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Panasonic Wv Np244 Operating Instructions Manual

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    Transmit Images onto an FTP Server
    Images can be transmitted to an FTP server. By configuring the following settings, transmission of images captured
    at an alarm occurrence or captured at a designated interval to an FTP server will become available. 
    When using this function, set the user name and password to restrict users who can log into the FTP server. 
    Transmit an alarm image at an alarm occurrence (Alarm image
    FTP transmission)
    An alarm image can be transmitted at an alarm occurrence to the FTP server. To transmit alarm images to an FTP
    server, it is necessary to configure the settings in advance. 
    The settings for the FTP server can be configured on the [FTP] tab of the Server setup page. (page 38)
    The alarm image FTP transmission function can be turned on/off on the [Alarm] tab of the Alarm setup page. 
    (page 28)
    Depending on the network traffic, number of the transmitted images may not reach the set number of images to
    be transmitted. 
    Transmit images at a designated interval or period (FTP periodic
    Images can be transmitted at a designated interval or period. To transmit images at a designate interval or period, it
    is necessary to configure the settings in advance. 
    The settings for the FTP server can be configured on the [FTP] tab of the Server setup page. (page 38)
    On the [FTP] tab of the Network setup page, the FTP periodic transmission function can be turned on/off, and the
    settings relating to schedules (periods) can be configured. (page 43)
    • Depending on the network line speed or the network traffic, images may not be transmitted at the exact designat-
    ed interval or period. 
    • When ON is selected for both of the alarm image FTP transmission function and the FTP periodic transmission
    function, the alarm image FTP transmission function will be given priority over the FTP periodic transmission
    function. For this reason, images may not be transmitted at the exact designated interval or period if alarms
    occur frequently.  
    							Save images on the SD memory card when failed to transmit
    images by the FTP periodic transmission function 
    Images failed to transmit by the FTP periodic transmission can be saved automatically on the SD memory card. To
    obtain the images saved on the SD memory card, use the Windows command prompt or FTP client software. The
    obtained images can be browsed on a PC. 
    We make no guarantee for any damages of files on the SD memory card incurred by malfunction or error occur-
    rence in files saved on the SD memory card regardless of what the cause may be. 
    Save images on the SD memory card
    By configuring the following settings, saving images which had been failed to transmit to the FTP server using the
    FTP periodic transmission function will become available. 
    About SD memory card:Use (page 21)
    File name:With time and date (page 43)
    Obtain images on the SD memory card
    Step 1
    Access the camera using the Windows command prompt or FTP client software. 
    →The window with the user name and password entry fields will be displayed. 
    Step 2
    Enter the user name whose access level is 1. Administrator and its password. 
    →Log in the camera. 
    The default user name with the access level 1. Administrator and its password are as follows. 
    User Name: admin
    Password: 12345
    Step 3
    Move the current directory to drive B and obtain images. 
    • When logging in the camera, the current directory will be drive D. Images on the SD memory card can be found
    in the FTP directory under drive B. Move to the FTP directory and obtain images.
    Example:To obtain the image (img_05010101230000.jpg) using the Windows command prompt
    1. Enter c:\>ftp and press the [Enter] key.
    →FTP connection will be established with
    2. Log in by entering the user name and the password.
    3. Enter ftp>cd B:\FTP(101\
    3 and press the [Enter] key.
    →The current directory will be B:\FTP(101\
    4. Enter ftp>bin and press the [Enter] key.
    →The transfer mode will be set to the binary mode.
    5. Enter ftp>get img_05010101230000.jpg and press the [Enter] key.
    →The image will be obtained.
    6. Log out by entering ftp>bye and press the [Enter] key.
    • It is possible to delete images on the SD memory card using the Windows command prompt, etc.
    Drive B FTP
    0501020123 DirectoryDirectory 
    ← Destination of logs to be saved↑ The image will be saved here. An image failed to transmit by the FTP 
    periodic transmission function
    (Example) img_05010101230000.jpg 
    About the Network Security of the Camera
    Equipped security functions
    The following security functions are featured in this camera. 
    qAccess restrictions by the host authentication and the user authentication
    It is possible to restrict users from accessing the camera by setting the host authentication and/or the user
    authentication to on. (pages 35 and 36)
    wAccess restrictions by changing the HTTP port
    It is possible to prevent illegal access such as port scanning, etc. by changing the HTTP port number. 
    (page 40)
    When failed to pass the user authentication (authentication error) using the same IP address (PC) for 8 times
    within 5 minutes, access to the camera will be denied for a while.  
    Display the Setup Menu and Configure the Settings of the Camera using a PC
    The settings of the camera can be configured on the setup menu. The setup menu is operable by only users whose
    access level is 1. Administrator. 
    How to display the setup menu
    Step 1
    Display the Live page. (page 4)
    Step 2
    Click the [Setup] button on the Live page. 
    →The window with the user name and password entry
    fields will be displayed. 
    Step 3
    Click the [OK] button after entering the user name and
    the password. 
    →Click this button to display the setup menu. 
    Refer to the next page for further information about
    this menu.  
    How to operate the setup menu
    Step 1
    Click the desired button in the frame on the left of the
    window to display the respective setup menu. 
    When there are tabs at the top of the setup page dis-
    played in the frame on the right of the window, click the
    desired tab to display and configure the setting items
    relating to the name of the tab. 
    Step 2
    Complete each setting item displayed in the frame on
    the right of the window. 
    Step 3
    After completing each setting item, click the [SET] but-
    ton to apply them. 
    When there are two [SET] buttons (or [REG] but-
    tons) or more on the page, click the respective but-
    ton to the edited setting item. 
    When completing the setting items in field A, click
    the [SET] button below field A (A-1). The edited set-
    ting items in field A will not be applied unless the
    [SET] button below field A (A-1) is clicked. 
    In the same manner above, click the [SET] button
    below field B (B-1) when completing the setting
    items in field B. 
    About the operation window
    q[Live] button
    Click this button to display the Live page. 
    w[Basic setup] button
    Click this button to display the Basic setup page.
    The basic settings such as time and date and cam-
    era name, and the settings relating to the NTP serv-
    er and the SD memory card can be configured on
    the Basic setup page. Refer to page 19 for further
    e[Camera setup] button
    Click this button to display the Camera setup page.
    The settings relating to image from the camera such
    as image quality and brightness, and the settings
    relating to audio can be configured on the Camera
    setup page. Refer to page 22 for further informa-
    r[Multi-screen setup] button
    Click this button to display the Multi-screen setup
    page. The cameras to be used for the multi-screen
    display can be registered on the Multi-screen setup
    page. Refer to page 27 for further information. t[Alarm setup] button
    Click this button to display the Alarm setup page.
    The settings relating to alarm occurrences such as
    settings for the alarm action at an alarm occurrence,
    the alarm occurrence notification, and the VMD area
    settings can be configured on the Alarm setup
    page. Refer to page 28 for further information. 
    y[Authentication setup] button
    Click this button to display the Authentication setup
    page. The settings relating to the authentication
    such as users and PCs restrictions for accessing the
    camera can be configured on the Authentication
    setup page. Refer to page 35 for further informa-
    u[Server setup] button
    Click this button to display the Server setup page.
    The settings relating to the mail server and the FTP
    server to which the camera accesses can be config-
    ured on the Server setup page. Refer to page 37
    for further information. 
    !2Main area
    !1Status display
    q[Live] button
    w[Basic setup] button
    e[Camera setup] button
    r[Multi-screen setup] button
    t[Alarm setup] button
    y[Authentication setup]
    u[Server setup] button
    i[Network setup] button
    o[Maintenance] button
    !0[Help] button 
    i[Network setup] button
    Click this button to display the Network setup page.
    The network settings and the settings relating to
    DDNS (Dynamic DNS), SNMP (Simple Network
    management Protocol) and FTP (File Transfer
    Protocol) can be configured on the Network setup
    page. Refer to page 39 for further information. 
    o[Maintenance] button
    Click this button to display the Maintenance page.
    System log check, firmware upgrade and initializa-
    tion of the setup menu can be performed on the
    Maintenance page. Refer to page 45 for further
    !0[Help] button
    Click this button to display the Help page. 
    !1Status display area
    The name of the camera whose settings currently
    being configured, and date and time will be dis-
    !2Main area
    Pages of each setup menu will be displayed. There
    are tabs for some setup menus.  
    Configure the basic settings of the camera [Basic setup]
    The basic settings such as time and date and camera name, and the settings relating to the NTP server and the SD
    memory card can be configured on the Basic setup page. 
    The Basic setup page has 3 tabs of the [Basic] tab, the [NTP] tab and the [SD memory card] tab. 
    Configure the basic settings [Basic]
    Click the [Basic] tab on the Basic setup page. (page 16)
    The settings such as the camera name, time and date, etc. can be configured on this page. 
    [Camera title]
    Enter the title of the camera. Click the [SET] button after
    entering the title of the camera. The entered title will be
    displayed in the status display area. 
    Number of characters for the camera title:0 - 20
    [Time and date setup]
    Enter the current time and date. When 12-hours is
    selected for Time display, AM or PM can be select-
    Available range:01/01/2005 0:00:00 – 12/31/2035
    Default:01/01/2005 0:00:00
    [Time display]
    Select 12-hours or 24-hours. Enter the current hour
    reflecting this setting when entering the current time and
    date for Time and date setup. 
    Default:24-hours[Date/time display format]
    Select a date/time display format. 
    When 04/01/2005 13:10:00 is set for Time and date
    setup after selecting 24-hours for Time display, time
    and date will be displayed as follows respectively. 
    01/04/2005 13:10
    04/01/2005 13:10
    01/Apr/2005 13:10
    2005/04/01 13:10
    Apr/01/2005 13:10
    [Daylight saving (Summertime)]
    Select ON or OFF to determine whether or not to
    apply daylight saving time. Select ON or OFF to
    determine whether or not to apply daylight saving time. 
    ON:Applies summer time. An asterisk (*) will be dis-
    played on the left side of the displayed time and
    OFF:Does not apply summer time. 
    [Link/Access LED]
    Select ON or OFF to determine whether or not to
    light the link LED, the access LED of the network con-
    nector, and the SD memory card error LED. 
    Select ON to check the network status by lighting the
    LEDs. Select OFF to turn off the LEDs at all times. 
    However, the power indicator will light even when OFF
    is selected. 
    Configure the settings relating to the NTP server [NTP]
    Click the [NTP] tab on the Basic setup page. (page 16)
    The settings relating to the NTP server such as the NTP server address, port number, etc. can be configured on this
    [Time adjustment]
    Select the time adjustment method from the following.
    Time adjusted by the selected method will be used as
    the standard time of the camera. 
    Manual setup:Time set on the [Basic] tab on the
    Basic setup page will be used as the standard time
    of the camera. 
    Synchronization with NTP server:Time automatically
    adjusted by synchronizing with NTP server will be
    used as the standard time of the camera. 
    Default:Manual setup
    [NTP server address]
    Enter the IP address or the host name of the NTP serv-
    Number of characters for the NTP server address:
    1 - 128 characters
    When entering the host name for NTP server
    address, it is necessary to configure the DNS set-
    tings on the [Network] tab of the Network setup
    page. (page 39)
    [NTP port]
    Enter a port number to be used for the NTP server. 
    Available port number:1 - 65535
    [Synchronization interval]
    Select an interval (1 - 24 hours: in 1 hour intervals) of
    synchronization with the NTP server. 
    Default:1 hour
    [Time zone]
    Select a time zone according to the location where the
    camera is in use. 
    Default:(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time: Dublin,
    Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
    •Link LED: This LED will light when communication
    with the connected device is available. 
    •Access LED:This LED will light when accessing to
    a network. 
    •SD memory card error LED:This LED will light
    when it is impossible to write data on the SD memo-
    ry card. 
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