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Panasonic Wv Np244 Operating Instructions Manual

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    •The port forwarding function changes a global IP address to a private IP address, and Static IP masquerade
    and Network Address Translation (NAT) have this function. This function is to be set in a router. 
    •To access the camera via the Internet by connecting the camera to a broadband router, it is necessary to assign
    a respective port number for each camera and address translation by using the port forwarding function. For fur-
    ther information, refer to the operating instructions of the broadband router in use. 
    Configure the settings relating to DDNS [DDNS]
    Click the [DDNS] tab on the Network setup page. (page 16)
    The settings relating to DDNS can be configured on this page. 
    When accessing the camera via the Internet from the network environment of which the global IP address is
    obtained using DHCP, the DDNS function is necessary. 
    When using the DDNS function, it is possible to access with Host name registered in the DDNS server. nmdns.
    net. To use the DDNS function, it is necessary to connect to the dedicated DDNS server. Refer to the web site for
    further information about the DDNS. Refer to the Readme file about the web site. 
    It is necessary to configure the host name, user name and password registered in the DDNS server. 
    Enter [Global IP address + : 
    (colon) + port number] in the 
    Address box of the browser 
    via the Internet. Global address 
    for the WAN
    vvv.xxx.yyy.zzzPrivate address 
    for the LAN
    vvv.xxx.yyy.zzz:81Broadband router
    Cable modem
    xDSL modemAddress translation using the port 
    forwarding function
    vvv.xxx.yyy.zzz:82 →
    Address translation using the port 
    forwarding function
    vvv.xxx.yyy.zzz:81 → address
    Port number: 82
    Private address
    Port number: 81
    Select ON or OFF to determine whether or not to use
    the DDNS function. 
    [Host name]
    Enter the host name to be used. 
    Number of characters for the host name:1 - 64 char-
    [User name]
    Enter the user name (login name) to access the DDNS
    Number of characters for the user name:1 - 32 char-
    Enter the password to access the DDNS server. 
    Number of characters for the password:0 - 32 char-
    acters[Access interval]
    Select the interval to access the DDNS server to check
    the IP address and the host name from the following. 
    1 min/10 min/30 min/1 hour/6 hours/24 hours
    Default:1 hour
    Configure the settings relating to SNMP [SNMP]
    Click the [SNMP] tab on the Network setup page. (page 16)
    The settings relating to SNMP can be configured on this page. It is possible to check the status of the camera by
    connecting to the SNMP manager. When using the SNMP function, contact the network administrator. 
    [Community name]
    Enter the community name to be monitored. 
    Number of characters for the community name:
    0 - 32 characters
    When using the SNMP function, it is necessary to
    enter the community name. When no community
    name is entered, the SNMP function will not work. 
    [Camera title]
    Enter a camera title to be used to manage the camera
    with the SNMP function. 
    Number of characters for the camera title:0 - 32
    Default:(blank)[Camera location]
    Enter the name of the location where the camera is
    Number of characters for the camera location:0 - 32
    [Contact (Destination address or phone number of
    Enter the mail address or the phone number of the
    SNMP manager. 
    Number of characters for the destination address or
    the phone number of manager:0 - 255 characters
    Configure the settings relating to the FTP periodic transmission [FTP periodic
    Click the [FTP] tab on the Network setup page. (page 16)
    The settings relating to the periodic transmission of images to an FTP server can be configured on this page. To
    transmit images to an FTP server periodically, it is necessary to configure the settings of the FTP server in advance.
    (page 38)
    Refer to page 44 for descriptions of how to configure schedules of image transmission. 
    •Depending on the network line speed or the network traffic, images may not be transmitted at the exact designat-
    ed interval or period. 
    •When ON is selected for both of the alarm image FTP transmission function and the FTP periodic transmission
    function, the alarm image FTP transmission function will be given priority over the FTP periodic transmission
    function. For this reason, images may not be transmitted at the exact designated interval or period if alarms
    occur frequently. 
    Images failed to transmit by the FTP periodic transmission can be saved automatically on the SD memory card.
    (page 21)
    [FTP periodic transmission]
    Select ON or OFF to determine whether or not to
    transmit images using the FTP periodic transmission
    When ON is selected, it is necessary to configure the
    settings of the FTP server. (page 38)
    Enter the directory name where the images are to be
    For example, enter /img to designate the directory
    img under the FTP root directory. 
    Number of characters for the directory name:0 - 256
    Default:(blank)[File name]
    Enter the file name (name of the image file to be trans-
    mitted) and select the naming option from the following. 
    With time and date:File name will be [Entered file
    name + Time and date (year/month/day/hour/
    minute/second) + Serial number]. 
    Without time and date:File name will be the charac-
    ters entered for File name only. When Without
    time and date is selected, the file will be overwritten
    each time a file is transmitted newly. 
    Number of characters for the file name:1 - 32 char-
    Select the interval for the FTP periodic transmission
    from the following. 
    1 sec/2 sec/3 sec/4 sec/5 sec/6 sec/10 sec/15 sec/
    20 sec/30 sec/1 min/2 min/3 min/4 min/5 min/6 min/
    10 min/15 min/20 min/30 min/1 hour/1.5 hours/2 hours/
    3 hours/4 hours/6 hours/12 hours/24 hours
    Default:1 sec
    [Image capture size]
    Select QVGA or VGA for the image capture size of
    the images to be transmitted by the FTP periodic trans-
    							Configure the schedule settings of the FTP periodic transmission [Schedule setup]
    Click the [FTP] tab on the Network setup page. (page 16)
    The schedule settings of the FTP periodic transmission can be configured on this page. Refer to page 43 for further
    information about the settings relating to the FTP periodic transmission. 
    How to configure the schedule settings
    Step 1
    Check the check box of the desired day of the week. 
    →The selected day of the week will be validated for the
    Step 2
    To designate time, click [i] and select the desired
    hour and minute. 
    When not designating time, check the checkbox of 24
    Step 3
    Click the [SET] button after completing the settings. 
    →The result will be displayed at the bottom of the win-
    How to delete the set schedule
    Step 1
    Uncheck the check box of the set day of the week. 
    Step 2
    Click the [SET] button after completing the settings. 
    →The result will be displayed at the bottom of the win-
    Maintenance of the camera [Maintenance]
    System log check, firmware upgrade, and initialization of the setup menu can be performed on this page. 
    The Maintenance page has 3 tabs of the [System log] tab, the [Upgrade] tab and the [Initialization] tab. 
    Check the system log [System log]
    Click the [System log] tab of the Maintenance page. (page 16)
    Up to 4000 system logs can be saved on the SD memory card when the SD memory card is inserted after selecting
    Use for About the SD memory card on the [SD memory card] tab (page 21)
    When Not use is selected for About the SD memory card, up to 100 system logs can be saved on the built-in
    memory of the camera.  
    When the saved system logs reached the maximum number, the older system logs will be overwritten by the newer
    logs. In this case, the oldest log is the first to be overwritten. 
    The system logs will be displayed in 100 logs each. 
    When using the SD memory card, the logs will be saved even when the power of the camera is turned off. When not
    using the SD memory card, the logs will be deleted when the power of the camera is turned off. 
    [Time & date]
    Time and date at the error occurrence will be displayed. 
    [Error message]
    The descriptions about the error will be displayed. 
    Refer to page 48 for further information about the sys-
    tem logs.  
    Upgrade the firmware [Upgrade]
    Click the [Upgrade] tab of the Maintenance page. (page 16)
    The current firmware can be checked and upgraded to the latest version on this page. Contact the dealer for further
    information about the firmware upgrade. 
    [Model No. ], [MAC address], [Firmware version],
    [IPL version]
    Information of each item will be displayed. 
    How to upgrade the firmware
    Step 1
    Contact the dealer and download the latest firmware
    onto a PC. 
    Step 2
    Click the [Browse…] button and designate the down-
    loaded firmware. 
    Step 3
    Click the radio button respective to the desired option to
    determine whether or not to initialize the settings after
    the firmware upgrade. 
    Read the readme file provided with the firmware
    first and determine whether or not to initialize the
    settings after the firmware upgrade
    Step 4
    Click the [Upgrade] button. 
    →The confirmation window will be displayed. When
    Do not reset the settings after completing the
    upgrade.  was selected, the confirmation window will
    not be displayed. 
    •Upgrade the firmware using a PC in the same sub-
    net as of the camera’s. 
    •Follow the instruction of the dealer when upgrading
    the firmware. 
    •Use the designated file (extension:img) for the
    firmware upgrade. 
    •The name of the firmware to be used for upgrade
    should be firmware. img. 
    •Do not turn the power of the camera off in the
    process of upgrade. 
    •Do not operate the web browser (including adjusting
    the window size) in the process of upgrade. 
    •The following network settings will not be initialized
    when upgrade the firmware after selecting Reset to
    the default setting after completing the upgrade.
    (Except the network settings). 
    IP address, net mask, default gateway, HTTP port,
    ON/OFF settings for DHCP, AUTO/MANUAL set-
    tings for DNS, DNS primary and secondary address,
    line speed, total bit rate 
    Initialize/restart the camera [Initialization]
    Click the [Initialization] tab of the Maintenance page. (page 16)
    Initialization of the setup data and HTML files of the camera and restarting of the camera can be performed on this
    [Initialize setup data]
    Click the [Execute] button to reset the settings to the
    default settings. However, the network settings will not
    be reset. 
    It is impossible to operate the camera for around 1
    minute after the initialization. 
    [Initialize HTML data]
    Click the [Execute] button to reset the HTML files to the
    default settings. It is impossible to operate the camera
    for around 1 minute after the initialization. 
    [Initialize setup data and HTML data]
    Click the [Execute] button to reset the settings and the
    HTML files to the default settings. However, the network
    settings will not be reset. It is impossible to operate the
    camera for around 1 minute after the initialization. [Restart]
    Click the [Execute] button to restart the camera. The
    camera will be inoperable for around 1 minute after the
    restart just as when the power is turned on. 
    Turn on the power of the camera while holding down
    the [INITIAL SET] button of the camera, and wait
    around 5 seconds without releasing the [INITIAL
    SET] button.
    Wait around 30 seconds after releasing the button.
    The settings including the network settings will be
    About the Displayed System Log
    Error indications relating to SMTP
    POP3 server error
    SMTP server error
    Internal errorAuthentication error
    Cannot connect to POP3 server
    Authentication error
    Other error Connection error to DNS server
    Connot connect to SMTP server. Entered user name or password may be
    incorrect. Check if the mail settings are con-
    figured correctly. 
    •The IP address of the server may be
    incorrect. Check if the IP address of the
    server is configured correctly. 
    •The POP3 server may be down. Ask the
    network administrator. 
    Entered user name or password may be
    incorrect. Check if the mail settings are con-
    figured correctly. 
    An error occurred in the mail function. Check
    if the mail settings are configured correctly. •The designated IP address of the DNS
    may be incorrect. Check if the DNS set-
    tings are configured correctly. 
    •The DNS server may be down. Ask the
    network administrator. 
    •The IP address of the server may be
    incorrect. Check if the IP address of the
    server is configured correctly. 
    •The SMTP server may be down. Ask the
    network administrator.  Content Description
    FTP server error
    Connection error
    Internal errorConnection error to DNS server
    Connot connect to FTP server. 
    File transfer error
    Other error Passive mode error
    Log out failed
    Directory change failed
    User name and password isnt correct. The FTP server or DNS server may be down. 
    •The FTP server settings may be incor-
    •The settings relating to the indicated item
    may be incorrect. 
    The FTP server settings may be incorrect.  Content Description
    Error indications relating to FTP 
    Connection error
    Connection error
    Time adjustment 
    synchronizing with NTP
    succeeded.  Internal error Internal errorCannot connect to DDNS server. 
    Cannot connect to NTP server. 
    Succeeded in the update. (NTP) Other error User name or password isnt correct. 
    IP address updated failed. 
    Other error•The designated IP address of the DDNS
    may be incorrect. Check if the DDNS set-
    tings are configured correctly. 
    •The DDNS server may be down. Ask the
    network administrator. 
    •The IP address of the server may be
    incorrect. Check if the IP address of the
    server is configured correctly. 
    •The NTP server may be down. Ask the
    network administrator. 
    Time correction succeeded. •The designated IP address of the NTP
    server may be incorrect. Check if the NTP
    server settings are configured correctly. 
    •The NTP server may be down. Ask the
    network administrator.  Entered user name or password may be
    incorrect. Check if the DDNS settings are
    configured correctly. 
    IP address update error occurred in the
    DDNS server. Ask the network administrator. 
    An error occurred in the DDNS function.
    Check if the DDNS settings are configured
    correctly.  Content Description
    Category Content Description
    Error indications relating to DDNS
    Error indications relating to NTP 
    •Are the set IP addresses valid?
    •Is the LAN cable (category 5) is firmly connected to
    the network connector on the rear of the camera?
    Before asking for repairs, check the symptoms with the following table. 
    Contact your dealer if a problem cannot be solved even after checking and trying the solution or if the problem is not
    described below. 
    •Is the same IP address provided to other devices?
    Are there contradictions between the address and the
    network subnet to be accessed?
    Are the IP addresses of the camera and the PC set in
    a common subnet?Or is Use Proxy Server for the
    settings of the browser checked?
    When accessing the camera in the same subnet, it is
    recommended to enter the address of the camera in
    the Don’t Use Proxy For These Addresses box. 
    Is the IP address of the default gateway set for the
    camera correct? •Are you accessing the wrong IP address?
    Check the connection as follows:
    With the Windows command prompt,
    > ping IP address set for the camera
    When the WV-NP244 replies, the camera is function-
    ing normally. 
    If not, restart the WV-NP244 and proceed as follows
    (1) Change the IP address by using the Panasonic
    IP Setup software. 
    (2) Initialize the camera by pressing the [INITIAL SET]
    button on the rear of the camera. The IP address
    will return to the default setting  •Is the link LED right by the network connector lit? 
    When it is not lit, connection to a LAN may not be
    established or a network may be not working correct-
    ly. Check if the cables have any contact failure or if
    the wiring is correct or not. 
    pages Cause/solution
    Cannot access from the
    36, 39
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