ProForm 500 F Manual
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11 \f\f.Ident ifythe Righ tPe dal (2\f), which ismar ked with an“R.”Using an adj ustabl ewr ench ,firm ly tighte nthe Rig htPedal clockwi seinto theRigh t Crank(23 ).Tigh ten the Left Pedal (not sho wn) cou \fterclockwise intotheLeft Crank (not shown). IMPORTANT: Tightenboth Pedals as fi rml yas poss ible\bAfter using the exerc ise cycle forone week,ret ighte nthe Pedals\b Toloose nthe strap onthe Ri ght Peda l(2\f), p re ss the ind icated tab and pull the strap upward. Totighten the str ap, simply pul...
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1\f HOWTO ADJUS TTH EPEDA LSTRAPS To loosen the stra p onaped al,pre ss the indicat edtab and pull the stra p upward. Totighte n the strap, simp ly pulltheend ofthe stra pdownwa rd. HOWTO ADJUS TTH ESEAT Th eseat canbe ad justed forwar dor backwar dto the position that isthe mostcom fortable foryo u. To adjust the seat, push downw ardonthe seat handle, slide the se at to the desired position, and th en pullupwa rdon the seat handle to lock theseat inplace . HOWTO LEVEL THE EXER CISECYCLE Ifthe exercise...
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13 FEATURE SOF THE CONSOLE Thisrevolu tionary consoleoffer san array offe atures designed tomake your worko utsmoreeffective and enjoyable. Whenyou use the manualmode ofthe console, you cancha ngethe resistance ofthe pedals wit h the to uch of abu tton. While you exer cise,th e conso lewill dis \b play contin uous exercise feedback. You can even measure yourhe artrate using the hand grippu lse sen\b so r. Th econ sole offers twen typre set workouts. Each workout automa tically change sthe resistan ceof...
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14 HOW TO USE THEMANUAL MODE 1\bBegi npeda ling orpress any button onthe cons oletotur non the console\b Whenyou turn onthe console ,th e display will light.The console willth en beready foruse . \f\b Sele ctthe manual mode\b Each time you turn on the consol e,the man ual mod ewill beselecte d. If you have select edawor kout, press anyof th e Wo rkou tsbut tons orthe Fitn ess Games button (see the drawin gon pa ge \f3)repe atedly until zero esapp earin the displa y. 3\bChange theresista nce ofthe pedals...
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15 Pul se —This displaywill sh ow your heart rate whenyo uuse the hand grippu lse sensor (seestep 5belo w). Resistance —This displ aywill show theresistance leve lof the pedals forafew secon dseach time th e re sista ncelevel changes. Profi le—Wh en awor kout is sele cted,this display willshow aprof ile of the resistan cesetting sfor the worko ut. Display Setti ngs —Th econso leoffe rs adisplay set ting smo de that can beentered when the words HOL DDIS PLAY FOR SETTIN GSappe arinthe disp lay.To chang...
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16 HOWTO USE APRESET WORKOUT 1\bBegi npeda ling orpress any button onthe cons oletotur non the console\b Whenyou turn onthe console ,th e display will light.The console willth en beready foruse . \f\b Sele ctapre set workout \b Toselect apr eset workout, press theWeigh tLoss or the Aerob ic/P erfo rmance button repea tedly until th e prof ile of th e desir edwor kout appears inthe disp lay. The worko uttime andaprofi leof th e resistance leve lsforthe workout will app ear in th e display. 3\b Begi npe...
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17 HOWTO PLAY THEFATBLOC KERGAME TheFat Blocker game requi resqui ckthinki ngandfast refle xes. In add ition tothe consol ebuttons, youwill us ethe four\bbu ttongame controlle rs on the hand leba r to play the game. Follow the steps below topla y the Fa tBlo cker game. 1\bBegi npeda ling orpress any button onthe cons oletotur non the console\b Whenyou turn onthe console ,th e display will light.The console willth en beready foruse . \f\b Selectthe FatBlock ergame \b Toselect the Fat Blocker game,press...
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18 HOW TO PLAY THE CALO RIEDESTROYER GAME TheCalo rieDestr oyergame isafast\bpa cedgame that pitsyou aga inst asqu adron oflaser\bfiring drones.In add ition tothe conso lebuttons, youwillu se the four\b button game controller son the handl ebar toplay the game. Followthe steps below topla ythe Calo rie Destroyer game. 1\b Begi npeda ling orpress any button onthe cons oletotur non the console\b Whenyou turn onthe console ,th e display will light.The console willth en beready foruse . \f\b Sele ctthe...
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19 HOW TO PLAY THE BLACKJACK GAME Blackj ackisacasino \bstylecard game inwhi chyou compete again stthe deal ertowin credits. Your goal during each han dof the game isto have thehigh est pointto talth at does not exceed 2\fpoints. Youwill use the interact ivetou ch scree non the display to play the game. Followthe steps below topla yBlackj ack. Note: Fordeta iled instruc tions onhow toplay Blackj ack, cons ultaca rd game rule book orothe r card game resourc e\b 1\bBegi npeda ling orpress any button onthe...
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\f0 HOW TO PLAY THE TEXAS HOLDʼEM GAME Texas Hold ʼEm isapop ular poker game inwhich you compete again stother player sto win cred its. You r obje ctive isto form the best five\bca rdpoker hand from your two hole card sand the five commun itycards shared byallthe players. Youwill use th e inte ra ctive tou chscree non the disp laytoplay th e game. Follow the step sbelow to play Texas Hold ʼEm. Note: Fordeta iled instruc tions onhow toplay Texas Hol dʼEm, cons ultacar dgame rulebook or other cardgame...