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Panasonic Digital Business System Section 300 Installation Guide

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Page 381

Account Address 
Address / 
-(O 01 1 to 15)# 
ncoming ring delay timer 
-(O to lS)# 
Dial pause timer O: Synchronizes to incoming ring cycle 
1: Expand to 50 ms 
2: Expand to 100 ms 
3: Expand to 150 ms 
4: Expand to 200 ms 
5: Expand to 250 ms 
6: Expand to 300 ms 
7: Expand to 350 ms 
8: Expand to 400 ms 
9: Expand to 450 ms 
IO: Expand to 500 ms 
I 1: Expand to 550 ms 
12: Expand to 600 ms 
13: Expand to 650 ms 
14: Expand to 700 ms 
0: 1.2 seconds 
1: 1.2 seconds 
2: 2.0...

Page 382

lTF1 Key - System 
BS Account Name Cutover Date 
ccount Address Account Phone (Main List) 
Address / Feature 
-(O or 1 to lO)# 
PBX-FLASH timer 
-(O to 15)# 
Call Forward-No Answer timer 
0: No FLASH 
1: 0.2 second 
2: 0.3 second 
3: 0.4 second 
4: 0.5 second 
5: 0.6 second 
6: 0.7 second 
7: 0.8 second 
8: 0.9 second 
9: 1 .O second 
10: 1.1 seconds 
0: Call forward after 4 seconds 
1: Call forward after 8 seconds 
2: Cd forward affer 12 seconds 
3: Call forward after 16 seconds 
4: Call forward after...

Page 383

i’- ’ 
dBS Account Name 
Account Address Cutover Date Sheet 
Account Phone (Main List) 
Address / Feature 
-(O or 1 to 8)# 
Outbound ground detection timer 
-(O or 1 to 818 
Incoming ground detection timer 
-(O or 1 to 1216 
Attendant intercom HOLD-recall timer 
(UC-B Vs. 2.0) 1: 1 second 
2: 2 seconds 
3: 3 seconds 
4: 4 seconds 
5: 5 seconds 
6: 6 seconds 
7: 7 seconds 
0: No detection 
1: 1 second 
2: 2 seconds 
3: 3 seconds 
5: 5 seconds 
6: 6 seconds 
7: 7 seconds 

Page 384

RF1 Key - System 
Account Addre 
Address / Feature 
-(O or 1 to 12)# 
Extension intercom HOLD recall timer 
WC-B Vs. 2.0) 
-(O or 1 to 12)# 
Attendant intercom transfer recall timer 
WC-8 Vs. 2.0) Program Options 
0: No intercom HOLD recall 
1: 20 seconds 
2: 40 seconds 
3: 60 seconds 
4: 80 seconds 
5: 100 seconds 
6: 120 seconds 
7: 14oseconds 
160 seconds 
9: 180 seconds 
10: 200 seconds 
11: 220 seconds 
12: 240 seconds 
0: No intercom transfer recall 
1: 20 seconds 
2: 40 seconds 
3: 60 seconds...

Page 385

RF1 Key - Sgstem 
D’BS Account Name 
Account Address Cutover Date 
Sheet of 
Account Phone (Main List) 
Address / Feature 
-(O or 1 to 12)# 
Extension intercom transfer recall timer 
(CPC-6 vs. 2.0) 
CO delayed ringing timer 
WC-B Vs. 3.0 or higher) Program Options 
0: No intercom transfer recall 
1: 20 seconds 
2: 40 seconds 
3: 60 seconds 
4: 80 seconds 
5: 100 seconds 
6: 120 seconds 
7: 140 seconds 
8: 160 seconds 
9: 180 seconds 
10: 200 seconds 
11: 220 seconds 
12: 240 seconds 
I I 
0: CO...

Page 386

DBS Account Name Cutover Date Sheet of 
Account Address Account Phone (Main List) 
Address / Feature 
EXT. delayed ringing timer 
(WC-6 Vs. 3.0 or higher) 
Hunt Group no answer 
(CPC-B Vs. 3.0 or higher) 
(WC-B Vs. 4.0 or higher) 0: EXT. delay ringing after 4 seconds 
1: EXT. delay ringing after 8 seconds 
2: EXT. deby thgbhg crlyer 12 seconds 
3: EXT. delay ringing after 16 seconds 
4: EXT. delay ringing after 20 seconds 
5: EXT. delay ringing after 24 seconds 
6: EXT. delay...

Page 387

FFl Key - System 
DBS Account Name 
Account Address Cutover Date Sheet of 
Account Phone (Main List) 
Address / Feature 
-(4 digts)# Ako used with DISA 
Remote maintenance I 
-(4 diglts)# See FF2-ill. 191, 20# 
-(4 d@tsM See FFZ-11X, 19#, 20# 
-(4 digtk)# 
-(O Of 1)Y (CPC-B Vs. 3.0 or hlghed 
DID reset 
-(O to 111 (CPC-B Vs. 4.0 01 hlgher) 
DID/l1 reset (6) 
-(O of l)# (WC-B Vs. 3.0 of higher) 
Confirmation of DID reset 
-(O or I)# (WC-B Vs. 4.0 or higher) 
-(O to 9999)#-(10 to 69 or 100 to 699I1 

Page 388

Account Address Sheet of 
Account Phone (Main List) 
Address / Feature 
-l#-2#-(1 to 3)Y 
Synchronization setting for the first sync 
- l #-3#-(0 to 3)# 
Synchronization setting for the second sync 
-l#-#-Cl to 3hv 
Synchronization setting for the third sync 
-2#-l#-(0 to 2sM 
Neiwuk Resync timer 
-2#-2#-(IJ to 12)# 
Diiconnect timer 
-m-3#-(0 to 15)# 
Guard timer 
-2#-4#-(0 to lS)# 
Release acknowiedge timer (RLS ACK Timer) 
-2#-!i#-(0 to 8)Y 
delaq timer...

Page 389

FFl Key - Sgstem 
r \- 
Account Address Account Phone (Main List) 
Address / Feature Program options 
-3X-(1 to 8)X-(1 to 8)#-(0 to 3OM 
Digital pad settings (Digital Pad Set)  -8#-4W 1 
Tl Master 
Tl slave 
Tone 1 &lFRl)# 
Figure 1 shows the numbers used to...

Page 390

IF1 Key - System 
Account Address 
Account Phone (Main List) 
Address / Feature 
-4#-l#-l#-(0 to I)# 
(Master cablnet) 
-5#-l#-l#-(0 to l)# 
Glave cabhot) 
Trunk class 
-4#-l#-2X-(0 to 24)# 
(Master cabhot) 
-M-l#-2#-(0 to 24)# 
Glave cablnetl 
Number of channels used 
-4#-l#-3#-(0 to l)# @laster cabinet) 
-s#-1x-3#-(0 to 1)# 
(Slave cabinet) 
Frame format 
-4#-1#-4#-(0 to l)# 
(Master cabinet) 
-5#-1#-4#-(0 to l)li 
Wave cablnet) 
Clear chawwl 
-4#-l#-sr-co to l# 
-St-l#-5#-(0 to 1M (Master cabinet)...
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