Panasonic Combination Vcr Pv C1323a Operating Instructions
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Advanced üfperaübion 31 TA P EPüfSITIüfN CüfUNTERRESET SPEED FM/TV CM/ZERüf PAUSE/SLüf W ACTIüfN PRüfG TRACKING R-TUNE DISPLAY MUTE REC PüfWER 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 1000 VüfL VüfL C H C H PLAY STüfP FF/REW/EJECT NITE SLEEP SELECT SEARCH ADD/DLT G PG PG-13 R NC-17 X GENERAL AUDIENCE: All ages a;bmitte;b. PARENTAL GUIDANCE: Some material may ;fot be suitable for chil;bre;f. PARENTS CAUTIüfNED: Some material may be i;fappropriate for chil;bre;f u;f;ber 13. RESTRICTED: Chil;bre;f u;f;ber 17 must be accompa;fie;b...
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30For assisübance, please call : 1-800-211-PANA(7262) or send e-mail übo : consumerproducübs@panaü üfn-Screen Display (üfSD) Warning and Insübrucübion DisplaysThese ;bisplays will alert you to a misse;b operatio;f or provi;be further i;fstructio;fs. Press DISPLAY to ;bisplay or remove the overlay.Whe;fever a bla;fk sectio;f of a tape comes up i;f Play mo;be, or whe;f the selecte;b cha;f;fel has ;fo broa;bcast sig;fal with the Weak Sig;fal Display set to “OFF” (see page...
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For Your Informaübion 31 Before Requesübing Service Check übhe following poinübs once again if you are having übrouble wiübh your uniüb.If you cannoüb resolve übhe problem, please call übhe Cusübomer Saübisfacübion Cenüber for producüb assisübance aüb 1-800-211-PANA(7262). To locaübe an auübhorized servicenüber call üboll free 1-800-211-PANA(7262) or send e-mail übo : consumerproducübs@panaü Power No power… Moniübor No picture or sou;f;b... Poor picture with ;formal sou;f;b......
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For assisübance, please call : 1-800-211-PANA(7262) or send e-mail übo : consumerproducübs@panaüpsonic.com34 Limited Warranty PANASONIC CONSUMER ELECTRONICS COMPANY, DIVISION OF MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC CORPORATION OF AMERICA One Panasonic Way Secaucus, New Jersey 07094PANASONIC SALES COMPANY, DIVISION OF MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC OF PUERTO RICO, INC., AVE. 65 de Infantería, Km. 9.5 San Gabriel Industrial Park, Carolina, Puerto Rico 00985 Panasonic/Quasar Video Products Limited Warranty Limited Warranty...
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For Your Informaübion 3335 Customer Services Directory Web Site: can purchase parts, accessories or locate your nearest servicenter by vis it ing our Web Site. For Product Information, Operating Assistance, Literature Request, Dealer Lo ca tions, and all Customer Service inquiries please contact: 1-800-211-PANA (7262), Monday-Friday 9 am-9 pm; Saturday-Sunday 9 am-7\ pm, EST. or send e-mail : [email protected] For hearing or speech impaired TTY users, TTY :...
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34For assistance, please call : 1-800-211-PANA(7262) or send e-mail to : [email protected] Spanish Quick Use Guide/Guía para rápida consulta 36 1 2 Si el ajuste automático del reloj no se ha completado, ajuste el reloj manualmente de la siguiente manera: 1) Presione la tecla ACTION en el control remoto para visualizar la pantalla del menú RELOJ. 2) Presione para seleccionar el mes y para ajustar. De la misma forma, seleccione y ajuste la fecha, año, hora y DST (Hora de Verano). 3)...
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For Your Information 3537 Operaciones básicas para la reproducción 1 Inserte un casete.El videograbador combinado se enciende autom áticamente. 2 Para encontrar una escena en particular B úsqueda hacia adelante => Presione FF B úsqueda hacia atr ás => Presione REW Para ver una imagen fija (congelada) => Presione PAUSE/SLOW Para ver en c ámara lenta => Mantenga pulsado el bot ón PAUSE/SLOW en el modo de imagen fija Para ver im ágenes cuadro a cuadro => Presione...
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NOTES For assisübance, please call : 1-800-211-PANA(7262) or send e-mail übo : consumerproducübs@panaüpsonic.com38
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AAccessories ................................................ 3 Audio Mute ................................................ 14 Auto Operation Functions ........................... 25 BBatteries....................................................... 3 Before Requesting Service .......................... 33 Blocking Message ....................................... 31 Blue Screen Display .................................... 32 CCaption On Mute ......................................... 18 Channel...