Recording Software
Panasonic Recording Software Wv Asr500 Operating Instructions
Panasonic Recording Software Wv Asr500 Operating Instructions
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1011 Software overview License Recording Software Channel License: WV-ASRE501, WV-ASRE501W, WV-ASRE516, WV-ASRE516W, WV-ASRE532, WV-ASRE532W, WV-ASRE564, WV-ASRE564W Upgrade License: WV-ASRE571, WV-ASRE571W, WV-ASRE572, WV-ASRE572W, WV-ASRE599, WV-ASRE599W Update Software Software Update License: WV-ASRM501, WV-ASRM501W, WV-ASRM516, WV-ASRM516W, WV-ASRM532, WV-ASRM532W, WV-ASRM564, WV-ASRM564W, WV-ASRM571, WV-ASRM571\ W Software Update License of Expired license: WV-ASRX501, WV-ASRX501W, WV-ASRX516, WV-ASRX516W, WV-ASRX532, WV-ASRX532W, WV-ASRX564, WV-ASRX564W, WV-ASRX57\ 1, WV-ASRX571W Channel License: A license required to add channels (cameras). Upgrade License: A license required when changing MAC address. Software Update License: A license to enable software update. Software Update License of Expired license: A license to enable software\ update when the Update License is expired. Logging in All Servers are shipped with two operating system accounts: 1. Username: admin Password: admin256 Privileges: computer administrator 2. Username: user Password: user5710 Privileges: restricted user Note: Panasonic recommends that the default passwords be changed by the operat\ or and written and secured to • prevent unauthorized access or modifications to the system. As part of\ the initial configuration, Panasonic recommends that the operator configure a new user on the Server with r\ estricted privileges and change the Client settings in the user operating system account to connect to the local S\ erver via this user. See the "Users" section of this manual for instructions on creating a new this system u\ ser. When Servers start, they immediately start the system service, boot into\ the user account, and start the Client software. Server log-in is not required to start video recording or comm\ unication with client PCs. All third-party servers start this system service on startup, but user accounts and auto\ matic login must be manually config - ured. The user account functionality is limited to using the Client software for maximum reliability. All server mainte- nance tasks (such as shutting down this system service) that are not p\ erformed within the Client require logging into the operating system's administrator account. Each operating system user account maintains separate settings for its Client. These settings include user- names, passwords, and network addresses required for Client to access Servers. By default, both the user and admin operating system accounts have settings that provide administrator\ access to the instance of the Server running on the local computer, which is always via the localhost (127.0\ .0.1) IP address.

1213 Panasonic recommends that all servers be configured with one system admi\ nistrator account with Remote Desktop remote access for system support. The Server can be accessed from multiple Client, which can be running from the same computer as the Server or from remotely networked computers. The Server has been preconfigured \ with one user. About the Client Click the logo in the upper-right corner of the page to open the "About \ ASR500 Series Client" window. 1. The window lists the current version and built date. Main pages This system has a main operating page, as represented by the following i\ con: Config (Setup) Page allows Administrators and Power Users the ability \ to configure systems.

1213 Config (Setup) page overview Config (Setup) Page allows you to configure systems, cameras, and othe\ r devices.Configuration Tree q This tree allows you to open the various configu- ration pages for each connected system. Each of the pages is described in detail in the following sections. Systems w This default Config page displays systems that have been added. q w

1415 Add Systems The "Add Systems" page allows you to add systems so that you can connect\ to them with this System. To add a system, click the [New] button. q (Alternatively, you can find a system, as discussed below.) The new system is added to the "System List". w The "System Information" fields are enabled. Enter the system's hostname or IP address. e Contact the system administrator for details. By default, the port number is 22609; change this r only if necessary for your network configuration. Select one of the following login methods: t "Use Single Sign-On" • cannot be used for ASR500. To require a username and password entry • every time the Client is started, select "Always prompt for credentials". To automatically log in to the system every • time the Client is started, select "Use creden- tials entered below". Then enter a valid Username and Password. Select a "Connection Speed". It determines the y default video multistreaming speed. When finished, click the [Apply] button. If the u entered information is valid, the system is auto- matically connected. To disconnect or reconnect a system, select its i box in the "System List". To find a system and its address on your network, o enter the IP address range in the "Find Systems" area. The first three boxes must be the first three elements of the IP address; the fourth and fifth boxes are used to create a range of numbers for the final element of the IP address. Click the [Find] button to list all systems whose IP addresses are in the IP address range. When the search is com- plete (or when you click the [Stop] button, which replaces the [Find] button), select any of the sys- tems to add the system to the "System List" and populate the "Hostname/IP Address" field. You must still enter a valid username or password to be able to connect to the system. Click the [Apply] button when finished. Enter a network location or web site where a !0 ! server configuration file is located and click the [Import] button to load the list to the client compu- ter. (This will not delete any systems already added.) Select "Import on Startup" to automatically load the list whenever the Client is started. Click the [Export] button to save the server config- !1 ! uration file for import on another system. Connected systems in the "System List" also appear in the "Configuration" tree. Disconnected systems do not appear in the tree. i q o !!0!!1 w u t y e r

1415 System The "System" page allows you to set basic system parameters for the clie\ nt application. The page is separated into the following tabs: The [System] tab allows you to create a name for the system, export and import setti\ ngs from other systems, import and export graphics, and manage the licensing of your system.The "MAC Address" of the system's primary net- q work adaptor is used to generate a license key. To obtain a license key online, provide the system MAC address to your dealer. Unlicensed Servers can connect to only one IP device at a time. After the dealer obtains a license key, enter the w key in this box. After e configuring your system, it is recommended that you click the [Export] button to export system settings to a USB or network drive and store it off- site for recovery from a disaster or malfunction. If you ever need to restore the settings or simply r import them from another system, click the [Import] button and apply the saved settings. System information provides basic information t about the system hardware. w qer t

1617 Select the time zone and daylight saving time q (DST) information for the server's location. On systems with Internet access, select "Enable w Time Server" and enter a valid Internet time server. On systems without Internet access, select "Enable Time Server" and enter an internal time server (see your network administrator for more information). The [Date/Time] tab displays the Server's time information. q w e If the IP cameras on the network need to synchro- e nize with a time server other than the Server, select "Enable Override" and enter the server address. Click the [Apply] button to save the r configuration. Note: Though an alert message saying that the time • zone is not recognized may be displayed on the date and time setting screen of the PC, this does not affect the performance of this software. r

1617 Select a network connection from the "Network q Interface" drop-down list to display its informa- tion. Systems with multiple NICs have more than one entry in the list. Enter the w "IP Configuration" information for the network connection. "Gateway" and "Primary DNS" information is required to connect with a network time server. Click the [Apply] button. Select the correct bandwidth setting to limit net- e work traffic from the server to client computers and iSCSI drives, and click the [Apply] button. Note: This setting applies to outbound • traffic from all NICs in the system. Select the r "IP Reconnection" setting value in sec- onds. Click the [Apply] button. The [Network] tab displays your system's IP Address, Netmask, Gateway, and Primary DN\ S server. q w e r

1819 Add IP Cameras The "Add IP Cameras" page allows you to add IP cameras and devices to the system\ and configure their set - tings. The following features are available on the IP Cameras page: The "Find IP Cameras" section scans for sup- q ported IP cameras available on the same network that the system is connected to. If you don't see an IP camera that you expect to see on the net- work, verify that the camera has been configured and that the camera can be pinged from a com- mand prompt. If you make any changes to an IP camera, click the [Rescan Network] button and check whether it is listed. Note: If you need to confirm which camera you are • installing, right-click the camera in the "IP Camera List" or "Find IP Cameras" list to access the camera's website and view a video image. Select a camera in the "Find IP Cameras" list to w add it to the "IP Camera List". Alternatively, you can manually add a camera by e clicking the [New] button and selecting the device type as follows:If the appropriate manufacturer-specific driver • is shown in the list, select it. If that is not available and the device is ONVIF- • compliant, select the ONVIF driver. (The level of integration can vary by manufacturer or model.) RTSP-compliant cameras can stream video • but not motion detection or camera configura- tion data.Enter a username, password, and IP address as r configured on the camera. Click the [Apply] button to save the camera con- t figuration. To enable a camera, select its checkbox in the "IP y Camera List". The number of cameras you can enable is subject to licensing limits. The camera should now also be listed in the "Configuration" tree. Note: When camera is registered, deleted, or settings • are changed, the setting of ASM200/ASM970 is required. Refer to the Operating Instructions of ASM200/ • ASM970 for further information. IMPORTANT: In the process of camera registration, this soft- • ware configures the NTP setting of the camera to be registered. Once the NTP setting is configured by this software, do not manually change the NTP setting of the camera. e r t y q w

2021 IP Camera Recording The "Camera Recording" page allows you to enable IP cameras to record vi\ deo and configure recording set- tings. The following features are available on the IP Cameras page:The "Filters" list allows you to select which cam- q eras are displayed in the "Cameras" list, based on categories such as camera type, recording status, resolution, and more. The "Cameras" list displays all cameras on the w selected server that match the criteria selected in the "Filters" list. Cameras can be sorted by click- ing the title of any column. Several of the columns can also be hidden or displayed by right-clicking any column title, although the checkboxes, cam- era names, and recording settings (frame rate, resolution, format, and quality) cannot be hidden. To search for a camera in the list, enter text in the e "Search" field. If any of the information about a camera entry matches the search text in any dis- played column, the camera entry is shown; all other camera entries are hidden. To display the rest of the cameras that match the Filter criteria, delete the text in the "Search" field. The "Enable" column contains check boxes that r allow you to enable or disable recording from that camera. By default, the check box is selected if a signal is detected; however, you can manually dis- able recording on a camera that is connected and sending a signal to the system. Recording settings can be changed individually t for a camera by selecting any of the drop-down lists in the "Frame Rate", "Resolution", "Format", and "Quality" columns. The options available in each drop-down list can vary by manufacturer and model. If a drop-down list is not displayed for a camera in any of the fields, the camera does not support any other settings for that parameter. Alternatively, to apply a quality setting to multiple y cameras simultaneously, select the checkbox in the first column for each applicable camera (or select the "Select All Cameras" checkbox), select "Quality" checkbox, choose a video quality from the drop-down list, and click the [Apply to Cameras Grid] button. The quality should now be modified for all selected cameras, as shown in the "Quality" column in the "Cameras" list. Click the [Apply] button to activate any changes. u IMPORTANT: It may take time to find images recorded with • "JPEG/1 fps" when using client software (ASM200/ASM970) to search. To search smoothly, set the frame rate to 2 fps or more and select the recording format other than JPEG, for example H.264. y e rty qw u