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Panasonic Hdc Sx5 Operating Instructions

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    ProblemCheck points
    This unit cannot be 
    operated though it is 
    turned on.
    This unit does not 
    operate normally.≥The unit cannot be operated unless you open the LCD monitor or 
    extend the viewfinder.
    ≥Press the RESET button. (l145) If normal conditions are not 
    restored yet, remove the battery or AC adaptor, wait about 1 minute 
    and then reconnect the battery or AC adaptor. Then about 1 minute 
    later, turn on the power again. (Conducting the above operation 
    when the access lamp is on may destroy the data on the disc or SD 
    The remote control does 
    not function.≥Has the button-type battery of the remote control run out? 
    #Replace it with a new button-type battery. (l22) 
    The message “DISC 
    appears although the 
    disc cover is closed.≥This message may appear if the battery is removed or the AC 
    adaptor is disconnected while removing a disc or before the power 
    to the unit fully turns off.
    #Open the disc cover with the DISC EJECT lever and then close it 
    The DISC EJECT lever 
    does not work.≥The disc cover will not open unless the unit is powered.
    #Connect a charged battery or AC adaptor.
    ≥The DISC EJECT lever does not work when the unit is connected to 
    the computer.
    #Disconnect the USB cable.
    The screen has changed 
    suddenly.≥Has the demonstration started?
    #If you set [DEMO MODE] to [ON] without inserting a disc or an 
    SD card in recording mode, the unit is automatically set to the 
    demonstration mode for introducing its functions. Normally this 
    should be set to [OFF]. Press the MENU button, then select 
    [SETUP] # [DEMO MODE] # [OFF] and press the cursor 
    A function indication 
    such as the remaining 
    time indication or the 
    elapsed time indication is 
    not shown.≥If you set [SETUP] > [DISPLAY] > [OFF], all indications other 
    than warnings and date are not displayed.
    VQT1J42ENG.book  141 ページ  2007年7月20日 金曜日 午前10時36分 
    ProblemCheck points
    The disc cannot be read.≥Are there fingerprints or dirt on the surface of the disc?
    #If there are fingerprints or dirt on the disc, wipe them off. (l30)
    Recording does not start 
    although power is 
    supplied to this unit and 
    the disc or SD card is 
    correctly inserted.≥(HD mode) Has the DVD-RW, DVD-R or DVD-R DL been finalized?
    #After finalizing, the discs become play-only and cannot record. If 
    you un-finalize a DVD-RW, it can be used for recording. (l96)
    ≥(STD mode) Is the DVD-RAM or the DVD-RW (VR format) 
    #Release the protection. (l98) If the DVD-RAM or DVD-RW (VR 
    format) was protected on another device, release the protection 
    on the same device.
    ≥(STD mode) Has the DVD-RW (Video format) or DVD-R been 
    #After finalizing, the discs become play-only and cannot record. If 
    you un-finalize a DVD-RW (Video format), it can be used for 
    recording. (l96)
    ≥Has the SD card’s write protect switch been set to LOCK?
    #No recording is possible while the write protect switch is set to 
    LOCK. (l29)
    ≥Is the memory of the disc or SD card full?
    #If the disc or SD card has no more available memory, free up 
    some memory by deleting unnecessary scenes (l86, 90) or 
    use a new disc or SD card.
    ≥Is the unit set to the recording mode?
    #No recording is possible unless the mode dial is at   or  .
    ≥Is the disc cover or card slot cover open?
    #If the disc cover or card slot cover is open, this unit may not 
    operate normally. Close the disc cover or card slot cover.
    Recording starts but 
    stops immediately.
    The playback picture 
    breaks up for a moment.≥Is the disc scratched or dirty?
    #Wipe off the dirt on the disc. (l30) If the disc is scratched, insert 
    a new one.
    ≥The unit is hot. Follow the messages on the display. To use the unit 
    again, turn the unit off and leave it for a while.
    The unit arbitrarily stops 
    recording.≥Can the SD card be used for motion picture recording?
    #Use an SD card that can be used for motion picture recording. 
    ≥Is the AGS function activated? 
    #Record in the normal horizontal position or set [AGS] to [OFF]. 
    Auto focus function does 
    not work.≥Is manual focus mode selected?
    #Set the AUTO/MANUAL/FOCUS switch to AUTO.
    ≥Are you trying to record a scene which is hard to bring into focus in 
    auto focus mode?
    #There are some recording subjects and surroundings for which 
    the auto focus does not operate correctly. (l155) If so, use the 
    manual focus mode to adjust the focus. (l75)
    VQT1J42ENG.book  142 ページ  2007年7月20日 金曜日 午前10時36分 
    ProblemCheck points
    Recorded still pictures 
    are not clear.≥Are you trying to record small or finely detailed objects with 
    [PICT.QUALITY] set at [ ]?
    #If you try to record small or finely detailed objects with 
    [PICT.QUALITY] set at [ ], the images may break up into a 
    mosaic-like pattern. Record with [PICT.QUALITY] set at [ ] 
    instead. (l60)
    Sound is not played back 
    from the built-in speaker 
    of this unit.≥Is the volume too low?
    #During playback, move the volume lever to display the volume 
    indication and adjust it. (l83)
    Although this unit is 
    correctly connected to a 
    TV, images cannot be 
    The images are squeezed 
    horizontally.≥Does the input switch on the TV match the connected terminal?
    #Please read the operating instructions of your TV and select the 
    channel that matches the input used for the connection. 
    ≥Is the [TV ASPECT] setting correct? 
    #Change the setting to match the aspect ratio of the TV.
    Press the MENU button, then select [SETUP] # [TV ASPECT] 
    # [16:9] or [4:3] and press the cursor button.
    ≥If both HDMI and component cables are connected, priority in 
    recording mode is given to the output from the HDMI cable. If you 
    set the unit to playback mode, output is from both cables.
    ≥Pictures recorded in STD mode cannot be played back using the 
    HDMI or component cables.
    Use the AV cable to play back pictures recorded in STD mode.
    Scenes cannot be deleted 
    or edited.≥(STD mode) Is the DVD-RAM or the DVD-RW (VR format) 
    #Release the protection. (l98)
    If the disc or the contents on the disc have been protected on 
    another device, release the protection on the same device.
    ≥(HD mode) Is the scene protected?
    #Release the protection. (l88) If the disc or the contents on the 
    disc have been protected on another device, release the 
    protection on the same device.
    ≥Scene which cannot be displayed as thumbnails (the thumbnails 
    are displayed as [ ]) cannot be deleted. If the scenes are 
    unnecessary, format the disc or SD card to erase the data. (l93, 
    94) Please be aware that if a disc or an SD card is formatted then 
    all the data recorded on the disc or SD card will be erased.
    ≥Is the still picture file protected?
    #Protected files cannot be deleted. Release the protect setting. 
    ≥If the SD card’s write protect switch is set to LOCK, then deletion is 
    disabled. (l29)
    The images on the SD 
    card do not look normal.≥The data may be destroyed. It may have been destroyed by static 
    or electromagnetic waves. Store important data on a computer or 
    other products as well.
    VQT1J42ENG.book  143 ページ  2007年7月20日 金曜日 午前10時36分 
    ProblemCheck points
    Even if a disc or an SD 
    card is formatted, it 
    cannot be used.≥Either this unit or the disc or SD card may be damaged. Please 
    consult a dealer. Use an SD card from 8 MB to 8 GB with this unit.
    If the SD card is inserted 
    in this unit, it is not 
    recognized.≥Is the SD card formatted on a computer inserted?
    #Use this unit to format SD cards. Please be aware that if an SD 
    card is formatted, then all the data recorded on the card will be 
    erased. (l94)
    If the SD card is inserted 
    in another device, it is not 
    recognized.≥Check that the device is compatible with the capacity or type of SD 
    card (SD Memory Card/SDHC Memory Card) that you inserted. 
    #Refer to the operating instructions of the device for details.
    The indication 
    The screen is frozen.
    No operation can be 
    performed.≥Is this unit connected to a computer?
    #No operation can be performed on this unit when it is connected 
    to a computer.
    ≥Turn off the power to this unit. If the power cannot be turned off, 
    press the RESET button, or remove the battery or AC adaptor and 
    then reattach it. After that, turn on the power again. If normal 
    operation is still not restored, detach the power connected, and 
    consult the dealer who you purchased this unit from.
    White round spots like 
    soap bubbles appear on 
    the recorded picture.≥If you take a picture with the flash in a 
    dark place or indoors, white round 
    spots may appear on the picture 
    caused by the flash reflecting of 
    particles of dust in the air. This is not a 
    A characteristic of this is that the number of round spots and their 
    position differ in every picture.
    VQT1J42ENG.book  144 ページ  2007年7月20日 金曜日 午前10時36分 
    ªWhen connected to another device
    ProblemCheck points
    SWITCH.” or “CHECK 
    DISC.” is displayed.≥Is the disc scratched or dirty?
    #After using the following method to restart the unit, eject the disc 
    and clean it. (l30) If there are scratches on the disc, use a new 
    ≥The unit has automatically detected an error. Press the RESET 
    button with the projecting part of the grip belt A. This will restart the 
    ≥If you do not press the RESET button, the power to this unit is 
    turned off automatically about 1 minute later.
    ≥Even after you press the RESET button, the indication may still 
    appear repeatedly. If so, this unit needs repair. Detach the power 
    connected, and consult the dealer who you purchased this unit 
    from. Do not attempt to repair the unit by yourself.
    ProblemCheck points
    EZ Sync does not work.≥Are you connecting with the component cable or the AV cable?
    #Connect with a HDMI cable (optional). (l103)
    ≥Is the [EZ Sync] setting appropriate?
    #Press the MENU button, then select [SETUP] > [EZ Sync] > 
    [ON] with the cursor button.
    ≥Depending on HDMI terminal of the TV, the input channel may not 
    switch automatically. In this case, use the remote control for the TV 
    to switch input. (For details on how to switch input, please read the 
    operating instructions for the TV.)
    ≥Check the EZ Sync setting on the connected device.
    ≥Turn the power to the unit off and then back on again.
    ≥Set [EZ Sync] to [Off] on the TV and then turn it back to [On]. (Refer 
    to the operating instructions of the TV for details.)
    ≥Are you using pictures recorded in STD mode?
    #Use pictures recorded in HD mode.
    VQT1J42ENG.book  145 ページ  2007年7月20日 金曜日 午前10時36分 
    ªWith a computer
    ProblemCheck points
    Even if connected by the 
    USB cable, this unit is not 
    recognized by the 
    computer.≥Is the AC adaptor connected?
    #Use the AC adaptor when connecting this unit and a computer.
    ≥Select another USB terminal on the computer.
    ≥Check the operating environment. (l115)
    ≥Turn the power to the unit off and then back on again and reconnect 
    the USB cable.
    When the USB cable is 
    disconnected, an error 
    message will appear on 
    the computer.≥To disconnect the USB cable safely, double-click the  ( ) icon 
    in the task tray and follow the instructions on the screen.
    Cannot see the PDF 
    operating instructions for 
    HD Writer 2.0E for SX/SD.≥Is Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later or Adobe Reader 7.0 or later 
    installed on the computer that you are using?
    #You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later or Adobe 
    Reader 7.0 or later to read the PDF operating instructions for 
    HD Writer 2.0E for SX/SD.
    VQT1J42ENG.book  146 ページ  2007年7月20日 金曜日 午前10時36分 
    The images may be still for several seconds at the joins between the scenes if the following operations 
    are performed when multiple scenes have been continuously played back using another unit.
    * Just how smoothly the scenes will be played back continuously depends on the playback unit. 
    Depending on the unit used, the images may stop moving and become still for a moment even when 
    none of the following conditions are applicable.
    ªWhen the scenes were recorded on different dates
    AThe image will be still for several seconds wherever the date changes.
    BThe images are played back smoothly if the scenes were recorded on the same date.
    ªWhen more than 99 scenes were recorded on the same date
    AThe image will be still for several seconds when the scene changes every time 99 recorded scenes 
    have been played back. 
    BThe images of 99 consecutive scenes are played back smoothly.
    ªWhen scenes lasting under 3 seconds have been recorded
    13 or more seconds
    2Under 3 seconds
    AThe image will be still for several seconds after a scene which lasts under 3 seconds.
    If scenes do not change smoothly when played back on another device
    VQT1J42ENG.book  147 ページ  2007年7月20日 金曜日 午前10時36分 
    ªWhen PRE-REC was used for recording
    1Normal recording
    2PRE-REC recording
    AThe picture momentarily stops at the end of the last scene that was recorded normally before 
    PRE-REC recording.
    ªWhen the recording mode was changed from HN/HE to HG or from HG to 
    AThe picture momentarily stops where the scenes switch between HN/HE and HG modes.
    BPlayback is smooth if the same mode is used or the mode is switched between HN and HE.
    ªWhen deleting scenes
    e.g. 1: Deleting scenes midway through a sequence of scenes.
    1Scene to be deleted
    AThe image will be still for several seconds wherever a scene was deleted.
    BThe images of consecutive scenes where they are no deletions are played back smoothly one after 
    VQT1J42ENG.book  148 ページ  2007年7月20日 金曜日 午前10時36分 
    e.g. 2: When recording again after having deleted the last scene.
    1Scene to be deleted
    2A new scene is recorded here.
    AThe image will be still for several seconds wherever a scene was deleted.
    BThe images of consecutive scenes where they are no deletions are played back smoothly one after 
    ªWhen editing scenes on a computer using a program such as HD Writer 
    2.0E for SX/SD
    e.g. 1: When scenes were selected using HD Writer 2.0E for SX/SD and output  to the 
    If scenes were dragged and dropped from the scene display area A and output to the media, the 
    images will be still for several seconds wherever one scene changes to the next.
    This stopping of the images for several seconds wherever one scene changes to the next can be 
    prevented by dragging and dropping the scenes in the Image display area B or by clicking [Copy 
    between media] button on the Start Menu.
    VQT1J42ENG.book  149 ページ  2007年7月20日 金曜日 午前10時36分 
    e.g. 2: When deleting scenes was initiated by HD Writer 2.0E for SX/SD
    When a scene is deleted, the images may be still for several seconds where that scene was deleted.
    e.g. 3: When merging scenes was initiated by HD Writer 2.0E for SX/SD
    Wherever scenes are merged, the images may be still for several seconds where the original scenes 
    were split.
    VQT1J42ENG.book  150 ページ  2007年7月20日 金曜日 午前10時36分 
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