Panasonic Rice Cooker Warmer Sr Yb05 Operating Instructions
Here you can view all the pages of manual Panasonic Rice Cooker Warmer Sr Yb05 Operating Instructions . The Panasonic manuals for Rice Cooker are available online for free. You can easily download all the documents as PDF.
Page 21
20 =[Start/Reheat] L !"#$%&'()*+,-./012 !"#$%&'()*+,============ !"#$%&'()*+"#,-./'0&1 !"#$%Quick Cook !"# !"#$%=1==10= !"#$%&'=24= !"#$%&'()*+,-./01=13= !"#$%&'()*+,-./ 0123456=8= !"#$%&'()* !"#$%&'()*(+,-./)0-.123 !"#$%&'()*)(+,-./012345 !"#$%&'(%)* = == = =[Warm/Off] L !"# Timer White/Rinse Free !"#$%&$'()*$+,-./=ON= ...
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21 Start Reheat !"#$#%&=[Warm/Off] !"#$%& =[Start/Reheat] L ! [Warm/Off] !"#$%* !"#$%=106°F50°C !"#!$%&'()*+,- =Q= !"#$% !"#=5= !"#$%&'( !"#$%&'()*+!,- ! * !"#$%&$'()"#*+,-./012345'6 !"#$%&'()*+,=3= !"#$%&'%() !"#$ * !"#$%&'()*+,-./012,345678- !"#$%&'(")*+,-./012,-34567 !"#$%&'()*+,-./,01234567 ! *...
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22 = == = = = == = = ! ! ! ! ! ! E F = E= F E=180 mlF !" ! E = =F = ! E !== = != !F ! ! ! ! ! = == = = = == = = != !"= !"= = = = ! !K ! ! ! ! ! = == = = = == = = 1 = == ==== != ! K 2 = == = = = !"K = ==J== ...
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23 ! = == = = !" !" !" !" !" = == = = = == = = = == = = = == = = K KK K K = = = = = = =180 ml == !"= K = == = = === !=== !K = == != = == = = !K = ===== !I= = != = !== K ===== = !== K= = == !== !K 1 === === ! =...
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24 Start Reheat = == = = = == = = ! ! ! ! ! Porridge Quick White/Rinse Free [Start/Reheat] E EE E E L LL L L F= F=F= F= F= !" !" !" !" !" K KK K K = !=[Start/Reheat] EL F= ! !K White/Rinse Free White/Rinse Free = ! 13 = != !"= ! K != != = 23 != !"= !K 23 = ! !"#= !"= =24= = !"#K ...
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25 ! ! ! ! ! [Start/Reheat]=EL F= = = = !"= != != !K = = = === == == = = !=K “Quick Cook” E !F= !"=== !K !"= = !==1==10= ==24= !K= I= != == ==13= ==== !K=E !"== = !==8= ==== !KF !"== I== !"= !"===== !K !"=== I== = == !K !"= !"= !"I=[Warm/Off]=ELF= =...
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26 Start Reheat = =[Warm/Off] ELF= != = = == !K [Start/Reheat] E EE E E L LL L L F= F=F= F= F= = == = = !" !" !" !" !" K KK K K [Warm/Off] ELF != !"K*= =106ºF=E50ºCF== == = = = = !K=== = != 4 = !K != == 5== I== != = != K= === !K * = != EI=== !"F= = != =I== !...
Page 28
27 Cleaning and Maintenance Accessories Wash with diluted kitchen detergent and sponge. Inner pan Be sure to remove the power plug and carry out these operations when the unit is cold. Do not use objects such as benzine, thinner, cleansing powder or metal or nylon scrubs. Unit and Outer lid Wipe with a firmly wrung wet cloth. Do not use kitchen detergent. Wipe clean the area around the steam outlet if there is any yellowing after using chemical additives or rice improvers during cooking. Wipe the...
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28 Nettoyage et entretien Accessoires Laver avec une solution de détersif diluée et une éponge. Casserole S’assurer de débrancher le cordon d’alimentation et de laisser l’appareil refroidir avant de continuer. Ne pas utiliser de produits comme le benzène, les diluants, les poudres à récurer ou les tampons en laine d’acier ou en nylon. Unit and Outer lid Essuyer avec un linge humide bien essoré. Ne pas utiliser de détersif pour la cuisine. Nettoyer la région entourant la sortie de vapeur si elle est...
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29 !" !"#$%&'()*+,-*./ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;< !"#$%&'$()*$+,-./0-1 Unit and Outer lid !"#$%& !"#$%&' !"#$%&'()%*+,#-.*/01234 !"#$%&'()*+ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0'12 !"#$%&'()*+,-*./012 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123 NT= !"#$%& !"#$%&'()*+,-./012$ !"#$%&'$()*+,-./01 !" !"#$%&'()*+,-*./ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123-45678$9 ...