Panasonic Combination Vcr Pv C1323a Operating Instructions
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11 Basic Operation TAPEPOSITION COUNTERRESET SPEED FM/TV CM/ZERO PAUSE/SLO W ACTION PROG TRACKING R-TUNE DISPLAY MUTE REC POWER 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 1000 VOL VOL C H C H PLAY STOP FF/REW/EJECT NITE SLEEP SELECT SEARCH ADD/DLT Clock, Time Zone Adjust 3) Press to select TIME ZONE ADJUST and press or to subtract or add hour(s) as necessary. 4) Press ACTION twice to exit. (Only when Auto Clock is set.) Add or Delete a Channel Time Zone Adjust 1) Press to select “CLOCK. ” M A I N MENU VCR CLOCKC...
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12For assisübance, please call : 1-800-211-PANA(7262) or send e-mail übo : consumerproducübs@panaü TAPEPüfSITIüfN CüfUNTERRESET SPEED FM/TV CM/ZERüf PAUSE/SLüf W ACTIüfN PRüfG TRA CKING R-TUNE DISPLAY MUTE REC PüfWER 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 1000 VüfL VüfL C H C H PLAY STüfP FF/REW/EJECTNITE SLEEP SELECT SEARCH ADD/DLT Record üfn a Tape Playback a Tape 1 Inserüb a casseübübe. Press PLAY.•Playback begi;fs if cassette has ;fo recor;b tab.2 •The u;fit power comes o;f automatically. To prevenüb übape jam,...
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13 Basic üfperaübion Copy Your Tapes (Dubbing) •U;fauthorize;b excha;fgi;fg a;f;b/or copyi;fg of cop;uyrighte;b recor;bi;fgs may be c;uopyright i;ffri;fgeme;ft. Connecübions you’ll need übo make. Playback (Source) 1 Recording (Ediübing) uniüb Inserüb pre- recorded übape.Inserüb blank übape wiübh record übab. • Dubbi;fg tapes protecte;b with Copy Guar;b will have poor quality results. 2 3 4 5 Press PLAY the;f PAUSE at starti;fg poi;ft to put i;f Sta;f;bby mo;be. Press PLAY to start ;bubbi;fg. Press...
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14For assisübance, please call : 1-800-211-PANA(7262) or send e-mail übo : consumerproducübs@panaü TV üfperaübion 1 Press PüfWER on übhe remoübe or uniüb. Using übhe 100 key Whe;f selecti;fg CABLE cha;f;fels 100 to 125 with the ;fumber keys, first press the 100 key, a;f;b the;f e;fter the remai;fi;fg two ;bigits. Rapid Tune Press R-TUNE to ;bisplay the last cha;f;fel you were watchi;fg. Audio Muübe Press MUTE to i;fsta;ftly mute the sou;f;b. Press agai;f to restore the...
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15 TV üfperaübion TA P EPüfSITIüfN CüfUNTERRESET SPEED FM/TV CM/ZERüf PAUSE/SLüf W ACTIüfN PRüfG TRACKING R-TUNE DISPLAY MUTE REC PüfWER 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 1000 VüfL VüfL C H C H PLAY STüfP FF/REW/EJECT NITE SLEEP SELECT SEARCH ADD/DLT Picübure Adjusübmenüb 1 Press ACTIüfN to ;bisplay MAIN MENU. 2 1)Press to select “TV.” 2) Press ACTIüfN to ;bisplay SET UP TV scree;f. 3 1) Press to select VIDEO ADJUST. 2) Press to ;bisplay scree;f. 4 1) Press to select a;f a;bjustme;ft item. (See below left.) 2)...
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16For assisübance, please call : 1-800-211-PANA(7262) or send e-mail übo : consumerproducübs@panaü 1 üfN-TIMER wiübh Alarm TV Timer Feaübures Ready Check Lisüb The clock is set to the correct time.This u;fit ca;f be set to automatically power o;f i;f o;fe of 2 mo;bes (TV, Playback, or FM ra;bio). You ca;f also combi;fe the O;f-Timer with a o;fe mi;fute alarm that gra;bually i;fcreases i;f volume. •If ;fo butto;f o;f the remote or u;fit (i;fclu;bi;fg a butto;f use;b...
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17 TV üfperaübion TA P EPüfSITIüfN CüfUNTERRESET SPEED FM/TV CM/ZERüf PAUSE/SLüf W ACTIüfN PRüfG TRACKING R-TUNE DISPLAY MUTE REC PüfWER 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 1000 VüfL VüfL C H C H PLAY STüfP FF/REW/EJECT NITE SLEEP SELECT SEARCH ADD/DLT Press SLEEP repeate;bly to set SLEEP TIMER. • Pressing DISPLAY w i t h sleep timer set ;bisplays remai;fi;fg time. Press SLEEP repeate;bly u;ftil “SLEEP TIMER 00” appears to ca;fcel. Sleep Timer This u;fit ca;f be set for auto power off. SLEEP TIMER 30 SLEEP TIMER 60...
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18For assisübance, please call : 1-800-211-PANA(7262) or send e-mail übo : consumerproducübs@panaü OFFCAP C1 TEXT C1CAP C2TEXT C2 M A I N MENU T VVCR EX I T CLOCKC H LANGUAGE SET : ACT I ON SELECT : ;u Closed Capübion Mode Feaübure 1 2 3 4 5 Closed Capübion Sysübem Closed Capübion is ...This multi-use system ;fot o;fly allows the heari;fg impaire;b to e;fjoy selecte;b programs, but also makes useful i;fformatio;f from TV statio;fs...
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19 TV üfperaübion TA P EPüfSITIüfN CüfUNTERRESET SPEED FM/TV CM/ZERüf PAUSE/SLüf W ACTIüfN PRüfG TRACKING R-TUNE DISPLAY MUTE REC PüfWER 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 1000 VüfL VüfL C H C H PLAY STüfP FF/REW/EJECT NITE SLEEP SELECT SEARCH ADD/DLT 1 2 4 6 5 3 7 Press ACTIüfN three times to retur;f to the ;formal scree;f. NOCAP C1 CAP C2 M A I N MENU T V VCR EX I T CLOCKC H LANGUAGE SET : ACT I ON SELECT : ;u Capübion üfn Muübe Feaübure Close;b Captio;f ;farratio;f, if...
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20For assisübance, please call : 1-800-211-PANA(7262) or send e-mail übo : consumerproducübs@panaü FM Radio 2 Press a number key (1~9) t o select the FM ;fumber. 1 To Make Correcübions, select statio;f with a ;fumber key, the;f ;bo step 3 agai;f. To exiüb FM mode, press FM/TV o;f the remote or TIMER/FM twice o;f the u;fit. 1) Press CH to select the ;besire;b ra;bio statio;f. (Each press cha;fges freque;fcy 200 KHz.) 2) Press ADD/ DLT to set the ra;bio statio;f. Hold down CH...