Palm M105 Handheld Instructions Manual
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Index Page 204 Index A ABA (Address Book archive file) 37 Accented characters Graffiti writing 33 onscreen keyboard 35 Add-on applications 43–47 Address Book *If Found Call* entry 102 adding custom fields 105 archive files (.aba) 37 business card for beaming 72 categorizing records 73 conduit for synchronizing 128 creating records 60, 101–102 deleting records 62 displaying category 105 displaying data in the Address list 104 finding records 77 fonts 86 menus 104 notes for records 85 opening 55 overview 55 pressing button to beam information 72 private records 84 sorting records 80 Agenda (Date Book view) 98 Alarm Note Pad 112 preset 100 setting 91 Setting in Clock 118 sound 100, 119, 152, 181 for untimed events 92 Alphabet Graffiti writing 29 onscreen keyboard 15, 20 Application buttons 5, 17, 54, 55, 56, 57, 72, 148Applications Address Book 55 beaming 71–72 Calculator 58 categories 40–41 Clock 58 Date Book 54 font style 86 installing 43–47 Launcher 17, 40–42 Memo Pad 59 Note Pad 57 opening 17 plug-in 167 preferences for 42 removing 47 security 49 size in kilobytes 194 To Do List 56 version of 194 viewing as icons 41 viewing as list 41 See also Add-on applications Archive files importing data from 37 for main applications 37 saving deleted records 62 saving purged records 63 Auto-off delay 152 Autotext. See Graffiti ShortCuts B Backlight 4, 5, 149 Batteries battery door 6 installing 9 Battery conserving power 152 gauge 17 warning 202–203 Beaming information 71–72 location of IR port 6 pen stroke to activate 149 problems with 192 See also Infrared

Page 205 Index Bold font for text 86 Business card for beaming 72 Buttons preferences 148 C Cable connecting to computer 6 for local HotSync operations 66, 69, 136 Calculator buttons explained 120 memory 120 opening 58 overview 58 recent calculations 58, 121 Calibration 14, 150, 182 Call Waiting, disabling 141, 159 Calling card, using in phone settings 141, 160 Capital letters (Graffiti writing) 30 Caring for the handheld 172 Categories application 40–41 assigning records to 73–74 beaming 71 creating 75 default 73 displaying 74, 105, 183 merging 76 renaming 76 using in Applications Launcher 41 Chain calculations 121 Characters, Graffiti 26 Check boxes 16 Clearing Calculator entries 120 Clock alarm 118 alarm preferences 119 display options 119 menus 119 opening 24, 58, 118 overview 58 COM port 132, 133 COM port. See Serial port Combining categories 76Comma delimited files, importing data from 37 Command buttons 16 equivalents (Graffiti writing) 19 toolbar 19 Compressing Day view 100 Computer keyboard, entering data with 22 Conduits for connecting to PIMs 13 for modem HotSync operations 141 for synchronizing applications 176, 177, 184 for synchronizing applications, Macintosh 129–130 for synchronizing applications, Windows 128–129 Conflicting events 97 Connecting service templates 161 to server or ISP 160 Connection preferences 155 selecting for network 157 Continuous events deleting from Date Book 63 scheduling 92 Contrast Control 15 Copying notes into other applications 57 Copying text 61 Country default setting 151 Cradle connecting to computer 6 for local HotSync operations 66, 69, 136 Creating Address Book entries 101–102 categories 40–41, 75 custom fields in Address Book 105 Date Book events 87 memos 115 notes for records 85

Index Page 206 records 60 To Do List items 106 Current date 24, 183 Current time 17 setting 24 Custom fields in Address Book 105 Customizing. See Preferences Cutting text 61 Cycling through views 54, 55, 56, 57 D Data entry. See Entering data Date displaying in Clock 119 Date Book adding Address Book data to records 79 Agenda view 98 alarm 91 archive files (.dba) 37 changing event time 91 changing event to untimed 90 conduit for synchronizing 128 conflicting events 97 continuous events 92–94 creating records 60, 87–91 Day view 95 deleting records 62 display options 99 end time for Day view 100 fonts 86 menus 99 Month view 97 notes for records 85 opening 54 overview 54 private records 84 purging records 63–64 repeating events 63, 92–94 scheduling events 87–91 selecting dates 89 start time for Day view 100 Sunday or Monday to start week 151 switching views 95 untimed events 87, 90 Week view 95, 151, 183 Dates setting current 24, 183 To Do List record due 108 Day displaying in Clock 119 Day (Date Book view) 87, 100 DBA (Date Book archive file) 37 Decimal point 151 Default categories 73 settings. See Preferences Deleted data, saving in archive files 62 Deleting applications 43, 47 Desktop software 48 Graffiti characters 28 passwords 50 records 62 service templates 167 text 61 See also Purging records Desktop software 10–13 for entering data 22 linking to external files 143 removing 48 saving deleted data to an archive file 62 system requirements 3 upgrading 196 See also PIM Digitizer 14, 150, 182 DNS (Domain Naming System) 163 Double-booked events 97 Dragging memos into other applications 59 stylus to activate features 149 using the stylus 14 Driver for infrared communication on Windows 95 132

Page 207 Index E Editing records 60–62 E-mail addresses in Address Book 103, 104 Entering data 20–23 importing from other applications 37–39 problems with 182 using Graffiti writing 26–35 using Note Pad 36 using the computer keyboard 36 using the onscreen keyboard 35 Entries. See Address Book Euro in Graffiti writing 32 in onscreen keyboard 21 problems with 183 Events. See Date Book Exchanging data. See HotSync Exclamation marks in To Do List 110 External keyboard 23, 36 F FCC Statement 201 Files, linking to external 143 Finding applications, using Graffiti writing 17 information in applications 76–80 phone numbers 78–80 using the Find application 78 Fonts 86 Formats preferences 150 Frozen handheld 181 G Games 47, 152 General preferences alarm sounds 152 auto-off delay 152system sounds 152 Glossary. See Graffiti ShortCuts Graffiti accented characters 33 alphabet 26, 29 basic concepts 26 capital letters 30 Command stroke 19 defined 21 Giraffe game for practicing 47 how to write characters 27 menu commands 19 moving the cursor 34 numbers 31 online Help 62, 148 problems using 182 punctuation marks 31 ShortCuts for entering data 34, 170–171 symbols 32 tips 28 writing 26–35 writing area 4, 27 H Handheld contrast control 15 handheld battery door 6 battery installation 9 Hard reset 175, 180 Help Graffiti 62 online tips 20 Hiding records 81 HotSync buttons preferences 150 conduits for synchronizing applications 176, 177 conduits for synchronizing applications, Macintosh 129–130 conduits for synchronizing applications, Windows 128–129 customizing 128, 129

Index Page 208 defined 65 first-time operation 144–146 first-time operation, Macintosh 67–70 first-time operation, Windows 65–67 HotSync Manager 65 IR operation 131–136 linking to external files 143 local operation 66, 123, 185, 186 local operation on Macintosh 69 Manager 132, 134 modem operation 124, 137–142, 187–188 modem settings 138 operations using cradle/cable 136, 153 operations using IR port 134–136, 154–155 problems with 184–191 problems with IR 189 restoring data from a Macintosh 177 restoring data from a Windows computer 175 setting options 122–124 for synchronizing data 10 using with another PIM 48 I Icons alarm 91 application 15, 41 note 85 online Tips 20 onscreen 182 repeating event 93 Idle timeout of ISP or server connection 162 Importing data 23, 37–39 Infrared connections 153 HotSync operations 134–136, 154–155installing Windows 95 driver 132 port 6, 131, 133 problems with IR HotSync operations 189 requirements for computer 131 Initialization string 154–155 Installing applications 43–47 batteries 9 conduit to install applications 128 Desktop software 12–13 International characters Graffiti writing 33 onscreen keyboard 35 IP address 161, 163 IR port See also Beaming and Infrared IR. See Infrared IrCOMM 131, 153 IrDA (Infrared Data Association) 131 Items. See To Do List K Keyboard computer 36 onscreen 15, 35, 149 L Letters font style 86 Graffiti 26, 29 onscreen keyboard 35 List, in Applications Launcher 41 Locking the handheld with a password 51, 149, 169 Login scripts 164–167, 199 Looking up Address Book data to add to other records 78–80 scrolling in Address list 77 Lost handheld, contact for 102 records 183

Page 209 Index Lotus Organizer, importing data from 37 M Macintosh 3, 131, 164 Maintenance information 172 Masking records 81 Memo Pad adding Address Book data to records 79 archive files (.mpa) 37 categorizing records 73 conduit for synchronizing 128 creating records 60, 115 deleting records 62, 93 dragging memos into other applications 59 fonts 86 menus 116, 121 opening 59 overview 59 private records 84 reviewing memos 116 sorting records 80, 183 Memory amount of free 194 for beaming 192 Calculator 120 regaining 63, 181 Memos. See Memo Pad Menus 18–19, 182 Address Book 104 choosing 18 command equivalents (Graffiti writing) 19 command toolbar 19 Date Book 99, 119 Edit menu 61–62 Memo Pad 114, 116, 121 menu bar 15, 18 Network Preferences 167 To Do List 110 Microsoft Outlook, connecting to 185Windows 95, 98 131 Modem connections 153 HotSync operations via 137–142, 187–188 initialization string 154–155 setup after upgrade 197, 198 Monday, to start week 151 Month (Date Book view) 97, 100 Moving the cursor (Graffiti writing) 34 MPA (Memo Pad archive file) 37 N Network connecting 161 connection type 162 idle timeout 162 login scripts 164–167 password 157 phone settings 158 preferences 155–168 primary DNS 163 secondary DNS 163 selecting connection 157 selecting service 156 TCP/IP 155 user name 156 Note Pad alarm 112 copying memos into other applications 57 creating records 60 entering data 36 menus 114 opening 57 overview 57 reviewing notes 111 Notes, attaching to records 85 Notes. See Note Pad Numbers decimal point and thousands separator 151 Graffiti writing 31 onscreen keyboard 15, 20, 35

Index Page 210 O Onscreen keyboard 20, 35, 62 pen stroke to open 149 Opening Address Book 55 applications 17 Calculator 58 Clock 24, 58, 118 Date Book 54 Memo Pad 59 Note Pad 57 To Do List 56 Organizer (Lotus PIM) 37 Outlook, connecting to 185 Overlapping events 97 Owner preferences 169 P Palm Desktop software. See Desktop software Passwords 49–52 changing 50 creating 49 deleting 50 for network 157 forgotten 52, 193 Pasting notes into other applications 57 Pasting text 61 Pen stroke, full-screen 148–149 Personal information managers. See PIM Phone Lookup 78–80 Phone numbers selecting for Address list 104 selecting types 103 Phone settings for ISP or dial-in server 158–160 Pick lists 16 PIM (personal information manager) using HotSync Manager with 48 using with handheld 13 See also Desktop software Plug-in applications 167Port. See Serial port Ports IR on handheld 131 simulated for infrared communication 133 Power button 4 PPP 161 PRC (application file extension) 44, 167 Preferences 23 Buttons 148 choosing 42 Connection 155 Digitizer 150 Formats 150 General 152 HotSync buttons 150 Network 155–168 Owner 169 ShortCuts 170 Primary DNS 163 Printing records from applications 10 Prioritizing To Do List records 106, 110 Private records displaying and creating 81–84, 183 lost with forgotten password 52 See also Security Profiles 144 Punctuation marks Graffiti writing 31 onscreen keyboard 35 Purging records 63–64 See also Deleting R Range of times in Day view 100 Receiving data. See Beaming information Records Address Book 101 beaming 71

Page 211 Index choosing categories 73 creating 60 Date Book 87 defined 60 deleting 62, 93 displaying a category of 74 editing 60–62 fonts 86 hiding private 49, 81 lost 183 masking private 49, 81 Memo Pad 115 notes for 85 number of 194 private 81–84 purging 63–64 sorting 80–81 To Do List 106 Removing applications 47 Desktop software 48 Renaming categories 76 Repeating events deleting from Date Book 63 scheduling 92 Rescheduling events 91 Resetting handheld hard reset 175, 180 location of reset button 6, 174 soft reset 174 Restoring data Macintosh 177 Windows 175 S Saving data 40, 60, 62 Scheduling events 87–91 Screen backlight 4, 5 blank 180 calibrating 14, 150 caring for 172 touching with your finger 4Scroll bar 16 buttons 5 Searching. See Finding Secondary DNS 163 Security 49–52 changing password 50 deleting password 50 displaying owner’s name 169 forgotten password 52 locking the handheld 51 private records 81–84 Selecting date for event 89 phone numbers in Address Book 103 text 61, 62 Sending data. See Beaming information Serial connections 153 port 124, 126, 127, 138, 139, 140 Serial connector 6 Serial port 11 Service selecting for network 156 templates 161, 167 Settings. See Preferences ShortCuts backing up 128 managing 170–171 menu commands 19 predefined 35 using 34 Simulated port for infrared communication 133 Soft reset 174 Sorting applications 41 records 80–81, 183 Sounds. See Alarm and System sounds Starting applications 17 Stylus dragging with 14 pen stroke to activate a feature 148

Index Page 212 tapping with 14 writing with 6, 26 Sunday, to start week 151 Symbols in Graffiti writing 32 Synchronizing data. See HotSync System conduit 128 requirements for Desktop software 3 sounds 152 T Tab delimited files, importing data from 37 Tapping 14, 182 TCP/IP 155, 168 TDA (To Do List archive file) 37 Technical Support 178, 194 Text copying 61 cutting 61 entry. See Entering data files, importing data from 37, 38 fonts for 86 selecting all 62 Thousands separator 151 Time alarm setting 91 bars in Date Book 99 format 151 setting current 24 setting event 87 start and end for Date Book Day view 100 Tips, online 20 To Do List adding Address Book data to records 79 archive files (.tda) 37 categorizing records 73, 110 checking off items 107 completed items 109 completion date 109 conduit for synchronizing 128creating records 60, 106 deleting records 62, 93 due date 108, 109, 110 fonts 86 menus 110 notes for records 85 opening 56 overview 56 prioritizing records 106, 110 private records 84 purging records 63–64, 109 sorting records 80 Today. See Current date Transferring data. See HotSync Transmitting data. See Beaming information Troubleshooting 189 Turning off handheld automatically 152 pen stroke for 149 problems with 181 Turning on handheld application buttons 5 displaying owner’s name 169 power button 4 problems with 180 U Undoing actions 61 Uninstalling Desktop software 48 Unresponsive handheld 181 Untimed events 87, 90, 92 Updating data. See HotSync Upgrading Desktop software 196 User name for ISP 156 identifying handheld 169 User profiles 144 W Web sites 13, 132 Week (Date Book view) 95–96, 151, 183 Writing area 4 Writing. See Entering data