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Panasonic Ramsa Audio Mixer Wr Da7 Users Guide

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Page 231

DA7 Users’ Guide16-1
The UTILITY and the SOLO MONITORbuttons on the Top Panel of the DA7
access the following functions for the mixer. By pressing the [SOLO
MONITOR] button, you can adjust the Talk Back, Surround Monitor and Solo
Monitor. Pressing the UTILITY button displays the [UTILITY]window group
in the LCD. This controls the Oscillator, Locking Functions, Function
Configuration, and Fader Layer Customization.
Chapter 16
Utility and Solo Monitor

Page 232

16-1 Utility, Solo/Monitor (SOLO/MON) Window
The [SOLO/MONITOR]window provides controls for the monitoring
functions of the DA7. 
Selects the areas that will hear the Talk Back signal assigned in this area. See
Section 16-3, Utility, Configuration (CONFIG) Windowfor information
on momentary and locking features of the Talk Back button. You may assign
Talk Back to any or all of the following buttons:
When you select this button, it will appear in inverse video. Talk Back

Page 233

Chapter 16 
DA7 Users’ Guide16-3
[MON A]Area
Engaging the [MON A]button lowers the volume of the MONITOR A
system by 20dB, regardless of Talk Back operations. To toggle the [MON A]
DIMbutton while the button is not displayed on the LCD, from the
TopPanelpress and hold the MMC/CURSORbutton, at the same time press
the SOLO/MONITORbutton.
If the [MON A]button is off, the monitor volume will be lowered by
20dB whenever the TALKBACKbutton on the Top Panelis on. The
monitor volume will be restored...

Page 234

There are four operational parameters for the [SOLO MONITOR]:
SOLOcan be assigned in these ways:
When assigned to this button, the solo source monitoring is pre-
fader. When enabled, the  button is displayed in inverse
When assigned to this button, the solo source monitoring is post-
fader. Pan will have no effect. Raising and lowering the fader for a
channel in the SOLOmode will change the level of the SOLO
When assigned to this...

Page 235

Chapter 16 
DA7 Users’ Guide16-5
The [SOLO LEVEL]can be controlled by the soft knob in the window.
The current value appears in the field with a range of -
°dB - +10dB.
When you position the cursoron the soft knob, rotating the JogDial
will raise or lower the output level.
An extension of the [SOLO MONITOR]functions, the [MONITOR
CHANNEL SELECT]area, is divided into several sections for discrete
assignment of SOLOto CHANNELS 1-32, AUX RTN 1-6, AUX...

Page 236

16-2 Utility, Oscillator/Battery (OSC/BATT) Window
There is an on board oscillator in the DA7. A reference [SINE WAVE]or
[NOISE]generator can be assigned to the BUS, AUX, and L/Routputs of the
The Oscillator can be assigned to any one or all of the [BUS 1-8], [AUX 1-6],
and [L/R]outputs. Cursorto the output selection button, and press the
ENTERbutton. The selected button will appear as inverse video.
When you enable the  button, it will appear as inverse video and
apply the Oscillator...

Page 237

The [LEVEL]soft knob controls the output level. Move the cursorto the
knob, and rotate the JogDialto change the level.
and Buttons
Activating the  or  buttons turns the Oscillator on or off for the
The tone output of the Oscillator is determined by selecting one of the eight
frequency buttons in this area.
Instead of tone, activating the  button will output Pink Noise to the
output of the selected sources. When selected, the  button will appear
as inverse...

Page 238

A bar graph is displayed in the [BATTERY]area of the [UTILITY>OSC/BATT]
window. The bar graph depicts the current battery strength, ranging from [E]
(empty) to [F](full). When the battery runs out, all memory will be erased
from the mixer when the AC power for the DA7is turned off.
The message field is a text indicator of the battery status. If the battery needs
to be replaced, the field will read LOW BATTERY. If the battery should run
out, it will read BATTERY EMPTYuntil a new one is put...

Page 239

Chapter 16 
DA7 Users’ Guide16-9
16-3 Utility, Configuration (CONFIG) Window
Use the settings in this window to define the configuration of various
features in the DA7. This area allows you to set up your own personality for
the DA7, making it work the way you want it to.
The selections in this area are toggled  or  . Cursor to the currently
displayed button for the selection, and press the ENTERbutton to toggle
or .
When this selection is  , operating knobs on the Top...

Page 240

This selection determines whether the motorized faders are active or
not. When this selection is off, automation will still play back and on 
the TopPanela LEDbutton in the FADER LAYER Selection
section will blink if selected.
This selection determines whether the TALK BACKbutton on the 
Top Panel is set to a momentary or locked position. In momentary, 
the button only operates when it is continually pressed. In locked 
mode, once pressed, the TALK BACKbutton will stay on until 
pressed again. 
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