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NEC Projector VE280X User Manual

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Page 31

3. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
Use	the	ZOOM	lever	to	adjust	the	image	size	on	the	screen.
Zoom Lever
Use	the	FOCUS	ring	to	obtain	the	best	focus.
Focus Ring 

Page 32

3. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
 Correcting Keystone Distortion
Correcting Keystone Distortion
If	the	screen	is	tilted	vertically,	keystone	distortion	becomes	large.	Proceed	with	the	following
steps	to	correct	keystone	distortion
•	 The	Keystone	correction	can	cause	an	image	to	be	slightly	blurred	because	the	correction	is	made	electronically.
•	 The	Keystone	correction	range	can	be	made	narrower,	depending	on	a	signal	or	its	aspect	ratio	selection.
•	 When	conducting	extreme 	offset...

Page 33

3. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
Adjusting with the remote control
1. Press the KEYSTONE button.
  The Keystone bar will be disp layed.
2. Use the  or  button to correct the keystone distortion.
 Adjust so that the right and left sides are parallel.
3. Press the ENTER button.
•	 The	maximum	range 	of 	vertical 	keystone 	correction 	is 	+/−40 	degrees.	This 	maximum 	range 	may 	be 	smaller 	depending 	on 	the 	
signal	or	aspect	ratio	setting.	The	Keystone	correction	range	will	also...

Page 34

3. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
 Optimizing Computer Signal Automatically
Adjusting the Image Using Auto Adjust
Optimizing	a	computer	image	automatically.
Press	the	AUTO	ADJ.	button	to	optimize	a	computer	image	automatically.
This	adjustment	may	be	necessary	when	you	connect	your	computer	for	the	first	time.
[Poor picture]
[Normal picture]
Some	signals	may	take	time	to	display	or	may	not	be	displayed	correctly.
•	 The	Auto	Adjust	function	will	work	for	computer	(RGB)	signal	only.
•	 If...

Page 35

3. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
 Turning off the Projector
To turn off the projector:
1. First,  press  the   (POWER)  button  on  the  projector 
cabinet  or  the  POWER  OFF  button  on  the  remote 
SAVINGS- SESSION X.XXX[g-CO2]] message will appear.
2. Secondly,  press  the     (POWER)  button  on  the 
projector cabinet, or the ENTER button or the POWER 
OFF button on the remote control.
 The lamp will turn off  and the projector will go...

Page 36

3. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
 After Use
Preparation: Make sure that the projector is turned off.
1. Disconnect any other cables.
2. Retract adjustab le tilt foot if extended. 

Page 37

 Turning off the Image and Sound
Press	the	AV-MUTE 	button 	to 	turn 	off 	the 	image 	and 	sound 	for 	a 	short 	
period	of	time.	Press	again	to	restore	the	image	and	sound.
NOTE: Even though the image is turned off, the menu still remains on the screen.
 Freezing a Picture
Press	the 	FREEZE 	button 	to 	freeze 	a 	picture. 	Press 	again 	to 	resume 	
NOTE: The image is frozen but the original video is still playing back.
 Enlarging a Picture
You	can	enlarge	the	picture	up	to	four	times....

Page 38

4. Convenient Features
 Changing Eco Mode
This	feature	enables	you	to	select	two	brightness	modes	of	the	lamp:
OFF	and	ON	modes.	The	lamp	life	can	be	extended	by	turning	on	the	[ECO	MODE].
[ECO	MODE]DescriptionStatus	of	LAMP	indicator
[OFF]This	is	the	default	setting	(100%	Brightness).Off
[ON]Select	this
	mode 	to 	increase 	the 	lamp 	life 	(approx. 	
80%	Brightness.)
Steady	Green	light
To	turn	on	the	[ECO	MODE],	do	the	following:	
1. Press the ECO button on the remote control...

Page 39

4. Convenient Features
 Checking Energy-Saving Effect [CARBON METER]
This	feature	will 	show 	energy-saving 	effect 	in 	terms 	of 	CO2	emission	reduction 	(kg) 	when 	the 	projector’s 	[ECO 	MODE] 	
is	set	to	[ON].	This	feature	is	called	[CARBON	METER].
There	are	two 	messages: 	[TOTA L 	CARBON 	SAVINGS] 	and 	[CARBON 	SAVINGS-SESSION]. 	The 	[TOTAL 	CARBON 	
SAVINGS]	message	shows 	the 	total 	amount 	of 	CO2	emission	reduction 	from 	the 	time 	of 	shipment 	up 	to 	now. 	You 	can 	
check	the...

Page 40

4. Convenient Features
 Using the Optional Remote Mouse Receiver (NP01MR)
The	optional	r emote 	m ouse 	r eceiver	enables	y ou 	t o 	oper ate 	y our	c omputer’s	m ouse 	f unctions	f rom	t he 	r emote 	c ontrol.	
It	is	a	great	convenience	for	clicking	through	your	computer-generated	presentations.
Connecting the remote mouse receiver to your computer
If	you	wish	to	use	the	remote	mouse	function,	connect	the	mouse	receiver	and	computer.
The	mouse	receiver	can	be	connected	directly	to	the...
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