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NEC Sentry Installation Guide

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NDA-30080   Revision 1.0Page 111
Sentry Installation Guide History Logging
where X is the sequential printer number (1, 2, etc.) and PARITY_???? is one of 
the following parity constants:
Printer Device 
Data BitsThe printer device data bits is specified with the PRINTER_X_DATA_BITS 
variable, which uses the following syntax:
where X is the sequential printer number (1, 2, etc.) and DATA_BITS_? is one of 
the following data...

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History Logging Sentry Installation Guide
Format Configuration Files
Each Sentry OAI application has its own set of two format configuration files 
which control the logging formats.  The first file contains data field constant 
configurations and does not require any modification.  The second file contains 
unique definitions for each history log file or printer and may be modified.
The following files are created during the Annoyance Trap installation:
annoyDb.cfg data...

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NDA-30080   Revision 1.0Page 113
Sentry Installation Guide History Logging
History Log NameThe history log name is specified with the LOG_X_NAME variable, which uses 
the following syntax:
where X is the sequential history log number (1, 2, etc.) and the name contained in 
quotes is either a Unix File path (if LOG_X_TYPE is set to LOG_FILE) or a tty 
device (if LOG_X_TYPE is set to LOG_PRINTER).
History Log  
Message FormatsEach message format is defined...

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History Logging Sentry Installation Guide
After the STRDEF line is one or more FLDDEF lines. Each FLDDEF specifies the 
position and appearance of a data field. The keyword DEFEND identifies the end 
of the variable.
Each FLDDEF line contains a  value which specifies the name of a 
DBFIELD. All DBFIELD are contained in the data field constant configuration file 
associated with the application. 
The  value specifies the field’s starting position within the message (1...

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NDA-30080   Revision 1.0Page 115
Sentry Installation Guide History Logging
History Log  
Message Formats 
(Continued)All history log messages can use the following date and time DBFIELD values to 
display time stamp information:
MONTH_NUM: Numeric Month (1-12, where 1 = January, 12 = 
MONTH_ABRV: Abbreviated Month Names (Jan, Feb, etc.)
MONTH_FULL: Full Month Names (January, February, etc.)
DAY_NUM: Numeric Data (1-31)
WEEK_DAY_ABRV: Abbreviated Weekday Names (Mon, Tue, etc.)...

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History Logging Sentry Installation Guide
Annoyance Trap 
MessagesUser Login, User Logout, and Annoyance Trap Event Messages can use the 
following DBFIELD values:
APPLICATION: Application Type, will always be “Trap” to indicate 
Annoyance Trap
MONITORED_NUM: The Monitored Number used to trigger the 
Annoyance Trap
User Login and User Logout Messages can use the following DBFIELD values:
TERMINAL_NAME: The name of the terminal the user is accessing
USER_NAME: The name...

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Sentry Installation Guide History Logging
Executive Override 
MessagesExecutive Override Event Messages can use the following DBFIELD values:
OVERRIDE_TYPE: The override type (Basic, Auto, Moni)
WARNING_FLAG: The warning tone flag (None, Tone1, Tone2)
JOIN_METHOD: The override join method (2-Way, 3-Way)
EVENT_ABVR: The two character override event abbreviation (AI, CF, 
CO, CT, DF, DI, DP, DR, DU, IU, JC, MF, NA, OC, OR, OU, SF, TF, UT).
EVENT_FULL: The long override...

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History Logging Sentry Installation Guide
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