ProForm 500 F Manual
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\f1 HOWTO USE AN IFIT WOR KOUT iFit cards areavailable separ atel y.To purchase iFit cards, go to www. orsee thefront coverof this manual. iFitcard sare also availabl eat select stores. 1\bBegi npeda ling orpress any button onthe con- sol eto turn onthe cons ole\b Wh enyou turn onthe console ,th e display will light.The console willth en beready foruse . \f\b Ins ert an iFit card and select aworkout\b To use aniFit worko ut,inse rtan iFitcard intothe iFitslot; makesure thatth e iFi tcar dis orien ted so th at the me talcon tacts areface down andarefac\b in g the slot. Whe nthe iFi tcar dis pr operly in se rted ,the indicator nexttothe slot willlight and te xt will appea rin the disp lay. Next ,se lect the des ired worko uton the iFitcard by pressin gthe increase anddecre asebutton s next to the iFitslot. Amome ntafter you selectawo rkou t,the voice of aperso naltra iner willb egin guiding youthro ugh you rworko ut. iFit workou tsfunctio nin the same way asprese t worko uts.Touse thewor kout, seesteps 3to 6on page \f6. 3\b Whe nyou are finis hed exercising, remove the iFi tca rd\b Remo vethe iFit card when youar efin ished exer \b cisin g. St ore the iFit cardin asecur eplace.HO W TO USE TH ESO UND SYSTEM To pla y m usi cor aud iobo oks th ro ugh theconsol eʼs soundsyst emwhi le you exer cise, plug the included audio cabl eint o th e jack onthe con sole andintoa jack onyour MP3 playe ror CD player; make sure that the audi ocabl eis ful ly pl ugged in\b Next ,pr ess the play but ton on you rM P3 player orCD player .A dj ust the volume leve lusi ng the volum econ \b tro lon your MP3 player orCD playe ror press the Volumeincr ease and decrease buttons on the con\b sole. Whe nnot in use, unplug the audi ocab le fro mthe jack on the conso le. iFit Slot iFit Card
\f\f HOWTO CHANGE THECON SOLE SETTINGS Thecon sole feature sa displ aysetti ngsm ode that allows youto se lect abackl ight option, toselect aunit of measure mentfor the consol e,and toturn thegame sounds onoroff.Follow thestep sbel ow tochan ge theconso lesett ings. 1\b Ente rthe display settings mode\b Toent erthe display settingsmode, firstpress the Displa ybu tton repea tedly untilthewor ds HO LD DIS PLA YFO RSETTINGS appear inthe disp lay. The n,pre ssandhold theDispl ay button until the disp lay setting sinfor mationappear sin the disp lay. \f\b Sele ctaba cklight option ifdesired\b The console has three backl ightoptions. TheON option keeps the bac klighton whi le the conso leis on. Th eAUTO option keeps thebackli ghton only while youare ped aling .The OFF option turns th e backlight off. A n X will appe arnextto the curren tly sel ected backlight optio n.To change the backl ightoption, pre ss the resista nceincrease anddecrease but\b t o ns to choo sethe desir edbackl ight option. Th en, pre ssthe Disp laybutton toproce edtothe next opt ion.3\b Sel ect auni tof measur ementifdesire d\b Theconso lecan show pedaling speed anddis\b tan ce in eithe rm iles orkilom eter s. The wor dEN G LI SH for Eng lish miles or the word METRIC forme tric kilom eters will appear in the disp la y. An X will ap pear nextto th e currentl y sele ct ed uni tof m ea sur ement . Tochang ethe uni tof measur ement ,pres sthe re sist ance incr ease and decr ease button sto ch oose the desired uni tof measur ement. Then, press the Disp lay but ton to proceed tothe next option. 4\b Turn the game sounds onoroff ifdesir ed\b Theconso legam eso und sca nbe turn ed onor turnedoff .The word sOFF and ON will appear in the displ ay.A n X will appea rnext to the currently se le ct ed opt ion . To chang ethe opt ion, press the resistan ce increase and decrease but to ns to choose ONor OFF. 5\bExi tthe displ ayset tings mode\b Press the Disp lay but to n to save yoursettings and exitthe displ ay settin gs mod e.
\f3 Inspectand tighte nall parts of th e exercise cyclereg\b ularly .Rep lace anywo rnpar tsimmed iately. To clean the exer cise cycle ,use ada mp cloth and a smallamou ntofmild soap.IMPOR TANT: Toavoid damage tothe console ,keep liquidsaway from the consol eand keep theconsole outofdirect su nlight\b CO NSO LETROUBLESH OOTIN G Ifth e conso ledispla ybe com esdim, the batteries sh ould berep lace d;mo stcon sole problems arethe res ultof low bat teries. Seeassem blystep5on pag e8 for replace mentinstru ctions. Ifthe handgrip pulse sen \b sordoe sno tfun ctio nprope rly, see step 5on page \f5. HOWTO ADJ UST THEREED SWITCH Ifth e conso ledo es not display correctfeed back, the reed switchshou ldbe adjusted. Toadjust the reed swit ch,youmu stfirst remo vethe lef tpe dalan dthe left fron tsh ield .U sin gan adjustabl ewren ch,turn the leftped alclo ckwise andremo veit.Ne xt, remo veall the scre wsfrom the left and right front shields ;there ar etwo sizes ofscre ws inthe fr ont shie lds–note which size ofscr ew youre move fromeach hole \b Then, gen tlypull the left fro ntshie ld awa yfro m the frame. Locate the Ree dSwitch (46).Turn thePulley(29) unt ila Ma gne t(30 )is aligned withthe Reed Switch. Next, loosen ,but do not remo ve,the indica ted M4 x \f6mm Screw(57). Slide theReed Switch slightly clo ser toor awa yfrom theMagnet, andthen retighten the Screw .Tu rn the Pulley fora mo men t.Re peat the seactions untilthe console disp lays correc tfeed \b back. Whe nthe Ree dSwi tch iscorre ctlyadju sted, reat tach thefron tshield sand the le ft pedal.HO WTO ADJU ST THE DRIV E BE LT If the pedal sslip whi le you arepe daling, evenwhile the re sist ance is adj ust ed to the hig hest setting, the drive bel tma yneed to be adjusted. Toadjust thedrive belt , you must fir st rem ove the right pedaland the right fr ont shield. Using an adjusta ble wrench, turnthe right pedal coun te rcl ockw ise and remove it. Next, rem ove allth e scr ewsfr om the lef tand right front shi elds; there aretw o sizes ofscre ws in the front shi elds– notewhi ch size ofscrew you remove fr om ea ch hol e\bThen, gent ly pul lthe right front shield away fr om the fra me . Loosen, butdo notre mo ve, the thr ee indicated screws (A). In ser tth e shaf tof ascr ewdrive rdownward be twee nthe Idl er (B )and the Idl er Pulley (38).Pul lthe top ofth e scr ewdrive rtow ardthe rear ofthe exer cise cycl eunt ilthe Drive Belt (47 )is tigh t. T igh te n the three scr ews.Th en, reat tach the fr o nt shi elds andthe right pe dal . MAI NT ENANCE ANDTROUBLESHOO TING 46 5729 30 A B 3847
\f4 Theseguidelin eswill he lpyou toplan your exercise program. Fordetailed exer cise information, obtain a reputab leboo kor consu ltyour physicia n.Remembe r, proper nut rition and adeq uate rest are esse ntialfo r successfu lre sult s. EXERCI SEINTE NSITY Whethe ryo ur goal is to bur nfat ortostrengthe nyo ur card iovascula rsystem ,exer cisingat th e prope rin te n\b sity isthe key toachi evingresul ts.You can useyour heart rate as agu ide to find the proper inten sity leve l. The chart below show srecom mended heart ratesfor fat burnin gand aer obi cexer cise. Tofind the prope rintensi tyleve l,find your ageatthe bott om ofthe chart (ages arerounded offtothe near \b estten years ).The threenu mbe rslisted above your age defineyo ur “trai ning zone.”The lowest numb eris the heart ratefor fatbur ning,the midd lenumb eristhe heart rate forma xim um fatburning, andthe hig hest number isthe hea rtrate foraerob icexe rcise.Burni ngFat—To burn fat effect ivel y,you must exer\b cise atalow int en sity level for asu sta ined period of time .Du ring the fir st few mi nu tesof exercise, your bod yuses carb o\bydr ate ca lories forenergy .Onl yafter the fir st few minut es ofexe rcise does your body begin to use stored fat cal ories for ener gy. If yo ur goal isto bur nfa t, adj ust the int ensi ty of your exercise untilyour h ea rt rat e is nea rthe lowe stnum berinyour trai ning zone .For maxi mu mfatbur ning, exe rcise withyour hea rt rat e near th e mi dd lenum ber in your training zone . Aerobi cExe rci se—I fyour goal is to strengthen your cardiovascu larsyste m,youmust perform aerobic exer cise, whi ch is act ivi ty that requ ires la rg eam ounts of oxyg enfor prolon ged per io ds oftime. Foraerobi c exer cise, adjust the in tensi ty of you rexercise until your hear trat e is nea rth e highe stnumber inyour tra ini ng zon e. WO RKOU TGUID ELI NES Wa rm ing Up—Sta rtwith 5to \f0 minutes ofstre tching and lig ht exer cise. Awa rm\bup in cre ases yourbody tem per atur e, heartra te , and circul ation inpreparati on for exer cise. Tra ini ng Zone Exerci se—E xercise for 20to30 min\b utes wit h you rhea rt rat e in yo ur tra ining zone. (Duri ng the fir st few weeks ofyour exer cise prog ram, do not keep yourheartra te in you rtr ai ning zone forlonger t han 20minut es.)B rea the reg ular ly and deepl yas you exer cise–n ever holdyour breat h. Cool ing Dow n—Fi nish wit h 5to \f0 minutes of stret chi ng. Str e tch in g incr eases the flexibil ityofyour muscl esandhel ps to pr even tpost \bexercise problems. EXER CIS E FRE QUENC Y To maint ain or impr oveyour condit ion, compl ete three w ork outsea ch wee k,with at le ast one dayofrest bet ween wor kout s.After afe w mont hsofregul arexer \b cise, you maycom plet e up to five workouts each week, if desi red. Rem em ber,the key tosuccess is to m ake exer cise areg ula rand enjo ya ble part ofyou r eve ryday life. EXE RCISE GUIDELINE S WARNING:Befor ebe ginni ngthi s or any exerc ise pr ogr am,consult yourphysi - cian \bThi sis especially impor tant forpers ons over age 35orper sons withpre-existing health proble ms\b Thepulsesensor isnot am edical device\b Vari ous factors may affec tthe accuracy of heart rate readings\b Thepulse sensor is intende donly as an exer cise aid indete rmin - ing heart rate tre nds ingener al\b
\f5 \f\fFrame 2\fUpright 3\f SeatCa rriag e 41 Console 52CrankCover 62 AccentRing 71 Upright Knob 81 Backre st 91 Seat \f0 2 GameGri p \f\f \fSeatHandle bar \f2 2 Brake Pad Space r \f3 \f LeftFr ont Shield \f4 \f RightFr ont Shield \f5 \f LeftFr ont Stabi lizer \f 6 \f RearStab ilizer \f 7 2 Wheel \f8 2 UpperRoller \f9 2 Level ing Foot 20 2 Upright Bushi ng 2\f \f RightPeda l/Strap 2 2 \f LeftPedal /Strap 23 \f RightC ran k 24 \f LeftCr ank 25 \f SeatLock Bracket 2 6 \f LeftShie ld 27 \f RightShi eld 28 \f Large Sna pRing 29 \f Pulley 30 2 Magnet 3\f \f Spindle 32 \f Steel Washe r 33 2 Crank Beari ng 34 \f EddyMechan ism 35 \f EddyAxleAssemb ly 3 6 2 SeatCarriag eCap 37 4 HandlebarCap 38 \f Idler Pul ley 39 \f Idler 4 0 \f RightFr ont Stabi lizer 4\f \f SeatLock 42 \f Game/PulseWire Harn ess 43 \f MainWire Harn ess 44 \f2 M6Washer 45 \f Clamp 46 \f ReedSwitch/Wir e47 \fDrive Belt 48 2Rear Sta bi lizer Cap 49 \f Seat Hand le 50 2Flange Scre w 5\f 2M6 x42m mPa tch Scre w 52 4M8 x50m mPa tch Scre w 53 8M6 Lo cknut 54 6M8 x\f6m mPa tch Scre w 55 \f0 M8 Spl it W asher 56 2Bum per 57 \f7 M4 x\f6m mScr ew 58 \fGam e/Pul se Wire 59 \fRight Handl ebar 60 \fLeftH and lebar 6\f 6M8 Lo cknut 62 \fM\f0 x63m mBol tSe t 63 4WheelBushi ng 64 \fBrake Pad 65 \fFram eCover 66 2Front Stab ilizer Cap 67 4M\f0 x40m mPat ch Screw 68 \fUpr ight Cover 69 2M8 x48m mBu tton Bolt 70 \fBrig ht M4 x\f2 mm Screw 7\f 2LowerRol ler 72 4M8 x38m mBu tton Bolt 73 4M6 x20m mBu tton Bolt 74 \fWater Bot tle Hol der 75 4Rol ler Axl e 76 5M6 x9mm Pat ch Screw 77 \f0 M6 x\f8m mPa tch Scre w 78 2M\f0 x32m mBut ton Bolt 79 \fGam e/Pul se Receptacle/Wi re 80 4M4 x\f6m mFla nge Screw 8\f 4M6 x38m mPa tch Scre w 82 \fM4 x\f2m mScr ew 83 \fFram eCap 84 5M4 x\f9m mScr ew 85 2Spi ndl eCove r 86 \fRai l 87 2M\f0 Locknut 88 \fAudi oW ire *– Pill ow Block *– Resi stance Mot or *– Hex Key *– Userʼ sM an ual No te: Specifica tions are subject tochange withou tno tice. Forinformation about ordering replacement parts,see theback coverof th is ma nual .*The separts arenotillustrated. Key No\b Qty\b Descriptio n KeyNo\b Qty\b Description PART LIST —M odel No\bPFE X03409\b0R0709A
\f6 10 13 57 57 14 5784 5 6 6 5 74 84 3 11 89 49 41 25 36 18 71 75 75 10 57 77 77 78 78 87 87 51 51 81 44 44 4444 77 7777 76 44 44 77 57 57 84 76 64 12 12 EXPLOD ED DRAWI NGA—M odel No\bPFEX03409\b0R 0709A
\f7 48 48 16 13419 40 66 17 63 69 6361 3523 32 50 3329 53 53 80 2 19 5417 55 63 63 69 61 43 47 42 24 33 28 5020 20 62 62 85 85 865768 21 22 5255 55 5455 15 66 31 73 73 30 30 83 45 4682 7 39 38 53 53 70 4 26 27 59 37 56 6560 37 37 37 568457 84 57 57 57 57 5757 67 72 72 61 61 58 79 88 EXPLOD ED DRAWI NGB—M odel No\bP FE X03409\b0R0709A
Part No.284 363R07 09A PrintedinChina ©2009 ICON IP,Inc. ORD ERING RE PLACE MENT PART S Toorde rre place mentpar ts,plea sesee the fro ntcove rof this manua l. To helpus assist you,be prep ared to provide the follo wing information when contactin gus: • the modelnu mbe rand serialnum berofthe prod uct(see thefrontcover ofthis man ual) •the name ofthe pro duct (see thefron tcover of th is manua l) •th e ke ynu mbe rand descr iption ofthe replace mentpart(s) (seethePART LISTandtheEXPLODED DRAW INGnear the end ofthis manu al) ICON Health&Fitn ess, Inc.(IC ON) warrants thisprod ucttobe free from defects inworkmanship and material,und er normal use and service conditio ns.The frame iswa rran ted for seven (7)years fromthe dateof purcha se.Partsand laborare warran ted for nine ty(9 0) days fromthedate ofpurchase. This warran tyexte ndson lyto the origina lpurcha ser.ICONʼs obli gati on un der this warranty is limited to repa iring orrep lacing ,at ICONʼs optio n,the pro duct through oneofits authorized service centers. All repa irs for which warrantyclai m sare made mustbe preautho rizedbyICON. Ifthe product isshipped to aservice center, frei ght char gestoandfr o m the service centerwillbethe customerʼs responsibility. For repla ceme ntpart sshi pped while the pro duct isund erwa rran ty,th ecustomer willbe re sponsible foramin \b imalhand ling charge. For in\bhom eservi ce,the custom er will be re sponsible foraminimal tripcharge. This warran tydo es not exten dto any dama ge to aprod uctcau sed by or attributable tofreight damage, abuse, misuse, improperorabnor mal usage, orrepairs notpro vided by an ICON authorized servicecenter;to productsuse dforcom mercial or rent alpurposes oras store display models; ortoprod ucts transported or purch asedout side theUS. No other warranty beyond that specificall yset forth above isauthorized by ICON. ICONisnot resp onsibl eor liable forind irect, special, orcon sequen tial damag esarising out of or incon \b nect ionwith the use orper form ance of th e prod uct;damag eswith respe ctto anyecon omicloss, lossof property,loss ofreve nues orpro fits, loss ofenjoyment or use, or costs ofremo val orinstallation; or other co nse quent ialdam ages ofwhatsoe verna ture. Some states donot allowthe exclu sionor limitatio nof inci \b den talor con sequential damages. Accord ingly, theabov elimitation maynotapplyto you. Th ewarra ntyextende dher eunde ris in lieuof any and allother warranties,an dany implied warranties of merchantabilit yor fitness fora pa rticu larpurpose arelimite din their scopeand duration tothe terms set forthhere in.Some states donotall ow limitations onhow long animplied warranty lasts.Accordingly, the abovelimita tion maynot apply toyou . This warrant ygives youspec ificlegal righ ts.You may alsohave other rights thatvary from state to state. IC ON Heal th & Fit ness ,Inc \b,150 0S\b 1000 W\b,Loga n,UT 843\f1 -9813 LIM ITED WARRANTY IMPO RTANT: Youmust regis terthi sprod uct with in30 days of the purch ase date toavoi dad ded fees forse rvi ce needed underwarran ty\bGo towww\bp roformservi ce\bcom/re gistration\b