ProForm 60 Ze Manual
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11 \f0.Apply agene rousamount of th e include d gre ase tothe axles onthe Upright (2). Orie nt the Lef tan dRigh tUppe rBod yArms (8, 9) as shown ,and slide themonto theleft and righ tsid es ofthe Upright (2). A ttach each UpperBody Arm (8,9) with an M8 x20mm Pat ch Scre w(80) and an M8 Washe r (33).\f0 2 33 80 3\f 76 76 49 80 33 \f\f 8 9 6 6 Gr ea se Grease \f\f. Apply asma llamo untofgrea setoaSh oulder Patch Bolt(3 \f). Wh ilease con dper son holds the front endof th e Rig htPe dalA rm (49)insid ethe bracke ton th e rig ht Upp erBody Leg (6),in sert the Should erPat chBolt(3\f) through the right Upp erBod yLeg andthe Ri ght Peda lArm. Tig hten the Sho ulde rPa tch Bolt (3\f) into the weld ednuton the righ tUpp erBody Leg (6). Repe atthi sste pto attach the Lef tPedal Arm (notshown) to the leftUppe rB ody Leg(6). Tighten theM8 x45m mBut ton Bolts (76).
12 \f2.See theinse tdra wing. IdentifyaPivot Cove rA (\f9 ),wh ich hasho oks, andaPivo tCove rB (22 ),wh ich hastabs . Pre ss aPivo tCo ver A(\f9) and aPivot Cove rB (22 )to ge the rarou ndthe Right Upper Body Arm (9). Repeatthi sste pfor the othe rside ofthe ellipti calexe rci ser. Tip: Ma ke sure thatthe Pivot Covers (19,22) are posi tione das shown.\f2 22 22 \f9 \f3\f3. Attach the Rea rUp righ tCove r(3) tothe Uprigh t (2)with three M4x\f6m mScr ews (92). Orie nt the Fro ntUp right Cover (\f6) sotha tth e indicate darro wispo inti ng upwar d. Pre ss the Front Uprigh tCove r(\f6) into the Rea rUprig htCove r(3). P re ss the Wat erBottle Holder (5) into theRea r Uprig htCove r(3). 98 \f9 92 592\f6 Ar row 3 2 Tabs Hoo ks Hooks \f9 22
1\f 49 \f3 78 75 \f5\f5. Ident ifythe Righ tPe dal (\f3), which ismar ked with a“Righ t”sticker. Attach the Righ tPe dal(\f3) tothe RightPeda l Arm (49) with thre eM\f0 x48m mPatch Screws (75)an dthre eM\f0 SplitW asher s(78). Make sure tousethe centerhole and the two outer holes to attach the Right Peda l. Attac hthe Left Peda l(not shown) tothe Left Pedal Arm (notshown) inthe same way. \f4 20 2\f\f4. PressaFron tLe gCove r(20) andaRear Leg Cove r(2\f )tog ether arou ndthe right Upper Body Leg (6). Repe atthi sste pfor the othe rside ofthe ellipti calexe rci ser. 6
14 \f7.Mak esure that allpar tsof the elliptic alexerciser are properly tightened. Note:Some hardwa re may be left over after asse mbly iscom pleted. Topro tect the floor orcarpet from damage, pla ce amat under the ellip tical exerciser . \f6.Pressthe Rear Shield Cover(59) onto the Left and Rig htSh ields (44,45).\f6 59 4445
15 HOWTO US ETHE ELLIPTICAL EXERCISER HOWTO MOVE THEELLIPTIC AL EXERCISER Due to the size and weight ofthe elliptic alexercis - er, movi ngit req uire stwo persons. Stand infron tof the ellipt icalexer ciser,hold the upright, and place one foo tag ain stone of th e front whee ls.Pull onthe upright and have ase cond person lift the handle until the ellipt icalexer ciserwil lrol lon the wheel s.Ca re fu lly mo vethe ellipt icalexer ciser tothe desired locatio n, andthenlower itto the floor. HO WTO LEVE LTHE ELLIPTIC ALEXERCISER Ifthe ellip tical exerci ser rocks slig htly on your floo rdurin guse, turn oneor bo th of the leve ling feetbe neath the rear stabilize r untilthe rocking mo tion iselimi \b nated.HO W TO EXERC IS E ON THE ELLIPTICAL EXER CIS ER To mou nt the ellip tica lexer ciser ,hol dthe handl ebars or the upper body armsand step onto thepedal thatis in the lowe stposi tio n. Then ,ste ponto th e other pedal. Push the peda lsun til th ey beg in to move withacon \b tin uous motion .N ot e: The pedal discs can tur nin eit her dire ction. It is re comme ndedthatyoumove the peda ldi scs in the dire ction shown bythe a rr ow; however,for vari ety, you can turn the pedal discs inthe opposi te di rect ion. To dism ount the ellipt ical exer cise r, wait until theped\b als com eto aco mplet e sto p.Not e:The elliptical exe rci ser does nothaveafre ewheel; thepedals will conti nue tomove until the flywheel stops. Whenthe pedal sar esta tion ary, st ep off the highest ped alfir st .Th en, step off the low est ped al. Pla ce yo ur foo t her e Ha ndle Upr ight Level ing Feet Pedal sPedal D isc Up perBo dy Arms Ha ndle bars
16 FEATURES OFTHE CONSOLE Theadva nced consol eoffe rs an ar rayof features designed to ma keyour wor kouts more effective and enjoyable . Whenyouuse the manu almod eof the console, you can chan gethe re sistance ofthe pedal swith the to uch of abut ton.A s yo uexer cise, the console willp ro vid e con tinuo usexercise feedback. Youcan even measure you rhea rtrate usin gthe handg rip pul se sen sor. The console offers twelv epre se two rkou ts.Each pre\b set workout automatic allychanges the resistance of thepedals asitguid esyou throu ghaneffect ivework \b out.Youcan even connect your MP3 player orCD player to the consol eso un dsyst emand listen toyour favor ite m usi cor audio boo kswhi le you exerci se. To use the manual mode, seepage \f7.To use apr e- s et work out,see page \f9.To us ethe sound sys- tem, seepage 20. Not e: Bef or eusi ng the con sole,make sure that batter \b ies areinsta lled (see asse mbly step 6on pag e9). If ther eis a shee tof cl ear plast ic on the display ,rem ove the pla st ic. CONS OLEDIAG RAM
17 HOWTO USE THEMANUAL MODE 1. Turn onthe cons ole. Pre ss anybut ton or begi nped aling toturn onthe console. Wh enyou turn onthe console ,th e displ aywill turn on.A ton ewill soun dand theconsol ewil lb e rea dy fo r use . 2. Selectthe manua lmode . Whenyou turn onthe console ,th e manual mode willbe se lect ed. If you have select edawor kout ,resel ectthe manu \b almode bypress ingthe Workout sincrease or dec reas ebutton repeat edlyuntila track appears in the center display . \f.Begi npeda ling and cha nge theresistan ceof th eped alsasdesire d. As you pedal,ch an ge the resist ance of the ped als by pre ssing the Resistan ce incre ase anddecre asebut \b to ns. Not e:Aft eryou pressthe butto ns,itwil ltake a mome ntforth e ped alsto re ach theselecte dresis \b ta nce level.4.Follow your progress wit h the displ ay. The left dis pla y –Thi s displ ay cansh ow the ela ps ed time and the ap pro xima tenumb er of calo riesyo u have b urne d. T he disp lay will cha nge mo des every few sec onds . No te:Du ringawork out, the dis play will showthe time remain ing in the wo rko ut. T he left disp lay will als o sh ow yo ur heart ratewhen you use the ha ndgrip pulse sen so r (s ee step5on page \f8). T he cen terdis pla y–Thi s displ ay will show the r esi stanc elev el of the pedal sfor afew sec onds eac htime theresis tanc e level changes . Thisdispl ay will als o sho watra ck rep resen t\b in g 640 rev olu tio ns .As you exe rcise ,in dica tors will app ear in su cc ess ion aro un dthe trac kuntil th e entire tra ck appears .T he tra ck will then dis ap pear and the indi cator swill agai nbegi nto appear in suc cess ion. The right displ ay–Thi s displ ay canshow the di stance (tot al num berof revol utions) youhave pedaled andyour peda l\b i ng pace in revo lution s per minut e(rpm ). T he disp lay will ch ange mod es eve ry few sec onds. Tra ck
18 5.Measure you rheart rate if desired. If ther ear esheets of clear plastic on the metal contacts onthehan dgrip pul se senso r, remove the plas - tic.In addition , make sure that you rhan dsare clean .To meas ure your hear trat e, hold the handgrip pulse senso rwith your palm sresting against the metalcont acts.Avoi dmov ingyour handsor gri pping the contacts tightly. Whenyou rpulse isdetected, aheart\bsh apedsym \b bolwill flash inthe displa yand th en your heart rate willbe shown. For the most accurat ehear trate readi ng,holdthe cont actsfor atleast \f5seconds .Ifyo ur he art rate isnot sh own ,m ake sure thatyour hands are posi tioned asdescr ibed .Be careful not tomove your hands excessi velyor tosqueeze the metalcontact stig ht ly.For optim al pe rform ance, clea nthe met al contact susi ng asoft cloth; never usealcohol ,abra sives, orche micals toclean the cont acts. 6. Turn onthe fan if desi red. Thefan has high and low speed settings. Press the Fan but ton re pea tedly to sel ect afan speed or toturn off the fan . Not e:If th e pedal sdo not move fo r abou tthi rty se conds, the fan will tur noff automatically. 7. When you are fini shed exerci sing, theconsole will turn offaut oma tic al ly . If th e pedals do not mo veforse ve ra lsec ond s,a serie sof to nes will sound, the con sole will pau se, an dthe time willflash inthe dis pla y. Ifthe pedal sdo not move for sever alminutes, the consol ewill tu rn off and the displ ay will be reset. Con tacts
19 HOWTO USE APRESET WORK OUT 1. Turn onthe cons ole. See step \fon page \f7. 2. Selecta pres etwor kout. Toselect apr eset workout, press theWorkou ts incre ase ordecrea sebutton repea tedly unt ilthe number ofthe desire dwor kout appears inthe right disp lay. Wh enyou select apr eset workou t,the duratio nof th e wo rkou twill appear in the left disp lay,the max \b imum resista ncelevel forthe wo rkou twil lflash in th e ce nter display ,and the num berofthe workout willappe arinthe right displ ay. After afew seco nds,a pr ofil eof the resi stance lev\b els of the wo rkou twi llscro llacro ssthe cente r dis \b pla y. Not e:Comp leteprofi les ofthe preset work outs are prin ted on the side sof th e conso le. \f.Begin ped aling tostart theworkou t. Each workou tis divid edinto 30one\bmin uteseg \b ment s.One resist ance level isprogramme dfor each segme nt.Note: Thesame resista ncelevel may be pro grammed forcon secut ivesegme nts. Duringthe workou t,the wor kout profil ewill show yourpro gress(se ethe drawing above). Theflash \b ing seg men tof the profile repre sents thecurren t segment of the work out.The heigh tof the flash in g seg ment indicat esthe resistan celevel forthe cur\b ren tse gme nt.Atthe end of each segm entof the workout, a series ofton es will so und and the next segm entof the pro file will b egi nto fla sh. If a different resi s\b tance le vel is pr ogr am med fo r the next segm ent, the resi stance level will flash in the display fora few secon dsto alert you .The resist ance ofthe ped als will then chang e. If the resi stance level for the current segmen tis t oo hig h or too lo w ,yo ucan manual lyover ride the setting bypressi ngth e Re sist ance buttons. How ever ,w he nthe curr entse gme nt ends ,th e ped \b als will auto ma tic ally ad just to the res ista nce level fo rthe nextsegme nt. If yo u sto p pedaling forse ve ral se co nds, ase rie s of to nes will sound and the worko ut will pause. To re sta rt th e wo rkou t,simp lyresu me peda ling. The worko utwill con tinu eunt il the last segm entof the pro file flashe sand the last segmen tof the wor kout ends. Not e: If you continue to pedal after the workout is com plet ed, the displ ay will cont inue toshow exer\b cise feed back; howeve r, the displ ay will not show the ela psed tim e un til you select the man ualmode or anew wor kout . 4.Follow your progress wit h the displ ay. See step 4on page \f7. 5. Meas ure your heart ra te if desired. S ee step 5on page \f8. 6. Turn onthe fan if desi red. See step 6on page \f8. 7. When youarefini she dexer cising, the console will turn offautom atically. Se este p7on page \f8. Pr ofile
20 HOW TO USE THESOUN DSYSTEM To play music oraud ioboo ksthro ugh theconso le sound syste mwh ile you exer cise,plug theaudio cable into thejack on the con solean dinto the jack on yo ur MP 3pla yer orCD player ;m ake sure that theaudio cable isful lyplugge din.Next ,pr ess th e play butto n on your MP3 player orCD pla yer.A dj ust the volum ele vel usin gthe volume con\b trol on your MP3 playe ror CD player.