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NEC Vt800 Projector User Manual

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Page 111

6. Using On-Screen Menu
[D O m AIN]
HOST  N AME   ..........Type in a hostname. Up to 15 alphanumeric characters can be used.
Type in domain name of the network connected to the projector. Up to 60 alphanumeric characters can be 

Page 112

6. Using On-Screen Menu
Checking this box enables Alert Mail feature.
This  option  notifies  your  computer  of  an  error  message  via  e-mail  when  using  wired  LAN.  The  error  message 
will be notified when the projector lamp has reached the end of its us\
able life or an error occurs in the projector.
Sample of a message sent from the projector:
t he lamp is at the end of its usable life. Please replace the lamp.
n ame:  x   x   x   x
l amp  h ours Used:...

Page 113

6. Using On-Screen Menu
Select ng Commun  cat  on Speed [C O mm UNICATION  Sp EED]
This feature sets the baud rate of the PC Control port (D-Sub 9 Pin). It supports data rates from 4800 to 38400 bps. 
The default is 38400 bps. Select the appropriate baud rate for your equipment to be connected (depending on the 
equipment, a lower baud rate may be recommended for long cable runs).
Your selected communication speed will not be affected even when [ R ESET] is done from the menu....

Page 114

  The Software keyboard appears. Use the Software keyboard to type a password on the [ E NTER  P ASS-
WORD] screen and press the ENTER button.
The [CONFIRM PASSWORD] screen will be displayed.
Type the same password again and press the ENTER button.
our password will be assigned.
To delete your password:
1.   Select [DELETE PASSWORD] and press the ENTER button.
  Enter your password.
  An asterisk will be displayed.
  Press the ENTER button.
  y our password will be...

Page 115

The Security function enables you to protect your projector so that the projector will not project a signal unless you 
enter a keyword. There is also an option to lock the projector by using a registered USB memory* as a protect key. 
Once you have registered your USB memory as a protect key, you are required to insert the registered USB mem-
ory into the USB port of the projector each time you turn on the projector. You can enable the Security function by 
using a keyword only. (→...

Page 116

To reg ster a US b  memory dev  ce as a protect key.
preparat  on: Insert the USB memory device into the USB port (type A) of the projec\
Use the SELECT 
 or  button to select [ U SE  P ROTECT  K E y] and press the ENTER button.
Use the SELECT 
 or  button to select [ R EAD] and press the ENTER button.
Data of the USB memory will be read into the projector.
Use the SELECT 
 or  button to select [ R EGISTER] and press the ENTER button.
Downloaded data will...

Page 117

•  t he  security  disable  mode  is  maintained  until  the  main  power  is  turned  off  (by  setting  the  main  power  switch 
to “O” or unplugging the power cord).  i n the following cases you will be asked to check the protect key or input 
the password:
(1)   When [OK] is selected at an image for which security is set and the power is turned off then back on
  When the main power is turned off then back on while the security function is enabled
  When you attempt to display an image...

Page 118

Sett  ng a  p assword for  p JL  nk [ p JL  nk]
This option allows you to set a password when you use the PJLink feature\
Password: Enter a password (up to 32 characters)
To set and delete a password, repeat steps described in [BACKGROUND LOCK\
NOTE: Do not forget your password. However, if you forget your keyword, consult with your dealer. 
NOTE: What is PJLink?
PJLink is a standardization of protocol used for controlling projectors of different manufacturers. This standard...

Page 119

Sett ng ID to the  p rojector [CONTROL ID]
You  can  operate  multiple  projectors  separately  and  independently  with  the  same  single  remote  control.  To  do  so, 
you have to assign an ID number to each projector.
CONTROL ID NUMBER   .......Select a number from 1 to 254 you wish to assign to your projector.
CONTROL ID  .......................Select [OFF] to turn off the CONTROL ID setting and select [ON] to turn on the CONTROL ID set-
NOTE:  Your setting will not be affected even...

Page 120

6. Using On-Screen Menu
Sett ng Auto Adjust [ A UTO  A DJUST]
This feature sets the Auto Adjust mode so that the RGB image can be automatically or manually adjusted for noise 
and stability. You can automatically make adjustment in two ways: [ N ORMAL] and [F INE].
The RGB image will not be automatically adjusted.
y ou can manually optimize the RGB image.
Default setting. The RGB image will be automatically adjusted. Normally...
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