed\b back. When the reed swit ch is cor re ct ly adjusted ,re attach the rig ht peda ld isc and the right disc cove r. 4\f 92 58 24\f8 27 8\f
2\f Theseguidelin eswill he lpyou toplan your exercise program. Fordetailed exer cise information, obtain a reputab leboo kor consu ltyour physicia n.Remembe r, proper nut rition and adeq uate rest are esse ntialfo r successfu lre sult s. EXERCI SEINTE NSITY Whethe ryo ur goal is to bur nfat ortostrengthe nyo ur card iovascula rsystem ,exer cisingat th e prope rin te n\b sity isthe key toachi evingresul ts.You can useyour heart rate as agu ide to find the proper inten sity leve l. The chart below show srecom mended heart ratesfor fat burnin gand aer obi cexer cise. Tofind the prope rintensi tyleve l,find your ageatthe bott om ofthe chart (ages arerounded offto the near \b estten years ).The three num berslisted above your age defineyo ur “trai ning zone.”The lowest numb eris the heart ratefor fatbur ning,the midd lenumb eristhe heart rate forma xim um fatburning, andthe hig hest number isthe hea rtrate foraerob icexe rcise.Burni ngFat—To burnfat effect ivel y, you must exer\b cise atalow in te nsi ty level for asustained period of tim e. Dur ing the first few minut esofexerci se,your bo dy use sca\f bo\b yd\fate cal o\fies fo r energy .Only after the fir st fe w minut esof exer cise doe syour body begin to use stor ed fat cal o\fie s for ener gy.If yo ur goal is to bu rn fat ,adj ust the in te nsi tyof your exercise untilyour he artrat e is nea rth e low est num berin your traini ng zone. For maxi mum fat bur ning ,exercise withyour heartrat e nea rth e middl enu mb erin your training zone. Aer obic Exerci se—I fyour goal is to strengthen your cardio vascul arsyst em,yo umust perfo rm aerobi c exercise ,wh ich is act ivi ty tha tre qui res large amounts ofoxygen forpr olonged periods of time. Foraerobic exercise ,adj ust the int en sityof your exercise until your hear trat e is near the hig hest numbe rin your trai ning zone. WOR KO UT GUI DELI NE S War ming Up —Start with 5to \f0 minutes ofstre tching andlight exercise. Awar m\bu pincr eases yourbody tem pera tu re ,hear trat e, and circu la tion inprepar ation for exer cise . Traini ng Zone Exer cise —E xercise for 20to 30 min\b ute swit h your heart rat e in your tr ai ning zone. (D ur ing the fir st fe w weeks ofyour exercise program, donot keep you rhear trat e in yo ur tr a in ing zone forlonger tha n20 minu tes.) Bre at he regul arly and deep ly as you exercise –never hol d your bre at h. Cool ing Dow n—Fi nish wit h 5to \f0 minutes of stretchi ng. Str e tch ing incr eases the flexibilit yof your muscl esand hel ps to pr eve ntpost \bexercise probl em s. EXE RCI SE FR EQU EN CY To mai ntain orimprov eyour condi tion, completethr ee wor kout seach week, with atleast oneday ofrest be twe en wor kout s.After afe w mo nths ofregul arexer \b cise, youmay com plet e up to five workou ts each wee k,if desi red. Rem em ber ,the key tosuccess is to make exercise are gula ran denjo ya ble part ofyou r eve ryd ay life. EXE RCISE GUIDELINE S WARNING:Befor ebegi nning thi s or any exerc ise pr ogr am,consult yourphysi - cian .Thi sis especially impor tant forpers ons over age \f5orper sons withpre-existing health proble ms. Thepulsesensor isnot am edical device. Vari ous factors may affec tthe accuracy of heart rate readings. Thepulse sensor is intende donly as an exer cise aid indete rmin - ing heart rate tre nds ingener al.
24 SUGGES TEDSTRETCHES Thecorre ctform forse ver albasic stretches is sh own at th e right. Move slowly asyou stretch—n everbounce. 1.Toe Touc hStr etc h Sta nd withyo ur knee sben tsl ig htly andslo wly bend forwa rdfrom your hip s.Allow your back and shoul derstorelax as yo urea ch down towardyou rtoe sas far aspossi ble.Ho ldfor \f5counts, the nrela x.Repe at3times. Stretches: Hamstrin gs,back of kn ees, andback. 2. Ham string Stretc h Sit with one leg exte nde d.Bri ng the sole ofthe opposite foot toward youand rest itaga inst theinne rthi gh ofyou rexten ded leg. Reach towar dyo ur toes asfaras possi ble.Ho ldfor \f5 counts, then relax. Repeat3time sfor each leg .Stre tches: Hamst rings, lower back, andgroi n. \f. Calf\bAc hilles Stre tch Withone leg in fron tof the other, reach forward and place your handsagain stawa ll.Keep yourback leg straight and you rback foo tflat onthe floo r.Ben dyou rfront leg, lean forward andmove your hip stoward the wall.Hol d for \f5cou nts, then relax. Re peat 3times foreach leg.Tocause furtherstretching ofthe achilles tendons, bend your back leg as wel l.Str etch es: Calves, achilles ten dons, and ankles. 4. Qu adric epsStretc h Withone hand aga inst awall for balance, reach back and gra sp one footwith youroth er hand. Bring your heel as close toyour but tocks as possible .Hold for\f5cou nts, then relax. Repeat3 time sfor each leg. Stre tches: Quadrice psand hip muscles. 5. Inn erThi gh Stret ch Sit with the sole sof your feet togethe rand your kne esoutward. Pull you rfeet towar dyo ur groin areaas far aspossib le.H old for \f5 count s,the nrelax. Repeat3times. Stretches: Quadrice ps and hip muscles. \f 2 3 4 5
25 \f\fFrame 2\f Uprigh t 31 RearUpri ght Cover 41 Conso le 51 Water Bottle Hold er 62 UpperBod yLeg 71 Resistance Wheel 81 LeftUppe rBod yArm 91 RightUpp erBo dy Arm \f0 2FoamGrip \f\f 2UpperC ap \f2 \fLeftPedal \f3 \fRightPedal \f4 \fLeftPedal Arm \f5 2Peda lBr acket \f6 \fFrontUpr igh tC ove r \f7 4Pivo tBushin g \f8 2DiscCove r \f9 2Pivo tCove rA 20 2FrontLeg Cover 2\f 2RearLegCo ver 22 2Pivo tCove rB 23 4Bush ing Set 24 \fCrankAssem bly 25 \fCrankArm 26 \fLeftPedal Disc 27 \fRightPedal Disc 28 2Pulse Wire 29 4Bear ing 30 2Peda lAr m Cap 3\f 2Shou lderPatch Bolt 32 \fConso leCover 33 4M8Washe r 34 \fAdjustm ent Lock 35 \fAdjustm ent Nut 36 \fLowe rAr m 37 \fTopShie ldCover 38 2CrankBear ing 39 \fHandleba r 40 \fSnap Ring 4\f 2Magnet 42 \fWireHarn ess 43 7M6Washe r 44 \fLeftSh ield 45 \fRightShiel d 46 \fDriveBelt 47 2Leveli ngFoot 48 2Sta bili zer Cap 49 \fRightPedal Arm 50 2Wheel5\f \fFlyw heel 52 \f Idl er 53 \fC\bma gnet 54 \fResi stan ce Mot or 55 \fMot or Bra cket 56 \fUpper Arm 57 \fClam p 58 \fReed Sw it ch/ Wire 59 \fRear Shi eld Cove r 60 \fKey 6\f \fM8 Lo cknut 62 \fM6 x\f6m mBu tton Scre w 63 2Shoul derScr ew 64 \fFlyw heel Axle 65 \fC\bma gnet Bol t 66 \fIdl er Bolt 67 \fKey Scr ew 68 \fCrank Arm Scr ew 69 4Resi stan ce Mot or Bolt 70 \fRear Sta bi lizer 7\f 2Mot or Bra cket Scr ew 72 \fDrive Belt A dj ust ment Screw 73 \fFront Stab ilizer 74 \fM6 Lo cknut 75 6M\f0 x48m mPat ch Screw 76 4M8 x45m mBu tton Bolt 77 6M8 Jam Nut 78 \f0 M\f0 Spl it W asher 79 7M\f0 x20m mPat ch Screw 80 2M8 x20m mPa tch Scre w 8\f 4M8 x\f4m mBu tton Scre w 82 4M\f0 x85m mPat ch Screw 83 \fM5 x7mm Scr ew 84 \f0 #\f0x\f6m mScr ew 85 2M8 x\f8m mHe xScr ew 86 2M5 x\f2m mScr ew 87 \fM3. 5 x\f2m mScr ew 88 \fPivot Scre w 89 2M4 x48m mScr ew 90 \fM4 x\f6m mGrou nd Screw 9\f 9M5 Star Washer 92 2\f M4 x\f6m mScr ew 93 2Pul se Senso r/Wi re 94 \fFlyw heel Bear ing 95 \fAudi oCab le 96 7M5 x\f6m mScr ew *– Userʼ sM an ual *– Assem bly To ol *– Grease Packe t *– Wire Tie PART LIST— Model No.PFE L5\f909. 0R02\f0A KeyNo. Qty. Descript ion KeyNo. Qty. Description Note: Specifica tions are subject tochange withou tno tice. Forinformation about ordering replacement parts,see theback coverof th is ma nual .*The separts arenotillustrated.
26 EXPLOD ED DRAWI NGA—M odel No.PFEL5\f909.0R 02\f0A 29 29 30 8533 29 2933 8530 848415 13 21 20 20 21 15 84 84 49 31 75 75 23 2331 6 6 12 23 23 79 78 7979 78 78 79 22 19 19 22 17 17 33 80 17 1733 80 76 77 76 77 8 11 9 11 5 10 10 24 32 79 79 79 92 92 92 89 3 16 93 14 78 78 78 78 78 78 39 28 95
27 51 77 52 25 53 55 54 69 787 24 565792 583840 72 43 86 38 43 96 96 41 41 26 18 18 27 61 60 43 62 6768 92 64 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 9292 44 45 46 90 50 50 63 63 65 66 48 48 83 47 47 81 717134 35 36 37 59 70 73 82 82 88 43 42 1 9691 91 96 91 91 74 77 94 91 EXPLOD ED DRAWI NGB—M odel No.P FE L5\f909 .0R02\f0A
Part No.28\f 028R02 \f0A PrintedinUSA ©2009 ICON IP,Inc. O RD ERING RE PLACE MENT PART S Toorde rre place mentpar ts,plea sesee the fro ntcove rof this manua l. To helpus assist you,be prep ared to provide the follo wing information when contactin gus: • the modelnu mbe rand serialnum berofthe prod uct(see thefrontcover ofthis man ual) •the name ofthe pro duct (see thefron tcover of th is manua l) •th e ke ynu mbe rand descr iption ofthe replace mentpart(s) (seethePART LISTandtheEXPLODED DRAW INGnear the end ofthis manu al) ICON Health&Fitn ess, Inc.(IC ON) warrants thisprod ucttobe free from defects inworkmanship and material,under norma luse and service conditions. Theframe iswarranted forfive (5)years fromthedate ofpurchase .Pa rts and labor arewarra nted for nin ety (90) days fromthe date ofpurchase . Thiswarran tyexte ndson lyto the origina lpurcha ser.ICONʼs obli gati on un der this warranty is limited to repa iring orrep lacing ,at ICONʼs optio n,the pro duct through oneofits authorized service centers. All repa irs for which warrantyclai m sare made mustbe preautho rizedbyICON. Ifthe product isshipped to aservice center, frei ght char gestoandfr o m the service centerwillbethe customerʼs responsibility. For repla ceme ntpart sshi pped while the pro duct isund erwa rran ty,th ecustomer willbe re sponsible foramin \b imalhand ling charge. For in\bhom eservi ce,the custom er will be re sponsible foraminimal tripcharge. This warran tydo es not exten dto any dama ge to aprod uctcau sed by or attributable tofreight damage, abuse, misuse, improperorabnor mal usage, orrepairs notpro vided by an ICON authorized servicecenter;to productsuse dforcom mercial or rent alpurposes oras store display models; ortoprod ucts transported or purch asedout side theUS. No other warranty beyond that specificall yset forth above isauthorized by ICON. ICONisnot resp onsibl eor liable forind irect, special, orcon sequen tial damag esarising out of or incon \b nect ionwith the use orper form ance of th e prod uct;damag eswith respe ctto anyecon omicloss, lossof property,loss ofreve nues orpro fits, loss ofenjoyment or use, or costs ofremo val orinstallation; or other co nse quent ialdam ages ofwhatsoe verna ture. Some states donot allowthe exclu sionor limitatio nof inci \b den talor con sequential damages. Accord ingly, theabov elimitation maynotapplyto you. Th ewarra ntyextende dher eunde ris in lieuof any and allother warranties,an dany implied warranties of merchantabilit yor fitness fora pa rticu larpurpose arelimite din their scopeand duration tothe terms set forthhere in.Some states donotall ow limitations onhow long animplied warranty lasts.Accordingly, the abovelimita tion maynot apply toyou . This warrant ygives youspec ificlegal righ ts.You may alsohave other rights thatvary from state to state. IC ON Heal th & Fit ness ,Inc .,150 0S. 1000 W.,Loga n,UT 84\f21 -981\f LIM ITED WARRANTY IMPO RTANT: Youmust regis terthi sprod uct with in\f0 days of the purch ase date toavoi dad ded fees forse rvi ce needed underwarran ty.Go towww.p roformservi\bre gistration.