ProForm 60 Ze Manual
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21 Inspectand tighten allpar tsof the elliptica lexe rciser regularly. Replace anywor npar tsimmedia tely. To clean the ellip ticalexer ciser, useada mp clo thand a small amountofmild soap. IMPORT ANT:Toavoid damage tothe cons ole,keep liquids awayfrom the consol eand kee pthe console outofdir ect sunlight. CO NSOLE TROUBLESHOOTING Ifthe con sole displays beco medim ,the batte ries sh ould berep lace d;mo stconsol eprobl emsarethe resu ltof low batteries. Seeassemb lystep 6on page 9 forreplace mentin str...
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22 HOWTO ADJ UST THEREED SWITC H Ifthe con sole does not displ aycor rect feedba ck,the reed switch should beadjusted . Toadju stthe reed swi tch,you must remo vethe right disc cove ran dthe right pedal disc. Usin gafla tscre wdriver, rem ove theright Disc Cover (\f8). Then, remo vethe M8 x\f4m mButton Screws (8\f) from theRigh tP ed alDisc (2 7), and gently rotate the Rig htPed alDisc outof the way.Lo cat ethe Reed Sw it ch (58) .Loose n,but donot remove ,th e M4 x\f6m m Scr ew (9 2). Next ,rot ate the...
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2\f Theseguidelin eswill he lpyou toplan your exercise program. Fordetailed exer cise information, obtain a reputab leboo kor consu ltyour physicia n.Remembe r, proper nut rition and adeq uate rest are esse ntialfo r successfu lre sult s. EXERCI SEINTE NSITY Whethe ryo ur goal is to bur nfat ortostrengthe nyo ur card iovascula rsystem ,exer cisingat th e prope rin te n\b sity isthe key toachi evingresul ts.You can useyour heart rate as agu ide to find the proper inten sity leve l. The chart below show...
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24 SUGGES TEDSTRETCHES Thecorre ctform forse ver albasic stretches is sh own at th e right. Move slowly asyou stretch—n everbounce. 1.Toe Touc hStr etc h Sta nd withyo ur knee sben tsl ig htly andslo wly bend forwa rdfrom your hip s.Allow your back and shoul derstorelax as yo urea ch down towardyou rtoe sas far aspossi ble.Ho ldfor \f5counts, the nrela x.Repe at3times. Stretches: Hamstrin gs,back of kn ees, andback. 2. Ham string Stretc h Sit with one leg exte nde d.Bri ng the sole ofthe opposite foot...
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25 \f\fFrame 2\f Uprigh t 31 RearUpri ght Cover 41 Conso le 51 Water Bottle Hold er 62 UpperBod yLeg 71 Resistance Wheel 81 LeftUppe rBod yArm 91 RightUpp erBo dy Arm \f0 2FoamGrip \f\f 2UpperC ap \f2 \fLeftPedal \f3 \fRightPedal \f4 \fLeftPedal Arm \f5 2Peda lBr acket \f6 \fFrontUpr igh tC ove r \f7 4Pivo tBushin g \f8 2DiscCove r \f9 2Pivo tCove rA 20 2FrontLeg Cover 2\f 2RearLegCo ver 22 2Pivo tCove rB 23 4Bush ing Set 24 \fCrankAssem bly 25 \fCrankArm 26 \fLeftPedal Disc 27 \fRightPedal Disc 28...
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26 EXPLOD ED DRAWI NGA—M odel No.PFEL5\f909.0R 02\f0A 29 29 30 8533 29 2933 8530 848415 13 21 20 20 21 15 84 84 49 31 75 75 23 2331 6 6 12 23 23 79 78 7979 78 78 79 22 19 19 22 17 17 33 80 17 1733 80 76 77 76 77 8 11 9 11 5 10 10 24 32 79 79 79 92 92 92 89 3 16 93 14 78 78 78 78 78 78 39 28 95
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27 51 77 52 25 53 55 54 69 787 24 565792 583840 72 43 86 38 43 96 96 41 41 26 18 18 27 61 60 43 62 6768 92 64 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 9292 44 45 46 90 50 50 63 63 65 66 48 48 83 47 47 81 717134 35 36 37 59 70 73 82 82 88 43 42 1 9691 91 96 91 91 74 77 94 91 EXPLOD ED DRAWI NGB—M odel No.P FE L5\f909 .0R02\f0A
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Part No.28\f 028R02 \f0A PrintedinUSA ©2009 ICON IP,Inc. O RD ERING RE PLACE MENT PART S Toorde rre place mentpar ts,plea sesee the fro ntcove rof this manua l. To helpus assist you,be prep ared to provide the follo wing information when contactin gus: • the modelnu mbe rand serialnum berofthe prod uct(see thefrontcover ofthis man ual) •the name ofthe pro duct (see thefron tcover of th is manua l) •th e ke ynu mbe rand descr iption ofthe replace mentpart(s) (seethePART LISTandtheEXPLODED DRAW INGnear the...