ProForm 500 F Manual
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USER'SMA NUA L CAU TIO N Read allpre cautions andinstruc - tions inthis manua lbef oreusing this equip men t\bKeep thismanual for future referenc e\b SerialNum ber Decal Mode lNo\b PFEX 03409\b0 Se rialNo\b Write the seria lnum berinthe spa ceabove forfutur erefer ence . QUE STIONS ? Ifyou have questions,orifpar tsare damaged ormis sing, DONOT CON TACT THE STO RE ;pl ease con tact Customer Care\b IMPORT ANT:Please registerthis prod uct (see thelimi ted warrant y ontheback cover ofthi smanual ) beforecontactin gCustomer Care\b CALLTOLL-FRE E: 1-88 8-533-1333 Mon\b –Fri\b 6a\bm\b –6p\bm\b MT Sa t\b8a\bm\b –4p\bm\b MT ON THE WEB: www\bproforms ervice\bcom

\f TABLE OF CON TENTS WARN INGDECA LPLAC EMEN T..............................................................2 IMP ORTANT PRECAUTIONS ................................................................3 B EFORE YOUBEGIN ......................................................................4 ASSEMB LY...............................................................................5 HO WTO USE THEEXERC ISECYCLE .......................................................\f2 MA INT ENANCE ANDTROU BLESHOOTI NG ...................................................23 E XERCIS EGUIDELINES ...................................................................24 PA RT LIS T ..............................................................................25 E XPLO DEDDRAWING ....................................................................26 OR DERING REPLACEMENT PARTS ..................................................Ba ck Cover LIMI TEDWA RRAN TY..............................................................Ba ck Cover WAR NING DECAL PLACEM ENT Thisdrawing showsthe location (s)ofthe warn ing decal(s). If a dec alismissing orillegi ble,see the front cover ofthis manual andreque sta free replac eme ntdecal\b Apply the decal in the loc ation sho wn\b Note: Thedecal (s)maynot be shownatact ualsize. P RO FORM isareg istered trade markof ICON IP,Inc.

3 WARNING:To re duce the ris k of ser ious inj ury, read all impor ta nt precautions and ins tructi onsinthis manual and allwarnings onyour exercise cyclebefor eusing yourexercise cycle\b ICO Nassum esno responsibility for pers onal injury orproperty damage sustained byor through theuse ofthis product \b 1\bBefore beginning anyexer cise progr am, consult yourphysician\b Thisisespecially important forpersons over age35orper- s ons with pre- existing health pr oblems \b \f\bUsethe exer cise cycle onlyasdescribed in thi sma nual \b 3\bIt is the respons ibilityofthe owne rto ensur e thatal luser sof the exer cise cycle areade - qua tely informe dof all pre caut ions\b 4\bThe exerc ise cyc leisint ended forhome use only\bDo not usethe exerc ise cyc lein acom - mercia l,rent al,or inst itut iona lsetting\b 5\b Keep your exercise cyc leindoors, awa yfr om moi sture anddust \bPlace your exercise cycle on alev el surf ace, wit hamat bene athitto prote ctthe floor orcar pet\bMa ke sure that thereis at lea st \fft\b (0\b6 m)of clearance around your exe rcise cycle\b 6\bInspec tand proper lytight enall pa rts regu - larly\b Repla ceany wornpar tsimmediately\b7\b Keep chi ldre nunder age 1\fand pets away from the exerc ise cyc leat alltimes\b 8 \b Wear appropri ateclot hes while exercising; do not wear loose clot hes thatcould becom e caught onthe exer cise cycle\b Always wear athletic shoes for foot prot ection\b 9 \b The exerci secycl eshoul dnot beuse dby pers onswei ghi ng more tha n300 lbs\b (136 kg)\b 10\b The pulsesensor is not am edical device\b Various factors, incl udi ng the user 'smove - ment ,ma yaf fect the accurac yof hear trate rea dings \bThe pulsesensor is int ende donly as an exe rcise aid in de termi ning hear trat e trends ingene ral \b 11\b Alwa ys keep your back str ai ght while using the exerci secycl e; do not arch your back\b 1\f\b Over exerc is ing may resul tin serious injury ordeath\b Ifyou feel fai nt or if you experience pai nwhi le exe rcis ing, stop im mediately and cooldown\b IMPOR TANTPRE CAUTIONS

4 *W ater bottle is not incl uded Handl ebar Seat H andgr ip Pul se Sensor SeatHandl e Pedal/Str ap Wheel Level ing Foot Uprigh tKnob Consol e Backrest Han dle Water Bot tle Hol der * BEFORE YOU BEGIN Game Contr oller Th ank youfor select ingthe re volu tionary PROFO RM® ZR3exercise cycle.Cycling isan effective exercisefor incr ea sing cardiovascular fit ness, building endurance , andtoning the bod y.The ZR3 exerci secycl eprovide s animpressive selection offeatur esdesign edtoma ke your worko utsat home more effective andenjoyab le. For your bene fit,read this manua lcarefully before youusetheexerc ise cycle\b Ifyo uhave question safter readi ngthi s m anual ,pl ea se see the front cover of thi s m anu al.To hel p us assist you, note theproduct model num ber and serial num berbefore contacti ng us. The mode lnum ber andthe loca tion ofthe serial num berdecal areshow non the fr ont cove rof this manua l. B ef or eread ing fur the r, pl ease fami liarize yourselfwi th the par ts th at arela be led in the drawin gbelow.

5 M10x63mm BoltSet(62)–1 M8x50mm Patch Screw(52)–4 M6x42mm Patch Screw(51)–2 M8x38mm Button Bolt(72)–4M8x16mm Patch Screw(54)–6 M8Split Washer (55)–10 M6Washer (44)–4 M6x38mm Patch Screw(81)–4 M8Locknut (61)–4M10 Locknut (87)–2 M6x18mm Patch Screw(77)–2 M10x32mm Button Bolt(78)–2 M4x16mm Flange Screw(80)–4 ASSEMBLY Assembl yrequi restwo persons\b Place allp arts ofthe exercise cycleinacleared areaandremove thepack \b ingmate rials. Donotdisp ose ofthe packi ngmateria lsuntil assemblyiscompleted. In add ition tothe included tool(s) ,ass emb lyrequir esaPhi llips screwdriver ,an adj ustable wre nch ,an darubber mallet \b Asyou assemble theexer cise cycle, use the drawin gsbelow toiden tifysmall parts. Thenumbe rin parentheses below each drawing isthe key num ber ofthe part, fromthe PART LIST near theend of th is manual. Thenum ber follow ingthe pare nthese sis the qua ntity needed forasse mbly.Note: Ifapa rtis not inthe hardware kit, che cktoseeif it ha sbee npre assembled\b

6 \f. Orient the Rig htFront Stabilizer (40)as shown. Attach the Righ tFront Stabilizer(40) tothe right side ofthe Frame (\f)with three M8x\f6mm Patch Scre ws(54)and three M8 SplitWash ers (55). Attac hthe Left Front Stabilizer (notshown) tothe left side ofthe Fram e(1) inthe same way\b40 54\f\f 55 55 54 2. Whileano ther per son lifts the rear ofthe Frame (\f), attach the RearStabi lizer(\f6) tothe Frame with four M8 x50 mm Patch Screw s(52) and fo ur M8 Split Washe rs(55) .2 55 55\f6 52 \f Tomake assembly easier,readthe in form ationon page 5bef ore you begi n\b

7 3 2 Avoid pinchi ngthe Wi re Ha rnesses (4\f, 43) \f 3.Whileano the rperso nho lds the Upright (2) near the Frame (\f), loca tethe wire tie insid ethe Up righ t. See theinsetdra wing\b Tiethe lower end of the wire tieto the ends of th e Gam e/Pulseand Main WireHarne sses (42,43) .Then, pullthe oth erend of th e wire tie upw ardout of th e top ofth e Up righ t(2) . Tip: Do not pinch theWire Harness es (4\f, 43)\b Attach the Upr ight (2) tothe Frame (\f)with anM\f0 x63m mBolt Set(62) . 62 42 6242, 43 43Wire Tie 4. Ide ntify the Righ tan dLeft Handl ebars (59, 60), whi chare mark edwith “Right ”and “Left ”st ickers. Orie ntthe Right and LeftHandlebars (59, 60) so tha tthe hexago nalholes arein the indi - cate dlocati ons\b Attach each Hand lebar(59 ,60) tothe Upright (2)wit htwo M8x38 mm Button Bolts(72) and two M8Lock nuts(6\f ).Make sure thatthe Lo cknuts are in the hexagonal holes\b4 59 2 60 6\f 72 6\f He xagona l Hole s 72

8 5 6.Whileano ther per son holds the Conso le(4) near the Uprig ht(2), conne ctthe conso lewire harnesse sto the Gam e/Pulseand Main Wire Harnesses (42,43 );make sure toconnect the cons olewire that has atag to the game wire thathasatag\b Inser tthe exce sswire dow n\b ward intothe Uprigh t. Tip: Do not pinch theWireHar nesses (4\f, 43)\b At tach the Conso le(4) tothe Uprigh t(2 ) with four M4 x\f6 mm Flang eScre ws(80) . 2 6 4 42 Consol eW ire Har nesses 80 80 Avoi dpinchi ngthe Wi re Har nesses (4\f, 43) 43 5. The Console (4)ca nuse four Dbatteries (not inclu ded );alka linebatteri esarerecommend ed. IMP ORT ANT: If the Console hasbeen exposed tocold temper ature s,allow itto warm toroo mtempe raturebef ore inserting batteries \bOthe rwise,you may damage the cons oledisplaysorother electronic compo- nents \bRemo vethe indi cated screw, remo vethe batte ry cover, insert thebatte ries into the bat \b te ry comp artment ,and then reatta chthe batt ery cove r.Make sure toorient the bat teries as show nby the diagram sinside the battery compa rtment\b Topurcha sean opt ional AC adapter, contact thestore whereyou purcha sedthis product orcall the telephone number onthe front cov er ofthis manual\b To avoid damaging the cons ole, useonl yam anuf acturer-supplie d ACadapter\b Plug one endof th eAC adap ter into the jack onthe consol e;plug the other end in to an out letinst alledin accor dance with all loca lcod esand ordin ances. 4 Batter ies Batter ies Scr ew Battery Cover

9 7.Ident ifyand orient the Seat Handl ebar (\f\f)so th at the Co ntroller sface upward.M ake sure that thehexagonal holesare inthe indica ted loc ations \b Tip: Do not pinch theGam e/Puls eWire (58). Attach the SeatHan dlebar (\f\f) tothe Seat Carria ge(3) with twoM\f0 x32mm Button Bolts (78 )an dtwo M\f0 Lockn uts(87). Do not fully tighte nthe Lock nutsye t\b7 \f\f Co ntrol ler H exago nal Hol es Con tr ol ler 7858 87 3 8. Tip: Donot pinch theGame /PulseWire (58 ). Atta ch the Backre st(8) tothe Sea tCarriag e(3) with two M6 x\f8m mPatch Screws (77) and two M6 x42mm Patch Scre ws(5\f) . Tip: First tighte nthe M6 x18m mPa tch Screw s(7 7), and thentight enthe M6 x 4\fmm Patch Screws (51)\b See step 7\bTig ht en the M\f0 Locknut s(8 7).8 877 5\f 3 58

10 99.Attach the Seat(9)to the Seat Carri age (3)with fo ur M6 x38 mm Patch Screw s(8\f) and four M6Wash ers(44)(on lytwoof each are shown). Note: ThePatc hScr ews andWashe rsma y bepreatta chedto the under sideofthe Seat\b9 44 8\f 44 3 \f0. Plugthe Game/Pulse Wire (58) into the Game/P ulseRecep tacle(79) loca ted in the Left Shield (26).\f0 58 26 79