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Panasonic Color CCTV Camera WV CS584 WV CW594 Wv Cs580 Wv Cs590 Series Operating Instructions

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Page 21

 5.  R e p e a t   s t e p s   1   t h r o u g h   4   f o r   t h e   o t h e r   a r e a 
numbers,	if	you	want	(2	to	8).
•		 The  area  title  is  always  displayed  under  the 
c a m e r a   I D .   I f   y o u   s p e c i f y   d i f f e r e n t   d i s p l a y 
position  settings  for  the  camera  ID  and  the  area 
title  ID,  camera  ID  settings  must  incorporate  the 
area 	title 	ID 	settings. 	Furthermore, 	when 	setting	
the  area  title  ID,  the  camera  ID  will  be  displayed...

Page 22

Alarm settings
n Using the Alarm Setup Menu 
Display  the  alarm  setup  menu  from  the  setup  menu  to 
configure alarm settings. 
First,	display	the	alarm	setup	menu.	
	1.	 Display	the 	advanced 	setup 	menu 	(page 	8), 	move 	
the  cursor  to  ALARM 
,  and  then  press  the  CAM 
(SET)	button.	
    This will display the alarm setup menu. 
  *	 The	 following	 sections	numbered	 1  to  3	explain	
how to use each of the alarm setup menu items. 
  1  Motion Detector Setting (VMD)
  1.  Move  the...

Page 23

•		Size	 and	speed	 limitations	 are	relaxed	 somewhat	
when  the  contrast  ratio  between  the  background 
and the moving object is large. 
  6.  Move  the  cursor  to  DWELL  TIME,  and  then  tilt  the 
joystick  left  or  right  to  select  an  alarm  detect  dwell 
time setting. 
	 	 After	 alarm	detection,	 the	next	 alarm	 is	not	 detected	
until the specified dwell time elapses. 
    Tilting the joystick cycles through the setting display 
in	the	sequence	shown	below.	(unit:	sec)...

Page 24

	3.	 Move	the 	cursor 	to 	ALARM 	IN 	2, 	and 	then 	tilt 	the	
joystick  left  and  right  to  select  the  operation  the 
camera	 should	perform	 when	an	external	 signal	is	
received	by	ALARM	IN	2.	
   OFF  : Ignore alarm input signals. 
   2POSI  : Move to preset position 2.  
   SEQ  : Start sequential movement. 
   PATROL2  :	Start	PATROL	2.	
   AUTOTRACK2  : Move  to  preset  position  number  2, 
and then perform auto tracking. 
   PATROL2 (S)  :	Start	PATROL 	2, 	and 	maintain 	the	
s t o re...

Page 25

Special settings
n Using the Special Setup Menu 
Display the special setup menu from the setup menu to 
adjust picture quality.  
First,	display	the	special	setup	menu.	
	1.	 Display	the 	advanced 	setup 	menu 	(page 	8), 	move 	
the  cursor  to  SPECIAL 
,  and  then  press  the  CAM 
(SET)	button.
    This will display the special setup menu. 
  *	 This	 section	 explains	 items	1  through  5  on  the 
special setup menu in that order.
  1  Adjusting Picture Quality 
Use the following procedure to...

Page 26

	 (3)	 This	returns	to	the	PIX	OFF	menu.
	 	 An	asterisk	(*)	to	the	 right	 of	a	PIX	 OFF	 number	
i n d i c a t e s   t h a t   t h e   n u m b e r   h a s   a   b l e m i s h 
compensation pattern assigned to it. 
    To delete a blemish compensation pattern
	 (1)	 On 	the 	PIX 	OFF 	menu 	screen, 	select 	of 	the	
pattern  you  want  to  delete,  and  press  the  CAM 
(SET)	button.	
    This  will  display  the  blemish  compensation 
pattern setting screen. 
	 (2)	 Press	the	F3	button.	

Page 27

Password settings
n Password Lock Settings 
Set the password lock on the setup menu. 
l Turning Password Lock ON and OFF 
The  password  lock  function  can  be  used  to  allow  only 
authorized 	personnel 	to 	change 	camera 	settings. 	A	
password must be input in order to turn password lock 
on or off. 
   ON  :	Prohibits	 changing	any 	settings 	except 	for 	
the password lock function. 
        Selecting  this  setting  limits  camera 
configuration	changes	to	authorized	personnel.	
   OFF  :...

Page 28

	3.	 Move	the	cursor	 to	NEW	 PASSWORD   and  press 
the 	CAM 	(SET) 	button 	to 	display 	the 	password	
setting menu. 
    The  password  input  screen  will  reappear  if  you 
press 	the 	CAM 	(SET) 	button 	after 	inputting 	the	
wrong  password.  If  this  happens,  perform  steps  2 
and 3 again.
  4.  Input  the  new  3-digit  password  by  moving  the 
cursor to each of the applicable numbers along the 
top	 of	the	 screen	 (0	to	9)	 and	 pressing	 the	CAM 	
(SET)	button	for	each	digit....

Page 29

Shortcuts	are	supported	 when	you	are	using	 the	system	 controller	 that	has	a	CAM	 FUNCTION	 button.	With	shortcuts,	
you  can  configure  camera  functions  by  inputting  function  codes  on  the  10-key  pad  and  then  pressing  the  CAM 
FUNCTION	button.	
The  following  is  a  list  of  all  of  the  shortcuts  that  are  supported  by  this  camera.  In  addition,  you  can  also  move  the 
camera to a preset position by inputting the applicable position number on the 10-key \

Page 30

 Controller Operation  Setting 
[1]	+	[7]	+	[0]	+	[CAM	FUNCTION]	 IRIS:	CLOSE
[1]	+	[7]	+	[1]	+	[CAM	FUNCTION]	 SHUTTER:	ON
[1]	+	[7]	+	[2]	+	[CAM	FUNCTION]	 SHUTTER:	OFF
[1]	+	[7]	+	[3]	+	[CAM	FUNCTION]	 Increases	shutter	speed	one	step.	
[1]	+	[7]	+	[4]	+	[CAM	FUNCTION]	 Decreases	shutter	speed	one	step.	
[1]	+	[7]	+	[5]	+	[CAM	FUNCTION]	 AGC:	ON
[1]	+	[7]	+	[6]	+	[CAM	FUNCTION]	 AGC:	OFF
[1]	+	[7]	+	[7]	+	[CAM	FUNCTION]	 SENS	UP:	FIX	ON
[1]	+	[7]	+	[8]	+	[CAM	FUNCTION]	 SENS	UP:	FIX	OFF
[1]	+	[7]	+...
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