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Philips Bdl3221v User Manual

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Page 61

Shaky/Jittery VideoWavy picture or 
fine movementl     Auto adjust image through Menu -> Image 
Setting -> Auto Adjust
l     Adjust Phase and Clock controls via OSD 
l     Perform the LCD Monitor TV factory reset (via 
Menu -> Factory Reset -> All Settings) 
l     Check environmental factors 
l     Relocate and test in other room
Missing Pixels LCD screen has 
l     Cycle power on-off 
l     These are pixels that are permanently off and 
is a natural defect that occurs in LCD...

Page 62

LinesScreen has one or 
more linesl     Perform the LCD Monitor TV reset 
l     Auto adjust image through Menu -> Image 
Setting -> Auto Adjust
l     Adjust Phase and Clock controls via OSD
l     Check for bent or broken pins in the video 
cable connector
Note: When operating in DVI mode, the 
Pixel Clock and Phase adjustments are 
not available.
Sync Problems Screen is 
scrambled or 
appears torn
l     Perform the LCD Monitor TV reset 
l     Push Auto Adjust button...

Page 63

Poor TV signal 
receptionAbnormal picture 
seen from the 
l     The proximity of mountains or high buildings 
may be responsible for ghost pictures, 
echoing or shadows. In this case, try manually 
adjusting your pictures: see fine tuning or 
adjust the direction of the outside aerial.
No TV picture No picture when 
TV input was 
l     Have you connected the aerial socket 
properly? Have you chosen the right system? 
Poorly connected SCART cables or aerial 
sockets are...

Page 64

No soundSee video but no 
l     Check if the LCD Monitor TV volume is turn 
off of muted.
l     Connect the audio cable securely.
l     Audio cable is connected incorrectly.
l     Verify that the audio source is selected 
correctly in the OSD.
Remote Control Problems
Remote control does 
not work properlyNo response from 
the LCD Monitor 
TV when remote 
is pressedl     Point the remote control directly at the remote 
sensor on the LCD Monitor TV.
l     Replace both batteries with...

Page 65

When user sees this warning message, it means 
that the LCD Monitor TV is in adjustment process.
A warning message may appear on the screen 
indicating that the LCD Monitor TV is out of sync 
See Specifications for the Horizontal and Vertical 
frequency ranges addressable by this the LCD 
Monitor TV. Recommended mode is 1360 x 768 
@ 60Hz.
This message means that there is no video input 
The LCD Monitor TV is in a power saving mode 
(in PC mode). 
The main OSD menu is...

Page 66

tm (7 of 7)2005-11-07 12:52:12 PM 

Page 67

Regulatory Information
Regulatory Information
CE Declaration of Conformity • Display Power Management Signaling • Federal Communications 
Commission (FCC) Notice (U.S. Only) • Commission Federale de la Communication (FCC 
Declaration) • EN 55022 Compliance (Czech Republic Only) • VCCI Class 2 Notice (Japan Only) • 
MIC Notice (South Korea Only) • Polish Center for Testing and Certification Notice • North Europe 
(Nordic Countries) Information • BSMI Notice (Taiwan Only) • Ergonomie Hinweis (nur...

Page 68

Regulatory Information
Display Power Management Signaling BDL3221V
This monitor is equipped with a function for saving energy which support\
s the VESA Display 
Power Management Signaling (DPMS) standard. This means that the monito\
r must be 
connected to a computer which supports VESA DPMS to fulfill the requirem\
ents in the NUTEK 
specification 803299/94. Time settings are adjusted from the system unit\
 by software.
NUTEKVESA StateLED IndicatorPower Consumption

Page 69

Regulatory Information
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a\
 Class B 
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are d\
esigned to 
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a resident\
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequ\
ency energy 
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may \
cause harmful 
interference to radio communications. However, there is no...

Page 70

Regulatory Information
Cet équipement a été testé et déclaré conforme auxlimi\
tes des appareils numériques 
de class B,aux termes de larticle 15 Des règles de la FCC. Ces limit\
es sont conçues 
de façon à fourir une protection raisonnable contre les interfé\
rences nuisibles dans le 
cadre dune installation résidentielle. CET appareil produit, utilise\
 et peut émettre des 
hyperfréquences qui, si lappareil nest pas installé et utilisé\
 selon les consignes 
données, peuvent causer des interférences...
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