Nintendo 8 Bit Manual
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31 5 - Input Devices 5.1 Control Pad The 6502 used memory mapped I/O (input/output). This means that the same instructions and bus are used to communicate with I/O devices as with memory, that writing to a specific memory location writes to the appropriate device. In the NES, the I/O ports for input devices were $4016 and $4017 (see Appendix B). The original NES used a rectangular control pad as shown in figure 5-1. The pad featured four buttons, A, B, Start and Select as well as a four-directional cross used to control movement. Although many variations were released, often with additional features such as slow motion and turbo fire, the original design was by far the most commonly used. Figure 5-1. Original NES control pad [43]. The system reads multiple times from the I/O port to get all information about the controller. Each of the first eight reads indicates the status of one button on the standard controller in the order A, B, Select, Start, Up, Down, Left, Right. The first controller is attached to port $4016, the second to $4017. Using a four-player adapter it was possible to connect four controllers to the system, although this was rare. In this case controllers 1 and 3 were attached to $4016 and 2 and 4 to $4017. The next eight reads would get the status of the second controller on the port, otherwise they are ignored. Reads 17-20 retrieve the signatures which identify whether a device is connected and if so, what type of device [7]. If a joypad is connected to $4016 the returned value is 01b, if one is connected to $4017 the returned value is 10b. There are four more reads which are not required before the cycle starts again. The process of reading from an I/O device can be reset by use of a strobing method. When a reset is required, it is indicated by first writing a 1 to the port, followed by a 0. 5.2 Zapper When the NES first launched in America, Nintendo included a light-gun known as the Zapper. Figure 5-2 shows the original version of the Zapper, although the colour was later changed to orange. By aiming using the sight, the gamer could produce quite accurate results. Several games featured Zapper support including Duck Hunt, Gumshoe and Wild Gunman [44].
32 Figure 5-2. Original NES Zapper light-gun [45]. “The Zapper works by receiving the light from the screen. The contrast and brightness controls of the TV must be adjusted properly or the shots may not register. (The characters should be as bright as possible while the background areas should be as dark as possible.)” The above description of how the Zapper works is taken from the light-guns manual as quoted in [44]. Essentially, the Zapper works by measuring the intensity of the light at the point it is aimed at. When the system detects the trigger is pulled, it draws a white box around the sprites on the screen. The Zapper can then check the colour intensity and determine if it is pointed at a white area, which is a sprite, or a dark area, which belongs to the background.
33 Appendix A Arithmetic And Logic A.1 Numbering Systems The hexadecimal number system uses base 16 with digits 0-9 and A-F, where A represents 10 and F represents 15. The hexadecimal system is used frequently throughout this document and any numbers written in this format will be indicated by use of the prefixes $ and 0x (used interchangeably). For example, $2F = (2 * 16) + 15 = 47. The binary number system uses base 2 with digits 0 and 1. This system is also frequently used and any numbers written in this format will be indicated by use of the suffix b. For example 101111b = 32 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 47. A.2 Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Binary Coded Decimal represents each digit by a group of 4 bits. The technique is less efficient than traditional binary notation. As an example, 123 represented in binary is 1111011b but the equivalent BCD representation is 000100100011b. A.3 Two’s Complement Two’s complement is a method for representing negative numbers in binary. The most significant bit is the sign, with 0 being positive, while 1 is negative. The range available in a single byte is therefore -128 to 127, rather than 0 to 255. A.4 Wraparound The maximum value of an unsigned byte is 255. Increasing the value causes it to wrap around to 0. Similarly, decrementing from 0 results in a value of 255. With a signed byte, the maximum positive value is 127, and incrementing beyond this will result in bit 7 being set and the value becoming -128. Around 0, the value changes smoothly between positive and negative numbers. Therefore with unsigned bytes, wraparound occurs between 255 and 0 and with signed bytes, it occurs between 127 and -128. Figure A-1. Wraparound of both unsigned (left) and signed (right) 8-bit integers.
34 Appendix B NES I/O Registers The following information is based on [7]: Address Access Level Description $2000 Write PPU Control Register 1: • Bits 0-1 - Name table address, changes between the four name tables at $2000 (0), $2400 (1), $2800 (2) and $2C00 (3). • Bit 2 - Specifies amount to increment address by, either 1 if this is 0 or 32 if this is 1. • Bit 3 - Identifies which pattern table sprites are stored in, either $0000 (0) or $1000 (1). • Bit 4 - Identifies which pattern table the background is stored in, either $0000 (0) or $1000 (1). • Bit 5 - Specifies the size of sprites in pixels, 8x8 if this is 0, otherwise 8x16. • Bit 6 - Changes PPU between master and slave modes. This is not used by the NES. • Bit 7 - Indicates whether a NMI should occur upon V-Blank. $2001 Write PPU Control Register 2: • Bit 0 - Indicates whether the system is in colour (0) or monochrome mode (1), • Bit 1 - Specifies whether to clip the background, that is whether to hide the background in the left 8 pixels on screen (0) or to show them (1). • Bit 2 - Specifies whether to clip the sprites, that is whether to hide sprites in the left 8 pixels on screen (0) or to show them (1). • Bit 3 - If this is 0, the background should not be displayed. • Bit 4 - If this is 0, sprites should not be displayed. • Bits 5-7 - Indicates background colour in monochrome mode or colour intensity in colour mode. $2002 Read PPU Status Register: • Bit 4 - If set, indicates that writes to VRAM should be ignored. • Bit 5 - Scanline sprite count, if set, indicates more than 8 sprites on the current scanline. • Bit 6 - Sprite 0 hit flag, set when a non-transparent pixel of sprite 0 overlaps a non-transparent background pixel. • Bit 7 - Indicates whether V-Blank is occurring. $2003 Write SPR-RAM Address Register: Holds the address in SPR-RAM to access on the next write to $2004. $2004 Write SPR-RAM I/O Register: Writes a byte to SPR-RAM at the address indicated by $2003. $2005 Write VRAM Address Register 1.
35 $2006 Write VRAM Address Register 2. $2007 Read / Write VRAM I/O Register: Reads or writes a byte from VRAM at the current address. $4000 Write pAPU Pulse 1 Control Register. $4001 Write pAPU Pulse 1 Ramp Control Register. $4002 Write pAPU Pulse 1 Fine Tune (FT) Register. $4003 Write pAPU Pulse 1 Coarse Tune (CT) Register. $4004 Write pAPU Pulse 2 Control Register. $4005 Write pAPU Pulse 2 Ramp Control Register. $4006 Write pAPU Pulse 2 Fine Tune Register. $4007 Write pAPU Pulse 2 Coarse Tune Register. $4008 Write pAPU Triangle Control Register 1. $4009 Write pAPU Triangle Control Register 2. $400A Write pAPU Triangle Frequency Register 1. $400B Write pAPU Triangle Frequency Register 2. $400C Write pAPU Noise Control Register 1. $400E Write pAPU Noise Frequency Register 1. $400F Write pAPU Noise Frequency Register 2. $4010 Write pAPU Delta Modulation Control Register. $4011 Write pAPU Delta Modulation D/A Register. $4012 Write pAPU Delta Modulation Address Register. $4013 Write pAPU Delta Modulation Data Length Register. $4014 Write Sprite DMA Register: Writes cause a DMA transfer to occur from CPU memory at address $100 x n, where n is the value written, to SPR-RAM. $4015 Read / Write pAPU Sound / Vertical Clock Signal Register. $4016 Read / Write Joypad 1: • Bit 0 - Reads data from joypad or causes joypad strobe when writing. • Bit 3 - Indicates whether Zapper is pointing at a sprite. • Bit 4 - Cleared when Zapper trigger is released. Only bit 0 is involved in writing. $4017 Read / Write Joypad 2: When reading: • Bit 0 - Reads data from joypad or causes joypad strobe when writing. • Bit 3 - Indicates whether Zapper is pointing at a sprite. • Bit 4 - Cleared when Zapper trigger is released. Only bit 0 is involved in writing.
36 Appendix C iNES Mapper Numbers The following mapper numbers are based on [9]: iNES Mapper Number Mapper Name 0 NROM, no mapper 1 Nintendo MMC1 2 UNROM switch 3 CNROM switch 4 Nintendo MMC3 5 Nintendo MMC5 6 FFE F4xxx 7 AOROM switch 8 FFE F3xxx 9 Nintendo MMC2 10 Nintendo MMC4 11 ColorDreams chip 12 FFE F6xxx 15 100-in-1 switch 16 Bandai chip 17 FFE F8xxx 18 Jaleco SS8806 chip 19 Namcot 106 chip 20 Nintendo DiskSystem 21 Konami VRC4a 22 Konami VRC2a 23 Konami VRC2a 24 Konami VRC6 25 Konami VRC4b 32 Irem G-101 chip 33 Taito TC0190/TC0350 34 32 KB ROM switch 64 Tengen RAMBO-1 chip 65 Irem H-3001 chip 66 GNROM switch 67 SunSoft3 chip 68 SunSoft4 chip 69 SunSoft5 FME-7 chip 71 Camerica chip 78 Irem 74HC161/32-based 91 Pirate HK-SF3 chip
37 Appendix D Memory Mapper Functions The information in this section is based on [6] with additional information about MMC1 from [46]. D.1 UNROM Switch Address Data $8000-$FFFF 16 KB PRG-ROM bank number to load into $8000. On reset, the first PRG-ROM bank is loaded into $8000 and the last PRG-ROM bank is loaded into $C000. Switching is only allowed for the bank at $8000, the one at $C000 is permanently assigned to that location. Since this mapper has no support for VROM, games using it have 8 KB of VRAM at $0000 in PPU memory. D.2 CNROM Switch Address Data $8000-$FFFF 8 KB CHR-ROM bank number to load into PPU memory at $0000. With this mapper, PRG-ROM functions the same as with NROM (no mapper), so games with only one 16 KB bank of PRG-ROM will load it into both $8000 and $C000, those with two will load one into $8000 and the other into $C000. On reset, the first 8 KB VROM bank is loaded into PPU $0000. D.3 MMC1 Address Data $8000-$9FFF Register 0: • Bit 0 - Selects mirroring between horizontal (0) and vertical (1). • Bit 1 - Set to 0 to cause single screen mirroring. • Bit 2 - If 0, PRG-ROM swapped at $C000. If 1, PRG-ROM swapped at $8000. • Bit 3 - If 0, swap 32 KB of PRG-ROM at $8000. If 1, swap 16 KB at the address specified by bit 2. • Bit 4 - If the cartridge has VROM, 0 indicates swapping 8 KB of VROM at PPU $0000, 1 indicates swapping two 4 KB VROM pages at PPU $0000 and $1000. On 1024 KB cartridges this bit specifies whether to use 256 KB selection register 1. • Bit 7 - Set to 1 to reset register. $A000-$BFFF Register 1: • Bits 0-3 - VROM bank number to load into PPU $0000. Based on bit 4 of register 0, this will either be 8 KB bank n, or 4 KB banks n and (n + 1) where n is the value of bits 0-3. • Bit 4 - 256 KB selection register 0. Stores the low bit of 256 KB PRG- ROM selection in 1024 KB cartridges with bit 4 of register 0 set, otherwise 0 indicates swapping from first 256 KB of PRG-ROM, 1 indicates swapping from third 256 KB of PRG-ROM. In 512 KB cartridges, 0 indicates swapping from first 256 KB of PRG-ROM, 1 indicates swapping from second 256 KB of PRG-ROM.
38 • Bit 7 - Set to 1 to reset register. $C000-$DFFF Register 2: • Bits 0-3 - VROM bank number to load into PPU $1000. If bit 4 of register 0 is set, this will be 4 KB banks n and (n + 1) where n is the value of bits 0-3, otherwise it is ignored. • Bit 4 - 256 KB selection register 1. Stores the high bit of 256 KB PRG- ROM selection in 1024 KB cartridges. • Bit 7 - Set to 1 to reset register. $E000-$FFFF Register 3: • Bits 0-3 - PRG-ROM bank number to load into memory. If bit 3 of register 0 is clear, swaps 32 KB at $8000, otherwise swaps a 16 KB bank at either $8000 or $C000 based on bit 2 of register 0. • Bit 7 - Set to 1 to reset register. On reset, the first PRG-ROM bank is loaded into $8000 and the last PRG-ROM bank is loaded into $C000. Values are written to the registers in MMC1, one bit at a time until five bits have been written. By writing a value with bit 7 set, this buffering can be reset, causing the next write to be to bit 0 of the register. The buffering is also reset by writing to a different register. 256 KB swapping is not currently supported by the implementation of MMC1 in NES#. D.4 MMC3 Address Data $8000 • Bits 0-2 - Command number: • 0 - Swap two 1 KB VROM banks at PPU $0000. • 1 - Swap two 1 KB VROM banks at PPU $0800. • 2 - Swap one 1 KB VROM bank at PPU $1000. • 3 - Swap one 1 KB VROM bank at PPU $1400. • 4 - Swap one 1 KB VROM bank at PPU $1800. • 5 - Swap one 1 KB VROM bank at PPU $1C00. • 6 - Swap PRG-ROM bank at either $8000 or $A000 based on bit 6. • 7 - Swap PRG-ROM bank at either $A000 or $C000 based on bit 6. • Bit 6 - If 0, enables swapping at $8000 and $A000, otherwise enables swapping at $A000 and $C000. • Bit 7 - If 1, causes addresses for commands 0-5 to be the exclusive-or of the address stated and $1000. $8001 Executes the command specified by $8000, using this as the page number. $A000 • Bit 1 - Selects mirroring between horizontal (0) and vertical (1). $A001 • Bit 7 - Set to enable save RAM at $6000-$7FFF. $C000 IRQ Counter Register used to countdown to an IRQ. $C001 IRQ Latch Register used to store a temporary value to be copied to the IRQ Counter Register later. $E000 IRQ Control Register 0 used to disable IRQ generation and copy the IRQ Latch Register to the IRQ Counter Register. $E001 IRQ Control Register 1 used to enable IRQ generation. On cartridges with VROM, the first 8 KB bank is swapped into PPU $0000 on reset.
39 Appendix E 6502 Addressing Modes E.1 Zero Page Zero page addressing uses a single operand which serves as a pointer to an address in zero page ($0000-$00FF) where the data to be operated on can be found. By using zero page addressing, only one byte is needed for the operand, so the instruction is shorter and, therefore, faster to execute than with addressing modes which take two operands. An example of a zero page instruction is AND $12. Figure E-1. Zero page addressing. E.2 Indexed Zero Page Indexed zero page addressing takes a single operand and adds the value of a register to it to give an address in zero page ($0000-$00FF) where the data can be found. There are two forms of indexed zero page addressing: • Zero Page, X - Add contents of X register to operand. This is the most common form of indexed zero page. An example of this addressing mode is AND $12,X. • Zero Page, Y - Add contents of Y register to operand. This mode can only be used with LDX (Load X Register) and STX (Store X Register). An example of this addressing mode is LDX $12,Y. Wraparound is used when performing the addition so the address of the data will always be in zero page. For example, if the operand is $FF and the X register contains $01 the address of the data will be $0000, not $0100.
40 Figure E-2. Indexed zero page addressing. E.3 Absolute In absolute addressing, the address of the data to operate on is specified by the two operands supplied, least significant byte first. An example of an absolute instruction is AND $1234. Figure E-3. Absolute addressing.