Panasonic Combination Vcr Pv C1323a Operating Instructions
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Please rea;b these i;fstructio;fs carefully before attempti;fg to co;f;fect, operate, or a;bjust this pro;buct. Please save this ma;fual. Spa;fish Quick Use Gui;be is i;fclu;be;b. (Guía para rápi;ba co;fsulta e;f español está i;fclui;ba.) Combinaübion VCR üfperaübing Insübrucübionüps PV-C1323A/PV-C1333WA PV-C1343A/PV-C1353WA LSQT0709A For assisübance, please call : 1-800-211-PANA(7262) or send e-mail übo : consumerproducübs@panaü Basic üfperaübion Iniübial Seübup TV üfperaübion Timer üfperaübion Advanced üfperaübion For Your Informaübion • I;fitial Setup a;f;b Co;f;fectio;f Proce;bures are o;f pages 8 a;f;b 9. Model No. As a;f ENERGY STAR® P art;fer, Matsushita Electric Corporatio;f of America has ;betermi;fe;b that this pro;buct or pro;buct mo;bel meets the ENERGY STAR® gui;beli;fes for e;fergy efficie;fcy. 1

2For assisübance, please call : 1-800-211-PANA(7262) or send e-mail übo : consumerproducübs@panaü Imporübanüb Safeguards and Precauübions INSTALLATIüfN 1 PüfWER SüfURCE CAUTIüfNOperate o;fly from power source i;f;bicate;b o;f u;fit or i;f this ma;fual. If u;fcer tai;f, have your Electric Utility Service Compa;fy or Vi;beo Pro;bucts Dealer verify your home power source. 2 PüfWER CüfRD PLUGFor safety, this u;fit has a polarize;b type plug (o;fe wi;be bla;be), or a three-wire grou;f;bi;fg type plug. Always hol;b the plug firmly a;f;b make sure your ha;f;bs are ;bry whe;f pluggi;fg i;f or u;fpluggi;fg the AC power cor;b. Regularly remove ;bust, ;birt, etc. o;f the plug. POLARIZED PLUG CAUTION:The plug fits i;fto outlet o;fe way. If it ca;f;fot be fully i;fserte;b, try reversi;fg it. If it still will ;fot fit, have a;f electricia;f i;fstall the proper wall outlet. Do ;fot tamper with the plug. GROUNDING PLUG CAUTION:The plug requires a three-hole grou;f;bi;fg outlet. If ;fecessary, have a;f electricia;f i;fstall the proper outlet. Do ;fot tamper with the plug. 3 PüfWER CüfRDTo avoi;b u;fit malfu;fctio;f, a;f;b to protect agai;fst electrical shock, fire or perso;fal i;fjury: - Keep power cor;b away from heati;fg applia;fcesa;f;b walki;fg traffic. Do ;fot rest heavy objects o;f, or roll such objects over the power cor;b. - Do ;fot tamper with the cor;b i;f a;fy way. - A;f exte;fsio;f cor;b shoul;b have the same type plug (polarize;b or grou;f;bi;fg) a;f;b must be securely co;f;fecte;b. - Overloa;be;b wall outlets or exte;fsio;f cor;bs is a fire hazar;b. - Fraye;b cor;bs, ;bamage;b plugs, a;f;b ;bamage;b or cracke;b wire i;fsulatio;f are hazar;bous a;f;b shoul;b be replace;b by a qualifie;b electricia;f. 4 Düf NüfT BLüfCK VENTILATIüfN HüfLESVe;ftilatio;f ope;fi;fgs i;f the cabi;fet release heat ge;ferate;b ;buri;fg operatio;f. If blocke;b, heat buil;b-up may result i;f a fire hazar;b or heat ;bamage to cassettes. For your protectio;f: a. Never cover ve;ftilatio;f slots while u;fit is ON, or operate u;fit while place;b o;f a be;b, sofa, rug, or other soft surface. b. Avoi;b built-i;f i;fstallatio;f, such as a book case or rack, u;fless properly ve;ftilate;b. 5 AVüfID EXTREMELY HüfT LüfCATIüfNS üfRSUDDEN TEMPERATURE CHANGES Do ;fot place u;fit over;u or ;fear a heater or;u regulator, i;f ;birect ;usu;flight, etc. If u;fit ;uis su;b;be;fly move;b from a col;b p;ulace to a warm place;u, moisture may co;f;be;fse;u i;f u;fit a;f;b o;f the tap;ue causi;fg ;bamage. 6 Tüf AVüfID PERSüfNAL INJURY• Never place u;fit o;f support or sta;f;b that is ;fot firm, level, a;f;b a;bequately stro;fg. The u;fit coul;b fall causi;fg serious i;fjury to a chil;b or a;bult a;f;b ;bamage to the u;fit. • Move a;fy applia;fce a;f;b car t combi;fatio;f with care. Quick stops, excessive force, a;f;b u;feve;f surfaces may cause objects to overtur;f. • Carefully follow all operati;fg i;fstructio;fs. USING THE UNITBefore u;fit is brought out of storage or move;b to a ;few locatio;f, refer agai;f to the INSTALLATION sectio;f of these safeguar;bs. 1 KEEP UNIT WELL AWAY FRüfM WATER üfR MüfISTURE, such as vases, si;fks, tubs, etc.2 IF EXPüfSED Tüf RAIN, MüfISTURE, üfR STRüfNG IMPACT, u;fplug u;fit a;f;b have it i;fspecte;b by a qualifie;b service tech;ficia;f before use. 3 ELECTRICAL STüfRMSDuri;fg a light;fi;fg storm, or before leavi;fg u;fit u;fuse;b for exte;f;be;b perio;bs of time, ;bisco;f;fect all equipme;ft from the power source as well as the a;fte;f;fa a;f;b cable system. 4 WHEN UNIT IS PLUGGED IN• DO NOT OPERATE IF: - liqui;b has spille;b i;fto u;fit. - u;fit was ;broppe;b or otherwise ;bamage;b. - u;fit emits smoke, malo;bors, or ;foises. Imme;biately u;fplug u;fit, a;f;b have it i;fspecte;b by a service tech;ficia;f to avoi;b pote;ftial fire a;f;b shock hazar;bs. • Never ;brop or push a;fy object through ope;fi;fgs i;f u;fit. Touchi;fg i;fter;fal parts may cause electric shock or fire hazar;b. • Keep mag;fetic objects, such as speakers, away from u;fit to avoi;b electrical i;fterfere;fce. 5 USING ACCESSüfRIESUse o;fly accessories recomme;f;be;b by the ma;fufacturer to avoi;b risk of fire, shock, or other hazar;bs. 6 CLEANING UNITU;fplug u;fit. Use a clea;f, ;bry, chemically u;ftreate;b cloth to ge;ftly remove ;bust or ;bebris. DO NOT USE clea;fi;fg flui;bs, aerosols, or force;b air that coul;b over-spray, or seep i;fto u;fit a;f;b cause electrical shock. A;fy substa;fce, such as wax, a;bhesive tape, etc. may mar the cabi;fet surface. Exposure to greasy, humi;b, or ;busty areas may a;bversely affect i;fter;fal parts. READ AND RETAIN ALL SAFETY AND üfPERATING INSTRUCTIüfNS. HEED ALL WARNINGS IN THE MANUAL AND üfN UNIT SERVICE1 Düf NüfT SERVICE PRüfDUCT YüfURSELFIf, after carefully followi;fg ;betaile;b operati;fg i;fstructio;fs, the u;fit ;boes ;fot operate properly, ;bo ;fot attempt to ope;f or remove covers, or make a;fy a;bjustme;fts ;fot ;bescribe;b i;f the ma;fual. U;fplug u;fit a;f;b co;ftact a qualifie;b service tech;ficia;f. 2 REPLACEMENT üfF PARTSMake sure the service tech;ficia;f uses o;fly par ts specifie;b by the ma;fufacturer, or have equal safety characteristics as origi;fal parts. The use of u;fauthorize;b substitutes may result i;f fire, electric shock, or other hazar;bs. 3 SAFETY CHECK AFTER SERVICINGAfter u;fit is service;b or repaire;b, request that a through safety check be ;bo;fe as ;bescribe;b i;f the ma;fufacturer’s service literature to i;fsure vi;beo u;fit is i;f safe operati;fg co;f;bitio;f. üfUTDüfüfR ANTENNA INSTALLATIüfN1 SAFE ANTENNA AND CABLE CüfNNECTIüfNA;f outsi;be a;fte;f;fa or cable system must be properly grou;f;be;b to provi;be some protectio;f agai;fst built up static charges a;f;b voltage. Sectio;f 810 of the Natio;fal Electrical Co;be, ANSI/NFPA 70 (i;f Ca;fa;ba, part 1 of the Ca;fa;bia;f Electrical Co;be) provi;bes i;fformatio;f regar;bi;fg proper grou;f;bi;fg of the mast a;f;b supporti;fg structure, grou;f;bi;fg of the lea;b-i;f wire to a;f a;fte;f;fa ;bischarge u;fit, size of grou;f;bi;fg co;f;buctors, locatio;f of a;fte;f;fa ;bischarge u;fit, co;f;fectio;f to grou;f;bi;fg electro;bes, a;f;b requireme;fts for the grou;f;bi;fg electro;be. 2 KEEP ANTENNA CLEAR üfF HIGH VüfLTAGE PüfWER LINES üfR CIRCUITS Locate a;f outsi;be a;fte;f;fa system well away from power li;fes a;f;b electric light or power circuits so it will ;fever touch these power sources shoul;b it ever fall. Whe;f i;fstalli;fg a;fte;f;fa, absolutely ;fever touch power li;fes, circuits or other power sources as this coul;b be fatal. GRüfUND CLAMP ELECTRIC SERVICE EQUIPMENT ANTENNA LEAD IN WIRE ANTENNA DISCHARGE UNIT (NEC SECTIüfN 810-20) GRüfUNDING CüfNDUCTüfRS (NEC SECTIüfN 810-21) GRüfUND CLAMPS PüfWER SERVICE GRüfUNDING ELECTRüfDE SYSTEM (NEC ART 250, PART H) NEC - NATIüfNAL ELECTRICAL CüfDE

3 Safeüby Precauübions/Mesures üpde sécuriübé Warning : To prevenüb fire or shock hazard, do noüb expose übhis equipmenüb übo rain or moisübure. Cauübion : To prevenüb elecübric shock, maübch wide blade of plug übo wide sloüb, fully inserüb. Averübissemenüb :Afin de prévenir übouüb risque d’incendie ou de chocs élecübriques, ne pas exposer ceüb appareil à la pluie ou à une humidiübé excessive. Aübübenübion :Pour éviüber les chocs élecübriques, inübroduire la lame la plus large de la fiche dans la borne correspondanübe de la prise eüb pousser jusqu’au fond. This vi;beo recor;ber, equippe;b with the HQ (High Quality) System, is compatible with existi;fg VHS equipme;ft. O;fly use those tapes with the mark. It is recomme;f;be;b that o;fly cassette tapes that have bee;f teste;b a;f;b i;fspecte;b for use i;f 2, 4, 6, a;f;b 8 hour VCR machi;fes be use;b. This televisio;f receiver provi;bes ;bisplay of televisio;f close;b captio;fi;fg i;f accor;ba;fce with §15.119 of the FCC rules. FCC WARNING :Any unauübhorized changes or modificaübions übo übhis equipmenüb would void übhe user’s auübhoriüby übo operaübe. This symbol war;fs the user that u;fi;fsulate;b voltage withi;f the u;fit may have sufficie;ft mag;fitu;be to cause electric shock. Therefore, it is ;ba;fgerous to make a;fy ki;f;b of co;ftact with a;fy i;fsi;be part of this u;fit. This symbol alerts the user that importa;ft literature co;fcer;fi;fg the operatio;f a;f;b mai;fte;fa;fce of this u;fit has bee;f i;fclu;be;b. Therefore, it shoul;b be rea;b carefully i;f or;ber to avoi;b a;fy problems. CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK) NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPENCAUTION Congraübulaübions o;f your purchase of o;fe of the most sophisticate;b a;f;b reliable pro;bucts o;f the market to;bay. Use;b properly, it will bri;fg you a;f;b your family years of e;fjoyme;ft. Please fill i;f the i;fformatio;f below. The serial ;fumber is o;f the tag locate;b o;f the back of your u;fit. Date of Purchase Dealer Purchase;b From Dealer A;b;bress Dealer Pho;fe No. Mo;bel No. Serial No.Batteries 2 “AA” Accessories To order accessories, call üboll free 1-800-332-5368. Remote Co;ftrol LSSQ0281 (PV-C1323A/PV-C1343A) LSSQ0282 (PV-C1333WA/PV-C1353WA) Loading übhe Baübüberies Baübübery replacemenüb cauübion• Do ;fot mix ol;b a;f;b ;few batteries. • Do ;fot mix alkali;fe with ma;fga;fese batteries. Prevenüb Accidenübal Tape Erasure Break off the tab to preve;ft recor;bi;fg. Recor;b Tab Screw;briver To recor;b agai;f. Cover the hole with cellopha;fe tape. TA P EPüfSITIüfNCüfUNTERRESET SPEED FM/TV CM/ZERüf PAUSE/SLüfW ACTIüfN PRüfG TRACKING R-TUNE DISPLAY MUTE REC PüfWER 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 1000 VüfL VüfL C H C H PLAY STüfP FF/REW/EJECT NITE SLEEP SELECT SEARCH ADD/DLT This pro;buct utilizes both a Catho;be Ray Tube (CRT) a;f;b other compo;fe;fts that co;ftai;f lea;b. Disposal of these materials may be regulate;b i;f your commu;fity ;bue to e;fviro;fme;ftal co;fsi;beratio;fs. For ;bisposal or recycli;fg i;fformatio;f please co;ftact your local authorities, or the Electro;fics I;f;bustries Allia;fce:

4For assistance, please call : 1-800-211-PANA(7262) or send e-mail to : [email protected] Specifications Display Picture Tube: 13 inch measured diagonal 90° deflection Picture Tube VCR Video Recording 2 rotary heads helical System: scanning system (PV-C1323A/PV-C1333WA) 4 rotary heads helical scanning system (PV-C1343A/PV-C1353WA) Audio Track: 1 track Tuner Broadcast Channels: VHF 2 ~ 13, UHF 14 ~ 69 CABLE Channels: Mi dband A through I (14 ~ 22) Superband J through W (23 ~ 36 Hyperband AA ~ EEE (37 ~ 64) Lowband A-5 ~ A-1 (95 ~ 99) Special CABLE channel 5A(01) Ultraband 65 ~ 94, 100 ~ 125 FM Radio Band Range: 87.5 - 108.1 Mhz General Power Source: 120 V AC, 60 Hz Power Consumption: Power On Approx. 69 watts Power Off Approx. 2.5 watts Television System: EIA Standard NTSC color Speaker: 1 piece Operating Temperature: 5 °C ~ 40 °C (41 °F ~ 104 °F) Operating Humidity: 10 % ~ 75 % Weight: 12 Kg (26.4 lbs.) Dimensions: 386 (W) X 385 (H) X 374 (D) mm 15-3/16” (W) X 15-3/16” (H) X 14-3/4” (D) Note: Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. Head Cleaning Record/Playback Time Only use tapes with the mark in this unit. SP (Standard Play) 2 Hours40 Minutes1 Hour 5 Hours20 Minutes2 Hours LP (Long Play) 3 Hours 8 Hours SLP (Super Long Play) Type of Video Cassette Tape Speed Setting T160 T60 DST (Daylight Saving Time) 2 Hour 4 Hours 6 Hours T120 Digital Auto Tracking Continuously analyzes the signal and adjusts for optimum picture quality. Manual Tracking Control (to reduce picture noise) Use during Playback and Slow Motion mode to reduce picture noise. Press the 3 or 6 number key on the remote control or CH on the unit until the picture clears up. To return to Auto Tracking, press POWER off, then on again a few seconds later. V-Lock Control In Still mode, the 3 or 6 number key on the remote control or CH on the unit on the unit operate as a V-lock control to reduce jitter. Unit Information Features for a Quality Picture V I DEO HEADS MAY NEED CLEAN I NG PL EASE I NSERT HEAD CLEAN I NG CASSETTE OR REFER TO MANUAL END : PLAY KEY Playing older or damaged tapes may eventually cause video heads to become clogged. Head Clog Sensor During playback this screen appears if clogging is detected. To remove screen, press PLAY on the remote or unit. Use “dry” type head cleaning cassette only. (Part No. NV-TCL30PT is recommended.) Follow cleaning tape directions carefully. Excessive use of head cleaning tape can shorten the video head life. Unit auto adjusts clock for DST (Daylight Saving Time.) Spring (First Sunday in April) DST : ON => Sets clock ahead one hour. Autumn (Last Sunday in October) DST : ON => Turns clock back one hour. If your area does not observe Daylight Saving Time, select DST:OFF. Keep these time changes in mind when programming the unit for timer recordings.

5 Table of Contents Important Safeguards and Precautions / Safety Precautions .... 2, 3 Before Using ................................................... .................................... 4 Unit Information ............................................... ................................... 4 Table of Contents .............................................. .................................. 5 Location of Controls ........................................... ................................. 6 Connections / Initial Setup (Ready to Play) .................... ............. 8, 9 Reset Language, Channels, Clock, Time Zone Adjust ........... 10, 11 Playback a Tape ................................................ ................................ 12 Record On a Tape ............................................... .............................. 12 Copy Your Tapes (Dubbing) ...................................... ...................... 13 Tape Operation ................................................. ........................ 24 ~ 26 Special VCR Features ........................................... ...................... 27, 28 V-Chip Control Feature ......................................... .................. 29 ~ 31 On-Screen Display (OSD) ........................................ ......................... 32 Before Requesting Service ...................................... ......................... 33 Limited Warranty ..........................................................................34, 35 Customer Services Directory ...........................................................35 Spanish Quick Use Guide / Guía para rápida consulta .......... 36, 37 Index .......................................................... ........................................ B C TV Operation ................................................... ................................. 14 Picture Adjustment ............................................. ............................. 15 TV Timer Features .............................................. ......................... 16, 17 Closed Caption System .......................................... .................... 18, 19 FM Radio ....................................................... ............................... 20, 21 Timer Recording ................................................ ......................... 22, 23 Basic Operation TV Operation Timer Operation Advanced Operation For Your Information Initial Setup

6For assistance, please call : 1-800-211-PANA(7262) or send e-mail to : [email protected] Location of Controls Remote Control Buttons EJECT button: When EJECT is pressed, the tape is ejected from Cassette Compar tment. If EJECT is pressed during recording, the unit will not respond to the command. TAPEPOSITION COUNTER RESET SPEED FM/TV CM/ZERO PAUSE/SLO W ACTION PROG TRACKING R-TUNE DISPLAY MUTE REC POWER 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 1000 VOL VOL C H C H PLAY STOP FF/REW/EJECT NITE SLEEP SELECT SEARCH ADD/DLT NITEColor and picture intensity level are adjusted during night time use. SLEEPTurns off the unit autmatically. TRACKING UP/DOWNReduces picture noise during Playback and Slow Motion. NUMBER keysSelects a channel directly. ADD/DELETEAdds or deletes a channel. SEARCHGoes directly to the desired recording. Locates end point of recording. CHANNEL UP/DOWNSelects a channel. SELECT UP/DOWNControls the navigation around on-screen menu. PROGRAMDisplays SET PROGRAM screen. You can set Timer Program and On-Timer. FAST FORWARD/SEARCHFast forwards tape, and searches forward scene. CM/ZEROIn Stop mode, goes to the counter “0:00:00. ” In Play mode, skips over 1 to 3 minutes of tape. SPEEDSelects recording speed. PLAYBegins playback. PAUSE/SLOWPauses and slow motion and frame advance picture. POWERTurns on or off the unit. DISPLAYDisplays the VCR status and clock. TAPE POSITIONFinds out present tape position and amount of tape remaining. COUNTER RESETResets to “0:00:00 ” at the desired position. RAPID TUNEDisplays the last channel you were watching. MUTEMutes the sound instantly. ACTIONDisplays main menu. STOPStops recording or playback. RECRecords the program. REWIND/SEARCHRewinds tape, and searches reverse scene. EJECTEjects tape. VOLUME UP/DOWNAdjusts volume. SET/BACK SPACESets a selected menu, or goes back to correct. FM/TVReceives FM radio signal.

7 Initial SetupFront View of the unit and Indicators on the Front Panel VIDEO IN AUDIO IN POWER VOL CHSTOP/EJECT REW/PLAY/REPEATFF/ REC TIMER/FM ACTION V ID EO INA U DIO IN P O W ERVO LCHSTO P/E JE C TREW /PLA Y/R EPE ATFF/R ECTIM ER /F M A C TIO N R E C ON TIMERRECO N T IM ERPROG TIMERPR O G T IM ER Built-In Speaker AUDIO VIDEO IN JackFor dubbing. POWERSee previous page. VOLUME UP/DOWN SET/BACK SPACE See previous page. CHANNEL UP/DOWN TRACKING UP/DOWN SELECT UP/DOWN See previous page. STOP/EJECTSee previous page.ACTIONPress together with REW. REWIND/SEARCHSee previous page.ACTIONPress STOP. together with PLAYSee previous page.REPEATRepeats a recording. FAST FORWARD/ SEARCH See previous page. RECSee previous page. PHONES JackConnect an earphone or headphones. PROG TIMER Indicator Lights when the unit is set for Timer Recording. ON TIMER Indicator Lights when the On-Timer is set. REC IndicatorLights during recording. Remote Sensor Rear View of the Unit Initial Setup VHF/UHF Rear View of the Unit AC Power PlugWhen plugged into an AC outlet, the unit consumes 2.5 W of electric power in OFF condition. VHF/UHF Antenna Input Terminal In from your Antenna or Cable. Page 8 Easy Grip-Handle Use when transporting the unit. Sets a timer alarm up 60 min.Enables FM Radio. TIMER/FM

8For assistance, please call : 1-800-211-PANA(7262) or send e-mail to : [email protected] VHF/UHF VHF/UHF VHF/UHFVHF/UHF Connections/ Initial Setup (Ready to Play) How to Connect UNIT IN from ANT./CABLE VHF/UHF Cable TV Converter Box IN from ANT./CABLE 2 / 6 / 2002 WED 12 : 00PMDST : ON A UTO CLOCK SET CO MPLETED SETT I NG : CH 1 0 If AUTO CLOCK SET IS INCOMPLETE screen appears, set the clock using MANUAL CLOCK SET procedure on next page. Initial Setup (Ready to Play) 1 Plug the unit power cord into an AC wall outlet. Press POWER on the remote or unit. The unit comes on and auto channel and clock set starts. If you use a cable box, turn it on and set it to the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) channel in your time zone. If you use a DSS reciever, it must be turned off. Settings are made automatically. When setup is done, this screen appears. For ANT./Cable Connect the cable from Antenna/Cable to the VHF/UHF terminal on the unit. For DSS/Cable Box Connect the OUT jack on your cable box to the VHF/UHF terminal on the unit with a RF cable. WARNING: Overtightening Nut type RF coaxial cables may damage jacks. Finger tighten only. Please make all cable or antenna connections before powering on . CH AUTO SET PROCEEDING PROCEEDING AUTO CLOCK SET CANCEL : PRESS STOP KEY 3 Connecting 2 PLEASE SET CLOCK BY PRESS I NG ACT I ON KEY A UTO CLOCK SET I S I NCO MPLETE

9 Iniübial Seübup TA P EPüfSITIüfN CüfUNTERRESET SPEED FM/TV CM/ZERüf PAUSE/SLüf W ACTIüfN PRüfG TRACKING R-TUNE DISPLAY MUTE REC PüfWER 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 1000 VüfL VüfL C H C H PLAY STüfP FF/REW/EJECT NITE SLEEP SELECT SEARCH ADD/DLT Reseüb all uniüb Memory Funcübions Whe;f movi;fg u;fit to a ;few locatio;f, or if a mistake was ma;be i;f the I;fitial Setup sectio;f. • Make sure a tape is ;fot i;fserte;b i;f the u;fit. Manual Clock Seüb If AUTO CLOCK SET was i;fcomplete, ma;fually set the clock as follows. SET : SELECT : END : ACT I ON SET CLOCK DST : ONSESELE CT MONTHTH 1 / /: 1 2 Press ACTIüfN o;f the remote to ;bisplay SET CLOCK Me;fu scree;f. Press to select the mo;fth a;f;b press to set. I;f the same ma;f;fer, select a;f;b set the ;bate, year, time, a;f;b DST. (Daylight Savi;fg Time) SET : START : ACT I ON SET CLOCK DST : ONSESET COMPLETEDCOMPLETED 2 / 6/2 / 6/:20022002WEDWED12120000PMPM 3 Press ACTIüfN twice to start CLOCK a;f;b exit. POWER ACTION SELECT/SET :CH UP :CH DOWN :VOL UP :VOL DOWN Noübe übo CABLE Sysübem InsüballerThis remi;f;ber is provi;be;b to call the CABLE (Cable TV) System I;fstallers atte;ftio;f to Article 820-40 of the NEC that provi;bes gui;beli;fes for proper grou;f;bi;fg a;f;b, i;f particular, specifies that the cable grou;f;b shall be co;f;fecte;b to the grou;f;bi;fg system of the buil;bi;fg, as close to the poi;ft of cable e;ftry as practical. VIDEO IN AUDIO IN POWER VOL CHSTOP/EJECT REW/ PLAY/REPEATFF/ REC TIMER/FMACTIONVIDEO IN AUDIO IN POWER VOL CHSTOP/EJECT REW/ PLAY/REPEATFF/ REC TIMER/FMACTIONREC ON TIMERR E C ON TIMERPROG TIMERPROG TIMER 3 1 2Do “I;fitial Setup” o;f page 8. Press a;f;b hol;b both PLAY a;f;b FF o;f the u;fit for more tha;f 5 seco;f;bs. • The power will shut off. • Please ig;fore “NO CASSETTE” war;fi;fg. Tur;f the u;fit Power o;f.

10For assistance, please call : 1-800-211-PANA(7262) or send e-mail to : [email protected] Reset Languag e, Channels, Clo ck, 4) Press and press to select and set the month, date, year, time, and DST (Daylight Saving Time). 5) Press ACTION twice to start the clock and exit this mode. 3) Press to select “ANTENNA,” then press to set your antenna system (“TV” or “CABLE”). 4) Press to select “AUTO SET,” then press . After Channel Auto Set is finished, Clock Auto Set will be performed. (If clock is set manually, Clock Auto Set will not be performed.) (“TIME ZONE ADJUST” appears only when auto clock is set.) M A I N MENU T V VCRLANGUAGE SET : ACT I ON SELECT : T V EX I T CLOCKC H T VVCRIDIOMAT V MENU PR I NC I PAL CANALREL OJ SAL I R H O L A F I JAR : ACT I ONELEG I R : BONJOUR LAN GUE MENU T ELEMAGNET . SORT I EHORLOGECANAL REGLER : ACT I ONSEL. : 1) Press to select language icon. 2) Press ACTION repeatedly. For English M A I N MENU T V VCR HELLO LANGUAGE SET : ACT I ON SELECT : T V EX I T CLOCKC H For Spanish For French Language M A I N MENU T V VCR EX I T CLOCKC H LANGUAGE SET : ACT I ON SELECT : ChannelsClock Press ACTION to display MAIN MENU. 3)Press to select “EXIT. ” Press ACTION to exit. 1) Press to select “CH. ” M A I N MENU CLOCKC H SET : ACT I ON SELECT : VCRT V EX I TLANGUAGE ANTENNA : CABLE AUTO SETCHANNEL CAPT I ONWEAK S I GNAL D I SPLAY : OFF SELECT : SET : END : ACT I ON SET UP CHANNEL 2) Press ACTION. M A I N MENU VCR CLOCKC H SET : ACT I ON SELECT : T V EX I T C H LANGUAGE 1)Press to select “CLOCK. ” AUTO CLOCK SETMANUALT I ME ZONE ADJUST : 0 SELECT : SET : END : ACT I ON SET CLOCK 2) Press ACTION . 1 2 3) Press to select “ MANUAL ” or “ AUTO CLOCK SET ” and press . • For Auto Clock Set, select “AUTO CLOCK SET,” then press . SET : START : ACT I ON SET CLOCK DST : ON2 / 6/2 / 6/::20022002WEDWED12120000PMPM SESELE CT HOURHOUR SELECT :