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Panasonic Hc V180 Owners Manual

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    							- 121 -
    Playback indications ∫Indication of connection to 
    ∫ Indication of connection to 
    other devices
    ∫ Confirmatory indications
    1/;/ 5 // 6// 7/8/9 /: /
    D /E /;1 /2;
    Display during playback ( l25, 68 )
    0h00m00s Playback Time ( l25)
    No.10 Scene Number
    Repeat Playback ( l70)
    Resume Playback ( l71)
    100-0001 Still picture folder/file name
    Transfer/Protected motion 
    pictures/still pictures ( l88, 
    105 )
    /// // 
    Play mode selection display ( l24)
    AVCHD [1080/60p] scene 
    ( l 24)
    AVCHD [PH] scene ( l24)
    AVCHD [HA] scene ( l24)
    AVCHD [HG] scene ( l24)
    AVCHD [HE] scene ( l24)
    MP4 [1080/60p] scene ( l24)
    MP4 [720/30p] scene ( l24)
    MP4 [360/30p] scene ( l24)
    iFrame scene ( l24)
    Miniature-recorded scene 
    ( l 43)
    Time lapse-recorded scene 
    ( l 44)
    cenes saved with Highlight 
    Playback ( l78)
    // Eye-Fi transfer status ( l104 )
    USB HDD Playback ( l99)
    Accessing the card ( l101 , 11 5 )
    –– (Time 
    display) The built-in battery is low. (
    Warning for recording of yourself 
    ( l 19)
    SD card is not inserted or is 
    							- 122 -
    Major confirmation/error messages to be indicated on the screen in text.
    About recovery
    If faulty management information is found, the messages may app ear and a repair is performed. 
    (Repairing may take time depending on the error.)
    ≥  is displayed when abnormal management information is detected  when the scenes are 
    displayed in thumbnail.
    ≥ Use a sufficiently charged battery or the AC adaptor.
    ≥ Depending on the condition of the data, it may not be possible  to completely repair the data.
    ≥ If recovery fails, it will not be possible to play back scenes  recorded before the unit turned off.
    ≥ When data recorded on another device is recovered, it may not b e possible to play back the data 
    on this unit or the other device.
    ≥ If recovery fails, turn the unit off and on again after waiting  a while. If recovery fails repeatedly, 
    format a media on the unit. Please be aware that if a media is  formatted, then all the data 
    recorded on the media will be erased.
    ≥ If the thumbnail information is recovered, displaying the thumb nails may become slower.
    This card is not compatible or it cannot be recognized by the unit.
    If this message appears even though motion pictures and still p ictures are recorded on an SD 
    card, the card may be unstable. Reinsert the SD card, then turn  the unit off and then on again.
    ≥Use a battery that is compatible with this unit. ( l9)
    If using a Panasonic battery compatible with this unit, remove  the battery and then insert it 
    again. If the message appears even after repeating this several  times, this unit needs repair. 
    Detach the power and consult the dealer who you purchased this  unit from. Do not attempt to 
    repair it by yourself.
    ≥ You are attempting to connect an AC adaptor not compatible with  this unit. Use the supplied 
    AC adaptor. ( l10)
    The external drive that this uni t cannot recognize is connected. Check if the USB HDD can be 
    connected and used with this unit and try to reconnect. ( l95) 
    							- 123 -
    It is not a malfunction in following cases
    A clicking sound is heard 
    when the unit is shaken. ≥
    This is the sound of the lens moving and is not a defect.
    This sound will no longer be heard when the unit is turned on 
    and set this unit to the Motion Picture Recording Mode or Still  
    Picture Recording Mode.
    Object seems to be 
    warped. ≥
    Object seems to be warped slightly when the object moves 
    across the image very fast, but this is because the unit is 
    using MOS for the image sensor. This is not a malfunction.
    The lens or LCD monitor 
    fog up. ≥
    This is due to condensation. It i s not a malfunction. Please 
    refer to page  2.
    ProblemCheck points
    This unit cannot be turned 
    This unit does not stay on 
    long enough.
    Battery runs down quickly. ≥
    Charge the battery again to ensure it is sufficiently charged. 
    (l 10)
    ≥ In cold places, the battery u sing time becomes shorter.
    ≥ The battery has a limited life. If the operating time is still  too 
    short even after the battery is fully charged, the battery has 
    worn out and needs to be replaced.
    This unit is turned off 
    automatically. ≥
    If the unit turns off when you turn off the power to the TV 
    using the TV remote control, the VIERA Link is at work. If you 
    are not using the VIERA Link, set [VIERA Link] to [OFF]. 
    (l 93)
    This unit cannot be 
    operated though it is 
    turned on.
    This unit does not operate 
    normally. ≥
    Remove the battery or AC adaptor, wait about 1 minute and 
    then reconnect the battery or AC adaptor. Then about 
    1 minute later, turn on the unit again. (Conducting the above 
    operation while the media is being accessed may damage the 
    data on the media.)
    ≥ If normal operation is still not restored, detach the power 
    connected, and consult the dealer who you purchased this 
    unit from.
    is displayed. ≥
    The unit has automatically detected an error. Restart the unit 
    by turning the unit off and on.
    ≥ The unit will be turned off in about 1 minute if the unit is no t 
    turned off and on.
    ≥ Repair is needed if it is repeatedly displayed even if it is 
    restarted. Detach the power connected, and consult the 
    dealer who you purchased this unit from. Do not attempt to 
    repair the unit by yourself. 
    							- 124 -
    ProblemCheck points
    The unit arbitrarily stops 
    recording. ≥
    Use an SD card that can be used for motion picture recording. 
    (l 12)
    ≥ The recordable time may have shortened due to the 
    deterioration of the data writing speed or repeated recording 
    and deletion. Using the unit, format the SD card. ( l34)
    ≥ If [AGS] is [ON], record in the normal horizontal position or s et 
    [AGS] to [OFF]. ( l64)
    Auto Focus function does 
    not work. ≥
    Switch to Intelligent Auto Mode or Intelligent Auto Plus Mode.
    ≥ If you are trying to record a scene which is hard to bring into  
    focus in Auto Focus Mode, use the Manual Focus Mode to 
    adjust the focus. ( l41, 50 )
    Color balance of images is 
    strange when recording in 
    a place such as a 
    gymnasium. ≥
    In a place with multiple light sources, such as a gymnasium or 
    a hall, set the White Balance setting to   (Indoor mode 2). 
    If you cannot record clearly with the   (Indoor mode 2), set 
    it to   (Manual adjustment mode). (l 48)
    Color or brightness of the 
    image changes, or you 
    may see horizontal bars in 
    the image.
    The LCD monitor flickers 
    indoors. ≥
    Color or brightness of the image may change, or you may see 
    horizontal bars in the image when the object is recorded 
    under fluorescent light, mercury  light or sodium light, etc., but 
    this is not a malfunction.
    ≥ In Motion Picture Recording Mode, record in Intelligent Auto 
    Mode/Intelligent Auto Plus Mode or set the shutter speed to 
    1/60 in areas where the power supply frequency is 60 Hz, or 
    1/100 in areas of 50 Hz.
    ≥ In Still Picture Recording Mode, this will not affect the 
    recorded image.
    CLOSED.” is displayed. ≥
    Before turning on the unit, open the lens cover.
    ≥ This message may also be displayed when recording in a 
    very dark location. 
    							- 125 -
    ProblemCheck points
    Scenes/still pictures 
    cannot be played back. ≥
    Any scenes/still pictures where the thumbnails are displayed 
    as   cannot be played back.
    Scenes cannot be deleted. ≥Release the protect setting. ( l88)
    ≥ Any scenes/still pictures where the thumbnails are displayed 
    as   cannot be deleted. If the scenes/still pictures are 
    unnecessary, format the media to erase the data. ( l34) 
    Please be aware that if a media is formatted then all the data 
    recorded on the media is erased and cannot be recovered. 
    Back up important data on a PC, disc etc.
    With other products
    ProblemCheck points
    Even when this unit is 
    correctly connected to a 
    TV, images or sounds are 
    not output.
    The images are squeezed 
    horizontally. ≥
    Please read the operating instructions of your TV and select 
    the channel that matches the input used for the connection.
    ≥ Change the [TV ASPECT] setting to match the aspect ratio of 
    the TV. ( l92)
    ≥ The audio during playback mode  is not output from this unit 
    when connected to a TV. Sound levels cannot be adjusted 
    using this unit, so adjust the sound on the TV.
    Even when this unit is 
    connected to the TV by the 
    HDMI mini cable, images 
    or sounds are not output. ≥
    Check if the HDMI mini cable is connected correctly.
    ≥ Insert the HDMI mini cable all the way in.
    If the SD card is inserted in 
    another device, it is not 
    recognized. ≥
    Check that the device is compatible with the capacity or type 
    of SD card (SD Memory Card/SDHC Memory Card/SDXC 
    Memory Card) that you inserted. Refer to the operating 
    instructions of the device for details.
    When connected by the 
    USB cable, this unit is not 
    detected by the other 
    devices. ≥
    When connected to other devices using only the battery, 
    reconnect using the AC adaptor.
    VIERA Link does not work. (Setting on this unit)
    ≥Connect with an HDMI mini cable (supplied). ( l90)
    ≥ Touch  , then touch [SETUP]  # [VIERA Link]  # [ON]. 
    ( l 93)
    ≥ Turn the unit off and then back on again.
    (Setting on other devices)
    ≥ If the TV input does not switch automatically, switch the input  
    using the TV remote control.
    ≥ Check the VIERA Link setting on the connected device.
    ≥ Please refer to the operating instructions of the connected 
    							- 126 -
    Cannot copy scenes on 
    the SD card by connecting 
    to other equipment with 
    the USB cable.≥
    Other equipment might have not recognized the SD card. 
    Unplug the USB cable once, and reconnect it.
    With a PC
    ProblemCheck points
    When connected by the 
    USB cable, this unit is not 
    detected by the PC. ≥
    After re-inserting the SD car d into the unit, reconnect the 
    supplied USB cable.
    ≥ Select another USB terminal on the PC.
    ≥ Check the operating environment. ( l111 , 11 8 )
    ≥ Connect the supplied USB cable again after restarting the PC 
    and turning on this unit again.
    When the USB cable is 
    disconnected, an error 
    message will appear on 
    the PC. ≥
    To disconnect the USB cable safely, select the   icon in 
    task tray displayed on the PC, and then select the model 
    number of this unit to disconnect the USB cable.
    Cannot see the PDF 
    operating instructions for 
    HD Writer LE 3.0. ≥
    You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later or Adobe 
    Reader 7.0 or later to read the PDF operating instructions for 
    HD Writer LE 3.0.
    ProblemCheck points
    If the SD card is inserted in 
    this unit, it is not 
    recognized. ≥
    If the SD card is formatted on a PC, it may not be recognized 
    by this unit. Use this unit to format SD cards. ( l34)
    With other products
    ProblemCheck points 
    							- 127 -
    If AVCHD scenes do not change smoothly when played back on 
    another device
    The images may be still for several seconds at the joins betwee n the scenes if the following 
    operations are performed when multiple scenes have been continu ously played back using another 
    ≥ Just how smoothly the scenes will be played back depends on the  playback unit. Depending on 
    the unit used, the images may stop moving and become still for  a moment even when none of the 
    following conditions are applicable.
    ≥ A continuous recording of motion picture data that exceeds 4 GB  may momentarily stop at every 
    4 GB of data when played back with another device.
    ≥ It may not play back smoothly when the editing of scenes was do ne with the HD Writer LE 3.0, 
    but it will play back smoothly if you set the seamless settings  in the HD Writer LE 3.0. Refer to the 
    operating instructions for the HD Writer LE 3.0.
    Principal reasons for not playing back smoothly
    ≥ When the scenes were recorded on different dates
    ≥ When scenes lasting under 3 seconds have been recorded
    ≥ When PRE-REC was used for recording
    ≥ When the Miniature Effect recording is used
    ≥ When the Time Lapse Recording is used
    ≥ When deleting scenes
    ≥ When scenes recorded more than 99 scenes on the same date 
    							- 128 -
    Keep this unit as far away as possible from 
    electromagnetic equipment (such as 
    microwave ovens, TVs, video games etc.).
    ≥If you use this unit on top of or near a TV, the 
    pictures and/or sound on this unit may be 
    disrupted by electromagnetic wave radiation.
    ≥ Do not use this unit near cell phones because 
    doing so may result in noise adversely 
    affecting the pictures and/or sound.
    ≥ Recorded data may be damaged, or pictures 
    may be distorted, by strong magnetic fields 
    created by speakers or large motors.
    ≥ Electromagnetic wave radiation generated by 
    microprocessors may adversely affect this 
    unit, disturbing the pictures and/or sound.
    ≥ If this unit is adversely affected by 
    electromagnetic equipment and stops 
    functioning properly, turn this unit off and 
    remove the battery or disconnect AC adaptor. 
    Then reinsert the battery or reconnect AC 
    adaptor and turn this unit on.
    Do not use this unit near radio transmitters 
    or high-voltage lines.
    ≥ If you record near radio transmitters or 
    high-voltage lines, the recorded pictures and/
    or sound may be adversely affected.
    Make sure to use the supplied cords and 
    cables. If you use optional accessories, use 
    the cords and the cables supplied with 
    Do not extend the cords and the cables.
    Do not spray insecticides or volatile 
    chemicals onto the unit.
    ≥ If the unit is sprayed with such chemicals, its 
    body may be marred and the surface finish 
    may peel off.
    ≥ Do not leave rubber or plastic products in 
    contact with the unit for a long time. When you use the unit in a sandy or dusty 
    place such as a beach, do not let sand or 
    fine dust get into the body and terminals of 
    the unit.
    Also, keep the unit away from sea water.
    Sand or dust may damage the unit. (Care 
    should be taken when inserting and removing 
    a card.)
    ≥ If sea water splashes onto the unit, wipe off 
    the water with a well wrung cloth. Then wipe 
    the unit again with a dry cloth.
    When carrying the unit, do not drop or bump 
    ≥ A strong impact can break the unit’s casing, 
    causing it to malfunction.
    ≥ Before cleaning, detach the battery or pull the 
    AC adaptor from the AC outlet, and then wipe 
    the unit with a soft, dry cloth.
    ≥ If the unit is very dirty, dip a cloth in water and 
    squeeze firmly, and then wipe the unit with 
    the damp cloth. Next, dry the unit with a dry 
    ≥ Use of benzine, paint thinner, alcohol, or 
    dishwashing liquid may alter the camera body 
    or peel the surface finish. Do not use these 
    ≥ When using a chemical dust cloth, follow the 
    instructions that came with the cloth.
    Cautions for use
    About this unit
    The unit and the SD card become warm 
    during use. This is not a malfunction. 
    							- 129 -
    Do not use the unit for surveillance 
    purposes or other business uses.
    ≥This unit was designed for consumer 
    intermittent use. It was not intended for 
    continuous use, or for any industrial or 
    commercial application resulting in prolonged 
    ≥ In certain situations, continuous use could 
    cause the unit to overheat and cause a 
    malfunction. Such use is strongly 
    When you are not going to use the unit for 
    an extended time
    ≥ When storing the unit in a cupboard or 
    cabinet, it is recommen ded that you place a 
    desiccant (silica gel) in with it.
    The battery used in this unit is a rechargeable 
    lithium-ion battery. It is susceptible to humidity 
    and temperature and the effect increases the 
    more the temperature rises or falls. In cold 
    areas, the full charge indication may not appear 
    or the low battery indication may appear about 
    5 minutes after starting use. At high 
    temperatures, the protection function may be 
    triggered, making it impossible to use the unit.
    Be sure to detach the battery after use.
    ≥ If the battery is left attached, a minute amount 
    of current continues to f low even if the unit is 
    off. Keeping the unit in this state may result in 
    over discharge of the battery. This may result 
    in you not being able to use the battery even 
    after it is charged.
    ≥ The battery should be stored in the vinyl bag 
    so metal does not come into contact with the 
    ≥ The battery should be stored in a cool place 
    free from humidity, with as constant 
    temperature as possible. (Recommended 
    temperature: 15 oC to 25 oC (59  oF to 77  oF), 
    Recommended humidity: 40%RH to 60%RH)
    ≥ Extremely high temperatures or low 
    temperatures will shor ten the life of the 
    ≥ If the battery is kept in high-temperature, 
    high-humidity, or oily-smoky places, the 
    terminals may rust and cause malfunctions. ≥
    To store the battery for a long period of time, 
    we recommend you charge it once every year 
    and store it again after you have completely 
    used up the charged capacity.
    ≥ Dust and other matter attached to the battery 
    terminals should be removed.
    Prepare spare batteries when going out for 
    ≥ Prepare batteries enough to last for 3 to 4 
    times the period you are planning to record 
    for. Cold places such  as a ski resort can 
    shorten recording time.
    If you drop the battery accidentally, check to 
    see if the terminals are damaged.
    ≥ Inserting a battery with damaged terminals 
    can damage the unit.
    Do not throw an old battery into fire.
    ≥ Heating a battery or throwing it into a fire may 
    result in an explosion.
    If the operating time is very short even after 
    the battery has been recharged, the battery 
    has worn out. Please purchase a new 
    ≥ If the temperature of the battery is extremely 
    high or extremely low, charging may take time 
    or the battery may not be charged.
    ≥ If you use the AC adaptor near a radio, radio 
    reception may be disturbed. Keep the AC 
    adaptor 1 m (3.3 feet) or more away from the 
    ≥ When using the AC adaptor, it may generate 
    whirring sounds. How ever, this is normal.
    ≥ After use, be sure to disconnect the AC 
    adaptor. (If it is left connected, a minute 
    amount of current is consumed.)
    ≥ Always keep the electrodes of the AC 
    adaptor and battery clean.
    About the battery
    About the AC adaptor 
    							- 130 -
    When the status indicator is flashing at a 
    particularly fast or slow rate, the following 
    should be considered.
    Flashing with approx. 4 second period (off 
    for approx. 2 seconds, on for approx. 
    2 seconds):
    ≥When the battery is over discharged or the 
    temperature of the battery is too high or low. 
    It can be charged, but it may take a few hours 
    to complete the charging normally.
    ≥ It will flash in approx. 2 second intervals 
    when normal charging resumes. Even in such 
    cases, it may start flashing in approx. 
    4 second intervals until charging is completed 
    depending on the conditions of use.
    Flashing with approx. 0.5 second period (off 
    for approx. 0.25 second, on for approx. 
    0.25 second):
    ≥ The battery is not charged. Remove the 
    battery from the unit, and try charging again.
    ≥ Check that the terminals of the unit or battery 
    are not dirty or covered with a foreign object, 
    and connect the battery correctly once again. 
    If a foreign object or dirt is present, turn off 
    the unit before removing.
    ≥ The battery or environment is at an extremely 
    high or low temperature. Wait until the 
    temperature has returned to an appropriate 
    level and try charging again. If you are still 
    unable to charge, there may be a fault in the 
    unit, battery or AC adaptor.
    ≥ Charging has finished.
    ≥ If the status indicator stays off despite the 
    charging being unfinished, there may be a 
    fault in the unit, battery  or AC adaptor. Refer 
    to page 129  for details on the battery. When disposing of or giving away the SD 
    card, note that:
    Formatting and deletion of data on this unit or 
    computer only changes the file management 
    information and does not completely delete 
    the data in the SD card.
    ≥ It is recommended that the SD card is 
    physically destroyed or the SD card is 
    physically formatted using this unit when 
    disposing of or giving away the SD card.
    To physically format the SD card, connect the 
    unit via the AC adaptor, select [SETUP]  # 
    [FORMAT MEDIA]  # [YES] from the menu, 
    and then press and hold the recording start/
    stop button on the screen below for about 3 
    seconds. When the SD card data deletion 
    screen appears, select [YES], and then follow 
    the on-screen instructions.
    ≥ The customer is responsible for the 
    management of the data in the SD card.
    About status indicator during 
    chargingAbout the SD card 
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