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ProForm 500 F Manual

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    \f\f.Ident ifythe Righ tPe dal (2\f), which ismar ked
    with an“R.”Using an adj ustabl ewr ench ,firm ly
    tighte nthe Rig htPedal clockwi seinto theRigh t
    Crank(23 ).Tigh ten the Left Pedal (not sho wn)
    cou \fterclockwise intotheLeft Crank (not
    shown). IMPORTANT: Tightenboth Pedals as
    fi rml yas poss ible\bAfter using the exerc ise
    cycle forone week,ret ighte nthe Pedals\b
    Toloose nthe strap onthe Ri ght Peda l(2\f),
    p re ss the ind icated tab and pull the strap
    upward. Totighten the str ap, simply pul lthe end
    of th e strap downwa rd.Adjust thestrap onthe
    Left Peda l(not shown) inthe same way\b\f\f
    \f2.Mak esure that allpar tsare prope rlytighte nedbefore youusetheexercise cycle\b Note:Afte rassembly
    is co mplet ed,some extr aparts may be left over. Place amat beneath the exercise cycletoprotect thefloor.
    To loosen the stra p
    onaped al,pre ss
    the indicat edtab
    and pull the stra p
    upward. Totighte n
    the strap, simp ly
    pulltheend ofthe
    stra pdownwa rd.
    Th eseat canbe ad justed forwar dor backwar dto the
    position that isthe mostcom fortable foryo u. To adjust
    the seat, push downw ardonthe seat handle, slide the
    se at to the desired position, and th en pullupwa rdon
    the seat handle to lock theseat inplace .
    Ifthe exercise cyclerocks slightl yon your floor durin g
    use, turn oneor both of the level ingfeet underthe
    fron tstab ilizers until the rocki ngmotion iselim inated .HOWTO ADJU ST TH EUP RIG HT
    Th eupr ight canbe
    ad just ed to the
    po sition that is the
    most comfor tabl e
    for you. To adjust
    the upr ight ,first
    r ai se th e upr ight so
    tha tit is not rest ing
    on the upr ight knob.
    Next ,tur nthe
    up rig ht knob clock\b
    wise or
    co unt erclockw iseto
    r ai se orlow erthe
    up rig ht .Then ,re st
    the upr ight onthe
    up rig ht knob.
    Tomove the exer cise cycl e,hol dth e han dleonthe
    rea rst abi lizer and carefully lif t it unt ilthe exer cise
    cyclecan bemoved on the fr ont whe els. Careful ly
    move the exe rcise cycl eto the desi re d location and
    the nlow erit .
    P ed al
    S eat
    U pr ig ht
    K nobUpr ight
    Hand le
    Han dle 
    Thisrevolu tionary consoleoffer san array offe atures
    designed tomake your worko utsmoreeffective and
    Whenyou use the manualmode ofthe console, you
    cancha ngethe resistance ofthe pedals wit h the to uch
    of abu tton. While you exer cise,th e conso lewill dis \b
    play contin uous exercise feedback. You can even
    measure yourhe artrate using the hand grippu lse sen\b
    so r.
    Th econ sole offers twen typre set workouts. Each
    workout automa tically change sthe resistan ceof th e
    ped alsandpromp tsyou tovary your pedalingsp eed
    as itguid esyouthrou ghan effective workou t.
    Thecon sole alsofeatures four motivati onalinteractive
    games .Using the dua lgam econ trol lers, playthe chal\b
    leng ingFatBlocke r™gam eor the fast\bpaced Calorie
    Destroyer™ game during you rw or kouts—the harder
    yo uexe rcise, the gre ater youradvantage !Or, use
    yo ur wits andthe inter activetouch screento win cred \b
    itswhile playing the classi ccar dga me ofBlackjack or
    Texas Hold ʼEm.The consol ealso fe at ur es the iFi tinteractive workout
    syst em,w hi ch ena bles th e co nsol eto accept iFit cards
    cont aining wor kout sdesi gned to help you achieve
    speci fic fitn ess goa ls.Forexam ple, lose unwanted
    pou nds wit h the 8\bw ee kWe ight Loss workout. iFi t
    wor kout scon trol the re si st ance ofthe peda lswhi le the
    voi ce of a per sonaltra iner coache syou through your
    wor kout s.iFi tcar dsareavai lable sepa rately.To pur -
    chas eiFi tcards, gotoww w\biFi t\bc om orsee the
    front cover of thi smanua l\biFi tcar dsare also
    ava ilabl eat sel ect stor es\b
    Yo ucan even connect your MP3 player orCD player
    to the consol eʼs sou ndsyst emandlist en to your
    favor it e wor kout musi cor audi obo oks while youexer \b
    To use the manual mode,see page \f4. To use a
    pres etworkout ,se epag e\f6. Toplaythe Fat
    Blocker game, seepag e\f7. Toplaythe Calorie
    Dest roye rgame ,se epag e\f8. Toplaythe
    Blackj ack game, seepag e\f9. Toplay the Texas
    Hol d ’Em game, seepage 20. Tousean iFit work -
    out,see page 2\f. To use the sound system, see
    pag e2\f. To cha nge the cons olesettings, seepage
    N ot e: Bef or eusi ng the con sole,make sure that batter \b
    ies areinsta lled (see asse mbly step 5on pag e8). If
    ther eis a shee tof cl ear plast ic on the display ,rem ove
    the pla st ic.
    Bu tton
    Wo rkout
    But tons
    Resi sta nce
    But tons
    Vol ume
    But ton
    Vol ume
    ButtonG am e
    But ton 
    1\bBegi npeda ling orpress any button onthe
    cons oletotur non the console\b
    Whenyou turn onthe console ,th e display will
    light.The console willth en beready foruse .
    \f\b Sele ctthe manual mode\b
    Each time you turn on the consol e,the man ual
    mod ewill beselecte d.
    If you have select edawor kout, press anyof th e
    Wo rkou tsbut tons orthe Fitn ess Games button
    (see the drawin gon pa ge \f3)repe atedly until
    zero esapp earin the displa y.
    3\bChange theresista nce ofthe pedals as
    As you pedal,
    cha nge the resis \b
    ta nce ofthe pe dals
    by pressin gthe
    resist ance
    incre ase and
    decrease butt on s
    (see the drawin g
    on pa ge \f3)repe atedl y.Note: Afteryoupress the
    butto ns, itwill take amom ent forthe pedals to
    reachthe sele ctedresi stance level .4\bFol low your progr ess with the display\b
    The conso leoff erssever aldisp lay modes. The
    disp la y m ode tha tyou select will determine which
    wor kou tin fo rm ation isshow n.Press theDisplay
    but ton (see the draw ing on page \f3)repe atedly to
    sele ct th e desi red displ ay mode.
    Th edispl ay canshow the fol lowi ng workout infor \b
    Tim e—Whe nthe man ual mode is selected, this
    disp la y will sho wthe elapse dtime .When awor k\b
    out is sel ect ed, the displ ay will sh ow the time
    re maining in the wor kou tin st ead ofthe elapsed
    tim e.
    Spee d—Th isdispl ay will sh ow your pedal ing
    sp eed, in miles perhou r(M PH) or ki lometer sper
    hour (K M/ H).
    Di stance —Thi sdispl ay will sh ow the distance you
    havepedal ed, in miles orkilom eter s.
    Cal ories—Th isdispl ay will sh ow the approxi mate
    num berofcal ories youhave burned.
    Wat ts —Th isdispl ay will sh ow your approxim ate
    powerout put in wa tts. 
    Pul se —This displaywill sh ow your heart rate
    whenyo uuse the hand grippu lse sensor (seestep
    5belo w).
    Resistance —This displ aywill show theresistance
    leve lof the pedals forafew secon dseach time
    th e re sista ncelevel changes.
    Profi le—Wh en awor kout is sele cted,this display
    willshow aprof ile of the resistan cesetting sfor the
    worko ut.
    Display Setti ngs —Th econso leoffe rs adisplay
    set ting smo de that can beentered when the words
    disp lay.To chang ethe displ aysettin gs,see HOW
    Cha nge the volum elevel ofthe consol eby press \b
    ing the Vo lume increase and decrease buttons.
    Not e:
    The console canshow pedali ngspeed and
    dist ance ineithe rm iles or ki lom eter s.The letters
    MPH orKM/ Hwill appea rin the displ ay tosho w
    which unitof me asu rem entis sel ected. Tochan ge
    th e unit ofme asu rem ent, seestep 3of HOW TO
    5\b Meas ure your heart rat eif de sir ed\b
    If there aresheet sof cle ar pla stic onthem etal
    conta ctsonthe handgr ippulse sensor, rem ove
    the plas tic\bTo me asu re your heartrate, holdthe
    handg rippuls ese nsor with you rpalms resting
    against the met alcontacts. Avoid moving your
    hands orgrippi ng the contac tstightly\bWhe nyour pul se is det ected,dashes willappear
    in the displ ay, and then your heartra te will be
    show n.Fo rth e most accur ate hear trate reading,
    hol d th e cont actsfor at le ast \f5seconds. Note: If
    youcontinue to ho ld the handg rip pulse sensor,
    thedisp lay will sho wyour hea rtrat e forup to30
    secon ds.
    If the displ ay does not show yourheart rate,make
    sur etha tyour hands ar eposi tion ed asdescri bed.
    Be car eful not to move your hand sexcessi velyor
    to squ eeze the met al cont actstight ly. Fo ropti mal
    per for mance, clea nth e met al contacts using asoft
    clot h; never usealc ohol, abrasi ves,or chemi -
    calsto clean the cont act s\b
    6\b When youarefini she dexer cising, the console
    will turn offautom atically\b
    If the pedal s do notm ove for sever alseconds, a
    tone will soun d,the con solewill pause, andthe
    time will flash in th e displ ay.To re sume yourwork\b
    out ,si m ply resum epedal ing.
    I f the pedal s do notm ove for sever alminutes and
    the but tons ar enot pressed, the console will tur n
    off andthe disp la y will be re set .
    Con tacts 
    1\bBegi npeda ling orpress any button onthe
    cons oletotur non the console\b
    Whenyou turn onthe console ,th e display will
    light.The console willth en beready foruse .
    \f\b Sele ctapre set workout \b
    Toselect apr eset workout, press theWeigh tLoss
    or the Aerob ic/P erfo rmance button repea tedly until
    th e prof ile of th e desir edwor kout appears inthe
    disp lay.
    The worko uttime andaprofi leof th e resistance
    leve lsforthe workout will app ear in th e display.
    3\b Begi npe dal ing tostar tthe workout\b
    Each workou tis divid edinto 20or30 one\bm inute
    seg ment s.One resistance levelan done target
    speedare programmed foreach segmen t.Note:
    The same resist ance level and/or targetspeed
    may bepro grammed forconsecu tive seg ments.
    Durin gthe workou t,the wor kout profil ewill show
    yourpro gress. The flashin gsegm entof th e profile
    rep resen tsthe curre ntsegm entofthe workou t.
    Thehe igh tof th e fla shing segmentindica testhe
    resist ance level for the current segment.
    Atth e end of each segme ntofthe workout, a
    seriesof tone swill sound andthe next segment of
    th e prof ile will begin toflash. Theresistance level
    and the targe tspe edwillalso appe arinthe dis \b
    pla y.If a diffe re nt resi sta nce level and/ ortarget speed is
    pr ogr am medfor the next segment ,the resistance
    leve land/ orthe ta rg et speed will flash inthe dis\b
    play for afew seco ndsto ale rt yo u. The resistance
    ofthe ped als will then chang e.
    Asyouexer cise,
    yo uwill be
    pr om pte d to kee p
    your peda ling
    sp eed near the tar \b
    get speed for the
    cu rren tsegm ent.
    Whe nan upw ard\b
    poi nting ar row app earsin the displ ay, incr ease
    your speed .When adow nward\bpo in ting arrow
    appear sin the displ ay,de crease yourspeed.
    Whe nno ar row sapp ear,m aint ain your current
    sp eed.
    IM PO RT ANT: The target speed is intended only
    toprovi de mot iv at ion\b Your actual speed may
    beslow erthan the target spee d\bMa ke sure to
    exerci seataspeed that is com fortable foryou\b
    Ifthe re sist ance leve lfor the curre nt segm entis
    too high or to o low ,you canmanua llyoverr idethe
    setting bypressi ngth e resi stance butt ons.
    IM PO RT ANT: When the current segment ofthe
    work outends ,the peda lswill aut oma tically
    adjus tto the resistanc elevel for the next seg-
    ment \b
    Thewor kout will cont inue in th is wa yuntil thelast
    segm ent ends.To stop the wor kout at any time,
    st op peda ling .A tone will sou nd, the console will
    pause, andthe tim e will begi nto flash inthe dis\b
    pl ay. To rest artthe workout ,si m ply resume
    pedal ing.
    4\b Follow your progress with the displ ay\b
    S ee step4on pa ge \f4.
    5\b Mea sure your hear trat eif desire d\b
    Seestep 5on page \f5.
    6\b When you are fini shed exerci sing, theconsole
    will turn offaut oma tic al ly \b
    See step 6on page \f5.
    TheFat Blocker game requi resqui ckthinki ngandfast
    refle xes. In add ition tothe consol ebuttons, youwill
    us ethe four\bbu ttongame controlle rs on the hand leba r
    to play the game. Follow the steps below topla y the
    Fa tBlo cker game.
    1\bBegi npeda ling orpress any button onthe
    cons oletotur non the console\b
    Whenyou turn onthe console ,th e display will
    light.The console willth en beready foruse .
    \f\b Selectthe FatBlock ergame \b
    Toselect the Fat Blocker game,press theFitness
    Games but ton (seethe drawing onpage \f3)
    rep eatedlyun til th e wor dsFATBLOCKER app ear
    inthe display .
    3\bBegi npeda ling orpres sabut ton oneithe r
    control lertostart thegame\b
    Wh enyou start the FatBl ocker game, agame
    are na will app ear inthe center ofthe display.
    A blo ckcompo sedoffour orfive black squares will
    slowlymovedown war duntil itreaches the botto m
    of th e aren a.Anot herblock willthe nmove down\b
    ward.B locks come ineig htdiffer entshapes. As
    each block falls, youcanmove itto the left or righ t
    usin gthe leftan drig ht buttons onthe leftcon\b
    tro ller. In add ition ,you canrotate theblock
    cou nterclockwise orclockw iseusing theleft and
    righ tbut ton son the right contr oller. Once youhave
    position edandorie nted ablock, youcanspeed its
    motiontothe bo ttom ofthe aren a,ifde sire d,by
    pre ssing the dow nbutton oneithe rco ntroller.Your goalis to
    maneu verthe
    bl ocks sothat they
    for m acom plet e
    row ofblack
    squa re s acr oss the
    ent ir e ar en a. Each
    time you comp lete
    a row of bl ack squa res, the row will disa ppear, and
    allbl ocks above will m ove down wardone row.
    As you play, the blocks will fa llfast erand faster ;
    however, yo ur ped aling spee dwill affect thespeed
    ofthe blocks—t hefast eryou peda l,the more
    slow ly the blocks will fal l, gi vin gyou extra timeto
    posi tion and orient the blocks. Thegame willcon \b
    tinue unt ilany par tof astacked blo ck reaches the
    top of th e ar ena .
    Whe nthe gam eend s,the disp lay will show your
    final scor eand th e level ofplay tha tyou reached.
    The displ ay will the nshow th e four highe stscores
    recor ded since the scor eswer ereset. Ifdesi red,
    press and holddow nthe rig ht but ton on either
    cont rol ler to reset th e scor es.Not e: Ifyour score is
    oneofthe fou rhi ghest ,the disp la y will prom ptyou
    to en tera nam eco nsi sting of thr ee letters ordig\b
    it s. Whi le the line bel ow the fir st let te r is flashi ng,
    press the up and down buttons on either controller
    t o sel ect the desi red let ter ordig it. Next, press the
    right button on eit h er contro ller and select another
    let ter ordigit. R epe atthi s pro cess to select athir d
    let ter ordigit. The n,press the righ tbutton oneither
    cont rol ler aga in.The displ ay will the nshow the
    four high est scor esrecor dedsince the scores
    wer ereset .
    4\b Fol low your progr esswit h the display\b
    Whi le yo uexer cise and play th e Fat Blocker
    gam e,the corner sof the displ ay will show the
    elapse dtime ,th e app roxim ate num berofcal ories
    you have bur ned, andyou rpedal ing speed. In
    addit ion, the displ ay will show yourcurren tscore
    and the game le vel that you have reached.
    To pause the game, press the Displ ay button. To
    resum ethe gam e,press the Displ ay button
    repea te dl y unt il the wor ds FAT BLO CKE Rappear
    at the to p of the displ ay, and the npress abutton
    on eith er cont rol le r.
    5 \b When youarefini she dexer cising, the console
    will turn offautom atically\b
    See step 6on page \f5.
    Com plet e Row 
    TheCalo rieDestr oyergame isafast\bpa cedgame that
    pitsyou aga inst asqu adron oflaser\bfiring drones.In
    add ition tothe conso lebuttons, youwillu se the four\b
    button game controller son the handl ebar toplay the
    game. Followthe steps below topla ythe Calo rie
    Destroyer game.
    1\b Begi npeda ling orpress any button onthe
    cons oletotur non the console\b
    Whenyou turn onthe console ,th e display will
    light.The console willth en beready foruse .
    \f\b Sele ctthe CalorieDest royer game\b
    Toselect the Calor ieDestroye rgame ,pre ssthe
    Fitn ess Game sbu tton(see thedrawing on pag e
    \f3) rep eated lyuntil the wor dDESTROYER
    appea rsinthe display.
    3\b Pressabutton oneither controller tostar tthe
    game \b
    Whenyou start the Cal orieDestro yergame ,a
    game aren awill appea rin the displ ay.Three rows
    of dro neswill begin tomove across thetopofthe
    are na, period ically firing thei rlaser sdo wn ward .
    Each time thedron esreach the left or rig ht sid eof
    th e aren a,they will reve rsedirecti onand move
    downward .
    Atth e bot tom of the arena isalaser blaster. You
    canfirethe lase rblaster atthe drones by pressing
    th e up but ton on eithe rco ntrol ler.Inaddition ,wh ile
    you arepeda ling, youcan movethe laser bla ste r
    to the left or righ tusin gthe left and right button s
    on eit he rcon troller. Thefaster youpeda l,the
    fa ster the laser blaster will move.Bet ween the drones and the laser bla ste rar efive
    sh ie ld s. You can hide the laser blaster below a
    shie ld if desi red. How ever ,each tim eashi eld is hit
    by a laser ,a piece will be vap orize d.
    Yourgoal is to kee pthe lase rbl ast erfrom being
    hitand to ke ep anydr one from rea ching thebot\b
    tom of th e ar en a. If the laser blast erishit, it w ill be
    di sa bled andano ther la ser blast erwill appear inits
    pl ace; ther ear eatot al of four lase rblasters. Ifyou
    va por ize the ent ir e squad ron ofdrone s,anew
    sq uadr onwill app ear.
    As youplay ,the dron es will m ove faster and
    faster.The game will con tinu eunt il all four laser
    blast ers aredisabl edoradro ne reach esthe bot\b
    tom of th e ar en a.
    Whe nthe gam eends, the disp lay will show the
    levelof play th at youreache dand your finalscore.
    Thedispl ay will then show th e four hig hest scores
    reco rd ed since th e scor eswer ere set. Ifdesir ed,
    press and holddo wn the right button on either
    co ntro ller to re set th e scor es.Note: Ifyour scoreis
    one ofthe four highe st,the displ ay will prom ptyou
    toent eranam econsi sting of th re eletters ordig \b
    its. Whi le the lin e bel ow th e fir st let ter isflashing,
    pr ess the upand downbu tton son eithe rcontr oller
    to sel ect the desired let teror digit. Ne xt, press the
    right but ton on eit h er cont rol ler and select another
    letter ordig it. R epe at thi s pr ocess to select athi rd
    letter ordig it. Then ,pr ess the right button oneither
    co ntro ller agai n.Th edispl ay will then show the
    fourhi ghest scoresrecor ded since the scor es
    werere set .
    4\b Follow your progress with the displ ay\b
    Whi le you exer cise andplay the Calorie Destr oyer
    gam e,the upperlef tcor ner ofthe display will
    sh ow the elap sedtim e. In add ition, thedisplay will
    sh ow the game level that you have reached and
    your cur rent scor e.
    Topause the game ,pr ess the Displ ay button. To
    resu me the game, pr ess the Displ ay button
    re peat edlyun til the wordDESTR OYER appear sat
    the top ofthe disp lay ,and the npr ess abutton on
    eithe rcont rol ler.
    5\b When you are fini shed exerci sing, theconsole
    will turn offaut oma tic al ly \b
    See step 6on page \f5. 
    Blackj ackisacasino \bstylecard game inwhi chyou
    compete again stthe deal ertowin credits. Your goal
    during each han dof the game isto have thehigh est
    pointto talth at does not exceed 2\fpoints. Youwill use
    the interact ivetou ch scree non the display to play the
    game. Followthe steps below topla yBlackj ack.
    Note: Fordeta iled instruc tions onhow toplay
    Blackj ack, cons ultaca rd game rule book orothe r
    card game resourc e\b
    1\bBegi npeda ling orpress any button onthe con-
    sol eto turn onthe cons ole\b
    Wh enyou turn onthe console ,th e display will
    light.The console willth en beready foruse .
    \f\b Selectthe Black jack game\b
    To select the Bla ckjack game,press theFitne ss
    Games but ton (seethe drawing onpage \f3)
    rep eatedlyun til th e wor dBLAC KJACK appears in
    th e displa y.
    3\bTap thescree nto start the game\b
    As you pedal,tap the screen tobeg inthe
    Bla ckjack gam e.After amom ent, thewords
    PLACE YOUR BET willappea rin the display .Ta p
    th e scre entoselect theamount youwanttobet on
    th is ha nd.No te:You beginea ch game with 500
    cred its.Asyouwin or lose creditsdurin gthe
    game, yourcurr enttotalw ill be shown inthe upp er
    rightco rne rof th e displ ay.
    After you place abe t,a re pre sentation ofaga me
    ta ble will appe arinthe displ ay.The dealerʼs cards
    will appe arinthe upp er left corner ofthe disp lay.
    Yo ur cards willappear in the lowe rleft corner of
    th e displa y.Th egam eopti ons will app ear inthree
    boxes on the rig ht sid eof the displ ay.Count the pointtot al of your car dsandtap the
    screen to sel ect agam e opt ion. Youcan choose to
    HIT, ST AN D, or D O UBLE .R epeat this action as
    necessaryunt il the hand ends.
    Whe nthe hand ends, the re su ltand the point
    tot als for you and th e deal erwill appe arinabox
    on the right side of th e displ ay.To continue the
    game,tap the cen terof the screen .
    The gamewill cont inue in th is wa yindefinitel yor
    unt il you have no credi ts avai labl eto bet. Ifyou
    have nocred its to bet ,the wor ds GAME OVER
    andthe game tim e wi ll ap pear in the display .To
    pl ay Blackj ack agai n, tap the prom ptbox onthe
    4\b Fol low your progr esswit h the display\b
    Whi le yo uped aland play the Blackj ack gam e,the
    upp erlef tcor ner ofthe displ ay will sh ow the
    elapse dtime .To view addi tio nal exercise infor ma\b
    tion, press the Disp la y but ton rep eatedly .
    5\b When youarefini she dexer cising, the console
    will turn offautom atically\b
    See step 6on page \f5. 
    Texas Hold ʼEm isapop ular poker game inwhich you
    compete again stother player sto win cred its. You r
    obje ctive isto form the best five\bca rdpoker hand from
    your two hole card sand the five commun itycards
    shared byallthe players. Youwill use th e inte ra ctive
    tou chscree non the disp laytoplay th e game. Follow
    the step sbelow to play Texas Hold ʼEm.
    Note: Fordeta iled instruc tions onhow toplay
    Texas Hol dʼEm, cons ultacar dgame rulebook or
    other cardgame resour ce\b
    1\bBegi npeda ling orpress any button onthe con-
    sol eto turn onthe cons ole\b
    Wh enyou turn onthe console ,th e display will
    light.The console willth en beready foruse .
    \f\b Sele ctthe Tex as Hold ʼEmgame\b
    To select the Texa sHo ldʼEm game ,pre ssthe
    Fitn ess Game sbu tton(see thedrawing on pag e
    \f3) rep eated lyuntil the wor ds TEXAS HOLDʼEM
    appea rin the displa y.
    3\bTap thescree nto start the game\b
    As you pedal,tap the screen tobeg inthe Texa s
    Hold ʼEmgame. After youstartthe game ,a re pre \b
    sen tation ofaga me table will appea rin the
    disp lay.Y ou rhole cardswill b e show nin the lower
    left co rne rof the displ ay.The numberofcred itsin
    th e pot will be shown in the black boxin the center
    of th e displa y.Th eamo unt betby each player will
    be sho wnalon gthe right sideof the displ ay.A
    game opt ion boxwill beshow nbel ow the pot.
    Durin gthe game, playe rinfor mati onwilla ppe ar
    alo ng the rig ht side ofthe displ ay.Your player
    informat ionisloca ted in the lowe rrig ht corner ofthe displ ay.The black Xin the displ ay indi cates
    the locat ion of th e deal erbut to n. The black arrow
    ind ica teswhi ch playerʼ stur nitis.
    Whe nit is you rtu rn ,assess your cards andtap
    theC/R /F ga me optio n box to make abetti ngdeci \b
    sion ;you canchoose to CALL, RAISE, orFOLD .
    Youcanalso tap the CAR DS box to view your
    card s and anycommuni ty ca rds on the table
    beforemaki ng adeci sion .N ot e: In so me circum \b
    stan ces, youcanch oo se to CHECK instead of
    Ifyou decidetoRAIS E,tap the upw ardand down \b
    wardar row boxes to sel ect the desired numberof
    cred it s, an dthen ta p the OK bo x.
    After you makeyou rbet ting deci sion, play willcon \b
    tinue with the oth er pla yer s.Cont inue tomake
    bet ting deci sion sthr ou ghou tthe betting rounds
    and the dea ls. Whe nthe flop isdealt, threecards
    will appe arin the upp er lef tar ea ofthe displ ay.
    Add it iona lcar dswill appe arin this area when the
    turnand river aredeal t. A ssess the se car dsand
    make betting decision sas befo re .Du ring the
    game,the othe rplayer sm ay fo ld, bust, or con \b
    tinue to ash ow dow n.
    Theplayer wit h the best five\b cardhan din any
    combin at ion of holeand community cards will wi n
    the show down.
    After the show dow n,the wor dWI NS: willappear in
    the cent erofthe displ ay.The numberofcredi ts
    won byeach player will be show nalong theright
    si de ofthe disp la y. To view the cardsheld bythe
    oth erplayer s,tap the num berof cre dits won by
    each playe r.
    Thegam ewi ll cont inue in thi s way until you win all
    the other playe rsʼ credi ts or unt il you have nocred \b
    its ava ilab leto bet .
    4\b Follow your progress with the displ ay\b
    Whi le you pedal andplay the Texa sHold ʼEm
    gam e,the upperlef tcor ner ofthe display will
    sh ow the elap sedtim e. To viewadditional exercise
    inf ormat ion, press the Displ ay but ton repeatedl y.
    5\b When you are fini shed exerci sing, theconsole
    will turn offaut oma tic al ly \b
    See step 6on page \f5. 
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